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  1. The 10 Million Human March
  2. The rEVOLution Will Take Over Washington D.C. - Planned March To Take Back Our Govern
  3. help me set up a march in DC for spring break
  4. The Revoltuion March on D.C. Project has just pre-launched
  5. Welcome to the Pre-Launch of the Revolution March Project... Please spread the word!
  6. --> the Official *Revolution March on D.C.* Thread <--
  7. Vote for the day to march on D.C.!!
  9. Ron Paul Asked Us for a Million Man March! Let's get Cracking!!!!!
  10. --> HUGE Washington DC March Video About to Come Out <--
  11. Memorial Day March- May 26th
  12. March on DC <-- Discuss Web Site
  13. Events on... (discuss date choice for March/Rally in Washington D.C.)
  14. Poll: How far are you going to Travel for the March? AND WILL YOU COME?
  15. Theme of the march?
  16. Ron Paul Calling For March On Washington!!!!!!
  17. **IDEA** March @ DC April 19, 1775 Minutemen engage British column at Lexington
  18. Regarding March on Washington dates! Keep college students in mind!
  19. Musicians for the D.C. March
  20. How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington
  21. Criteras for Revolution March Date
  22. Can one million march..
  24. In what month should we march?
  25. The March cannot be on a holiday.
  26. >>>>> www.revolutionmarch.com <<<<<
  27. College Students - Semester-end Poll
  28. March on Washington - Provocateurs, Infiltrators & Saboteurs
  29. http://www.revolutionmarch.com/
  30. 6/7/8 - Who do we Appriciate!!!
  31. 107,387 meetup.com members worldwide - we can do this!
  32. Lol...2,991 views on this topic, no threads....
  33. Non-Americans invited to the march!
  34. Ron Paul ONLY march, or LIBERTY MARCH?
  35. 6-7-8 Dance Revolution Step & Slide with Pride
  36. DIGG-Ron Paul Announces Grand March on Washington DC-DIGG
  37. *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP ONE *
  38. Please Notify All Meetups!
  39. Tax Day (April 15) or Memorial Day (May 26)
  40. *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP TWO *
  41. DEBATE: What Day for the March to Washington?
  42. *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP THREE *
  43. Bring Your Constitution
  44. *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP FOUR *
  45. American Revolution began on April 19, 1775
  46. *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP FIVE *
  47. *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP SIX *
  48. The sheep will come out of the closet the day of the march
  49. March for the Constitution - June 21st
  50. *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP SEVEN *
  51. Tax Day (April 15), Memorial Day (May 26), or 6/7/8 (June 7)
  52. *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP EIGHT *
  53. Is there such a thing as a professional organizer for something like this?
  54. Who lives in DC that has a couch?
  55. *How to Organize a Demonstration in Washington - STEP NINE *
  56. Gotta be in the Summer!
  57. 06/07/08 obscure date, nothing going on then, memorable
  58. Vote for the Date (It's a start)
  59. Wiki Info -- June 7th
  60. This MUST be on a Saturday
  61. May 25 - Constitutional Congress Convened
  62. Vote for the Day!
  63. The ultimate March Date Poll to end all March Date Polls
  64. Flag Day - June 14th - It's a Saturday! - NEVERMIND BAD IDEA!
  65. With 3% of precincts reporting, I'm ready to declare a winner: 6-7-8 is the date
  66. 6-7-8 Is the day of the Washington Revolution
  67. Original Proposal for Independance from England - 06/07/1776
  68. Narrowed down to two: June 21 or June 7 - let's contact HQ to have them give input
  69. 6-7-8 Looks like this is it!
  70. Tax Day, 6/7/8, or Constitution Day
  71. WHAT IF??? (hope u like this idea)
  72. June 7th - A perfect day, because it is the day
  73. I just registered constitutionmarch.com just in case ...
  74. Ok, no June 7th. Now what?
  75. Pledge For The March!!!
  76. Why June 21st is the perfect day
  77. June Showdown! 7th? or 21st?
  78. 6-7-8 vs 6/21 poll
  79. I met my wife at six seventy eight...
  80. Are we going to need a permit?
  81. 06-07-08 Is A Marketable Date
  82. Keep Conspiracies and Negative talk at home
  83. 6/7/8 or Constitution Day
  84. 21sters - make your voices heard!
  85. Chartered Jets?
  86. The day the United States Constitution became law of the land...June 21st
  87. Will Legislatures be in session during this time???
  88. Tell George Noory, Alex Jones, the Powerhour
  89. LISTEN, he said 3-4 months... June 21st is too late!!
  90. 678ers Rally thread
  91. What to bring?
  92. What are some cool cities to stay in on the way? (from OK)
  93. Ron Paul will have to pick the day, just like our last 2 money bombs.
  94. Final thread on the GAY issue - READ!!
  95. "Legalize the Constitution"
  96. Constitution Revolution or 6/7/8
  97. Theme: Marching orders from our Constitution
  98. What Will We Do In Washington???
  99. Tent City (Camping) or Hotel Rooms
  100. Tent City (Camping) or Hotel Rooms
  101. Revolution D.C. March Youtube!!!
  102. More than about RP?
  103. Project - Long Haul for Paul!
  104. Ron Paul's Grand March on Washington.
  105. Ron Paul calls for "March on Washington"
  106. What about the people with $0?
  107. ummm.... really?
  108. Don't you need a PERMIT?
  109. Bradely in DC... a little help?
  110. Here's a brilliant idea!
  111. !*!*!RON PAUL says we march!*!*!
  112. Ron Paul Revolution March website
  113. Does everyone know about this?
  114. See you in D.C. and at the RNC
  115. This is shaping up like the MLK money bomb...
  116. "Mom.. Dad... were you at the last American Rally of Hope March?"
  117. The 7/4 option
  118. Hers an idea stop thinking about stupid permits
  119. Think BIGGER than this group!
  120. We Need a Sign-up Page
  121. We want Congress IN SESSION when we MARCH!
  122. March on Washington: Will you for sure go??
  123. Poll: Vote on a date
  124. My questions about Washington March???
  126. April 19th vs. June 21st
  127. A Call for the March to take place 1 week after book release - HERE IS WHY
  128. This isn't a Ron Paul march, it's about the ideas. This will get WAY more people!
  129. Wait for Rebates in May.
  130. Please don't vote on dates yet, but discuss them.
  131. The case for June 21st (from nolanchart)
  132. V for Vendetta - March on Washington - AD
  133. Read This Great Idea!
  135. Obey The Constitution March
  136. Is this a march or a takeover?
  137. Aimee Allen to Washington
  138. DC supporters, take up the leadership role!!!
  139. National Organizer conference call to determine set date???
  140. The Great Ron Paul Dc Site Seeing Tour!!
  141. Bands, DJ's, permits, etc.
  142. Common Sense 2.0
  143. Dear Leader Wants Us To March!@
  144. Join with other activist organizations??
  145. Maybe we could make this about an Article V Convention as well...
  146. Celebrities 4 The March
  147. 50 Dollar Donation
  148. West Coasters Travel Ideas Discussion
  149. --------> Newcomers to Demonstrations, Watch this Short Video <--------
  150. Midwesterners Going
  151. Can we organize buses to get people to the march?
  152. Michigan
  153. Research Data for Dates: Please help Dr. Paul Research.
  154. Just call it the "Save Our Country" March
  155. March should be 1) Warmer weather, 2) School out & 3)Congress in SESSION !
  156. My Last Post On The March Until The Official Word Is Given.
  157. __My Wife's Concern
  158. NOTICE: Do this soon.
  159. Our first Revolution Began April 19th, 1775
  160. In regards to musical acts....
  161. Permit and Approval Information from Metro DC Police
  162. March for America!
  163. Ron Paul Convoy -- RonVoy!!
  164. Invite Groups to Join the Ron Paul March
  165. March or Swarm?
  166. Yet Another Poll: March, Swarm or Rally
  167. MARCH has got People FIRED UP, have NOT seen this EXCITEMENT since TEAPARTY MONEYBOMB
  168. ++ Washington D.C. Ron Paul March/Rally - Who, What, When, Where, Why and How? ++
  169. Philadelphia to DC convoy??
  170. Ron Paul-First Civil Rights Leader of The 21st Century!
  171. Think ambitious! Let's create "Coachella-Style" Ron Paul Concert for Washington March
  172. Declaration at the March
  173. Things to do NOW...
  174. We should contact Rolling Thunder to participate in the march..
  175. A touch of reality - NPS, Dates and stuff we can't do
  176. Important - a march of unity for Ron Paul.
  177. Ron Paul is for states' rights, right?
  178. As many groups as possible to join in the march
  179. The March Must Be About The Message, Not The Man. *Please Read*
  180. Clean-Up Crew sign up
  181. March on Washington - Visual Inspiration Thread
  182. Phenomenal Visual and Sound Productions for March....Hire this guy!
  183. To the west coast supporters
  184. Event Planning Guidlines - from Bands4RonPaul
  185. Viligance at our March: Undercover Police Admit Inciting Violence
  186. Freedom Spectacle
  187. Wearing suits to the march?
  188. The Big March
  189. Digg The March!
  190. We didn't land on Washington DC
  191. Who’s in charge; us or HQ?
  192. Let's Donate BIG to the Police Officers!!
  193. Private security for the event...
  194. What should be the name of the March?
  195. would it be safe to bring.....................???
  196. How Many of you will walk/ride/swim/fly to DC on the day of, no matter?
  197. My letter to the campaign
  198. We are in charge - not HQ
  199. ***CONFIRMATION that HQ will set a date!!!***
  200. If the March is Large Enough: What Celebrities May Attend?
  201. A moment of silence...
  202. Calling All Video Geeks
  203. Second Official "Name the Event" Thread
  204. Ron Paul on Rally Date (Video)
  205. Spring Break
  206. Once an official site is made...
  207. Revolution March Video
  208. Ron Paul needs to ride into the rally...
  209. Sponsors? Marching Band?
  210. Ron Paul is calling for US to MARCH ON WASHINGTON!!!
  211. National Bike Ride to the March
  212. Norml
  214. March on washington
  215. World's Largest Fireworks Display!
  216. March on...TO WASHINGTON!
  217. What will a March Give the Ron Paul Campaign
  218. A March for everyone to take part.
  219. Who should organize the rally?
  220. What do you think happens?
  221. DC March Video: Can someone use this?
  222. ★★★ Facebook Now Live! ★★★
  223. Just Wondering..
  224. YouTube Blog: Video View Count will be Updated in 24 Hours!
  225. Need a ride to the march?
  226. Ron Paul: March to Freedom [Youtube]
  227. National RP March!
  228. Serious misgivings about this march idea
  229. Everyone bring your Revolution manifesto book
  230. Where Did Ron Paul Tell Us to Do This?
  231. Few Things...
  232. Make Sure Your Meetups Have Been Informed!
  233. Vote for the day to suggest to Ron Paul for the march!
  234. Founding Fathers Need to Speak at Rally
  235. 2-12 RP on AJ youtube
  236. Help find this kid...
  237. Protest the DC Gun Ban *please read*
  238. Lazers (sharks not included)
  239. Fireworks display...
  240. "FREEDOM is on the MARCH!"
  242. Can we get any of the New England Patriots there?
  243. Names for the march
  244. Google Map Project - rideshare central
  245. I plead to come and bring 5 people who would not have come without me.
  246. I'll be wearing my Guy Fawkes mask. How about you
  247. Can the March Succeed?
  248. Invite Rage Against The Machine?
  249. Rethink the DC March "Theme"
  250. How to pay for your trip to Washington