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  1. HR 1207: Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009
  2. Hr 1207
  3. Lobbying Pack for HR1207 (Federal Reserve Transparency Act)
  4. What's up w/ H.R. 1207
  5. Who Provides the Oversight (H.R. 1207)?
  6. Motley Fool Blog on HR 1207
  7. HR 1207 Gains 21 Co-Sponsors!
  8. HR 1207 Myspace Bulletin
  9. Have you contacted your Representative re HR 1207?
  10. http://tinyurl.com/agzwgm <-- Support HR 1207 The Federal Reserve Transparency Act
  11. Ron Paul Petition to Audit the Federal Reserve
  12. Audit the Fed letter / petition
  13. Ron Paul Wants to Audit The Fed (best Syndication News)
  14. anyone else having problems with Paul's audit the fed bill?
  15. Pressure your congressman/congresswoman to co-sponsor HR 1207!
  16. FedRes - haha (HR1207 creation)
  17. 1207 up to 42 Co-sponsors
  18. Faxbomb for HR 1207???
  19. HR 1207 Faxbomb. A weeklong shock and awe campaign or one day bunker buster?
  20. Congressman McCaul's (TX-10) staff on HR 1207
  21. h.r. 1207 lobby pack send to my rep.
  22. Bump This Thread about HR 1207
  23. Which Congressmen are eligible to co-sponsor HR 1207?
  24. HR 1207 Co-sponsorship gets Companion Bill in Senate
  25. Ron Paul interview at 8:35 am et The Mancow Show radio to talk about HR 1207
  26. HR 1207 Update!
  27. Boston Globe Blog on HR 1207
  28. Boston Globe Blog on HR 1207
  29. Official H.R. 1207 Faxbomb Thread
  30. FAX YOUR CONGRESSMAN ABOUT HR 1207! Official FAXBOMB pledge thread!
  31. Barney Frank Cosponsored an "Audit the Fed Bill" in the past
  32. Senate debating amendment to audit the Fed - CSPAN 3
  33. BTM Video Update on HR 1207 Audit the Fed
  34. Can the "Official H.R. 1207 Faxbomb Thread" be stickied?
  35. RON PAUL - Audit the Federal Reserve!!! - HR 1207 (vid)
  36. Live in Colorado CD 4? Downloadable H.R. 1207 Petition available here.
  37. 11% of congress has cosponsered HR 1207 so far (47/435 members)
  38. HR 1207 - Audit the Fed
  39. Lettera to the Media regarding HR 1207
  40. H.R. 1207 Cosponsor Watch (49)
  41. My 1,000th post: Push H.R. 1207 down their throats!
  42. HR 1207 hits FIFTY cosponsors!
  43. HR 1207 now has 51 Cosponsors!***Contact your Rep!***
  44. "Audit the Fed" petition to Congress ( Take Action, Sign And Spread!)
  45. Mediocre/crappy response from my congressman on HR 1207
  46. Live in Colorado? Download a petition asking your Rep. to support HR 1207
  47. *** HR1207 Cosponsor Counter and Auto updating list (now at 58) ***
  48. Dr. Paul gives an update on his bill, H.R. 1207(video update!)***DIGG!***
  49. H.R. 1207, House Financial Committee Members
  50. Hr 1207
  51. HR 1207 Response from my congressman
  52. HR-1207 Cosponsor list just DROPPED to 55!!
  53. Adam Smith (CD9) becomes the first WA Congressman to commit to cosponsor HR1207!
  54. Saxby Chambliss on HR-1207 and S.604
  55. Get Glenn Beck to talk about 1207?
  56. Are you bringing HR 1207 literature to the tea parties?
  57. Leftist Pete Stark Supports H.R. 1207
  58. Add another cosponsor to HR1207! Tea party success in Texas... (VIDEO)
  59. just got back from barney frank's forum, sounds like he'll cosponsor HR 1207
  60. Congressman Pete Olson may cosponsor 1207
  61. !!!! Guy interviewed in crowd on Glenn Beck bashes fed and plugs HR 1207
  62. Could letters of marque and reprisal or 1207 bring Paul into the limelight?
  63. Let's phone bomb Jeff Flake's office about H.R. 1207
  64. Shed some light on the Fed: Cartoon Supporting HR 1207
  65. HR 1207 Faxbomb #2: House Financial Services Committee
  66. You know about H.R. 1207 but don't forget H.R. 833
  67. H.R. 1207 Now in committee
  68. WAKE-UP Call! Subject: HR 1207 Now in Committee!
  69. My congressman HR 1207
  70. HR 1207 is sent to Committee!
  71. My congressman Pete Olsen claims that he became a co-signer of HR1207 today
  72. HR 1207 Jumps to 71 Cosponsors!
  73. HR1207 now has 79 cosponsors!!!
  74. My Congressman, Lloyd Doggett(D-TX) Co-Sponsors HR 1207
  75. HR-1207: 79 Co-Sponsors!
  76. Ohio set to blitz congress today with Audit the Fed phone calls, join us?
  77. HR 1207 Smoking Gun at the FED.
  78. [Nice!] CFL Supporter-made HR 1207 Cartoon
  79. Hr 1207 now at 88 co-sponsors and rising fast!
  80. Alert - 1207 co-sponsors rising fast - Ground Invasion Planned
  81. Urgent HR 1207 "Audit the Fed" petition drive: Must deliver signatures Tues, Apr 28!
  82. C-Span's Washington Journal: a good free way to promote HR-1207?
  83. HR 1207, End the Fed protests, and Ron Paul mentioned on Fox Business
  84. Why for now AUDIT THE FED is superior to END THE FED
  85. Would Barack Obama sign H.R. 1207 into law?
  86. Question: Why are we lumping HR1207 in with "End the Fed"?
  87. Take Action this Tuesday to Audit the Fed (91 Co-Sponsors)
  88. "Audit the Fed! Melt the Switchboard Day".
  89. Audit The Fed In Little Rock Arkansas! (HR 1207)
  90. Flood the Lines for HR-1207 Day?
  91. H.R. 1207 / Melt the Switchboard - Your Reports
  92. More harm than good/ways to destroy 1207
  93. 4/27 - [Youtube] - New Update from Ron Paul on HR 1207 Progress
  94. HR1207 action Day today-- What did you do?
  95. Calling all patriots, big push today for hr 1207!
  96. US Congressman Roy Blunt LIVE Tomorrow April 29 10am to discuss HR1207
  97. Video: TN-CFL Delivers HR1207 Petitions to Congressman Cooper
  98. H.R. 1207: Can you say 100 Co-sponsors?!
  99. Congressman John Kline Latest Co-Sponsor of H.R. 1207
  100. H.R. 1207: Exactly 100 Co-Sponsors!
  101. Melt the Switchboard / End the Fed HR 1207
  102. Lots of Letters to the Editor in Support of HR-1207
  103. H.R. 1207: What will it achieve?
  104. a nice letter from RP re:HR1207
  105. Ranking member Bachus now a cosponsor!
  106. If we get to Audit the fed?
  107. Those who don't think Glenn Beck is on our side, look at his work on HR 1207!
  108. Colorado County Republican Executive Board Passes Resolution to Support H.R. 1207...
  109. My letter about 1207 made the paper
  110. HR1207 and Peter Welch's policy guy. Listen to this:
  111. Let's Get This Congressman to Cosponsor HR 1207
  112. HR-1207 Now has 129 Co-Sponsors
  113. I hope Obama vetoes HR 1207
  114. My letter to the editor about HR 1207
  115. New HR1207 information
  116. C4L Running Full Page Ad in Support of HR1207 in the 5/7/09 Washington Times
  117. HR 1207 now at 134 Co-sponsors!
  118. HR-1207: 139 Cosponsors
  119. NY Fed Chair Resigns - Use this to push HR1207
  120. Official H.R. 1207 Cosponsor Thread
  121. HR 1207: 207 co-sponsors 11 to go!
  122. Key Democrat, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-SD), signed onto H.R. 1207
  123. Why we need HR 1207
  124. Help me to get Mary Jo Kilroy to co-sponsor the Audit the Fed bill!
  125. H.R. 1207 to get hearing and vote!
  126. Profile of HR 1207 - Federal Reserve Transparency Act
  127. VIDEO: Democrat Jay Inslee (WA-CD1) will cosponsor HR1207 "by 10 am Tuesday morning!"
  128. Rep. Leonard Lance to co-sponser HR1207!!
  129. Profile: HR 1207 - Mini Documentary featuring C4L's Matt Hawes [YOUTUBE]
  130. My Congressman Responds to my emails about HR1207
  131. Rep. Dem Jay Inslee from WA.. TUBE on 1207
  132. Chat with Ron Paul tipped Tim Walz to support audit of Federal Reserve
  133. GREAT YAL HR 1207 YouTube on C4L - Let's Make Viral
  134. House Republicans NOT YET supporting HR 1207
  135. Rep Gerlach (R) from PA cospsonsors HR1207
  136. Walt Minnick D idaho. Target for HR 1207 cosponser.
  137. Jeff Flake Co-Sponsors HR-1207
  138. Forbes Coverage of H.R. 1207: The Federal Reserve Needs To Be Boring Again
  139. Petition Speaker Pelosi to Schedule Debate on H.R. 1207
  140. An HR-1207 Victory!!
  141. Chat with Ron Paul tipped Tim Walz to support audit of Federal Reserve
  142. HR-1207: 157 cosponsors now!
  143. Politico Mentions H.R. 1207
  144. Sign the online petition urging Nancy Pelosi to push a vote on HR 1207!!
  145. HR 1207 now at 156 Co-sponsors!
  146. Brassmouth's complaint about H.R. 1207
  147. HR 1207 now at 162 Co-sponsors!
  148. AUDIO: HR 1207 on Public Radio's Marketplace
  149. petition for Pelosi to bring HR 1207 to the floor
  150. Kucinich Trying to Kill HR-1207?
  151. Herseth Sandlin (D-SD) on HR-1207 and Ron Paul
  152. My Rep's response on HR 1207 - adopt him please
  153. GAO to audit FED?
  154. Gary Miller's (R-CA) reply regarding HR 1207
  155. Letter from my Congressman about H.R. 1207
  156. G. Edward Griffin on the Reality Report (Federal Reserve and HR1207)
  157. Audit the Fed, Then End It! By Ron Paul 5/19 (Update on HR1207 and S604)
  158. Rasmussen Reports on 1207
  159. Kucinich introduces copy-cat "Audit the Fed" H.R. 2424
  160. HR1207 Will Hurt America.
  161. Walter Jones discusses HR1207 on Fox Business
  162. MISH: Speak Out - Audit the Fed, Then End It!
  163. What's the next step for HR 1207?
  164. HR 1207 now at 175 Co-sponsors!
  165. Rep. Alan Grayson writes letter urging Democrat colleagues to support HR 1207
  166. 175 reps back Ron Paul Fed audit
  167. Liberal Firedoglake urging support for HR1207!
  168. My editorial to Audit the Fed
  169. Congressman David Scott on HR-1207
  170. If passed, how HR1207 will play out...
  171. G. Edward Griffin on HR 1207, Ending the Fed, & Returning to the Gold Standard
  172. Plan to audit Fed steamrolls ahead-WND
  173. HR 1207 is TOP STORY on WorldNetDaily
  174. Phone #s of congressmen who have yet cosponsored 1207
  175. DailyKos.com Blogger on HR 1207!
  176. C4L's Angel gets the chance to plug the C4L and HR1207 on Beck
  177. Glenn Beck just had Angel Robinson on to talk about Campaign for Liberty and HR 1207
  178. LP: GOP Senators neuter Audit the Federal Reserve Bill?
  179. My friend Angel talks about Campaign for Liberty and HR1207 on Glenn Beck! (06/01/09)
  180. HR 1207 neutered
  181. Angel Robinson of Campaign for Liberty Explains HR1207 on Glenn Beck 06-01-09
  182. Polish news covering HR 1207
  183. H.R. 1207 Gets Three New Co-Sponsors (183 Supporters)
  184. Two New Bills Introduced By Dr. Paul! Let's Support These Like HR 1207!!!
  185. Rep Grayson Discusses HR1207
  186. Daily HR 1207 phone/email bomb!!!
  187. H.R. 1207: Four new Co-Sponsors Brings Total to 186
  188. Daily HR 1207 phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/4/09
  189. W00T! Minority Leader Boehner to Co-Sponsor 1207!
  190. PLEASE..help me with Rick Larsen on HR 1207
  191. Kucinich Got an amendment to his Audit the Fed Bill PASSED!
  192. C4L HR 1207 update
  193. HR 1207 - CFL Email - 186 cosponsors!
  194. 190 Co-Sponsors for HR-1207 Now
  195. Audit the Federal Reserve: why we need Congressman Ron Paul's H.R. 1207
  196. Daily HR 1207 phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/5/09
  197. 190 co sponsors for hr 1207
  198. HR 1207 Call-a-thon Underway - We're already +1! (Up to 190 total - need 28 for major
  199. FED to hire lobbyist to fight HR1207
  200. Can we get co-sponsors for the Senate version of H.R.1207 in advance?
  201. Call My Congressman Please for HR1207!!
  202. Fed to Hire PR Wizard to Fight Against HR 1207
  203. Audit the Fed
  204. Daily HR 1207 phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/8/09
  205. caution about calling Congressmen on HR 1207
  206. "caution about calling Congressmen on HR 1207" has been queued for Admin review
  207. Rep Jerry Lewis on HR 1207
  208. HR 1207 daily phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/9/09
  209. Congressman Moran: "I spoke with Bernanke and he is worried about an audit"
  210. I need some H.R. 1207 help
  211. HR 1207 now at 200 Co-sponsors!
  212. Just an Idea?? HR1207 thank you bomb?!?
  213. Now at 207 co-sponsors for H.R. 1207!
  214. Bernanke is worried! HR 1207 to Audit the Federal Reserve is Gaining Momentum FAST!
  215. Fed Hires Enron Lobbyist to Fight HR1207
  216. HR 1207 daily phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/10/09
  217. Gary Miller last republican on Financial service comittee to cosponser HR 1207
  218. I Have Not Heard RP Comment on the "Politicization" Crticism of HR 1207
  219. HR 1207 has 213 Co-Sponsors!!!
  220. HR 1207 daily phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/11/09
  221. Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show 1/2:Their Time Has Come”Audit The FED!”
  222. YES WE CAN!!! Ron Paul's H.R.1207 has 209 Cosponsors !!
  223. HR 1207 has 223 cosponsors!!
  224. All Legislation Introduced By Dr. Paul! - We Need To Support Just Like 1207!!!
  225. Audit the Fed Bill Passes 218 Cosponsors -- So What?
  226. Dennis Kucinich finally co-sponsors HR 1207
  227. How will the fed try to derail hr 1207 without raising too much suspicion?
  228. Now that HR 1207 has 222 co-sponsors, do some RPF members owe an apology?
  229. *UTUBE* Ron Paul Discusses HR1207 and the $ on Gold Seek 6/10/09
  230. Check out this shill's post (HR 1207)
  231. ** S.604 Cosponsor Call-a-thon Target: Robert Bennett (R-UT)
  232. My 1,232nd post: Push S.604 down their throats!
  233. HR 1207/S. 604 Co-sponsor Maps
  234. lewrockwell.com: Ron Paul Support Surges (For His Audit the Fed Bill)
  235. Audit The FED {YOU-TUBE UPDATE)
  236. Rense.com Silent On HR 1207
  237. Audit the Fed Update by Ron Paul (vid)
  238. The Fed Has Never Been Audited... A Myth?
  239. Obama Will Veto HR 1207
  240. Deep Thoughts on H.R. 1207
  241. US House to debate Ron Paul’s ‘Audit the Fed’ bill
  242. Demand a vote for HR 1207
  243. HR 1207 Questions
  244. HR 1207: On Deleveraging, Deflation and Debt
  245. Ron Paul’s “Audit the Fed” Bill to be Debated in the House--AllGov
  246. Daily HR 1207 phone/email/fax bomb!!! 6/15/09
  247. Audit The Fed Bill Already Neutered In The Senate?
  248. Recent Headline in Fort Colllins Paper: 'Tea party' supports audit of the Fed
  249. No New Cosponsors Today On HR 1207?
  250. Two More Congressmen Co-Sponsor HR-1207