- Dr. Paul now in the MTV debate
- Myspace / MTV "Closing Arguments" Debate - Saturday 2/2/08 @ 6PM EST - LINK
- Submit your Video Question for the MTV / Myspace Debate Sat 2/2 @6PM on MTV / Myspace
- MTV Debate Questions
- Can Anyone Please Confirm RP's Participation in the MTV Debate?
- WHOA! The MTV forum is a cross-party debate?!?!
- Do we have people going to the MTV debate?
- Will this be televised or is it just on the net?
- Go to Myspace and vote for this video, we need to get this question out to Ron!
- Our in?
- I posted a HealthCare question for Dems
- Here's Mine.
- Only person running that voted against the patriot act and funding the war
- One thing Ron MUST mention
- Please Read: Potential Slam-Dunk!!!
- Debate Streaming Online at ChooseOrLose.com and on MTV
- This is Frank Luntz Wet Dream.
- Can you see the entire debate online after its over?
- Myspace super dialog starting soon. Only 4 in it!
- Via Satelite or in Studio?
- There will be plenty of booing in the audience when Huckabee speaks...
- Live Polling on chooseorlose.com - worth going there just to vote up Ron Paul
- Forum to discuss MTV debate?
- Vote - Right now!
- They are mentioning him like he's a real candidate.
- This WILL get votes
- More important forum than any of the others so far
- Ron Paul behind McCain - WTF?
- You know what's funny this time?
- Vote
- Official Thread
- WTF is Huck talking about?
- get on mtv and vote on issues - interactive!!
- MTV forum instant polling link
- Everyone needs to be voting RIGHT NOW
- Huck is cool...but
- Young people look bored currently
- Kudos to Huckabee for attempting to be appealing to the youth...
- RP will OWN this
- Is it even on TV??
- Write Your Questions Here Real Time
- Huckabee really eating Pauls talking points in mtv interview
- Gotta Admit, Huck Speaks Very Well
- Poll - How important is a candidate's name recognition
- Vote AGAINST Huckabee Now!
- Get to CHOOSEORLOSE.com NOW - live polling
- Send Instant Messages!
- Live Poll - More like the Fair Tax? WTH?
- It is not going to be good for Paul
- VOTE HERE! Important
- Wow, he just totally slithered out of that foreign tax question
- Is Ron gonna be on?
- Huckabee steals RP's platform when talking...
- Ron Paul Spammers
- LOL @ Huckabee on Myspace Closing Arguments: Borrowing money from the Chinese
- Tune In Now Mtv!!
- The POLLS!
- Oh, so anti-tax automatically means 'conservative'. He just said it.
- if RP gets the chance Huckabee has had.. wow
- of course his mic is messed up
- what the?!! microphone?!!
- I Dont Believe It!!!!
- VOLUME! Where is the volume!
- What the f$%^ is wrong with his mike.
- WTF? Ron Paul's mic is all screwed up!
- Cool your jets, the mic is fixed and he still has 20 minutes.
- Worst questions for Paul
- Video AND Audio Problems
- plants
- RP on BIG screen over Broadway?
- So MTV screws us with the audio & questions
- Where is the MTV poll?
- What a bunch of young socialists
- These are good questions.
- He's KILLING THIS!!! ^%$## TRUTH, people!
- Ron is on right now
- The questions are setup to make him look bad and he KILLS THEM!!!
- Ron Paul said he won Louisiana
- he needs to drop his mic. he looks uncomfortable :P
- Hemp! They all just woke up! haha.
- Go Mtv Ron Paul Sign Wavers !!
- He Is Nailing This
- Look at all those signs man.
- notice how he said.....
- Does "empire" resonate with the youth?
- Audience reactions?
- The only thing Paul is still not doing well is...
- Vote Yes QUICKLY...
- Vote Now
- Ron Is Killing It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- When it comes to Obama polls, vote negatively
- am i crazy or did the computer guy
- How did Ron Paul do in this?
- omg... that final comment of the host = pure BS
- hehe they are going to orgasam for obama.
- Who recorded this? I NEED a HIGH RES of this
- YouTube Plea for those opf us with no cable/stream won't work
- Everyone keep watching - Must vote in the other candidate's polls
- Is anyone YouTubing the stream?
- Why do ppl think that calling us "tech savvy" is a knock on Dr. Paul?
- mtv debate right now, vote down obama live
- Vote Against.. OBAMA..
- I think RP did a great job!!!!
- Vote Obama DOWN!!!!
- vote!!
- Tone of questions become fluff when Obama steps in
- MTV Forum... Ron's Best Performance Ever???
- Leave some comments at myspace MTV
- Vote Obama Down!!!!11
- Ron Talking Like This Made Me Switch Parties!!
- They want to downplay our support at the end? Stay on there and their chosen ones
- What was his answer to draft?
- OK Where's the Youtube?
- MTV Audio for Dr Paul: Like Talking into a Bottle
- Why you have not dropped out yet?
- Its Working, Vote Obama Down, They Notice It!!!
- HAHAHAHA!! Obama got done in the poll!!!
- Closing Arguments - MTV
- TOTAL VICTORY guys !!! woooh!
- Wasn't allowed to vote on the Obama draft question
- MTV / Myspace Q & A Session: Absolutely Amazing!
- Obama: $4000 grant to every student every year
- Vote Fairly
- I don't trust his (Obama) foreign policy
- Obama speaks with hesitation
- The difference between Ron Paul and the others
- How much has Obama just taken out of your pocket ?
- Ask obama about the patriot act
- We need to push the gay marriage thing with Obama zombies.
- Don't Vote Obama Negatively...
- widget stopped letting me vote at foreign policy
- hahah they love Obama...
- Vote Truthfully In Favor Of The Constitution And Our Movement!
- Obama Claims he doesn't take lobbyist money...
- We Need Hillary To Win For The Dems You Dolts!!
- obama is sooo full of it
- Nobody is sending in question to Obama.
- DO vote Obama negatively
- Ron Paul Owning MTV Poll
- WOW. The Revolution just prompeted Obama to take another whack at the gay marriage Q.
- The distinction is "I'm playing politics to try and appeal to everyone"
- I wish RP would have mentioned his stance on the war on drugs.
- Vote POSITIVELY with Hillary
- Obama - Not good at answering questions obviously...
- Obama.....seems like he could be your best friend yet the worst president
- Wow this is exposing Obama.
- Did he just say we need more oversight on the economy.
- Let's show our Approval By Giving RP a $$ Boost
- Thank Mtv For The Softballs!!
- F^*% how much pandering!!!!
- Will there be an encore presentation on tv?
- Vote In The General Poll Too
- Of course media guy talks up Obama
- Vote Hitlary Down!!!!!!
- that host is totally biased
- Screw this bearded dude
- WHAT? If you're voting for change
- "There's no doubt if you're voting for change in this election, you're voting for"
- "if you're voting for change in this election, you're voting for Senator Obama"
- They didn't show poll resut for most of RP's answers
- now comes up the high pitch bitch
- Haha, the computer guy defends Obama!
- Please... DON'T vote Hillary DOWN!!!!
- Vote down Hillary. We need to have the best numbers tonight!
- Hillarys up next !
- He Comes The Hilldog bury her
- Vote for Hillary if you want. But don't let her beat Dr. Paul!!!
- Vote Hillary Up! We don't need the best numbers! It's too late for Dems to reg Rep!
- Huck = Slimey
- I am embarrassed by my generation
- Who the hell is this computer guy with the beard?
- RP most positive tonight
- Clinton = Slimey
- Hillary is probably late.
- Senator Clinton a no show?
- Vote Hillary Down!
- Looks like Hitlery is going to stiff them!
- i disagree with Ron on one thing
- Keep Voting - Another Ron Paul poll might come up!
- Vote Down Clinton
- The Myspace commenting....
- Either DOWNVOTE or DON'T VOTE for Hillary
- obama OBAMA OBAMA!
- Poll: Vote Clinton Up/Down?
- Jesus She's Aged!!!!!!
- Moron in Audience Bought Obama's Line About Not Dealing with Lobbyists
- ahh... hillary is scary looking tonight
- Anyone catch hillary's first poll?
- bitch, stop digressing and answer the question!
- Obama HAS taken money from lobbyists
- Hillary: "vote for me and ill give you money for free!"
- Don't vote before she answers
- hurls
- What Happened to the MTV Official Topic?
- Where do they think the money is coming from
- I agree with Hillary on foreign service.......
- Snooring... Shut up Hillary! lol
- No to her college fund thing!!!
- Vote For Ron Paul In This Poll!!!
- When Obama and Hillary are talking....
- Voting Clinton Down Makes Her Look Like a Fool Live!
- Vetted... tested
- Ron Paul ROCKED MTV. Here's the best part!
- MTV Electability Question
- MTV Poll!
- Clinton always ignores Ron Paul
- Don't be thanking MTV!!!
- So Paul people both agreed with Paul and think electability is very important?
- electability bahhhhh, bahhhh....
- MTV Poll!
- When people ask Hillary questions...
- this is a FIRST
- BAHAHA shes defending the occupation in iraq
- Will MTV / Myspace authorize re-airing this on CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX????
- Who here think Frank Luntz chose the people in the MTV audience?
- Clinton already decided who will win: McBurger
- Hillary is so ugly
- Clinton is incredibly partisan
- Clinton wants secure our interests.
- we killed the polls lol
- And you think Huck supporters are nice.
- Dear Washington Post idiot - 16% IS NOT 26%
- that guy defends clinton and bashes ron paul
- 26% for Hillary?
- Funny how...
- MTV Scared to show overall
- Good job guys!
- hahaha MTV guy just contradicts himself!!
- Time to get out of this Thread and go to Winning maine
- LMAO. CNN Rebroadcasting Dem Debate with Billary and Obama
- when are people going to realize hillary's plan for withdrawl?
- MTV overdrive - watch ron paul
- No, she's slimy???
- "Tech Savvy"
- Im gonna guess no MTV average watcher is even gonna vote period
- Post From Huck's Army
- My favorite question: Subsidize sluts!
- Great MTV forum
- Ron Paul's video is up.
- Watch Ron Paul's MTV Appearence Now
- We Are Coming Mr. McCain, Tra-la, Tra-la!
- Come on YouTubers
- YOUTUBE of MTV Forum is UP.
- Youtube Up!
- Vote on this MTV Poll!!
- Ron Paul MTV Forum Youtubes
- Presidential Candidates Seek Youth Vote (mtv/aol.com new POLL) Go Vote!