View Full Version : Dave Brat Forum

  1. Eric Cantor’s Challenger from the Right
  2. Cantor’s Big Business Agenda Sparks Primary Challenge
  3. Eric Cantor Primary Opponent Dave Brat
  4. Eric Cantor Primary Opponent Dave Brat
  5. New PAC Targeting Eric Cantor! Like and Share RINO CANTOR
  6. Cantor Forces Repelled and Mocked at 7th District Convention
  7. Dave Brat Addresses the 7th District Republican Convention in Virginia
  8. David Brat takes on Eric Cantor
  9. Will Virginia GOPs be fooled?
  10. Eric Cantor to lose primary? [Update: Cantor Loses!!]
  11. Cantor, Brat, and the immigration issue....
  12. Dave Brat Money Bomb thread
  13. Dave Brat -The dragon slayer from VA District 7
  14. Democrats Say They Elected Brat
  15. Dave Brat: “The government holds a monopoly on violence.”
  16. Dave Brat campaign manager: Lew Rockwell reader, Austrian Economics geek, Ron Paul supporter
  17. Up Next for Dave Brat: #LibertyKaraoke Fundraiser in DC 6/19
  18. Brat Foments Controversy with Statement
  19. Tea Party rides anti-NDAA sentiment to victory in Virginia
  20. Dave Brat Forum Guidelines
  21. Dave Brat hires former Cantor operative to run campaign
  22. Eric Cantor to resign from Congress on August 18
  23. Dave Brat is GOP nominee for Nov 4 Special Election
  24. Here's a Profile of Dave you can spread around Tumblr
  25. Dave Brat rally featuring Rand Paul in Ashland, VA 10/15
  26. Dave Brat Wins 61-37
  27. Brat Votes "No" On NDAA
  28. Brat Votes "NO" On CRomnibus Spending Bill
  29. Brat: Thank you, Speaker Boehner, for extending this invitation to PM Netanyahu
  30. Dave Brat Votes For NDAA 2016
  31. TLR: Rep Dave Brat Perfectly Explains GOP Skepticism Of The TPP
  32. Brat on #ObamaTrade
  33. The New American's Freedom Index: Dave Brat scores 80%
  34. Brat on Meet The Press
  35. Op-Ed by Congressman Dave Brat: Not so fast, Paul Ryan
  36. Rep Dave Brat: When did Americans get to vote for the system we have?
  37. Rep. Dave Brat: Congress must address Americans' real concerns
  38. Rep. Brat: 2016 Spending Bill a Disaster
  39. Rep. Dave Brat: Merry Christmas America, here's Omnibus!
  40. The bucks stop with Brat, the economics professor, on federal spending