View Full Version : Writing Projects

  1. I propose a Ron Paul FAQ
  2. The Ron Paul Wiki
  3. Letters to the Editor
  4. Good Ron Paul Quotes
  5. first draft: My letter to a local liberal rag:
  6. The Ron Paul Slogan Factory
  7. Ads for local newspapers
  8. Resource for finding newspapers
  9. Wiki...
  10. Welcome to the Writing Projects forum!
  11. don't forget- Write to your newspaper!
  12. Newspaper Writing Campaign
  13. Write articles to your local paper: template
  14. All Parties United for Ron Paul
  15. Flyer with tear off URLs for public bulletin boards?
  16. Just Another Prick in the Hall
  17. Pamphlet series on the issues
  18. another LTE
  19. I want Ron Paul to read a play I wrote
  20. Here's a project I am working on
  21. Pen Pals for Paul - Mailing the Mainstream
  22. An Embarrassing Question
  23. Should be more carefull......
  24. Offense?
  25. Write a letter to the Editor in support of Ron Paul!
  26. Newspaper Friendly Ron Paul Editorial
  27. Looking for help with grassroots blog
  28. My Letter to the Texas Libertarian Party
  29. Hopefully the best Downloadable PDF RP Flyers you'll ever see
  30. Ron Paul Handouts. One Humorous One Patriotic
  31. Ron Paul jokes
  32. A blog from a member of our local group
  33. Respond to media oversight on Ron Paul in Iowa
  34. Issues Blogs
  35. Ron Paul Shune
  36. Ron Paul needs a good speech writer and I've written a good speech
  37. Just Who Is For Ron Paul (comments welcome)
  38. Templates to get Dr. Paul in the Mainstream Press
  39. Which Aspects of the Campaign Best Apply To Democracts?
  40. Call For Immediate Help In Iowa
  41. Ron Paul and the Department of Eating
  42. Quote Pamphlet
  43. A script with many potential uses Call Script, Radio Spot, etc
  44. Independent Grass Roots Campaign Cookbook
  45. What do ya think...
  46. Operation Letters To The Editor
  47. Can I help?
  48. Urgent: Please Create a Script for this Ad
  49. Need some help here...
  50. Letter to College paper
  51. What kind of slogans does Dr. Paul need?
  52. Debate Transcript
  53. First Blog Post WIP
  54. Great quote resources for videos, sig lines, comments, blog posts etc.
  55. Ron Pauls Voting Record Since Jan 1997
  56. Writing for earn money for Ron Paul!
  57. Use these QUOTES!
  58. Sick and Tired of today's media
  59. Nation-Wide Writers, Media Publications, and Delegates for Ron Paul Meetup Group
  60. Five Points of Difference in R.P's Campaign
  61. International Writers Please
  62. Calling all writers: A Time for Choosing
  63. Needed: Arabic speaker/writer
  64. Idea: Emailing Family and Friends
  65. Please help NJ if that
  66. Top Digg.com Ron Paul Article!
  67. Blitz The Media December 14th
  68. An Open Letter to a Fellow Citizen
  69. An email to all my friends before the boston tea party !
  70. Letters To Editors
  71. Tip an Iowan Waitress for Ron Paul [Hillary stiffed her!]
  72. No Ron, No Rep....
  73. Just wrote a letter to the editor: "Comfortably Numb?"
  74. Write to your church missionaries
  75. Tim Russert/MSNBC
  76. Could we poll Guiliani contributors?
  77. Reaching homeschoolers for Ron Paul
  78. We need to have an organized list...
  79. Ron Paul acrostic Need Help!
  80. A great resource for those of us without formal graphic arts training!
  81. Email Forwards
  82. Ron Paul Zines- Get Creative!
  83. Fliers I designed.
  84. Wild Idea : A WIKI SPEECH.
  85. Ron Paul Comic Strips
  86. I Recruited Three New Donors with this Letter
  87. Freedom Engineering: An Online Anarcho-Capitalist Adventure Series
  88. Possible song Lyrics for a musician to use
  89. "Paul, Peace, and Prosperity"
  90. Christianity: Religion of War?
  91. Hypothetical Ron Paul Inaugural Address
  92. Write My District!