View Full Version : Syria Intervention
- Lindsey Graham is a MONSTER!!!
- McCain visits with Al Qaeda in Syria
- Chemical weapons found in Syria ...
- Ben Swann: Glenn Beck Calling For A U.S. War In Syria And Another War In Iraq?
- Israeli DM Urges US Intervention/Action in Syria; Warns of 'Axis of Evil'
- Obama's Syrian Allies Destroy Another Christian Church
- Syrian activists say gas attack near Damascus kills more than 200
- Suspected Sarin Nerve Gas Attack, SYRIA: "1300 DEAD"
- Senior U.S. Democrat urges air strikes against Syria
- Breaking: U.S. Poised To Strike Syria With Missiles
- [Video] Syrian Girl: FSA Rebels Behind Chemical Attacks Blamed on Syrian Government
- War in Syria, U.S. involvement and Commentary.
- U.S. Warships Move Toward Syria
- Israel Peres Urges World to Take out Syria's Chemicals
- Yahoo 1/30/13: US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad
- Syria: if there are chemical weapons, how would you secure them without ground troops?
- Why Obama will bomb Syria
- Warmonger Chuck Hagel Backs Obama's Possible Missile Strike Against Syria
- U.S. says Syria offer to show chemical attack sites 'too late'
- As Syria War Escalates, Americans Cool to U.S. Intervention: Reuters/Ipsos Poll
- Russia says 'tragic mistake' to assign blame too soon for Syrian gas attack
- Ben Swann: What The Media Isn’t Telling You About The Syrian Chemical Attack
- Leaked Documents: U.S. Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack
- SoS Kerry has declared ChemWeapon WMD "undeniable"
- Israel Kills 3 Palestinians, Wounds 12 in West Bank as US Threatens to Attack Syria
- Breaking - Saudis offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops Syria
- Red Line: Syria/Iran threaten to destroy Israeli nuclear sites if attacked
- John Kerry should have met with disgraced former SoS Collin Powell before Syria call today
- We need to get the impeachment threat ball rolling over Syria
- Change: Only 9% Americans support US military intervention in Syria
- Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran
- New poll: Syria intervention even less popular than Congress (9% support military action...)
- IDF Alleges Assad's forces used chemical weapons
- TYT [Video]: Americans Oppose US Intervention In Syria But...
- Ted Cruz's comments on Syria
- State Department Postpones Meeting With Russia Over Syria
- What will a possible US military intervention in Syria entail?
- Hannity: No "heart & soul" if you oppose Syrian intervention
- Evidence: Syria gas attack work of U.S. allies
- Bill O'Reilly: Only "loons" oppose Syria intervention
- Peter King suggests Obama should bypass congress on Syria.
- Evidence: Syria gas attack work of U.S. allies
- Funny Syria Pic
- The dollar is NOT backed by "nothing". Attacking Syria & others gives our USD value.
- Oil Prices hit $109 Barrrel, highest in 2 years on worries of Syria war
- Michael Scheuer: Observing King Obama’s Syrian madness
- Assad: Failure awaits the US as in all previous wars it has unleashed, starting w/ Vietnam...
- MSN Poll on Syria intervention... Please vote...
- Kucinich: Striking Syria Will Make U.S. Military ‘Al-Qaeda’s Air Force’
- Breaking,America already started attacking Syria from Jordan, Explosion heard in Damascus.
- Useful information on the players behind the Syrian opposition
- Charles Krauthammer joins al-Qaeda, calls for sustained bombing in Syria
- Pope to discuss Syria crisis with King of Jordan
- TYT [Video]: How US Media Is Pushing For War With Syria
- Video: Sean Hannity says we should "stay the hell out of it" ? (regarding Syria)
- Glenn Beck’s Dire Warning: ‘We Don’t Survive’ if We Intervene in Syria
- US strike against Syria 'as early as Thursday'
- New York Times and Twitter Attacked By Syrian Electronic Army
- Here' Comes More BS,panicked calls’ prove culpability,New gas attack by Syrian army
- Is Military Intervention Ever Justifiable?
- Russia evacuates citizens from Syria as war looms
- NYTimes: Arab League Rejects Attack Against Syria
- Bill O'Reilly vs. Two Military Analysts on Syria: You don't trust the Govt!
- 'UN Says 'Rebels' Used Nerve Gas, NOT Assad's Army', Explosion in Damascus & Assad Flees - Vid
- NYTimes Opinion: Ian Hurd: Bomb Syria, Even if It Is Illegal
- Britain seeks U.N. support for action over Syrian chemical attacks
- UN Seeks More Time for Syria Chemical Probe Before U.S. Strike
- Russia: West Behavior in the Islamic World is like "A Monkey with a Grenade in it's hand"
- Mike Lee on Syria: "I do not support military intervention"
- Is It Hypocritical of Us Not to Help Syria?
- Hannity now believes in blowback
- Dennis Kucinich listens while Hannity interviews himself on Syria: "Let them all kill each oth
- US: Assad responsible even if didn't order gas attack
- Israeli False Flag In Syria, Trigger For World War 3?
- Obama: US Has 'Concluded' That Syrian Government Carried out Chemical Weapons Attack
- Donald Rumsfeld: The administration hasn’t justified a Syria attack
- Bill O'Reilly gets put to shame on his own show
- "Hypocrite of the Century": Obama hypocrisy on Syria and Gaza
- Michael Scheuer: Observing King Obama’s Syrian madness, II: Learning Americans are irrelevant
- Which News Orgs/Journalists are Currently in Syria? (if any)
- UK's Cameron forced to delay strike against Syria
- Video: The U.S. is Damned if it Does, Damned if it Doesn't in Syria (best to stay out)
- Syria's President al-Assad interview with the Russian newspaper Izvestia
- Marco Rubio breaks his silence over Syria - and says a whole lot of nothing
- Syria: Three Other Chemical Attacks by Rebels in Same Area
- Antiwar Left Stays Quiet On Syria
- More than 100 lawmakers ask Obama to seek congressional approval on Syria strikes
- Banksters attack Syria to enslave America
- Fidel Castro on Syria and Snowden
- CNN article: Syria behind chemical attack... check out the comments
- State Dept. Really doesn't know who launched the attacks
- Insecure Obama Admin Wants a Strike To Avoid Mockery
- George Galloway Heated Speech in British Parliament
- [Video] Pat Buchanan: Obama's 'Illegal War' in Syria Grounds for Impeachment
- British Parliament debates Syria intervention live
- Our War for the Muslim Brotherhood... Syria explained
- Michael Savage: We can no longer be an "Israel first" nation
- Syrian Parliament writes to British govt urging it to not bomb Syria
- David Cameron loses Syria vote in Commons
- What do Americans think about War with Syria?
- Global No War with Syria Rallies This Saturday
- Flashback: Ron Paul on Pentagon plans to attack Syria
- OMG Typical Sheeple of the Fear Mongers... Here at Democratic Un
- Biden: "If Congress won't act, we'll fight for a new Congress"
- Obama Administration: Don't Compare Syria and Iraq
- Syria crisis: France is no longer shoulder-to-shoulder with US
- NBC Pushing The Intervention, Only 50% Support lunching missiles in Syria
- Obama Ready To Go It Alone on Syria
- Syria Crisis: Germany: Count us out...
- Syria Chemical Weapons Attack Was Launched By...
- Must Read from Justin Raimondo - The case for bombing Syria is unraveling
- Report: Rebels mishandling chemical weapons responsible for incident
- Spooks on the ground in Syria Looking To Neutralize Air Defense Capabilities
- Boehner says he needs more answers from Obama
- Experts Point To Long, Glorious History Of Successful U.S. Bombing Campaigns
- Kerry's full transcripts to his call to war on Syria today.
- Cameron stunned as Parliament rejects call for Syria strike
- VIDEO: Obama's Wars: Intervention in Syria HD
- CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors
- What's old is new again: Arguing with a Liberal AGAINST Syria bombing
- Kerry's 1429 Syria Speech
- Syrians bracing for possible US strike
- Is anyone else horrible depressed about all this Syria nonsense
- Will Kerry, McCain, Rafael Ted Cruz succeed in selling Syria military intervention?
- Syria again throws spotlight on selective leak policy
- Syria's Largest City Just Dropped Off the Internet
- Shock & Awe REDUX - A look at Syria, in maps on the first day of WWIII
- Russell Brand on Alex Jones Blasts Syrian War Disinformation
- RAND Crop Study Evaluates John McCain's No Fly Zone in Syria.
- Buchanan on why neocons support Syria strike: Syria backdoor to war with Iran
- British MP links to Ron Paul's "neo-conned" video in op-ed on Syria
- Experts: Don't bomb chemical weapon sites in Syria
- Syria moves prisoners to likely targets of western military strikes
- Gohmert Talks to Fox News on Situation in Syria
- CNN Hosts Debate on Syria — And Both Sides Agree
- While Cameron Defers to Parliament, Obama Locks into Warfare State of Mind
- Putin marching Obama around the school yard by his ear
- O-Bomb-Ya to make Syria statement
- U.S. Had Intel on Chemical Strike Before It Was Launched
- Must See Video- Alan Grayson Decimates Syria War Propaganda on CNN
- Obama to seek authorization from congress for strike on Syria
- House GOP Leadership Statement on Syria
- Member of Congress berates Obama for consulting Congress on Syria
- Sen. Lindsey Graham wants aggressive U.S. strike in Syria
- A Song Dedicated to Syria
- White House sends draft Syria AUMF to Congress
- John McCain: Great Britain ‘No Longer a World Power’
- WHIP LIST: Syrian Conflict and Members Positions
- [Pic] Unidentified Navy Officer Sums It All Up #SYRIA ~ Zerohedge
- what is McConnell's stand on the war?
- Republicans McCain, Graham say cannot support limited Syria strikes
- Syrian girl's attack on McCain/Obama is too harsh
- France's Hollande facing pressure for deputies to vote on Syria
- As Obama talks new war, 100 including Nato member killed in Afghan attacks
- Where does your Congressman stand on Syria?
- Neocons Push Obama to Go Beyond a Punitive Strike in Syria
- Samples from Syria tested positive for Sarin
- Iran vows 'immediate destruction' of Israel if Syria attacked
- DHS experts now warn of a broad Syria Cyber War
- After Obama Punts Syria to Congress, more important matters: GOLF
- Syria, NSA, and Blackmail? Do the Math.
- White House to Congress: Help protect Israel
- SYRIA, Pentagon Hack: "kids weren't hurt, It was done for the cameras"
- Asma al-Assad is having her 'Marie Antoinette moment'
- France: Uh, we’re not going to strike Syria all by ourselves
- F.B.I. Sharpens Scrutiny of Syrians in U.S. for Signs of Retaliation
- Syria Releases List of Potential Targets in Israel in the event of US intervention
- Media: "Obama is a chicken! Obama is a chicken!"
- WOW!!! Former Diplomat Owns an Entire Panel of War Apologists on MSNBC!
- Drinking with Bob: No war with Syria
- Syrian Rebels Caught with Sarin Gas
- Glenn Beck endorses peace
- Obama Will Launch a Huge Propaganda Blitz – and May Attack Syria Even If He Loses the Vote in
- [Video] Chunkymark: world war syria by mrsuperbafrango
- Alan Grayson Tears Through MSM Lies on Syria today (9/1/13)
- Chemical weapons experts weigh in on Syria intelligence report
- Washington Post poll on Syria. Vote now.
- Britain sold nerve gas chemicals to Syria 10 months after war began
- Draft Resolution for Use of U.S. Military in Syria
- Arab league wants action against Syria
- Obama's history-defying decision to seek Congressional approval on Syria
- Anti-War Protesters to Cop: We Don’t Need a Permit We Have the Constitution
- Allen West: No on Syria
- GERMAN report outs Turkish PM Recep Erdogan, backed by Barack Hussein Obama, as the instigator
- [] Syria Regime Change On Bilderberg 2012 Agenda
- What's Old is New Again pt. II: More Syria/Liberal Battles
- RPI Board Members Speak Out Against US Attack on Syria
- UK Government let company export nerve gas chemicals to Syria...
- Alternative Press is why Americans oppose Syrian Intervention.
- Washington Post: After classified briefing, lawmakers skeptical on Syria attack
- USS Nimitz carrier group rerouted for possible help with Syria
- US strike on Syria 'helps al-Qaeda'
- No War with Syria Rally gets some FAIR coverage in Nashville, TN
- Obama seeks Syria support from former foe McCain
- Syria Hacks, Urges Cooperation Against Al Qaeda, Instead of Support for it
- Yes, the Syrian Rebels DO Have Access to Chemical Weapons
- September 7th Demonstrations Planned Before Congressional War Vote
- Dick van Dyke Fears for His Life if U.S. Wars with Syria
- Bankster's War? Syria/Iran only mideast nations left with their own central bank
- Russia to send delegation to US Congress for Syria talks
- Palin blasts Syria warmongers - Let Allah sort it out!
- Israel worries: Obama hesitating on Syria means he will hesitate much more in attacking Iran
- Likud MK Moshe Feiglin: Obama will pay for complications in Syria with Israeli concessions
- New Blaze Polls On Syrian Conflict
- Senator McCain Urges Congress to Protect Obama’s Threat Credibility
- Former Bush official: Syria resolution could authorize attack on Iran and Lebanon
- The Syrian Conflict: OPENING THE GATES OF HELL
- American Hypocrisy on Chemical Weapons. BOMB Syria but APPLAUD and Protect Israel
- Interactive Graphic - Where Does your Senator/Congressman Stand on War in Syria?
- England rules out a second vote over strikes on syria
- FLASHBACK: REBELS arrested with Sarin gas... (6 June 2013)
- US BOMBS Khamisiyah, Cache Containing SARIN 100k Troops Exposed
- Where the votes stand on Syria
- British military chiefs ejected from US meetings
- Disinformation From Public Comments Congress Petitions,3,357 support the Intervention However
- Intelligence Experts Decry Weak Case For Syria Strike
- Syria military mission not planned by Canada, Harper says
- Putin to (Nobel Peace Prize winner) Obama: 'Think about future Syria victims
- Syria asks United Nations to 'prevent Western aggression'
- Floodgates Open: Charles Rangel comes out strongly opposed to Syria strike
- [Zerohedge] Fiction, Fact... Or Scandal? #syria #falseflag #staged < Maybe?
- Israeli Propaganda In Full Swing On Syria
- Do you think Assad used chemical weapons on the Syrian people?
- Breaking! Russia’s early radars detect launch of two ballistic rockets in Mediterranean
- Rangel (D-N.Y.) wants to bring back the draft before Syria vote
- Need Help with Letter to Congressman (re: Syria strike)
- German intelligence concludes sarin gas used on Assad’s orders
- Ted Cruz heaps praise on a dumb neocon Kelly Ayotte
- Israel Test Fires Missles TOWARDS Syria
- Obama AUMF Request NOT LIMITED to Syria
- AIPAC on board for Syria strike
- Pelosi's vs. Her 5-Year-Old Grandson on Syria
- Rush Limbaugh: Syria chemical attack a false flag
- Obama Plans To Further Arm And Bolster Rebels After Strike
- South Carolina Tea Partiers Draft Resolution to Replace Lindsey Graham
- Boehner and Canter back Obama's use of force
- Boehner supports Obama's war, Justin Amash for speaker
- BASHAR A'AFARI on total rant CNN LIVE
- McConnell offers no support for military strike against Syria
- Rep. Vicky Hartzler want to hear your tweet on Syria
- Chemical weapons in Syria and the U.S. dropping the bomb on Japan
- Drudge slams GOP establishment
- Bruce Fein: Syria: A Turning Point Against Empire? (HuffPo 9/3/13)
- Why is Judge Napolitano spreading this BS?
- Pew: Americans against Syria strike, 48%-29%, fear backlash
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