View Full Version : Here it is, the article that will begin the avalanche....

01-28-2008, 05:37 AM
Well, no avalanche but this was posted for fun. :-)

After seven years of George W. Bush Republican rule, the American people find themselves at a crossroads. Never before have party lines been drawn so dramatically as to motivate the recently growing democratic party to show up in the primaries and outnumber GOP primary voters nearly 2:1 in some cases. In the mean time, the Republican Party is losing members to the so-called “ambiguous” and growing pool of voters labeling themselves as “independent” or “Pre-Bush Republican”.

For nearly half a century, the political landscape of America’s presidential campaign has been crystal clear by this point in the primaries. So how is it, in this election year of 2008, that the waters have been so muddied as to leave even the most experienced pundits looking for even a glimmer of what is to come?

The answer, across all party lines, seems to lie in a single word. Change.

Many candidates have adopted this word as their mantra; others paint the word brazenly on their campaign signs and bumper stickers in an attempt to lure voters. If we look at the declining value of the dollar against other world currencies, and growing sentiment of “anti-Americanism” across the globe, it is no wonder the idea of “Change” resonates clearly amongst any American voter exposed first-hand to the global landscape.

THIS particular voter has been to over 60 countries in the world in his 29 years of life, and has seen the respect (and admiration) of the United States of America dwindle dramatically over the past decade across the globe. I am far from being “ashamed” of being American, but I can comfortably say this: the general American public is asleep at the helm, most of the primary voters feel it is their patriotic duty to vote for a presidential candidate, yet few are willing to invest the time to research the platforms of the candidates they vote for. “I saw on ABC News…..” is sufficient for most voters, and this is how the United States continues its downward spiral in world affairs and opinions.

Rather than take the time and research the candidates they plan to vote for, it is strikingly obvious most voters have taken whatever the media (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, etc.) has spoon-fed them and are acting on the corporate-media’s behalf.

On the internet, however, a medium now billed as “The People’s Information Network”, Barak Obama dominates the Democratic field and Ron Paul outshines all of his GOP rivals.

(article far from finished, needs lots of editing, just a starting point for all of you people smarter than me)


01-28-2008, 06:51 AM
Very true, good article. :)

I really wish Obama was a good guy, but being a CFR member kinda rules that out. :/