View Full Version : Audit The Fed
- HR 1207: Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009
- Hr 1207
- Lobbying Pack for HR1207 (Federal Reserve Transparency Act)
- What's up w/ H.R. 1207
- Who Provides the Oversight (H.R. 1207)?
- Motley Fool Blog on HR 1207
- HR 1207 Gains 21 Co-Sponsors!
- HR 1207 Myspace Bulletin
- Have you contacted your Representative re HR 1207?
- <-- Support HR 1207 The Federal Reserve Transparency Act
- Ron Paul Petition to Audit the Federal Reserve
- Audit the Fed letter / petition
- Ron Paul Wants to Audit The Fed (best Syndication News)
- anyone else having problems with Paul's audit the fed bill?
- Pressure your congressman/congresswoman to co-sponsor HR 1207!
- FedRes - haha (HR1207 creation)
- 1207 up to 42 Co-sponsors
- Faxbomb for HR 1207???
- HR 1207 Faxbomb. A weeklong shock and awe campaign or one day bunker buster?
- Congressman McCaul's (TX-10) staff on HR 1207
- h.r. 1207 lobby pack send to my rep.
- Bump This Thread about HR 1207
- Which Congressmen are eligible to co-sponsor HR 1207?
- HR 1207 Co-sponsorship gets Companion Bill in Senate
- Ron Paul interview at 8:35 am et The Mancow Show radio to talk about HR 1207
- HR 1207 Update!
- Boston Globe Blog on HR 1207
- Boston Globe Blog on HR 1207
- Official H.R. 1207 Faxbomb Thread
- FAX YOUR CONGRESSMAN ABOUT HR 1207! Official FAXBOMB pledge thread!
- Barney Frank Cosponsored an "Audit the Fed Bill" in the past
- Senate debating amendment to audit the Fed - CSPAN 3
- BTM Video Update on HR 1207 Audit the Fed
- Can the "Official H.R. 1207 Faxbomb Thread" be stickied?
- RON PAUL - Audit the Federal Reserve!!! - HR 1207 (vid)
- Live in Colorado CD 4? Downloadable H.R. 1207 Petition available here.
- 11% of congress has cosponsered HR 1207 so far (47/435 members)
- HR 1207 - Audit the Fed
- Lettera to the Media regarding HR 1207
- H.R. 1207 Cosponsor Watch (49)
- My 1,000th post: Push H.R. 1207 down their throats!
- HR 1207 hits FIFTY cosponsors!
- HR 1207 now has 51 Cosponsors!***Contact your Rep!***
- "Audit the Fed" petition to Congress ( Take Action, Sign And Spread!)
- Mediocre/crappy response from my congressman on HR 1207
- Live in Colorado? Download a petition asking your Rep. to support HR 1207
- *** HR1207 Cosponsor Counter and Auto updating list (now at 58) ***
- Dr. Paul gives an update on his bill, H.R. 1207(video update!)***DIGG!***
- H.R. 1207, House Financial Committee Members
- Hr 1207
- HR 1207 Response from my congressman
- HR-1207 Cosponsor list just DROPPED to 55!!
- Adam Smith (CD9) becomes the first WA Congressman to commit to cosponsor HR1207!
- Saxby Chambliss on HR-1207 and S.604
- Get Glenn Beck to talk about 1207?
- Are you bringing HR 1207 literature to the tea parties?
- Leftist Pete Stark Supports H.R. 1207
- Add another cosponsor to HR1207! Tea party success in Texas... (VIDEO)
- just got back from barney frank's forum, sounds like he'll cosponsor HR 1207
- Congressman Pete Olson may cosponsor 1207
- !!!! Guy interviewed in crowd on Glenn Beck bashes fed and plugs HR 1207
- Could letters of marque and reprisal or 1207 bring Paul into the limelight?
- Let's phone bomb Jeff Flake's office about H.R. 1207
- Shed some light on the Fed: Cartoon Supporting HR 1207
- HR 1207 Faxbomb #2: House Financial Services Committee
- You know about H.R. 1207 but don't forget H.R. 833
- H.R. 1207 Now in committee
- WAKE-UP Call! Subject: HR 1207 Now in Committee!
- My congressman HR 1207
- HR 1207 is sent to Committee!
- My congressman Pete Olsen claims that he became a co-signer of HR1207 today
- HR 1207 Jumps to 71 Cosponsors!
- HR1207 now has 79 cosponsors!!!
- My Congressman, Lloyd Doggett(D-TX) Co-Sponsors HR 1207
- HR-1207: 79 Co-Sponsors!
- Ohio set to blitz congress today with Audit the Fed phone calls, join us?
- HR 1207 Smoking Gun at the FED.
- [Nice!] CFL Supporter-made HR 1207 Cartoon
- Hr 1207 now at 88 co-sponsors and rising fast!
- Alert - 1207 co-sponsors rising fast - Ground Invasion Planned
- Urgent HR 1207 "Audit the Fed" petition drive: Must deliver signatures Tues, Apr 28!
- C-Span's Washington Journal: a good free way to promote HR-1207?
- HR 1207, End the Fed protests, and Ron Paul mentioned on Fox Business
- Why for now AUDIT THE FED is superior to END THE FED
- Would Barack Obama sign H.R. 1207 into law?
- Question: Why are we lumping HR1207 in with "End the Fed"?
- Take Action this Tuesday to Audit the Fed (91 Co-Sponsors)
- "Audit the Fed! Melt the Switchboard Day".
- Audit The Fed In Little Rock Arkansas! (HR 1207)
- Flood the Lines for HR-1207 Day?
- H.R. 1207 / Melt the Switchboard - Your Reports
- More harm than good/ways to destroy 1207
- 4/27 - [Youtube] - New Update from Ron Paul on HR 1207 Progress
- HR1207 action Day today-- What did you do?
- Calling all patriots, big push today for hr 1207!
- US Congressman Roy Blunt LIVE Tomorrow April 29 10am to discuss HR1207
- Video: TN-CFL Delivers HR1207 Petitions to Congressman Cooper
- H.R. 1207: Can you say 100 Co-sponsors?!
- Congressman John Kline Latest Co-Sponsor of H.R. 1207
- H.R. 1207: Exactly 100 Co-Sponsors!
- Melt the Switchboard / End the Fed HR 1207
- Lots of Letters to the Editor in Support of HR-1207
- H.R. 1207: What will it achieve?
- a nice letter from RP re:HR1207
- Ranking member Bachus now a cosponsor!
- If we get to Audit the fed?
- Those who don't think Glenn Beck is on our side, look at his work on HR 1207!
- Colorado County Republican Executive Board Passes Resolution to Support H.R. 1207...
- My letter about 1207 made the paper
- HR1207 and Peter Welch's policy guy. Listen to this:
- Let's Get This Congressman to Cosponsor HR 1207
- HR-1207 Now has 129 Co-Sponsors
- I hope Obama vetoes HR 1207
- My letter to the editor about HR 1207
- New HR1207 information
- C4L Running Full Page Ad in Support of HR1207 in the 5/7/09 Washington Times
- HR 1207 now at 134 Co-sponsors!
- HR-1207: 139 Cosponsors
- NY Fed Chair Resigns - Use this to push HR1207
- Official H.R. 1207 Cosponsor Thread
- HR 1207: 207 co-sponsors 11 to go!
- Key Democrat, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-SD), signed onto H.R. 1207
- Why we need HR 1207
- Help me to get Mary Jo Kilroy to co-sponsor the Audit the Fed bill!
- H.R. 1207 to get hearing and vote!
- Profile of HR 1207 - Federal Reserve Transparency Act
- VIDEO: Democrat Jay Inslee (WA-CD1) will cosponsor HR1207 "by 10 am Tuesday morning!"
- Rep. Leonard Lance to co-sponser HR1207!!
- Profile: HR 1207 - Mini Documentary featuring C4L's Matt Hawes [YOUTUBE]
- My Congressman Responds to my emails about HR1207
- Rep. Dem Jay Inslee from WA.. TUBE on 1207
- Chat with Ron Paul tipped Tim Walz to support audit of Federal Reserve
- GREAT YAL HR 1207 YouTube on C4L - Let's Make Viral
- House Republicans NOT YET supporting HR 1207
- Rep Gerlach (R) from PA cospsonsors HR1207
- Walt Minnick D idaho. Target for HR 1207 cosponser.
- Jeff Flake Co-Sponsors HR-1207
- Forbes Coverage of H.R. 1207: The Federal Reserve Needs To Be Boring Again
- Petition Speaker Pelosi to Schedule Debate on H.R. 1207
- An HR-1207 Victory!!
- Chat with Ron Paul tipped Tim Walz to support audit of Federal Reserve
- HR-1207: 157 cosponsors now!
- Politico Mentions H.R. 1207
- Sign the online petition urging Nancy Pelosi to push a vote on HR 1207!!
- HR 1207 now at 156 Co-sponsors!
- Brassmouth's complaint about H.R. 1207
- HR 1207 now at 162 Co-sponsors!
- AUDIO: HR 1207 on Public Radio's Marketplace
- petition for Pelosi to bring HR 1207 to the floor
- Kucinich Trying to Kill HR-1207?
- Herseth Sandlin (D-SD) on HR-1207 and Ron Paul
- My Rep's response on HR 1207 - adopt him please
- GAO to audit FED?
- Gary Miller's (R-CA) reply regarding HR 1207
- Letter from my Congressman about H.R. 1207
- G. Edward Griffin on the Reality Report (Federal Reserve and HR1207)
- Audit the Fed, Then End It! By Ron Paul 5/19 (Update on HR1207 and S604)
- Rasmussen Reports on 1207
- Kucinich introduces copy-cat "Audit the Fed" H.R. 2424
- HR1207 Will Hurt America.
- Walter Jones discusses HR1207 on Fox Business
- MISH: Speak Out - Audit the Fed, Then End It!
- What's the next step for HR 1207?
- HR 1207 now at 175 Co-sponsors!
- Rep. Alan Grayson writes letter urging Democrat colleagues to support HR 1207
- 175 reps back Ron Paul Fed audit
- Liberal Firedoglake urging support for HR1207!
- My editorial to Audit the Fed
- Congressman David Scott on HR-1207
- If passed, how HR1207 will play out...
- G. Edward Griffin on HR 1207, Ending the Fed, & Returning to the Gold Standard
- Plan to audit Fed steamrolls ahead-WND
- HR 1207 is TOP STORY on WorldNetDaily
- Phone #s of congressmen who have yet cosponsored 1207
- Blogger on HR 1207!
- C4L's Angel gets the chance to plug the C4L and HR1207 on Beck
- Glenn Beck just had Angel Robinson on to talk about Campaign for Liberty and HR 1207
- LP: GOP Senators neuter Audit the Federal Reserve Bill?
- My friend Angel talks about Campaign for Liberty and HR1207 on Glenn Beck! (06/01/09)
- HR 1207 neutered
- Angel Robinson of Campaign for Liberty Explains HR1207 on Glenn Beck 06-01-09
- Polish news covering HR 1207
- H.R. 1207 Gets Three New Co-Sponsors (183 Supporters)
- Two New Bills Introduced By Dr. Paul! Let's Support These Like HR 1207!!!
- Rep Grayson Discusses HR1207
- Daily HR 1207 phone/email bomb!!!
- H.R. 1207: Four new Co-Sponsors Brings Total to 186
- Daily HR 1207 phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/4/09
- W00T! Minority Leader Boehner to Co-Sponsor 1207!
- me with Rick Larsen on HR 1207
- Kucinich Got an amendment to his Audit the Fed Bill PASSED!
- C4L HR 1207 update
- HR 1207 - CFL Email - 186 cosponsors!
- 190 Co-Sponsors for HR-1207 Now
- Audit the Federal Reserve: why we need Congressman Ron Paul's H.R. 1207
- Daily HR 1207 phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/5/09
- 190 co sponsors for hr 1207
- HR 1207 Call-a-thon Underway - We're already +1! (Up to 190 total - need 28 for major
- FED to hire lobbyist to fight HR1207
- Can we get co-sponsors for the Senate version of H.R.1207 in advance?
- Call My Congressman Please for HR1207!!
- Fed to Hire PR Wizard to Fight Against HR 1207
- Audit the Fed
- Daily HR 1207 phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/8/09
- caution about calling Congressmen on HR 1207
- "caution about calling Congressmen on HR 1207" has been queued for Admin review
- Rep Jerry Lewis on HR 1207
- HR 1207 daily phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/9/09
- Congressman Moran: "I spoke with Bernanke and he is worried about an audit"
- I need some H.R. 1207 help
- HR 1207 now at 200 Co-sponsors!
- Just an Idea?? HR1207 thank you bomb?!?
- Now at 207 co-sponsors for H.R. 1207!
- Bernanke is worried! HR 1207 to Audit the Federal Reserve is Gaining Momentum FAST!
- Fed Hires Enron Lobbyist to Fight HR1207
- HR 1207 daily phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/10/09
- Gary Miller last republican on Financial service comittee to cosponser HR 1207
- I Have Not Heard RP Comment on the "Politicization" Crticism of HR 1207
- HR 1207 has 213 Co-Sponsors!!!
- HR 1207 daily phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/11/09
- Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show 1/2:Their Time Has Come”Audit The FED!”
- YES WE CAN!!! Ron Paul's H.R.1207 has 209 Cosponsors !!
- HR 1207 has 223 cosponsors!!
- All Legislation Introduced By Dr. Paul! - We Need To Support Just Like 1207!!!
- Audit the Fed Bill Passes 218 Cosponsors -- So What?
- Dennis Kucinich finally co-sponsors HR 1207
- How will the fed try to derail hr 1207 without raising too much suspicion?
- Now that HR 1207 has 222 co-sponsors, do some RPF members owe an apology?
- *UTUBE* Ron Paul Discusses HR1207 and the $ on Gold Seek 6/10/09
- Check out this shill's post (HR 1207)
- ** S.604 Cosponsor Call-a-thon Target: Robert Bennett (R-UT)
- My 1,232nd post: Push S.604 down their throats!
- HR 1207/S. 604 Co-sponsor Maps
- Ron Paul Support Surges (For His Audit the Fed Bill)
- Silent On HR 1207
- Audit the Fed Update by Ron Paul (vid)
- The Fed Has Never Been Audited... A Myth?
- Obama Will Veto HR 1207
- Deep Thoughts on H.R. 1207
- US House to debate Ron Paul’s ‘Audit the Fed’ bill
- Demand a vote for HR 1207
- HR 1207 Questions
- HR 1207: On Deleveraging, Deflation and Debt
- Ron Paul’s “Audit the Fed” Bill to be Debated in the House--AllGov
- Daily HR 1207 phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/15/09
- Audit The Fed Bill Already Neutered In The Senate?
- Recent Headline in Fort Colllins Paper: 'Tea party' supports audit of the Fed
- No New Cosponsors Today On HR 1207?
- Two More Congressmen Co-Sponsor HR-1207
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