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- Welcome to the Guest Forum
- Guests Welcome To Debate Here, No Registration Required!
- Peaceful Resistance Towards Glassholes
- The American Majority adopting Ron Paul's foreign policy over Syria
- The Ask A Communist Thread
- Jesus & Anarchist [Mod title update]
- Rand Paul
- Today on ABC This Week Obama admitted to starting the civil war in Syria
- Marx thought libertarianism was a good idea...
- Campaign Signs
- Do some members of "anonymous" hinder more than help?
- Getting best price when selling gold?
- Is the tea party now dead?
- Extraction of Wealth: Are We Slaves to the System?
- I want to release myself from my Social Security Number
- Policy Politics ... easy wins for the liberty movement
- Galatians 2:4 - This matter arose because some false believers had infiltrated our ranks.
- Welcome. Now get off the internet!
- I'm almost ready to abandon the conservatives and the Republican Party.
- Obama is not a liberal
- Why did the economy boom during the 1950's when the top tax rate was 91%?
- America has the highest gun violence in the world
- Why do other countries with "socialized medicine" have better health care?
- Libertarian policies were already tried... It was called the Articles of Confederation
- Do Libertarians support the Citizens United decision?
- How will Rand Paul beat Hillary Clinton?
- Why do theives that steal from others have more than before they stole?
- Are you a Real libertarian or a ROYAL libertarian
- What the hell is going on?!
- tourist and toll road violation.....any help on this would be appreciated....
- Hello I love Ron Paul
- How ending the gold standard made medicare unsustainable
- Dear Ben Affleck, Meet Coffee! Wake Up and Smell! "We" don't "help" ANYONE
- Benghazi / Chichen Itza
- perpetual assets
- Bolil, please delete some old messages so that I can reply to you.
- SEE RANK A Conspiracy on Jekyll Island Movie
- What's your 20 on this?
- REAL guerilla marketing..
- Woman dies in Florida due to State's refusal to expand medicaid
- Rand Paul
- So what is to be done about the people who can't afford the equilibrium price?
- Why I stand with Mr. Bundy
- Bundy - OT split
- 2014 will mark smallest deficit since 1980
- LA Times: 12 million newly insured, uninsured rate has dropped 6% since 2008
- Why do conservatives employ Keynesian thinking when discussing outsourcing and automation?
- A jury trial in Clark county Nv.
- A $10.10 minimum wage would force Walmart to raise prices by exactly one penny
- Caution: Dwelve in with an open mind- Craziest thread I have read in a while
- Happy 4/20 Easter from Stoner Jesus!
- Prepare for an increase in entrepreneurship thanks to ACA
- Two points on public education
- Will the crappy job market for people just coming out of college create a socialist impulse?
- I am sick of New Yorkers complaining about high rents
- Alliance for the Decentralization of Power
- 10 poverty myths busted
- Is there a more hypocritical person than a pro-life libertarian
- Ralph Nader has blood on his hands - split thread
- Libertarianism is just as extreme and misguided as socialism
- Rand Paul, Florida and Rodham
- Old people, health insurance, and the free market
- Highest Minimum-Wage State Washington Beats U.S. in Job Creation
- One of my favorite passages from an economics book
- Christie Pushes E-Cigarette Tax to Plug $807 Million Deficit
- Minimum wage as a means to lessen the amount of theft that takes place
- No Taxes For Government Employees
- Machinery and our society based on jobs
- Why I am opposed to subsidized student loans
- This boy was asking this question to the people of this board in 1937 regarding capitalism
- Gallup Poll: More Americans Buy Health Insurance on Their Own
- New Libertarian documentary
- What are some specific examples of government regulation that increase health insurance costs?
- Massive Republican bubble on Obamacare
- What did Russia do wrong?
- 'Libertarian' cartoonist Ben Garrison goes Bolshevik!
- Older video that inspires...
- "They Fought for Our Freedom": American Veterans Abused by the Police State
- The government as the employer of last resort
- How would ambulance service work?
- Admit it folks: the only reason you are against abortion is because Ron is against it
- Are the prospects for libertarians dim?
- Corporate profits at record highs, but where are the jobs
- Jeff Gordon Has Endorsed Ron Paul On Several Occasions...
- Bio Terrorism is Getting Big
- Congratulations Ron Paul Forums - The Establishment is "Quixotic"!!!
- What is a better outcome in a Paulite's world?
- Price controls are harmful only because industry is not an operation of the state
- Looking for Pro-Life Audio
- the price system is bad for economic productivity and jobs
- Peter Joseph sums it up perfectly
- We need mass immigration
- We need to stop viewing taxation as theft and start viewing it as payment for services
- Study: States that raised minimum wage had stronger job growth
- Fire Departments and Police Departments: precise examples of Socialism
- I concede one point regarding the free market price system
- Krugman: Obamacare Fails to Fail
- Kansas Gov cuts taxes, disaster strikes
- Why the "seen, unseen" parable doesn't always work
- Time to admit who I am
- Is the Benghazi "scandal" real?
- Faded Glory
- Neutral Nation
- Republican-led House Intelligence Committee debunks Benghazi "Scandal"
- I feel sorry for Ventura - Catch 22
- HuffingtonPost calls out Sen. Rand Paul (R-Fencepost)
- Why do Paulites have no empathy for immigrants?
- Music from the heart for the soul
- Rand Paul
- Imagine
- Rand Paul's Romance With Realism
- I admit it: RPF is the most tolerant forum for dissenting opinions
- ‘Police-Initiated Violence Should Surprise No One’ by Ron Paul
- Nate Silver's Website: "The Rand Paul will win over young voters myth"
- Oops: Health care premiums fall in Arkansas
- Romney leads Iowa by double digits - duplicate thread
- What do you think is responsible for the growing support of statism in economic affairs?
- Even though his show has ended, fortunately his voice can still be heard
- Cannot figure out how to keep my savings safe!
- Regarding the 2nd Amendment...
- I just discovered a religion I can get into...
- Obama To Resign?
- Liberty information blitz on Oct 20th
- Imagine
- Former Military Officer Antonio Buehler vs. Criminal Cops of Austin (TX)
- picketing Just Brakes
- Is it possible for a government to protect life and liberty without violating property?
- "Governors who refuse to expand medicaid are killing people"- a common claim I hear
- RE::::Thread: Economic isolationism: Taxation, FACTA, and the Fall of the American Empire
- are gun lovers allowed to post here?
- Does anyone know what happened to Awake?
- does Ron Paul have asperger's?
- Warm Wishes
- TSA picks on old lady and child.
- "The Federal Government is a Racket, Engaged in Racketeering"
- How can Rand Paul conceivably win the nomination?
- Alex Jones gets his @#$ handed to him by Bill Ayers
- Can a patient opt out of EHR?
- FYI on the Drudge Poll
- ATF Raided my home....
- Atf Search Warrant post
- 404 error at registration screen
- When will Paulites realize that "more freedom" does not necessarily equal "more good?"
- omg is Sarah Palin running for Prez?
- Texas SFL Students Stranded in DC
- Neighbor Pushing Snow into Road
- Open Letter to Eric Holder, re. Ferguson Report
- What is the status of Sound Money Promotion Act
- Matthew Libman and Jesse Jackson Occupy Wall Street: NYC, 2012
- I find it funny how all the inflation truthers disappeared...
- I support the Indiana law (not for religious purposes), but I have a question
- I'm conflicted on "public accommodation" laws
- Religious liberty
- Welcome DP exiles
- The Environment
- Why do liberals think that in order to "improve access to something", it must be subsidized?
- how over-regulation / taxes are killing online poker
- Fundraising Repercussions of Those Who Rebelled Against Boehner
- Why did Massie vote for sanctions on Lebanon?
- Andrew Kaczynski of Buzzfeed Proudly Announces He is an Idiot
- Rand Paul Animal Welfare
- An Anti-Semitic Mind?
- water
- Rand & Separation of church and state
- Greg Gutfeld Calls Himself a Libertarian? shameful!
- I'm not sure I'll be too sad if Hillary wins
- RIP BuddyRey
- Gay Rights
- Guy tired of dealing with the system...
- Is Incest Legal Now?
- Peikoff on Informed Verbal Consent for Sex
- is this possible to get my old account back?
- TIME 100 Charles Koch & David Koch By Rand Paul
- please look at this.
- Chris Christie vs Rand Paul
- If not Rand...who?
- Ebola at CT Quinnipiac University
- Car vs Tornado
- To the guy worried about "favorability ratings"
- Shot in the dark
- ok I contacted the campaign store and told thm the issue with the cart
- Hillary: I'm Sorry
- 2016 Republican Foreign Policy
- I can't post... (?)
- Irwin Schiff (Feb. 23 1928 - Oct. 16 2015)
- ron paul austrian economics is wrong
- Lets Take down FAux news!
- There is no VAT in Hong Kong
- Why does this forum insult Bernie supporters?
- Ron Paul says all bailouts are bad
- Libertarian voting for Bernie Sanders in primary
- The evil Russians Dems and Repubs want to someday bomb
- "We have Corporatism, not capitalism."
- To you Trump supporters
- Dr.Polins
- Can't Post With Registered Account
- How would Paul answer: Taxation is theft
- If Rand wins Iowa
- Digital currency backed by gold??
- harassment at windsor/detroit border
- The statist keynesian experiment
- The time is now
- Carly Fiorina exposed (45 second video)
- Collective insanity
- Only 9 dead in Texas flood, media freaks out.
- Jobs, interest rates, gold and the USD
- At least 50 dead after a gay nightclub shooting in Orlando
- Hunting with the use of hounds
- Huge rally in gold - up $100 oz in overnight trading
- Can I hire an attorney to post my bond?
- How to obtain surety bond in Texas?
- We have to support Israel.
- Too big and powerful to jail
- Counterfeit Maple Leafs
- Ron Paul Gold 10th ounce?
- Why are some Libertarians rejecting Trump?
- A Rabbit Hole on This Horrible Election
- Scott Foval of Project Veritas Fame is losing it!
- Please help give this thread support ASAP
- Netflix true crime series Narcos spurs huge demand for Colombian women.
- Edward Snowden - Donald Trump Pardon - Latest Interview Russia -
- problems and solutions
- Interesting RF related stuff for hardware/software gurus here
- Do you believe Trump will be the worst post-war president?
- Anti-Tobacco idea in Russia
- 2,000 out of 6,000 Federal Whistleblowers Allegedly Face Retaliation
- DD on drivers license
- Energy Drinks and Coffee next ?
- Didn't Mr. Paul just waste his time in government?
- Netflix true crime series Narcos spurs huge demand for Colombian women.
- MSO/MCO for an automobile
- Adverse effects of healing frequencies
- 50 years ago today
- My first post
- Trump Vs Democracy
- My First Post
- Pope: USA must be ruled by a world government ASAP
- US Antartica Policy
- What if Rand ran as a Democrat in 2020?
- Nonintervention Is My First Concern, but I Have Nobody Represent Me
- List of Libertarian Professional Services?
- Wasn't Libertarianism tried in the 1920s?
- Top 3 Picture Perfect Wildlife spots of Singapore
- Bilderbergs Caught UP
- Any Ayn Rand Fans?
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