View Full Version : How to beat huck on Fair Tax

01-26-2008, 08:44 PM
My wife and I were talking. She make a great point.

Huck is for the Fair Tax.
Paul is for replacing the income tax and irs with nothing.

The Income Tax is illeagal (Freedom to Fascism).

He wants to replace an illeagl tax (unapportioned) with a leagal fair tax (apportioned).

So now when we could just get rid of an illegal one and the Fair Tax were to pass they would be taxing us leagally.

So therefore they are making a tax that is a NEW TAX!

01-26-2008, 08:50 PM
well the scary part is just because you add the "fair" tax does not mean the income tax goes away.

But with that said. I quote myself "The only fair tax IS NO TAX"

01-26-2008, 08:55 PM
Actually, the fair tax idea has been around for awhile. I believe it was co-sponsored by another texas congressman. Problem with it is, what prevents them from raising the tax rate all the time.... like they do state taxes?

But, it would clean up a lot of problems.

01-26-2008, 09:15 PM
All I am saying is that Huck (who gets a lot of our votes) pushes it.

This is a way to bring them around

01-26-2008, 09:23 PM
The "Prebate" in the Fair Tax gives too much power to the politicians because it opens the door to wealth redistribution on a national level.

For those who don't know, the prebate would remove the tax burden from all Americans, up to the poverty level, for the basic necessities of life. How does the Govt determin the poverty level? They use national income data. The example the Fair Tax people give is that a family 4 (2 adults, 2 kids) would receive a check of 500-600 dollars each month to cover the taxes on the basic necessities of life. They say that the Fair Tax is the only Tax system that completely removes the taxes from the poor. People would get this money regardless of whether or not they spend it at the retail level. If a family can buy stuff from garage sales which are not taxed, fine. If people earn 10 million a year, fine, they still get the check for 500-600 dollars per month. If you don't understand the Fair Tax you should probably not argue about the Fair Tax. The people who support the Tax will NOT take you seriously if you have not read the book.

Here is what is wrong with it. It would allow our politicians a direct line of wealth redistribution. Once the system gets geared up for issuing checks and direct deposits to citizens, it is only a matter of time until the vote buying starts. If the politicians gain control of the monthly checks going out to our citizens on a national level, BOOM!, we are going to be living in a communist nation.

The Government already controls our schools. They control the speech of our church officials. They cage us in free-speech zones when we disagree with them. They control our right to assemble more than 75 people on federal land without a permit. They control our right to donate to our candidate. They control our medication choices, our gun choices, our currency choices, and many others. When the government gains control of sending us a check constituting substantial portion of our income on a monthly basis the game will be over and the grand American freedom experience will have been sacrificed on the alter of tyranny.

Most of the people who support the Fair Tax are conservatives. They are intelligent and well intentioned. There are some very good things about the Fair Tax that it is difficult to argue with. It would shrink the size of the IRS, tax the underground economy, and put a lot of Washington lobbyists out of work. But, on the whole, it is a terrible terrible mistake to accept this kind of reform. We simply can not allow the government to control the sheeple by sending them checks every month.

The prebate is the worst thing about the Fair tax. It is the biggest welfare program ever conceived of in the history of the world.

01-26-2008, 09:25 PM
Ron Paul is for the No Tax. :)

01-26-2008, 09:29 PM
I dont know the ins and outs of the fair tax... but what is to stop a massive black market from openning up on the streets?

01-26-2008, 09:31 PM
There's a cap on most state sales taxes.

01-26-2008, 09:52 PM

Now you made me take a look at the "Fair Tax" -- I hadn't given it any attention, so I didn't know anything about the prebate part of it. That is scary. The biggest entitlement program ever proposed that would create greater dependence upon the gov't. I hate dependence (not just upon the gov't). The bureaucracy needed for the entitlement part of this tax system has got to be huge.

Dr. Paul's idea is a whole lot better and more respectful towards the people.


01-26-2008, 10:01 PM
Read the fair tax. That is all the ammo you need. It would be a huge hit against the poorest members of society, and the lower middle class and even the middle class. It would destroy the economy.

You think you have an underground economy with drugs? Wait till the guy comes through your town with TVs he bought in Mexico for 50% cheaper or toasters or diapers. People will travel abroad even with failing dollars to fill suitcases up with razorblades and perfume rather than buy the stuff here. The store owners will suffer. Workers will be laid off. The economy would be paralyzed.

Every time they have a new tax on cigarettes some more folks quit. Well, you cannot quit buying staples, but you can find places to buy them other than here.

Huckabee is a fool. Read a book on economics, I suggest Economics in one lesson by Hazlitt, then read the fair tax and you will see.

01-26-2008, 10:06 PM
Just think about the rampant black market it encourages...

01-26-2008, 10:07 PM
Think about the Fair Tax for a second:

- a sales tax of 30%+
- that only applies to certain goods
- and only to certain people with certain incomes
- and on, and on, and on...

So basically, instead of taking it from my paycheck, vendors will basically need to know who's buying what to know what to charge, and then, the politicians in Washington will continue adding more and more conditions, until we need ANOTHER IRS just to figure it all out and go after who may be breaking the law...

So rather than press reset on the IRS experiment, moving from income to sales tax, let's just get rid of the taxing altogether.

01-26-2008, 10:14 PM
I dont know the ins and outs of the fair tax... but what is to stop a massive black market from openning up on the streets?

As someone posted on another thread. A cashless society. This should scare the hell out of the christian faith base. It does me. This is the only way to prevent black markets. I think people should get this out. This will take his votes from the christians. This is real and it will bring on the national ID quicker and a cashless society. I don't know why Huck would even suggest this type of danger if he was a real christian. This is very dangerous.

01-26-2008, 10:17 PM
Imposing a 30% sales tax on a a consumer driven economy is retarded.

01-26-2008, 10:18 PM
As someone posted on another thread. A cashless society. This should scare the hell out of the christian faith base. It does me. This is the only way to prevent black markets. I think people should get this out. This will take his votes from the christians. This is real and it will bring on the national ID quicker and a cashless society. I don't know why Huck would even suggest this type of danger if he was a real christian. This is very dangerous.

You know, you are right, there, most of the christians in my area are 'on the lookout' for anything that even resembles the 'mark of the beast', whether it is microchipping with RFID's or a RFID in a Real ID card.
Is there a flyer out there about this??

01-26-2008, 10:22 PM
Huck has a CFR member as his economic advisor.

I posted before thet the best way we have found is to show christians to show
them America: Freedom to Fascism.

It talks about IRS/Illeagal Taxes, the Federal Reserve, and the national ID. They are ALL familiar with not having the mark = not eating...

01-26-2008, 10:32 PM
Throw Hucks fair tax in with ways black markets will undermine and steal from the govt, which will lead to a national ID and the cashless society = Down the bowl he will spiral.

01-26-2008, 10:37 PM
Huck has a CFR member as his economic advisor.

I posted before thet the best way we have found is to show christians to show
them America: Freedom to Fascism.

It talks about IRS/Illeagal Taxes, the Federal Reserve, and the national ID. They are ALL familiar with not having the mark = not eating...

Heck, just showing people the segment about the national ID card should be enough to scare them half to death. I especially like the part where the guy calls to order a pizza...lol.

01-26-2008, 10:42 PM
Heck, just showing people the segment about the national ID card should be enough to scare them half to death. I especially like the part where the guy calls to order a pizza...lol.

Okay, I just searched and came up with several Christian blogs wailing about the Real ID and Chips, etc. and nowhere was a mention of Ron Paul.. so I added a comment about his stance against all that
Amazing, I don't think they knew he who he was, but they talked about Dems and Reps and NAU, etc.
We definitely need to get some vocal Christian leaders going here..

01-26-2008, 10:43 PM
Heck, just showing people the segment about the national ID card should be enough to scare them half to death. I especially like the part where the guy calls to order a pizza...lol.

Mike Huckabee,Opening the door for our cashless society.