View Full Version : B.J. Lawson Forum 2010

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  1. Help BJ LAWSON Raise $300K by January 31st!
  2. GOP says BJ Lawson isnt a 'true Republican'!
  3. Dr. Lawson for Congress!
  4. BJ Lawson is only $200 away from 70k
  5. should we have a minibomb for BJ Lawson?
  6. Support BJ Lawson for Congress
  7. Got Facebook? Add BJ Lawson as a Friend
  8. BJ Lawson on Health Care & Health Freedom
  9. BJ Lawson on the REAL ID
  10. BJ Lawson Needs Your Help!
  11. BJ Lawson Debates!
  12. Let's Surprise BJ Lawson with a Spontaneous Money Bomb
  13. "Time to Call the Cops" by BJ Lawson
  14. Ideas for a BJ Lawson Money Bomb
  15. Help BJ Lawson NOW!
  16. Help BJ Lawson NOW!
  17. BJ Lawson Letter Writing Campaign
  18. An update from BJ Lawson a RP Republican running in NC
  19. BJ Lawson Speaks at the Orange County GOP Convention
  20. BJ Lawson Mentioned on Lew Rockwell
  21. Lawson and Sanders
  22. Update from B.J. Lawson's Campaign, March 13th
  23. BJ Lawson for Congress
  24. B.J. Lawson Gets Another Key Endorsement!
  25. BJ Lawson for Congress - North Carolina District 4
  26. B.J. Lawson Speaks at the Wake County GOP Convention
  27. B.J. Lawson Speech at the Wake County GOP Convention
  28. Do Ron Paul, B.J. Lawson and Libertarians Threaten Christian Conservatives?
  29. Do Ron Paul, B.J. Lawson and Libertarians Threaten Christian Conservatives?
  30. B.J. Lawson's Victory Valhalla Fundraiser: Friday Night, March 28, 6:30 PM
  31. BJ Lawson Interview Today
  32. Today is B.J. Lawson's Birthday!
  33. Video of Lawson's fundraiser event today - UPDATE: we helped pay for 40000 postcards
  34. B.J. Lawson's Victory Valhalla Fundraiser (Video)
  35. B.J. Lawson to Expose Fed at Press Conference
  36. B.J. Lawson to Expose Fed at Press Conference
  37. BJ Lawson Live Interview
  38. B.J. Lawson Press Conference Yields Press Coverage
  39. B.J. Lawson Press Conference Yields Press Coverage
  40. Lawson and North Carolina College Republicans
  41. Update from B.J. Lawson's Campaign
  42. Lawson in D.C. (by Lawson)
  43. SPOTLIGHT: B.J. Lawson for NC-4 Congressional Seat!
  44. Just made a Donation to B.J. Lawson!
  45. DONATE!!! B.J. Lawson for Congress
  46. BJ Lawson Moneybomb TODAY!!
  47. B.J. Lawson endorsed by Duke College Republicans
  48. Picture of B.J. Lawson you guys might be interested in...
  49. NEW! Hi-def vid (from Freedon Rally) of B.J. Lawson (plus more pics)
  50. Sneak peak of "Lawson's Minutemen" - future internet grassroots support for B.J.
  51. Video of B.J. Lawson Speaking at the Freedom Rally
  52. Help B.J. Lawson Win on May 6th!
  53. Help B.J. Lawson Win on May 6th!
  54. B.J. Lawson just 1k away from hitting 100k!
  55. Lawson only $600 away from reaching 100k
  56. Cho attacks Lawson again, because of Paul - Lawson's response...
  57. Lawson passes 100k and talks about future radio and TV ads (MUST SEE!!)
  58. Ron Paul Officially Endorses B.J. Lawson
  59. Ron Paul Officially Endorses B.J. Lawson
  60. B.J. Lawson crushes his opponent with honesty
  61. Do you think Ron Paul will endorse B.J. Lawson tomorrow?
  62. Lawson's website updated - donate directly to airtime
  63. Obama Thanks David Price (B.J. Lawson Opponent) During Jefferson-Jackson Speech
  64. "Lawson's Minutemen" launches! - also with first grassoots vid for B.J. Lawson
  65. Working the polls for BJ ..
  66. Laud Lawson
  67. B.J. Lawson Live Results Thread...
  68. BJ Lawson in the lead
  69. BJ Lawson, GOP nominee for US Congress, NC CD-4
  70. BJ Lawson Vote Fraud - Diebold!!!!
  71. Lawson's PARTY thread! Hey everyone... PAR-TAY! Also with RPF "Lawson Boost"
  72. The Republican Party and BJ Lawson
  73. Will the new Lawson board keep Lawson-related things unactive here?
  74. Thank You!E
  75. No Post About B.J.'s Victory on Lew Rockwell?
  76. B.J. Lawson Is A Political Hack!!
  77. Can Lawson (or any Republican) Win NC D4 in November?
  78. July 4 money bomb for BJ Lawson
  79. Thank you from B.J.
  80. The Religious Right
  81. Lawson Liberty Fund
  82. "William Lawson - Thank You!"
  83. Lawson on US policy toward Israel
  84. Get these graphics out there!
  85. How do we get democrats to vote for BJ?
  86. Awesome B.J. Lawson Speech...must watch
  87. Lawson takes on establishment politicians
  88. William Lawson on winning
  89. B.J. Lawson Being Interviewed Live on Radio NOW!
  90. B.J. Lawson Being Interviewed Live on Radio NOW!
  91. NC Gov Race/ + for Lawson
  92. OK, let's foucs that energy back on the Lawson campaign
  93. Lawson blog - "What’s the Problem with Banks?"
  94. Lawson for Congress Grassroots BBQ - video (watch it... it's pretty cool)
  95. BJ Lawson on Downsize DC Radio
  96. BJ Lawson on Downsize DC Radio
  97. BJ's latest blog entry, re: NC Convention
  98. BJ Lawson Stood Up for Us All at NCGOP Convention
  99. Should B.J. Lawson's race for congress be a main focus here?
  100. Email from B.J. Lawson about the race and such: "Art Pope or John Edwards?"
  101. Would you participate in a July 4th moneybomb for Lawson?
  102. American Conservative Magazine
  103. Moneybomb for BJ Lawson- June 29, 2008
  104. UPDATE about the Lawson moneybomb
  105. June 29th MONEYBOMB for B.J. Lawson - NEW VIDEO
  106. Lawson Moneybomb ad for top of board
  107. Money Bomb for BJ Lawson!
  108. Lawson Moneybomb video: Ver. 2.0
  109. Good news from all around the Lawson campaign: momentum is gaining
  110. ***DIGG: B.J. Lawson Money Bomb!***
  111. B.J. Lawson vs. David Price: Round 1
  112. B.J. Lawson vs. David Price: Round 1
  113. Funny vid: Lawson confronts Price
  114. B.J. Lawson Liberty Maven Interview Part 1 Is Up!
  115. Lawson Moneybomb: almost at 100 pledges!
  116. Lawson: Reforms needed in health care
  117. B.J. Lawson on Revolution Broadcasting on Friday night, 6-8 PM
  118. BJ Lawson Live interview revolutionbroadcasting.com
  119. Lawson Moneybomb breaks 100 pledges
  120. B.J. Lawson on the Issues
  121. B.J. Lawson on the Issues
  122. CFL mentions BJ Lawson's Congressional Campaign!
  123. Did B.J. Lawson really raise 100,000?
  124. Lawson for Congress live interview-Revolution Broadcasting
  125. Lawson Liberty Fund: A video you guys may like.
  126. ladyjade wants us to donate to Lawson moneybomb on the 29th
  127. LadyJade says donate to BJ Lawson!
  128. Post places to promote the BJ Lawson money bomb...
  129. Lawson on Revolution in a couple minutes
  130. Can we Get "The Millionare" To Support BJ Lawson?
  131. Gambling911 Covers BJ Lawson!
  132. Lawson for Congress needs some volunteers for help with a project today (Saturday)
  133. B.J. Lawson Digg Bomb, 5 PM
  134. Never Before Seen Video of BJ Lawson!
  135. BJ Lawson Money Bomb - 6/29, email from Amit Singh
  136. BJ Lawson confronts incumbent David Price
  137. Money bomb for B.J. Lawson, 5 PM
  138. Digg bomb! B.J. Lawson, Ron Paul Republican for U.S. Congress
  139. Break the Matrix Bomb: some B.J. Lawson items that need to get bumped.
  140. BJ Lawson moneybomb in 1 hour!
  141. Call liberty cafe radio show now to promote Lawson moneybomb!!
  142. Moneybomb Today
  143. Why B.J. Lawson MUST bring in $70,000 more by midnight tomorrow (Mon) night.
  144. BJ Lawson's Money Bomb MUST Be a Success
  145. Time for tough love (re: B.J. Lawson's money bomb).
  146. 100 Reasons to Donate to BJ Lawson today
  147. 100 Ways to help BJ Lawson Win!
  148. Anyone know how much Lawson has raised today?
  149. Lawson for Congress: B.J.'s fundraising vs. past 4th District Republican fundraising
  150. BJ Lawson Final Moneybomb Totals
  151. look how shiny they made Lawson's site =D
  152. Are NC democrats afraid of Lawson?
  153. Excellent analysis by "Ron Paul Jr." BJ Lawson
  154. Excellent analysis by "Ron Paul Jr." BJ Lawson
  155. I Hate the LP
  156. Lawson Plug on WTP Radio Network
  157. Hey, hey, hey
  158. BJ Lawson got a new looking website!
  159. Article About BJ on TheFreedomRevolution.com
  160. BJ Lawson
  161. Do you think we should plan another Lawson moneybomb?
  162. Why were This November 5th and Boston Tea Party so successful?
  163. Are you serious about getting BJ Lawson into Congress? Let's do this.
  164. Grassroots will buy a billboard for Lawson, but shhhh
  165. BJ Lawson will be at the national premiere for the movie I.O.U.S.A
  166. Lawson Sponsors National IOUSA Premier - Warren Buffett, David Walker to attend
  167. Good Article on BJ from CFL Blog
  168. Article about BJ Lawson at CFL
  169. B.J. Lawson Buys Out a Theatre for I.O.U.S.A Premiere!
  170. Lawson's Campaign Kickoff Celebration tomorrow night will have LIVE feed!
  171. Lawson's Kick Off Event: Live now! (feed here)
  172. BJ Lawson's campaign is a go!
  173. B.J. Lawson puts name in for Liberty Straw Poll
  174. Digg: Major Media Article on BJ Lawson!
  175. Lawson for Congress Campaign Kickoff
  176. Not Much on the Lawson Front
  177. Contributions for the Lawson Campaign
  178. Must read BJ's Blog on IOUSA Review AWESOME!
  179. BJ Lawson will be starting RP Nation (Sep. 1st)? cool
  180. Mini Pledge Drive For BJ Lawson
  181. BJ Lawson blogs about his experience emceeing last night
  182. BJ Lawson and LEAP on the War on Drugs
  183. BJ Lawson Makes Vanity Fair
  184. Please support BJ through the next few months
  185. BJ LAWSON - The Revolution Continues.....
  186. Here's one we can all agree on: Money Bomb for B.J. Lawson on Constitution Day!
  187. B.J. Lawson Money Bomb: September 17, Constitution Day
  188. Let's plan to break a personal record with Lawson moneybomb
  189. Lawson moneybomb signups are going faster than last time!
  190. UNBELIEVEABLE Video for B.J. Lawson's money bomb on Constitution Day.
  191. Great Interview with BJ Lawson
  192. BJ Lawson Write Up At Red State Eclectic
  193. Rumor: Top Members of Ron Paul Revolution to Endorse Lawson
  194. Lawson MoneyBomb Makes Lew Rockwell
  195. Support the BJ Lawson Money Bomb!
  196. American Conservative Magazine's Blog Plugs Lawson
  197. Lawson moneybomb NOW!!!
  198. Internal Poll Numbers
  199. First internal poll on Lawson race released.
  200. remember this video from when lawson won his primary?
  201. List of people outside of NC willing to volunteer for BJ Lawson
  202. BJ Lawson polling numbers
  204. Lawson polling at 31% - first official poll
  205. **Official BJ Lawson DONATION GAME** - Here's how to play:
  206. Thank you very much for your donation
  207. BJ Lawson " SHOW ME THE MONEY "
  208. BJ Lawson Releases Poll Numbers
  209. BJ Lawson wins Liberty Straw Poll
  210. Bj lawson article almost front page!!! Digg
  211. Proof that David Price is scared of Lawson
  212. David F*@$ing Price - BJ Lawson's Opponent
  213. Awesome video from a recent Lawson rally!
  214. Email from BJ Lawson
  215. Video: Lawson visits Price's office to talk about Bailout... but nobody's there
  216. BJ Lawson vlogs about trying to go to Price's office today on bailout
  217. Bj lawson mini money bomb
  218. Ideas for Lawson- Ronvoy to canvas his district ?
  219. BJ Lawson in Charlotte, NC on Sunday 9-28-08
  220. Lawson for Congress: Absent Without Leave
  221. Opportunity to Submit Questions to Local TV site for B.J. Lawson and his Opponent
  222. BJ Lawson- Reaching across the aisle!
  223. Questions for Lawson vs. Price debate must be for BOTH
  224. October 1st
  225. RP endorses BJ
  226. MSG FROM RON PAUL: Donate in the BJ Lawson Moneybomb - Tuesday, October 7th, 2008
  227. Ron Paul endorses B.J Lawson - asks for donations for B.J
  228. BJ in the Huffington Post
  229. B.J. Lawson is great and all...
  230. Who will promise to match my $20 to Lawson???
  231. RPF banner for Ron Paul's moneybomb for BJ Lawson
  232. Official Lawson Money Bomb Thread ---> Post Confirmation #'s Here!!!
  233. New video from BJ Lawson! "Transpartisan Politics and Tuesday's Money Bomb"
  234. Ron Paul, BJ Lawson, Adam Kokesh, and Tom Woods Live Tomorrow Tune in
  235. Predict how well B.J. Lawson's October 7th money bomb will do
  236. BJ Lawson Has A Pair
  237. The $200 B.J. Lawson match me thread
  238. Oct. 7th Money Bomb for Lawson
  239. BJ Lawson Live interview right now Adam Kokesh right after tune in online
  240. **Official BJ Lawson DONATION GAME** - Here's how to play:
  241. Tom Woods interviews BJ Lawson LIVE today Oct 7th 2pm link here
  242. Bj lawson live now link here
  243. Remind your Meetup Members!
  244. We broke $350,000!
  245. Volunteer's for Lawson
  246. BJ Lawson Moneybomb Status
  247. Will North Carolina media notice the B.J. Lawson money bomb?
  248. BJ Lawson polling numbers
  249. BJ Lawson thank you letter
  250. Odds that RPF could get Lawson on G. Beck?