View Full Version : NY Times article

01-27-2008, 09:24 PM
Not sure this is the right place, but here is a great article (16 pages) that encompasses what I believe to be the very reason we need a Ron Paul as president.


01-27-2008, 09:59 PM
As I've said elsewhere, the American people are living in an illusion. In ancient times, the Romans used entertainment to distract the populace from their crumbling empire. Today, we have television and propaganda. We are losing our dominance, and we have most assuredly lost our moral compass. Of course, no one wants to admit this and those who do are regarded as "crackpots".

The world is rapidly approaching the time where military strength becomes meaningless and economic strength is the real power. We are in decline. Our mode of thinking is still that of the cold war. The world has changed, and for some reasons those in power have not changed with it.

Like the British Empire, we have over extended ourselves. We've created more enemies than friends, and even our friends are becoming more like acquaintances.

The article is correct. Our militant "ends justify the means" attitude has done considerable harm to the US. If anything, this Iraq debacle has demonstrated to the world exactly how "weak" we are in this new age. It won't be long before we are no longer dominating economic agreements and dictating terms. Countries are more willing to do business with others than with us. Once our consumerist market implodes (which is happening), there will be little incentive for countries to want America's attention.

As an example, once the big oil boys start getting a majority of their revenue from the EU and China, they may find it is in their best interest to embargo us until we do what they say. Turnabouts fair play right?

This only reinforces why we need Ron Paul now and others like him. Either that or we become the economical back-water country that we used to scoff at. Sure, we'd have a good military...but then again so does North Korea and look where they are.


01-27-2008, 10:13 PM
This country needs a shift in how we view our place in the world. We can still be leaders, but we don't need to use the stick.
Despite the picture the article paints, we are still in a position to lead, both economically and technologically, we just need to focus our attentions back domestically.

01-27-2008, 11:24 PM
Economically, the world is shifting away from dollars. With new (and larger) consumerist markets opening the world economies are starting to tap them. After this latest credit fiasco the originated here in the states, foreign investors have been a little shy. And with the Fed working to devalue our dollar even more, things are only going to get worse. Add in the fact that we have the largest national debt in the world and it keeps getting bigger, and suddenly investors start looking for something a bit safer to invest in.

Diplomatically, we certainly aren't leaders anymore. The world, in general, is now wary of us. The our image has been heavily tarnished. And if you read world news articles, we seem to be becoming the crazy uncle that everyone tolerates but no one really likes.

Technologically, we are slowing. Xenophobic policies and general hostility towards foreigners have caused a massive drop in the ranks of the sciences. Education prices here are so high not nearly as many are going on to research level studies. Currently college prices are increasing at around twice the rate of inflation. All one really needs to do is look oat our educational performance compared to other developed nations and you can see the disparity. Throw our draconian IP laws on top of that and you technological stagnation.

If you watch the financial markets world wide you can see the shift happening. It's quite amazing. We are not the top dogs anymore. As time progresses, more people in this country will begin to realize this. Sure we have the best military but military does not feed you or cloth.

We're stumbling. We have a chance to get back on our feet again but we are at a turning point. The next ten years will be critical to see if can remain a major player on the economic and political stage. This will also be the time that makes or breaks this country. If at the end of that ten year period things have not changed, then our crushing debt will start taking its toll. That will be the point when the average American may begin to notice things aren't quite what they seem. Unfortunately, that will be too late.


01-27-2008, 11:29 PM
Best ways to change the country. First register to vote. Second become a precinct leader.

01-27-2008, 11:32 PM
If people do not wake up on their own....a nice slap in face always does the trick!