- Political Action Committee Treasurers
- 527
- More Money For Ron Paul - FEC Independent Expenditures
- Supreme Court's McCain Feingold Ruling 6/25/07
- 501(c)(x), PAC and Corporation Questions
- Organizing the state w/o violating laws?
- Rules for buying political ad space in small magazines?
- Are RON PAUL signs ILLEGAL in your city?
- Is This Legal?
- What are the legal limits of groups for donations?
- Donate Again?
- PAC - Political Action Commities
- Meetups and the FEC
- Should our local meetup start a PAC?
- foreigner donations?
- Automated polling legalities?
- Cable TV advertising Question
- Anyone knowledgable about Article 501c3?
- Rules regarding web advertising donations
- Would It Be Illegal To... mailboxes
- Shipping products from a business with leaflets?
- Anyone see a problem with me buying decals for people?
- Disturbing ad legality
- Putting slimjims in mailboxes, is it legal? [Admin- no, don't do it- thanks :)]
- Just a reminder what WE are up against
- I probably need a lawyer...
- Not Campaign but Fed Anti-Trust Legal
- Flyer with $1 tip attached, at bars, legal?
- Legal to setup booth in front of precinct?
- Is it Ok to promote Ron Paul on dollar bills?
- Dropping dollars from blimp???
- is there no recourse?
- Question...
- They fine the official campaign a $1000 per...?
- Advice-Election Fraud
- Censored on campus. What law did I violate?
- need help w/ copyrights
- Optical Scan Machines Violate Federal Law!
- Bizarre injury is confusing my legal options
- Setting up my will and trust
- December 21: good day for activism in the upper midwest
- Tucson, Arizona. college demanded I be searched to attend public meeting
- Citizenship denied child of military couple