View Full Version : Stop Cap & Trade
- Cap-and-trade - a good compromise?
- NBC 4 chief meteorologist: Sunspots - not carbon emissions - cause Global Warming
- Isn't Walter Block's solution to pollution very similar to Cap and Trade??
- 'Cap and Trade' on global warming gases Is Really a Tax
- Cap and Trade must be defeated
- and you thought cap and trade is bad - now obama considering climate engineering
- Oppose $2 Trillion Climate Tax!
- McCaskill's reply to cap-and-trade
- Killing or at least re-directing "cap and trade"
- Cap and Trade update
- Action Alert: Oppose Cap and Trade 'Tax' Increase Bill
- Action Alert: Oppose Cap and Trade 'Tax' Increase Bill
- *VIDEO* Pete Schiff on Glenn Beck: Cap and Trade = Gigantic Hidden Tax 6/25
- Great: My congressman supports Cap and Trade & Health Care!
- Have you called your rep about Cap'n Trade?
- The market and cap and trade?
- Quick Poll: Will the cap and trade bill pass?
- Cap & Trade Bill?
- CAP and trade passes house
- Make the U.S. Senate's Lives HELL on the Cap'n TRADE Bill
- 8 Republicans vote YES for Cap and Trade, bill passes by 7 votes
- What does the cap and trade legislation mean?
- Glenn Beck: Who profits from Cap & Trade, Global Warming?
- KILL Cap and Trade Now!
- A simple cap and trade question.
- Ben Lujan (NM-3) votes "Yes" on Cap And Trade Bill
- Dennis Kucinich votes against Cap and Trade Bill HR 2454
- Did Ron Paul make a speech or release a statement about the cap & trade?
- When does the Senate vote on the Cap and Trade Bill?
- Cap'n Trade - Login Your Facts Here
- Could the Cap and Trade Tax Bill push Texas to Secede from the Union?
- Will cap & trade pass the Senate?
- Dennis Kucinich explains why he voted against Cap and Trade
- Ultilize Common Sense when seeing through the Cap and Trade Illusion
- Ohio says NO to Cap and Trade! SCR-15 - Follow our Lead!
- Republicans who helped pass "cap and trade" benefitted from environmental donations
- Email: Defeat the 'Cap and Trade' Energy Tax Bill in the Senate
- What's in store for Cap and Trade "Yes" votes?
- can a congressman change is his vote on the cap and trade bill
- CAP & TRADE RAPE PASSED - Ron Paul says Unconstitutional
- Sen. Inhofe Says 'Cap And Trade' Dead in Senate
- Cap and Tr8tors Can Change Vote by July 2 Deadline!
- Cap and Trade: House CANNOT Motion to Reconsider
- Ron Paul: Cap and Trade Will Lead to Capital Flight
- EPA's Secret Document That Would Have Proved Cap-and-Trade Unncecessary
- Congress has until July 4th to change on C&T
- VIDEO: Ron Paul gives an insider perspective of the Cap and Trade bill!
- The Bubble Blowers: Goldman Sachs and Cap and Trade
- Energy Czar, Carol Browner, Hasn’t Read Cap and Trade Tax Bill
- Ohio Anti-Cap and Trade Resolution PASSES Senate! | Next up -> The Ohio House! HCR-25
- Video: Congressman Paul on Cap & Trade Bill
- Rep. Kaptur (9-OH-D) gets $3.5 billion sweetener in Cap and Trade climate bill
- Bureaucrats Will Carry Out Mandatory Home Inspections Under Climate Bill
- Senate short 15 votes for cap and trade
- An idea to protest cap & trade and the job of Congress in general.
- Cap & Trade 101
- Banksters Love Cap-and-Trade: Economic collapse about to accelerate
- What's In The Cap & Trade Bill?
- Cap and Trade Also a Welfare Bill
- News About 'Cap and Trade' -- Text of Suppressed EPA Report
- C4L Asks: "Have you contacted your Senator to oppose Cap & Trade?"
- Sen. Inhofe: Cap-and-Trade DOA in Senate
- Congress put the brakes on Obama’s Cap and Trade bill
- Stop these Trainwrecks! Call Congress Today!
- Response from Klobuchar on Cap & Tax
- Cap and Trade
- Offshore Drilling in Brazil
- China Wants Importers to Pay Its Carbon Tax
- "Repower America" Commercial
- Study Finds Small Increase in Arctic Temps - Doesn't Justify Cap and Trade
- France set to impose carbon tax
- Obama Admin: Cap And Trade Could Cost Families $1,761 A Year
- Do we have a Senate Bill Number Yet?
- Quick! I need some proof.
- Obama Agriculture Secretary Admits CFR Influences “Climate Change” Agenda
- Cap-and-Trade Is Dead. Long Live Cap-and-Trade
- Patriot Act v. Cap & Trade
- Help Defeat the Cap and Trade Energy Tax!
- Goldman Sachs supports Cap and Trade
- Senate to Consider Radical "Cap-and-trade" Bill
- EPA Won’t Wait for Congress to Enact New Greenhouse Gas Regulations
- Chief meteorologist at CBS in Harrisburg(Editorial)
- Graham Signs On To Cap & Trade
- Can we get a list of ALL the big business corruptness that supports this bill?
- Is there a controversy brewing about the contents of Cap and Trade?
- Copenhagen
- Downsize DC: Copenhagen Treaty, Cap and Trade...
- Poll: US belief in global warming is cooling!
- Club of Rome member Maurice Strong, global government discussed on Glenn Beck
- WSJ: Cap and Trade Could Be a Boon to New York
- Great Interview about Global Warming
- Stop Eating Meat to Help Save Planet From Climate Change?
- Lou Dobbs: No climate treaty at Copenhagen?
- “GM’s Money Trees”: Displacement of Rural Brazilians Highlights Consequences of “Cap
- Senate Not Settled on Cap and Trade
- 450 Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of "Man-Made" Global Warming
- Obama may drop "Cap n trade"
- Carbon Scam? Al Gore, Profits, and Copenhagen
- What will be the major event that unifies the green revolution?
- *UTUBE* Rush Limbaugh Cites Prison Planet Article on Al Gore's New Book of Fraud
- Huge Global Warming Scandal? Hackers Release Stolen emails
- Climategate: IPCC Researchers Admit Global Warming Fraud
- Pls Call Inhofe & Thank him for Climate Gate Investigation!
- Is Cap and Trade Dead ?
- Cap and Trade Is Dead - Wall Street Journal
- Climategate: UK scientist to temporarily step down
- Climategate: Climate e-mails topple Australian opposition leader
- Climategate: Facing Scandal, Head of Climate Research Lab to Step Down ( Phil Jones )
- Climategate - MIT Meteorology Professor: Climate Change Claims Are Bizarre, Unsound
- Climategate: Australian Parliament Rejects Version of "Cap and Trade"
- Al Gore in Kingston NY Dec 04
- Apollo Astronaut Speaks Out Against Al Gore's Man Made Global Warming Theory
- Obama’s Science Czar in Climategate Hot Seat
- Cap and Trade article
- Shell calls for EXPANSION of cap and trade!
- Cap and Trade: putting the pieces together
- Have liberal friends? This may convince them that Cap n' Trade blows.
- China & Canada: call for Worldwide One Child Policy, fight Global Warming
- Al Gore Reads his poem...
- Congressman Stearns Opposes Cap and Trade
- Hypocrites: Prince Charles and Gordon Brown take separate jets to lecture the world
- w00t Cap and trade is DEAD!
- Forget Cap & Trade - Back the Anti-Tax!
- Wikipedia - Propaganda Machine
- Senate Democrats to Obama: Drop cap-and-trade
- AP Caught Misleading On Climategate
- How Cap and Trade Hurts Family Farmers
- France Strikes Down Carbon Emissions Tax; Ruled Unconstitutional
- Enron Devised Cap-And-Trade Schemes
- Obama Concedes Cap-and-trade Defeat
- Obama Woos Senators for Climate-change Legislation
- Cap and Trade by Stealth: U.S. States Partner With Foreign Governments
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