View Full Version : Election 2008
- If you're not ready to write-in Paul's name on election day . . .
- Your biggest fears about an Obama Presidency?
- Presidential Candidates' Positions - Graphed on the Nolan Chart!
- I waited 5 hours to vote for Ron Paul today!
- Excellent Video On Voting
- Voting For McCain
- Poll: How many of you would've voted McCain if he opposed the bailout completely?
- Want to Know Who "Willie the Drywall Guy" is Voting For?
- If Obama and McCain are on a donkey at the edge of a cliff:
- I invite you to Election night party in Columbus, Ohio!
- McClintock ahead in the polls
- Wayne Allen Root
- The Morning After...
- BTW: I'm Voting For McCain/Palin 08
- McCain Has His Own (Sort-of) "Snubgate" with 'Joe the Plumber'
- I wish Ron Paul was on the ticket in Arizona
- Obama supporter thinks they wont need to pay for gas or their home (youtube)
- Which states will McCain electors be sued due to his ineligibility ?
- I have changed my mind also, Obama must be defeated.
- Is barr on the ballot in new york state
- In Honor of Election Day
- jeff beatty just had a robo-dialer ring up my household!
- A crushing defeat for GOP should be welcomed by Libertarians
- Why Tuesday???
- Vote for a REAL Libertarian
- Reasons to vote for Obama
- I am voting for....
- Final poll analyses
- Voting for McCain!
- Liberty traitor Dondero shows his true colors.
- Lawson - Early voing numbers
- Barr Asks For Your Vote in New Youtube Video
- Follow the Races!
- Why this privacy advocate supports Barr
- Should I vote for Barr or Nader tomorrow?
- Less liked pres candidates
- Anyone Who Votes For McCain in Illinois is Not a Smart Voter
- LA TIMES: Democrats Worry That New "Conservative" Members Wont Follow Party Line
- Please dont help obama!
- The Importance of Tomorrow’s Election: We Can't Lose
- Electronic voting problems, already!
- Former Ron Paul Senior Aide: Libertarians Must Back McCain/Palin
- Free Cup of Coffee And A Donut Tomorrow for Voting!
- McShame question
- What are you most looking forward to in an Obama presidency?
- Im writing in Ron Paul
- Who did you vote for?
- If you vote for McCain THIS is what you represent!
- Congressman Ron Paul (TX) to discuss Berg v. Obama on Lan Lamphere - 10:00PM EST
- Obama's grandmother dies hours before election!
- Good luck to all the rp candidates
- Twas The Night Before The Election
- this election will be decided
- this election will be decided
- Hot headed, Need some level headed advice
- "If you dont vote for Obama you dont deserve to live in America"
- Would Palin sink McCain ship?
- Who's Going to Win the 2008 Presidential Election?
- Election day/show your colors,make a statement
- Can one legally record their voting experience?
- Obama Flips off McCain
- If the GOP loses this election...
- Please California dump Pelosi
- Dumb jocks raise 15 million for communist Obama
- lady liberty is gonna get raped and we can't do squat about it
- Barr and Nader at 1%
- Michael Badnarik and the "Wasted Vote"
- My Prediction for Tomorrow
- We should all vote Republican everytime because:
- Looking for some help regarding voting tomorrow
- Horray for Jeff!
- Vote totals so far 32 Obama, 16 McCain, 2 RON PAUL!!
- Ron Paul gets two votes in nation's earliest vote
- So I'm sitting here watching Ron Paul youtube vidoes.
- Obama (Muslim or Christian...?!)
- Nov. 4 The Election Day Thread
- Hart's Location: Two Votes for Ron Paul!
- so who is going to vote today?
- ok...i voted for obama and so did my husband
- Vote as if it is your last opportunity, ever....
- Think TWICE before voting for Obama.
- I'm such a shill that I voted for both Obama AND McCain TEN TIMES and you should too!
- I will NOT VOTE for Obama nor McCain because...
- Traitors
- Shame on ANYONE who helps OBAMA
- Nobama noway
- What a sick, depraved ritual....
- Utter Bullsh-t
- What will an Obama Presidency Look Like?
- Why people should not vote republican
- Effect of Write-ins
- Should McCain win then....
- Dixville Notch, NH....TWO write-ins for RON PAUL out of about 30 votes!
- MY GOD...Did anyone listen to Michael Savage last night????
- Obama or McCain - Either way we all lose!
- The ONLY great thing to celebrate tonight - Bob Barr's campaign failing!
- I couldn't bring myself to vote third party this election...
- Good grief people
- Street Intel Reports: What is happening at the polls - post here
- Anyone going to protest McCain's hotel here in AZ?
- So who'd you vote for today?
- Ron Paul gets 7% in NH early voting!!!
- Anyone going to wear orange today?
- Voted for Chuck Baldwin.
- Voted for Paul
- The Other races
- I just cast my write in vote for Ron Paul
- Ron Paul 2008 /b/
- So far the news is reporting ron paul write in votes in NH
- It took all my will power NOT to write in Ron Paul
- A Ray of Sunshine on a Dark Day - Ron Paul Re-elected!
- Help! In Louisiana, struggling to decide
- No Matter Who Wins an Election, You Still Lose
- Is the weather a factor in voting this year?
- Why the traiters need no sympathy or understanding.
- Do we even acknowledge the results of who wins?
- To those who voted for McBama, and those who are trashing them
- Do u just type in Ron Paul?
- It's election day can ron paul still be president
- 13-year old caught next to Obama VOTING!
- Election Day Confession Thread
- I'm about to write-in paul!
- My sister and husband voted Chuck Baldwin!
- Official 2008 Election Results Thread
- Just got 4 3rd party votes
- 3rd Party Ballots All Screwed Up
- Price expected to win another term
- Voting Issues....
- Let's get ready to FIGHT!
- Thread to Put all of Obama's Lies and Bad Policies
- For you all on this day
- The Obama / McCain NO Bashing Sanctury.
- Voting in the USA is EASY!!!
- I just voted
- Exit poll report says baldwin winning in 3 pa counties [ha, ha]
- LIVE ELECTION COVERAGE - special guests - Chuck Baldwin - Darrell Castle - Bob Conley
- Voter Intimidation in Philly
- Woot obama
- Important Question, Guys
- mccain concedes by mid-nite... odds are
- so i almost got in a fight
- I feel dirty today!
- "Obama's wars"
- Today I Voted For The Man Ron Paul WIll Vote For
- Famous or Not So Famous Callers For Your Vote
- I just voted for Ron Paul!
- Voting Today: One's Conscience, One's Duty... and a difficult decision in my life.
- So what time is voting over?
- Professor Resigns After Admitting Theft of McCain Yard Signs
- Isn't it funny to see all the sheep running around?
- Black Panther Thuggery - Here is The Whizbango Clowns Supporters Tactics
- Chaos and War Face US After Election
- Third party candidates not reported! Call cnn!
- Third Party Predictions
- Predicting 3% for Baldwin
- For all those who voted for Obama/McCain... Sam Adams has a few words for you.
- Vote or stay at home today
- Protest votes?
- How can I vote? Not registered in this state...
- The Idiocy of Standing in Line to Vote
- The McCain concession poll
- RP Candidates?
- -----====== ron paul!!!!!!!!!!!! ======-----
- Ron Paul write-in OPTION
- Black Panthers intimidate voters in Philadelphia
- Update from polling place
- Celebrities say DON'T VOTE!
- I'm going out to vote in a few min
- Just voted for Baldwin....!
- Secret billionaire plans to rig vote so RON PAUL WINS!
- The New Resident and Demander In Thief of The Blight House?
- It disheartens me...
- Sex Clubs, Cyborgs, and Obama.
- I was blessed today
- An Election day story, and Early New Jersey poll results
- Who is Eddie Bravo voting for?
- Maybe Ron Paul should have run Independent?
- Youtube: Black Panthers Intimidating Voters in Philly, Please Spread
- Interesting website poll results
- Local Radio host just read my emails on the air
- Torchbearer - This thread's for You!
- Guilt Free...
- The Obama Mural in L5P Atlanta
- The future of this Country...
- Thank You For Voting - Now Please Go Home, Go to Work Tomorrow and Shut Up
- Sheehan Campaign Volunteers Arrested and Harassed at San Francisco Polling Sites
- To those who betrayed the movement today
- Are write-in *ballots* not counted, or just votes?
- Why you shouldn't vote for McCain
- Ladyjade Liveblogging Election night
- Tim Duncan writes-in Ron Paul *satire*
- Stamps for write-ins?
- Great story relating to white guilt and the Obama phenomenom
- Breaking up with my GF over election (and general hopelessness)
- Evolution of Presidential Elections??
- made my day.
- I voted for Bob Barr! WHOOOOO!
- It Finally Hit Me.....
- Official Thread! Report Voting problems videos, stories, links, news
- Pics from voting today
- I feel CLEAN today.
- I have beers and popcorn. Watching the victory riots in Chicago
- CNN Exit Poll: 72% of new voters for Obama
- the vote (vid)
- wooohooo! Pulled 3 votes from Obama
- Glitches and hoaxes as US votes
- Real election result reporting
- A state of permanent preparedness for impeachment
- The Insanity of Mass Democracy (article)
- Local FOX News - Should the Constitution Be Rewritten?
- Indiana: Barr at 1-2% in counties reporting
- Video from CNNBC: "Obama's Loss Traced To Jesus Christ"
- CNN Posting McCain's Top Numbers To Make It Look Like a Tight Race.
- Open Letter to Senator Barack Obama
- Anyone know how Lawson is doing?
- ABC puts checkmark next to Graham's name
- How is Vermont called for Obama when every site shows 0% reporting
- Will both Barr and Baldwin break records for their parties?
- Popular Vote Count for all Candidates!!!
- Lawson Results
- Neo-con Mitch McConnell going down
- Which liberty candidates should we be watching?
- Change? We'll Show you Change!
- My "Wasted" Vote
- Lew for pres?
- DemocracyNow! Live Election Coverage
- holy turd
- The Traitors in our Midst - Those who voted for McCain, Obama, or Barr!
- Rockefeller Wins
- Florida
- Barr in Georgia
- Election Fervor
- f___ the haters
- What is the best site for voting results?
- Lawson losing 76% to 24%
- Torch will like this guy~!!Obama Supporters..Suck This Wind and CROAK
- Last two CSPAN callers forced to use Provisional Ballots
- Early Projection in 11 States :(
- Conley 52% of the Vote in South Carolina
- People can vote twice in Florida
- LMAO! 0% precints reporting, CNN prejocting the winners.
- It's Not over yet guys!
- who is stevens?? florida
- Elizabeth Dole beaten
- County by county
- 3rd Party votes?
- Third Party Total Votes
- When Obama wins...
- The crying at freerepublic puts a big effing smile on my face =D
- Robert Owens Loses
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