View Full Version : Super Tuesday
- Question About Super Tuesday
- Super Tuesday Primaries Ad Bomb? (Idea!)
- Does Anyone Have Names For Voters In Super Tuesday States?
- GIGA Tuesday Feb. 5/08
- Scheme for raising $20 million by Super-Tuesday: MillionPersonProtest08?
- Media blitz SUPER TUESDAY LOCAL papers now!!!
- Is it ok that I feel totally certain of our chances going into Super Tuesday??
- Super Tuesday Mardi Gras Bead Media Blitz
- I am not going to give up.. not now, not after Super Tuesday...
- Raising Money for Newspaper Ad on Sunday Before Super Tuesday
- Need help in AZ this weekend - Super Tuesday state
- About 4 weeks til Super Tuesday..
- Super Tuesday
- Rmember everyone ROn Paul wins Super Tuesday
- why we can pull through on super Tuesday and later primaries
- Living in a small town of a super tuesday state
- How will they spend the money on Super Tuesday?
- Assuming we fare well on Super Tuesday, what primaries occur afterwards?
- 2008 Super Tuesday Presidential Forum
- How Many Super Tuesday States Can We Take?
- Here's why we win on Super Tuesday
- ***ATTENTION***Read This Now, We Know The Way To Win Super Tuesday!!!!
- Letters to SUPER TUESDAY Voters!!
- Super Tuesday can be ours. My explanation:
- What other Super Tuesday states look good for us?
- Super Duper Tuesday
- Is HQ targeting certain Super Tuesday states?
- Super Tuesday
- Why Ron Paul will win Super Tuesday!
- +10 000 people have understood how to win the Super Tuesday, When Do You ?!
- If Dr. Paul finishes strongly across the board on Super Tuesday, everything changes
- Super Tuesday Ideas
- ***Everyone Help Us To Win Super Tuesday Now***
- Ron Paul's projected Super Tuesday results according to AOL Straw Poll
- SUPER Tuesday Local Newspaper Blitz!
- Ron Paul and Super Tuesday?
- Pro Life brochure to Pass Out for Super Tuesday..converts Huckabees, Ex Freds, et a..
- AP: Super Tuesday won't decide nomination
- Good news for us: Super Tuesday Won't Decide Nominations
- Youtube Super Tuesday Videos/Map
- Full Pade Ad in primary newspaper, the Sunday before Super Tuesday!
- Sunday Paper Full Page Ad, Right Before Super Tuesday
- Incredible last minute Super Tuesday idea!
- Why Ron Paul WILL Win Super Tuesday.
- Super Tuesday : CALL4PAUL 60K = 3 Million voters!
- Will Ron Paul take Montana come super Tuesday?
- Super Tuesday!
- Why Ron Paul Will Win Super Tuesday
- Super Tuesday Report: Paul 4 Prez...good article!
- Good Article on Why Ron Paul will Win Super Tuesday
- We can win EVERY southern Super Tuesday state!
- What states do we have the best shots on Super Tuesday?
- RP in ND before Super Tuesday
- Could it play out like this after super tuesday?
- NEEDS DONATIONS!!....A Ron Paul Newspaper in EVERY Super Tuesday Home Before Feb 5th!
- The Ron Paul rEVOLution, Super Tuesday and “The Message!”
- Mike Huckabee: Will He Drop Out After Super Tuesday?
- Mardi Gras Super Tuesday Flyer, need opinions
- Super Tuesday blitz begins: We may be alone??: report from Arkansas
- According to MSNBC, Romney IS running ads for Super Tuesday
- This Worked in Louisiana, Turn the Tide on Feb. 5th!
- Very Very Good Thread!
- Super Tuesday Predictions
- This is how We Win on Feb. 5th, It worked in Louisiana
- AN newspaper AD for Tuesday morning in Super Tuesday States
- Donate: Why Do we want freedom or slavery?
- Next Debate after Super Tuesday
- Super Tuesday may be bad for us
- Open Letter to Dr. Ron Paul
- We Are Going To Win
- Vote for Romney? What?
- Absolutely essential thread!
- What did Romney do the last 4 days?
- Ron Paul Rally from Minneapolis LIVE COVERAGE
- What to bring???
- Who is staying late? - Who is going to watch the tally?
- And so, it begins.
- Thank all Ron Paul voters tomorrow!
- Will the Media be embarrassed tomorrow?
- ************************If You Live In Super Tuesday State, Read This Now************
- This is it men and women, it's time for battle.
- Bad East Coast Turnout
- Republican GrassRoots...killed by the media...Grab a friend or two and go vote!
- So what will happen tomorrow on the 6th?
- RP on Cnn Video Live right now in WV
- Text Message Bomb - Super Tuesday
- Yahoo buzz numbers: 14 States Where Ron Paul Currently Leads
- A Hillary person tried to tell me I was wasting my vote!
- Someone Please Explain our Delegate Strategy?
- Post your best links for reliable, real-time voting number totals
- looks like RP got 4th in WV...
- Some dirt on Scaruborough since he's apparently being a douchebag today.....
- My Wife Voted For Ron Paul
- Even after you've voted!
- Sign-wave at polling places if you can!
- Fox News Displays Ron Paul First?!?!
- Bring signs to polling places!
- Super Tuesday 'I voted!' thread - CHECK IN HERE :)
- grassroots was supposed to be on good morning America
- Warning! Don't be fooled by threads that claim results!
- Hate to say it but Hillary/McCain is the only scenario where RP has a shot...
- What will people who have heard the lies that RP has dropped out do when they vote?
- A quick reminder!
- Any firsthand accounts of turnouts?
- Just voted in NJ
- Greta (foxnews) "Complaint Central" for voting problems
- THE WV convention is back up, lets see how this plays out.
- Time to do your part fellow patriots :)
- Help In Minnesota
- Great supposed Voter Fraud in my County
- HUCK wins West Virginia convention
- "All three republican candidates..."
- Summers County WV Cheating live on CNN [Mod: Info Disputed]
- One Delegate Short!
- Is Rush Lim. right?
- In my states closed can vote as an independant.
- Where's the best place to track real time on the inter webs?
- Looks like we have our first state winner
- 9 Voters Conformed in NE Missouri for sure!
- CNN: Watching Live, commentary
- Be Vigilina tin your Precinct Voting please
- Information from Blackbox for Super Tuesday
- 0% in West Virginia [RP was eliminated in 1st round. That is why he has 0%]
- Alabama Super Tuesday report
- Huckabee wins all 18 W.Va. delegates
- National Delegates won in West Virginia
- No mention of Louisiana!
- ****Official voting irregularity thread****
- ***********attention: Early Voters!************
- rooting for hillary and huck(if ron paul doesn't win)
- Meet and Greet
- MSNBC Just showed Ron Paul at 1% in Missouri
- National Delegates won in West Virginia
- Is this guy a plant?
- What happened in WV was an example of a brokered convention
- "Make Fun Buddy".... HAHAHAHAHHA!!!
- Election results URL for Missouri
- CNN admits it
- Phone# to FOX News Desk (yes it's real!)
- 3 WV Delegates!!!!!!
- Sky News just inofficially declared McCain as the rep winner
- CNN: "All 3 Republican Candidates are hitting Missouri hard...."
- Press Release: Ron Paul Secures Three Delegates in West Virginia State Convention
- Ron's best chance to win today in which states?
- Huck's Army thanks RP's supporters for WV Win...
- Sites with election results?
- Essentially, everything put here before 7pm EST is rubbish
- They are constantly discussing WV Huckabee deal and not mentioning Ron
- CNN is retarded
- Not Sure How to Title This One...
- Not Declared. Vote Anyway!
- MSNBC "McCain-Huckabee Alliance" LOL
- comic relief- "voter fraud?"
- What is the next state to report after West Virginia?
- TODAY: Super Tuesday! TONIGHT: Super DIEBold Stolez Our Elexion!
- MSM needs to be reminded that there are 4 republicans still in the race!!!
- Abraham Lincoln's 22 Delegates in 1860...
- CBS News CONTACT INFO (verified)
- Don't forget Reddit!
- CNN ignores Paul
- Keith Olbermann just mentioned Paul
- For those who want results now. . .
- Olbermann aknowledges Ron as the deal instigator, then MSNBC ignores again
- 1583 People Online Right Now *Donate $5+...*
- Huck coming up on CNN watch
- Important message from HQ
- Explain this Huckabee situation?
- Apparently Huckabee just went on CNN and backstabed us...
- Important New Jersey information: Independents can vote in GOP primary
- Leading "conservatives" prefer Hillary Clinton to Ron Paul???
- Anyone getting the suspicion that as long as Ron Paul is in the race...
- Ron Paul Leading in Montana with 1.8% reporting
- Politico results?
- Bay Buchanan on MSNBC just said "Conservatives don't support pre-emptive war"!!!!!!!
- CNN had Paul at 7 delegates on their board
- Huckabee Paul Deal (WV) absolutely STUPID
- >>>Streaming Resource Thread<<<
- Polls are closing start posting results!
- Georgia Polls Close at 7:00
- Chris Mathews just said loudly "3-WAY RACE IN GEORGIA"
- Do you think the media in other nations is as corrupt as ours?
- Mitt Romney : Crybaby extraordinaire
- Will LA results be announced tonight?
- Georgia Exit Polls on CNN
- MSM=The least of the worst?
- Politico Showing Obama won GA
- Georgia Results coming in
- Huckabee Spokeswoman Denies Deal
- All of this has gone COMPLETELY over my head.
- Tornados in TN - expect 100% to Ron Paul in those areas
- Faux News Cheats Paul
- God Has Spoken.
- 2nd IN MONTANA! Getting delegates in MN, AK, ND?
- Obama winning primaries = a big FU FRANCK
- Olbermann and pundit saying conservatives likely to go 3rd party if McCain wins!!!!!
- Alabama Results
- Can you guys still stand watching this propaganda?
- Ron Paul being completely ignored
- Well I'm pretty tired. What did you guys do today?
- McCain wins anti-war vote in Georgia
- MotherFu*#(r better pony up
- Romney Likelly to Drop Out?
- How Can we compete against this kind of BS?
- Ron Paul BETTER win a state today.
- Did you campaign at the polls today?
- 0% Reporting and CNN just projected winners for 3 states (GOP)
- It's not over today.
- IL Exit Polls
- C-SPAN phone lines just opened
- Huckabee - Slimey politician lacking any integrity
- Exit polls for all states so far
- ABC projections 8 pm
- What Is Up With Georgia?
- Just lost some Ron Paul
- LOL! McCain wins CT, IL with 0% of the vote
- If anyone needs a volunteer for a phone bank, let me know.
- Look at CNN- Checks for Mitt and Mac everywhere!
- Send Those Campaign Signs On!!!!!
- WV Deal to Backfire on the Huckster (wish)
- cspan election results
- Georgia - strange behaviour?!
- CT Results coming in
- Politico just went ape 6$%t
- The Sheeple Are Speaking Tonight
- All results
- Giuliani in 2nd in Jersey!
- Ron Paul seems to be second in New Jersey on CNN
- Missouri, 4.2%
- Well at least there is one good thing..
- Getting beat 3:1 by "other" in Tennessee
- Anyone feel it? The MSM has won.
- Ron needs to call a press conference and say...
- Hold the Line, Fall into Formation, and Get ready for the real fight
- Can we put the negative stuff on hold until all the states have finished voting?
- Regardless of the WV Deal; Regardless of the Results
- RP in Third in Montanna!!!
- Wolf just said that North Dakota is democratic caucus only??
- Romney Getting STOMPED
- Minute By Minute Information And Ron Paul's Strategy
- What the hell happened in WV?????
- Good Bye America
- Romney is losing massively - ALL PART OF A BRILLIANT STRATEGY!
- What kind of BS is this?
- RP Radio- RP not in ballots in some states!!!
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