View Full Version : Reagan Library Debate
- Mainstream Republican candidate killer question for Politico debate. Comment here
- EVERYONE online, can you give 3 minutes right now to vote up 4 CNN debate questions!
- If Dr. Paul wants to win the debate on 1/30...
- **before Voting On The Questions In The Politico Debate**
- On CNN Debate - Should Ron Paul...
- CNN Debate - RP Confirmed?
- Anybody else going to California Debate?
- My Take on what ROn needs to do for the Debate...
- Ron Is At Tomorrow's CNN Debate, Right?
- OFFICIAL: Rudy not in debate!
- Ron paul needs to have a goldwater moment tomorrow at the debate
- CNN Debate 1/30: Phase 2 of our strategy. ACT NOW
- Tonights debate
- The Debate Tonight
- Debate Question?
- At Debate Tonight, It's Time for RP to be AGGRESSIVE
- Debate tonight
- What "soundbites" do you want to hear tonite
- If Giuliani is in tonight's debate, Ron needs to attack him relentlessly.
- can we get a cali debate board please?
- Politico Debate
- If Mr. Guilliani is in tonight's debate
- Paul needs to make McCains temper an issue.
- Fair time tonight?
- Why We Want Huckabee To Sound Like Ron Paul
- In a spare moment I'd like to see...
- Last Primary Debate?
- The other candidate's weaknesses
- Ron needs to explain the constitution tonight. Voters are stupid
- GOP Debate info - help
- Things for Ron to slam McCain on
- Arizona Newspaper questions McCain's Temper Tantrums
- If we attack now we'll look grumpy and petty.
- The microphone sucks!!!
- Quote Reagan in the debate
- Vote for Questions in the Debate
- Are there rules that cover all televised GOP debates?
- Invoking Reagan's name
- Apathy in America And Our Loss Of Freedom
- Keep the responses short and to the point.
- is the debate streamed online anywhere?
- Reagan Library Republican Presidential Debate: January 30, 2008 Official Thread
- Tonights debate is in California and they will allow applause!
- Only way to steal tonight's debate
- When is Debate?
- Romney needs Paul
- Place a bet (for 2/1 money bomb) that..
- Make this an issue!
- Predications for total speaking time.
- Do you think Paul & Huck should team up against the McRomney duo?
- Anderson Cooper is Moderating Tonight
- Romney will be on the WARPATH tonight
- A couple of thoughts for tonight
- URGENT: The debate's on CNN, right?
- Where it's streaming online!
- Ron Paul need to ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK!! 2nite
- Important: Please record and YouTube the entire debate
- Decided to play donation bingo during debate tonight...any ideas?
- A Donation Wager....
- Guliani is out of the debate tonight
- Giuliani: "If I endorsed anyone else, I'd be called a flip-flopper".
- "did you talk to Ron Paul?"
- Hey guess what, NO ONE watches these "debates"
- over / under on McCain saying "my friends"
- Watching CNN and I see a BAD MOON RISING
- Will it really be for 2 hours?
- Are You Ready?
- People are not aware of the matching funds situation
- Make sure to get the right no.
- I need help counting tonight -
- RP must be iron man tonight
- The only good thing about Ron Paul getting 3% in Florida
- A little prayer for Ron Paul right before the debate
- Streaming Link
- Ron needs to ask
- CNN utters the P word several times, in the last hour!
- Just found this gem from a previous debate
- Direct Link?
- Dobbs is pissed off tonight...
- Any debate drinking games?
- watch debate for people at work
- No Rules, No Time Limits!
- Streaming link plz
- Evertime the moderator addresses Paul for a question, please say a prayer!
- I heard Rons secret plan for the night...
- GOOD Ron Paul is in the Middle...Cameras can't Hide!
- streaming debate (no need to download anything)
- Please Join Us in Prayer and Positive Thought During the Debate
- You can still vote on the questions for the debates...
- The real contest tonight:
- The Blah blah Thread!!!!
- t minus 20 seconds until McAmnesty says "my friends"
- Already impressed
- I saw huckabee look at Rons notes
- McCain: "I think you could argue..."
- McCain screws the pooch on defining the housing problem!
- Why did they go out of order to huckabee?
- LOL Ron paul is sitting next Jonh McCain and Mike Huck
- Did Anderson Just Skip over Dr. Paul?!
- Dr. Paul Looks Fresh!!!!
- skipped in the first question
- Thanks for skipping Paul doucebag!
- That Was A Close One!!
- 12 minutes in, McCain says "my friend"
- Why Didn't Paul Call Out McCain For Saying 'Low Inflation'???
- They make RP go last, so he has less to talk about
- Mcnamedropper Does It Again
- McInsane, Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah"...
- Yep, it's official: Mitt Romney is a robot
- McCain vs Romney Debate ???
- Official "Can Non-Paulites Understand What He's Saying?" Thread
- Anderson DID IT AGAIN
- Tax Hike Mike is talking
- Ron Seems Really Uncomfortable Having To Sit Amongst These Idiots
- Why Suprised?
- Another Bullshit Debate! Official teeth gnashing thread!
- WTF, talk to Ron Paul!
- How on Earth can the average Amercian...
- Debate tip for Romney...
- Mccain = Federalist
- Rudy Giuliani talks about Ron Paul [Youtube]
- 4th time I heard McCain's lil speech
- I just tuned in - What happened
- This is not a fair and balanced debate!
- March 2008 Debate
- questions should be tabled for all
- Live coverage of GOP debate on Ron Paul Radio
- I can't listen to this anymore.
- So every time McCain or Romney speaks...
- All They Do Is Ramble On And On And On And On And On......
- Worst Debate Yet
- 25 minutes in...
- paul and huck should start playing tick-tack-toe
- 3rd Paul snub
- F*ck Paul Do Something!!!
- Tip to everyone watching debate:
- Huck must be pissed
- Paul sure as hell better mention this unfairness next time he talks
- F**k You Anderson
- What The Fu*k!???!
- Vote for questions!!!!
- What The @$#(%&@#?!?!?!
- What?!?!?!?
- States Rights
- CNN The Not So Most Trusted Name In News
- Unbefuckinleivable!!!!
- WTF WAS THAT. anderson just cut him off.
- I just threw something at the TV
- Huckabee solution to global warming: build more roads.
- Are you pissed yet???
- F U Cooper.
- Go Crazy
- Screw This: Money Bomb Now!
- Persuading Schwarzenegger?
- Ron gets cut off - but everyone else gets endless time?
- I see Ron warming up !! That last answer proves it! an hour and a half to go yet !
- Watching the little red line while they talk
- debate audience
- McCain "A house in Norway"
- They all sounded retarded compared to DR. PAUL
- Hucks agenda
- They cut off Paul but let anyone else talk as long as they want
- Get off of Foreign policy for a bit please.
- McCain said that Ron Paul and him oppose wasteful spending!
- Politico questions
- McCain just admitted he doesnt believe in the constitution
- All things go, so Ron should ask a question:
- HAHA McCain is an idiot
- Keeping track of time and questions
- "No one is talking about cutting the military"
- ** CNN Phone Numbers
- Reagan Revolution
- Maybe the Scientologists can help us "out" Cooper. There are pics somewhere.
- Should Ron Paul Call MSNBC on their blackout?
- You'll have another chance to answer in like two minutes I promise...
- RP will get less time than the MSNBC debate...
- the tree of liberty
- Huckabee lives in a DREAMLAND
- AHHHHH, CNN is pissing me off...
- where are the questions for RP?
- Anderson Cooper: Boxers, briefs, or elephant trunk thong?
- What is ron paul doodling on his paper?
- RomneyMcCainRomneyMcCainRomneyMcCainRomneyMcCain.. .
- Youruber needed
- oh my god....
- Operation: Storm the front!
- Ron needs to Chew Anderson out during the break
- Nancy Reagan wearing Old Navy lady glasses
- Stop Sitting There Like A Dope!!!
- Just get up and leave
- did you see that look of frustration??
- Cut off again.. But McCain keeps on talking...
- We need to picket
- Reagan Library Romney McCain Debate
- This debate is a joke
- Oh. My. God.
- anderson just cut RP off
- Please tell him to get mad
- holy s@^# anderson didn't just do that!!
- Since when are the media moderators the debaters?
- Omg!
- aaaarrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!
- I'm not Ron Paul.. but I would SAY SOMETHING!!!
- a Nancy Reagan endorsement would be great right now
- 404-827-1700
- Ron Paul Should Stand Up and LEAVE!
- RP better get some nads
- Two minutes were up a half hour ago
- There's a fine line being nice guy and wussy!
- CNN...the most dishonest name in news.
- I've been watching this s@^# for 54 minutes...
- 2 minutes was up along time ago.
- The Bias In This Debate Is BREATHTAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Cut off Paul but let McCain ramble on in slow motion for 10 minutes at a time
- Tell Cnn What You Think Of The Debate
- If I was Ron
- will RP say anything during the break?
- Ron Paul can turn this thing around in TEN seconds, check this out:
- ron needs to get PISSED in the second half here!
- I can't take this...I can't hold in my rage any longer
- Stealth Weapon for the debate - Raise more money
- They're Doing It On Purpose, Guys. It's for US.
- Comment at CNN Politics (url)
- Am I nuts or is this a total DISGRACE?
- Take a look at this picture again ...
- We Have To Do Something About This!!!
- The Red Line?
- Come on Ron!!! Use your Gamma Ray Liberty beam eyesight!!!
- Interruption donations
- Last GOP debate: Paul should make his mark now
- Re Air?
- Jesse Ventura faced the same challenges in Minnesota
- RP spoke for 9 seconds on O'Connor while McCain ...
- I just tuned in
- Ron Paul will win and this will be played as laughing stock later
- It is time for a peaceful protest. We need to pick a date, time and place
- Leave your comments here for CNN
- I would like to start with governor Romney
- It's the LA Times lady
- Cnn Brought Down Comment Server!
- CNN can get so much @#$% from Fox
- Channel the anger!! Go Donate!!
- This really is quite bad
- Anderson Cooper was a CIA member? google it
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