View Full Version : March on Washington
- The 10 Million Human March
- The rEVOLution Will Take Over Washington D.C. - Planned March To Take Back Our Govern
- help me set up a march in DC for spring break
- The Revoltuion March on D.C. Project has just pre-launched
- Welcome to the Pre-Launch of the Revolution March Project... Please spread the word!
- --> the Official *Revolution March on D.C.* Thread <--
- Vote for the day to march on D.C.!!
- Ron Paul Asked Us for a Million Man March! Let's get Cracking!!!!!
- --> HUGE Washington DC March Video About to Come Out <--
- Memorial Day March- May 26th
- March on DC <-- Discuss Web Site
- Events on... (discuss date choice for March/Rally in Washington D.C.)
- Poll: How far are you going to Travel for the March? AND WILL YOU COME?
- Theme of the march?
- Ron Paul Calling For March On Washington!!!!!!
- **IDEA** March @ DC April 19, 1775 Minutemen engage British column at Lexington
- Regarding March on Washington dates! Keep college students in mind!
- Musicians for the D.C. March
- How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington
- Criteras for Revolution March Date
- Can one million march..
- In what month should we march?
- The March cannot be on a holiday.
- >>>>> <<<<<
- College Students - Semester-end Poll
- March on Washington - Provocateurs, Infiltrators & Saboteurs
- 6/7/8 - Who do we Appriciate!!!
- 107,387 members worldwide - we can do this!
- Lol...2,991 views on this topic, no threads....
- Non-Americans invited to the march!
- Ron Paul ONLY march, or LIBERTY MARCH?
- 6-7-8 Dance Revolution Step & Slide with Pride
- DIGG-Ron Paul Announces Grand March on Washington DC-DIGG
- *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP ONE *
- Please Notify All Meetups!
- Tax Day (April 15) or Memorial Day (May 26)
- *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP TWO *
- DEBATE: What Day for the March to Washington?
- *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP THREE *
- Bring Your Constitution
- *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP FOUR *
- American Revolution began on April 19, 1775
- *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP FIVE *
- *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP SIX *
- The sheep will come out of the closet the day of the march
- March for the Constitution - June 21st
- *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP SEVEN *
- Tax Day (April 15), Memorial Day (May 26), or 6/7/8 (June 7)
- *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP EIGHT *
- Is there such a thing as a professional organizer for something like this?
- Who lives in DC that has a couch?
- *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP NINE *
- Gotta be in the Summer!
- 06/07/08 obscure date, nothing going on then, memorable
- Vote for the Date (It's a start)
- Wiki Info -- June 7th
- This MUST be on a Saturday
- May 25 - Constitutional Congress Convened
- Vote for the Day!
- The ultimate March Date Poll to end all March Date Polls
- Flag Day - June 14th - It's a Saturday! - NEVERMIND BAD IDEA!
- With 3% of precincts reporting, I'm ready to declare a winner: 6-7-8 is the date
- 6-7-8 Is the day of the Washington Revolution
- Original Proposal for Independance from England - 06/07/1776
- Narrowed down to two: June 21 or June 7 - let's contact HQ to have them give input
- 6-7-8 Looks like this is it!
- Tax Day, 6/7/8, or Constitution Day
- WHAT IF??? (hope u like this idea)
- June 7th - A perfect day, because it is the day
- I just registered just in case ...
- Ok, no June 7th. Now what?
- Pledge For The March!!!
- Why June 21st is the perfect day
- June Showdown! 7th? or 21st?
- 6-7-8 vs 6/21 poll
- I met my wife at six seventy eight...
- Are we going to need a permit?
- 06-07-08 Is A Marketable Date
- Keep Conspiracies and Negative talk at home
- 6/7/8 or Constitution Day
- 21sters - make your voices heard!
- Chartered Jets?
- The day the United States Constitution became law of the land...June 21st
- Will Legislatures be in session during this time???
- Tell George Noory, Alex Jones, the Powerhour
- LISTEN, he said 3-4 months... June 21st is too late!!
- 678ers Rally thread
- What to bring?
- What are some cool cities to stay in on the way? (from OK)
- Ron Paul will have to pick the day, just like our last 2 money bombs.
- Final thread on the GAY issue - READ!!
- "Legalize the Constitution"
- Constitution Revolution or 6/7/8
- Theme: Marching orders from our Constitution
- What Will We Do In Washington???
- Tent City (Camping) or Hotel Rooms
- Tent City (Camping) or Hotel Rooms
- Revolution D.C. March Youtube!!!
- More than about RP?
- Project - Long Haul for Paul!
- Ron Paul's Grand March on Washington.
- Ron Paul calls for "March on Washington"
- What about the people with $0?
- ummm.... really?
- Don't you need a PERMIT?
- Bradely in DC... a little help?
- Here's a brilliant idea!
- !*!*!RON PAUL says we march!*!*!
- Ron Paul Revolution March website
- Does everyone know about this?
- See you in D.C. and at the RNC
- This is shaping up like the MLK money bomb...
- "Mom.. Dad... were you at the last American Rally of Hope March?"
- The 7/4 option
- Hers an idea stop thinking about stupid permits
- Think BIGGER than this group!
- We Need a Sign-up Page
- We want Congress IN SESSION when we MARCH!
- March on Washington: Will you for sure go??
- Poll: Vote on a date
- My questions about Washington March???
- April 19th vs. June 21st
- A Call for the March to take place 1 week after book release - HERE IS WHY
- This isn't a Ron Paul march, it's about the ideas. This will get WAY more people!
- Wait for Rebates in May.
- Please don't vote on dates yet, but discuss them.
- The case for June 21st (from nolanchart)
- V for Vendetta - March on Washington - AD
- Read This Great Idea!
- Obey The Constitution March
- Is this a march or a takeover?
- Aimee Allen to Washington
- DC supporters, take up the leadership role!!!
- National Organizer conference call to determine set date???
- The Great Ron Paul Dc Site Seeing Tour!!
- Bands, DJ's, permits, etc.
- Common Sense 2.0
- Dear Leader Wants Us To March!@
- Join with other activist organizations??
- Maybe we could make this about an Article V Convention as well...
- Celebrities 4 The March
- 50 Dollar Donation
- West Coasters Travel Ideas Discussion
- --------> Newcomers to Demonstrations, Watch this Short Video <--------
- Midwesterners Going
- Can we organize buses to get people to the march?
- Michigan
- Research Data for Dates: Please help Dr. Paul Research.
- Just call it the "Save Our Country" March
- March should be 1) Warmer weather, 2) School out & 3)Congress in SESSION !
- My Last Post On The March Until The Official Word Is Given.
- __My Wife's Concern
- NOTICE: Do this soon.
- Our first Revolution Began April 19th, 1775
- In regards to musical acts....
- Permit and Approval Information from Metro DC Police
- March for America!
- Ron Paul Convoy -- RonVoy!!
- Invite Groups to Join the Ron Paul March
- March or Swarm?
- Yet Another Poll: March, Swarm or Rally
- MARCH has got People FIRED UP, have NOT seen this EXCITEMENT since TEAPARTY MONEYBOMB
- ++ Washington D.C. Ron Paul March/Rally - Who, What, When, Where, Why and How? ++
- Philadelphia to DC convoy??
- Ron Paul-First Civil Rights Leader of The 21st Century!
- Think ambitious! Let's create "Coachella-Style" Ron Paul Concert for Washington March
- Declaration at the March
- Things to do NOW...
- We should contact Rolling Thunder to participate in the march..
- A touch of reality - NPS, Dates and stuff we can't do
- Important - a march of unity for Ron Paul.
- Ron Paul is for states' rights, right?
- As many groups as possible to join in the march
- The March Must Be About The Message, Not The Man. *Please Read*
- Clean-Up Crew sign up
- March on Washington - Visual Inspiration Thread
- Phenomenal Visual and Sound Productions for March....Hire this guy!
- To the west coast supporters
- Event Planning Guidlines - from Bands4RonPaul
- Viligance at our March: Undercover Police Admit Inciting Violence
- Freedom Spectacle
- Wearing suits to the march?
- The Big March
- Digg The March!
- We didn't land on Washington DC
- Who’s in charge; us or HQ?
- Let's Donate BIG to the Police Officers!!
- Private security for the event...
- What should be the name of the March?
- would it be safe to bring.....................???
- How Many of you will walk/ride/swim/fly to DC on the day of, no matter?
- My letter to the campaign
- We are in charge - not HQ
- ***CONFIRMATION that HQ will set a date!!!***
- If the March is Large Enough: What Celebrities May Attend?
- A moment of silence...
- Calling All Video Geeks
- Second Official "Name the Event" Thread
- Ron Paul on Rally Date (Video)
- Spring Break
- Once an official site is made...
- Revolution March Video
- Ron Paul needs to ride into the rally...
- Sponsors? Marching Band?
- Ron Paul is calling for US to MARCH ON WASHINGTON!!!
- National Bike Ride to the March
- Norml
- March on washington
- World's Largest Fireworks Display!
- March on...TO WASHINGTON!
- What will a March Give the Ron Paul Campaign
- A March for everyone to take part.
- Who should organize the rally?
- What do you think happens?
- DC March Video: Can someone use this?
- ★★★ Facebook Now Live! ★★★
- Just Wondering..
- YouTube Blog: Video View Count will be Updated in 24 Hours!
- Need a ride to the march?
- Ron Paul: March to Freedom [Youtube]
- National RP March!
- Serious misgivings about this march idea
- Everyone bring your Revolution manifesto book
- Where Did Ron Paul Tell Us to Do This?
- Few Things...
- Make Sure Your Meetups Have Been Informed!
- Vote for the day to suggest to Ron Paul for the march!
- Founding Fathers Need to Speak at Rally
- 2-12 RP on AJ youtube
- Help find this kid...
- Protest the DC Gun Ban *please read*
- Lazers (sharks not included)
- Fireworks display...
- "FREEDOM is on the MARCH!"
- Can we get any of the New England Patriots there?
- Names for the march
- Google Map Project - rideshare central
- I plead to come and bring 5 people who would not have come without me.
- I'll be wearing my Guy Fawkes mask. How about you
- Can the March Succeed?
- Invite Rage Against The Machine?
- Rethink the DC March "Theme"
- How to pay for your trip to Washington
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