View Full Version : Education Freedom
- Schools versus Senior Centers:)
- More insanity in US Public Schools
- Excellent article on education in america and why it is so bad for us
- Video that gives some explanation about our screwed education.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger Signs Bill Banning "Mom and Dad" From Schools
- Congress sends their kids to non-governmental schools
- Why Dept. of Education Must Go
- Sign Of Times: NJ School Cameras Fed Live To Cops
- Protest Dept. of Ed. (NCLB) w/ School Walkout
- Government Schools: Not Just Bad For Poor Kids
- Politicians: "Education and morals begin at home.
- Federal gov't trying to shut down a religious school
- FEE: Origins of Federal Control Over Education
- FEE: Government Schooling: The Bureaucratization of the Mind
- Video: Why Public Schools Suck
- 10-Year-Old Arrested at School for Cutting a Steak During Lunch w/ Proper Utensil
- Judge Threatens to throw HomeSchool Mom in Jail...
- Homeschooling support of candidates
- Question: School Tax for people who have no kids?
- Intelligent Design/Creationism and why it doesn't belong in public schools
- School district plans to chip and track students
- The wonders of federally funded education.
- West Virginia weighing gun lessons for schoolchildren
- Why does Ron hate the Dept. of Education so much?
- Education
- JBS: UN Propaganda aimed at U.S. Schoolchildren
- Education in Finland. How Ron Paul would Respond
- Against School: How Public Education Cripples Our Kids, and Why
- Deputy Tasers High School Student Despite Orders
- Dozens of Students Arrested during school protest
- California: Judge orders homeschoolers into government education
- Arguments for homeschooling
- Regarding the recent California anti-homeschooling decision
- we can't homeschool our own kids??
- Home Schooling ILLEGAL!
- Next on School Agenda: Teaching Communism
- Court's homeschool ban creating 'panic' in California
- Are Homeschooling Parents On Their Way To Prison In Cal.?
- more than 4500 cameras in chicago public schools!?!
- Why have public schools?
- 11 yr Old Girl Tasered at school
- Government Education...
- Federal Government Out of School's Policies?
- Teacher's Union Hinders Education
- Are American Schools Failing?
- SC Gov. Sanford, Education, Globalization, Economics...etc..
- Stupid in America - John Stossel
- Texas leads nation in abstinence education dollars
- 1 in 4 California high school students drop out
- Fox news loses credibility
- Texas Board of Education does its part to fantasize biology
- Inner city students paying for their own education
- History of Education in America - Private vs. Public
- Given that the federal Constitution says nothing about public schools...
- California Judge Overturns Court Ruling on Homeschooling!
- Higher Education Today
- SCHOOL -- 1957 vs. 2007
- IL school board bans Heinlein from library
- Public education: epic fail on us gov
- Alex De Tocqueville, Democracy in America. Need help for debate!!
- $350 million high school finally opens in LA
- Close the Government Schools
- Hillsdale College: No Government Funding
- Socialist Bias On Campus
- CRAP: Island fourth grader suspended for using broken pencil sharpener
- NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND: The Football Version
- What homeschoolers wish the rest of us knew
- Governemnt funding versus average cost of college
- Bureaucracy? Need judge for who is right.
- Who Shall Teach: The Case for Separation of School and State
- A letter to the CHURCH - The Evil Economics of America
- Racine schools teaching Obama greatness
- HS student arrested for "terrorist" zombie story
- Department of Education - have a GOOD video that takes them on?
- college students are debt slaves (article)
- "Capitalism encourages psychopaths"
- School Choice Grassroots Campaign
- CT Porn teacher gains closure
- Will student loans be forgiven??
- Public Education Now Pushing The NWO via of Textbooks
- My Journey with the Kennewick Man
- Story of Stuff(Educational Video)
- CNN: Children Forced Into Cell-like School Seclusion Rooms
- “Public” Education: An American Outrage
- Being Homeshooled Next Year, Got Any Tips?
- Christians are being called to abandon the Luciferian Public Schools
- New "Zero Tolerance" Cyber-Bullying Law For Schools
- Are Public Schools Harming Your Kids? - Samuel L. Blumenfeld
- Liberty for All: A Libertarian's New Years Resolutions
- Chicago Public Schools Spent 70K on espresso makers
- Home Schooling Continues to Grow
- Home Schooling And Custody Cases
- Ind. teacher fired for taping shut student's mouth
- I'm Running for my local School Board, and you can help!
- International law question: US aid to Israel
- John Stossel: Is College Worth It?
- Oregon gives teens options on exit exams (No Longer Need to Learn English or Math)
- John Stossel: Stupid in America, How We Cheat Our Kids [ Public School System ]
- Top 10 Myths About Education Funding and Budget Reductions
- Family Tree
- NYC converts catholic schools into government schools :(
- The great college hoax
- Education for the Poor (Alternatives to public education)
- childrens's books in dumpsters: Washington madness(article)
- The fight to take back NYU, occupation at New York University--the latest flashpoint
- Race Cowards? In Academia, Certainly
- Argument for abolishing the DOE that will convince socialists
- Obama Details Plan for Overhauling Education
- College is a Rip-Off - ABC 20/20 with John Stossel
- Judge orders homeschoolers into public district classrooms
- Unique anti-kindergarten lawsuit endorsed in NH
- College: the American dumbass factory (article)
- Dallas school accused of staging fights
- Education Reform Will Control You
- Carnegie's Plan to "Alter" American Education (actual document)
- pay more, get the S.O.S. at college :P
- Free Market Education - lets hear some ideas
- "Indoctrinate U" preview
- G. Edward Griffin interviews Ex-KGB Uri Bezmenov on Ideological Indoctrination (1985)
- We'll Just Dumb Them All Down
- gov'ment teacher molestation case (with a murder twist)
- If public schools must exist then Liberty must be a MANDATORY SUBJECT!
- UNESCO and the Deliberate Dumbing Down of the Western World
- pay more, get less: the failed State at work :P
- College: the failed business model (article)
- another twist in Gov't "education" scam
- grade inflation / fraud in academia (article by economist Walter Williams)
- gov't schools corrupt? ya don't say! (article)
- Schools now giving out GPA's above 100%!
- article: "Will Higher Education Be the Next Bubble to Burst?"
- Homeschooling growing rapidly. Primary motivation no longer is religion.
- I guess our tax $ is going towards bribing kids for good grades
- Kansas Teacher Claims Conservative Views Led to Loss of Job
- John Taylor Gatto on CSPAN2 (long vid) w/ Freestate Project backdrop
- UN Treaty Jeopardizes Homeschool Freedom in Britain
- new results of the bursted college bubble (cheaper degrees)
- Government Control, Education And The Demise Of American Values
- What? Even Charter Schools Got "F's"?
- Student aid crime ring busted
- Teachers Paid to do Nothing
- My Case For Privatizing Education
- article: "The Military Invades U.S. Schools"
- The Dumbing Down of America
- Dr. Medford Evans: What Are We Teaching Our Children?
- Time To End The Monopoly In Education
- The purpose and origins of public education - John Gatto
- G. Edward Griffin: No Place to Hide - The Strategy and Tactics of Terrorism (1982)
- Pam Probst - History of Government Schools (The Libertarian Alternative) (30 min. vid
- Tucker Carlson: Guess Which Words Are Banned from Your Kids' Textbooks?
- I made a survavalist show to educate people away from government dependence.
- state universities offering how-to seminars on Marxist revolution
- Must-Read Article on U.S. Education by C4Liberty Member Jim Quinn
- Principal Tells Kindergartner to Unclog Toilet With Hands
- Americans Score an “F” in American History
- Government Education: Enemy of a Free Society
- SAT Scores Decline in NYC Schools
- President to address our children Sept 8th
- University Perversity: America Taking the Stupid Pill
- 9/11 Education Plan
- End of the "Free Ride" for Public Education?
- Want the state out of your homeschool? Move to Alaska.
- How to Lower Costs and Improve Education?
- 1 in 7 U.S. adults are unable to read this story
- Education by Walter Williams
- U.S. Students Flunk U.S. Citizenship Test
- Are Schools Teaching Children to Serve Obama?
- Stupid in America 20/20 with John Stossel
- The Fourth Purpose (Please Comment)
- Indoctrinate U... anyone seen it?
- School sucks podcast: the end of public education
- upcoming Walter Block speeches
- 75% of dollars collected for federal education budget STAYS in Washington DC
- How Cheap Could Private Education Get?
- The Proper Form of Education
- Ron Paul's library
- School Vouchers: Secular Schools Only?
- Look what Texas is teaching about the Bill of Rights!
- Crowder Video on School Vouchers
- Why the Federal Government Should Get Out of Education
- Federal Researchers Find Lower Standards in Schools
- Duncan: States 'set bar too low' FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION
- FDR Court Packing Plan
- Obama Bribes States With Education Grants
- USA 101 for public ed kids or TV watchers:
- How Government Drives Up Tuition
- Compulsory Education And Permanent Childhood
- Democratic schools: education through freedom
- The purpose of public education - quotes from the elites (vid)
- Dumbo University By Patrick J. Buchanan
- More Students = More Debt
- "White Privilege"
- English literature and writing - teachers...
- Boys’ Educational Failure Is No Mystery
- More Than 70 Percent of Colleges Restrict Free Speech
- On the Front Lines of Global Warming Hysteria: Your Kids
- Radical Civics: Stuff You Need To Know About Politics; Didn't Learn In Public School
- Do your friends or family support Newt Gingrich? Watch this!
- Detroit News’ Bogeyman: Homeschooling Moms and Dads
- Effort Continues to Oust "Safe Schools Czar"
- Should logic be taught in public schools?
- Walter Williams: Untrue Beliefs | the facts tell a different story
- General William Selby Harney
- Obama Seeking to rewrite the No Child Left Behind law.
- 4-year-old suspended for long hair
- "In the real world, you don't go to the principle's office"
- How Conservatives Can Use "Education Reform" as a Campaign Issue
- Department Of Education - Michael McPadden for Congress
- Should Schools no longer be funded by Property Taxes?
- Next Obama Push: Nationalization of Education
- Race to the Top: Transparency is Missing
- U.S. Judge Grants Asylum for Homeschooling Family
- Educational Law for school assignment
- The Rhodes Legacy: Are Its Agents Shaping America's Destiny? | The Rhodes Scholarship
- Education is State/local not Federal
- The Goals Of The Moles
- Rival Groups at War
- No, Sir, That Ain't History: A Review of David Aaronovitch's "Voodoo Histories."
- Green Books for Kids and the Environmentalists' Meltdown
- Walter Williams: Black Opportunity Destruction | Ebonics hurt Black Americans
- Modern Edumecation | Spelling, Reading, Discipline nearly gone from Schools
- Why the Government Should Get Out of Education
- RI Superintendent fires every unionized HS teacher
- new curriculum proposal for N.Carolina high schools completely cuts Founding Fathers
- Obama Pushes New School Standards
- Evidence for Sex/Gender Differences in Cognition
- Report Finds College Students Fail Basic Civics Test
- Behind The Big News: Should we trust the Mainstream Media?
- To Test or Not to Test? That is the Multiple-Choice Question
- Wake County "Diversity Policy"
- Football players in trouble for "stealing" FREE newspapers
- City Budget Crisis Has Its Upside...Closing Public Schools!
- Does DPS leader's writing send wrong message?
- Beverly Eakman on the effects of the psychologized classroom, An Interview
- Proposed National Uniform Academic Standards?
- Was elementary education more balanced before the dept. of ed?
- Texas Board of Education removed Thomas Jefferson??
- Good article/blog post explaining the loan/tuition snowball effect?
- A Textbook Example of What's Wrong with Education
- Beverly Eakman: How To Counter Group Manipulation Tactics - an Overview
- Texas Board of Education Tries to Correct History
- No Child Left Behind Overhaul - Obama's Doublespeak
- Texas Textbook Massacre
- A Perfect Example of America's Education System.
- John Taylor Gatto On The Consequences Of Public Education
- Is Nick Jr’s Team Umizoomi teaching children to help….or steal?
- Obama's New Student Loan Program | Not in Americans' Best Interests
- Florida Action Item: Schools
- GASP! The Hutaree homschooled.
- Increasing Number Of Parents Opting To Have Children School-Homed
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