View Full Version : Quick Story

Hurricane Bruiser
08-03-2007, 02:51 PM
My wife went to have her hair cut this afternoon. On the way there I called her up and told her she could only have her hair cut IF she talked to the hair stylist about Ron Paul. She kinda laughed and then hung up. Well when she got back, I found her hair quite nice and found out she did indeed talk to the hair stylist. The stylist said, "isn't he the guy that is for the Constitution?" As they talked more, the stylist mentioned that another lady's son who is 14 years old can't get enough of Ron Paul. The stylist stated, "Well I'll have to go check the guy out."

I thought you might like that short story.

Bradley in DC
08-03-2007, 02:53 PM
My wife went to have her hair cut this afternoon. On the way there I called her up and told her she could only have her hair cut IF she talked to the hair stylist about Ron Paul. She kinda laughed and then hung up. Well when she got back, I found her hair quite nice and found out she did indeed talk to the hair stylist. The stylist said, "isn't he the guy that is for the Constitution?" As they talked more, the stylist mentioned that another lady's son who is 14 years old can't get enough of Ron Paul. The stylist stated, "Well I'll have to go check the guy out."

I thought you might like that short story.

and a child shall lead them, or teen or something like that (age inflation--gotta be the Fed's fault)

08-03-2007, 02:54 PM
Awesome! That's what it's all about. Planting seeds and watching the revolution grow. Good work!

08-03-2007, 03:06 PM
Maybe we should start hitting the high schools with slim jims.

I'm being serious, young adults are engaged and curious, even if their parents are not. Get the children interested and they will spread it to their parents. Parents listen to their children.
