View Full Version : Walter Jones Forum
- N.C. Congressman Walter Jones is an avid Ron Paul supporter
- Walter Jones, GOP Congressman, signs on to investigate Bush
- Dr. Paul Chats With Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC)
- Walter Jones on Ron Paul's HR 1207 on Fox Business
- GOP Congressman Repents Iraq War Vote (Walter Jones of North Carolina)
- Jason Chaffetz Joins Walter Jones and Ron Paul in Opposing P.A.
- Walter Jones on John Hostettler
- Ron Paul, Walter Jones Write Letter Opposing Obama’s NAFTA-Style Korea Free Trade De
- Is there an article about Walter Jones being denied Armed Services Chairmanship?
- Walter Jones & Ron Paul Urge Colleagues To Oppose The So-Called Free Trade Agmt. w/ Korea
- Walter Jones letter to Ron Paul
- Antiwar Radio: Representative Walter Jones interviewed about the wars
- Ron Paul's Subcommittee hearing next Wednesday, Walter Jones
- Reps. Ron Paul, Barbara Lee & Walter Jones Introduce Bill to End Afghan War
- Walter Jones want some input
- Freedom Watch 3/15/11 - Walter Jones, Gerald Celente
- Antiwar Radio: Interview with Walter Jones
- Walter Jones again
- Freedom Watch 3/29/11 - Gary Johnson, Walter Jones, Walter Williams, Michael Scheuer
- Freedom Watch 4/07/11 - Walter Jones, Peter Schiff
- GOP Rep. Walter Jones says ‘let’s declare victory and bring our troops home’
- Did anyone tube Walter Jones Anti-Afghanistan War rant on the Situation Room right now?
- Ever heard of this guy? Representative Walter B. Jones
- Congressman Walter Jones wrote me back
- Did you know US Rep Walter Jones has endorsed Ron Paul? According to The Hill, he has.
- US Rep Walter Jones (R-North Carolina) Endorses Ron Paul
- Rep Walter Jones "Media Arrogant To Ignore Ron Paul" - Jack Hunter's Blog on RP2012
- Rep Walter Jones cites media ‘arrogance’ for lack of coverage of Ron Paul
- Liberty Rally - Greenville NC - Congressman Walter Jones and Ron Paul
- Rep Walter Jones On The Jason Lewis Show
- Rep. from NC3 Walter B Jones calls RP "A True Constitutionalist."
- Ron Paul, Walter Jones visit Eastern N.C., touch on issues
- Has Walter Jones officially endorsed Ron Paul?
- Ron Paul should coSponsor Walter Jones bill to Impeach Obama
- Walter Jones on Alex Jones today
- Congressman Walter Jones: It’s Time to Bring Our Troops Home
- Congressman Walter Jones: Middle East will Implode under Obama
- Btw, Walter Jones won reelection - does he want to carry the torch?
- Rep. Walter Jones surprised at being kicked off committee
- Rep. Walter Jones: We need to get out of Afghanistan
- Walter Jones on Gun laws post-Newtown
- Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC): Obama Guilty of War Crimes
- Walter Jones and Charles Rangel hold press conference on Syria
- Congressman Walter Jones to speak at Honor the Oath
- Alex Jones interviews Rep. Walter Jones
- Congressman Walter Jones at "Honor the Oath" in Raleigh NC
- Walter Jones to oppose U.S. military aid in Mali
- Walter Jones: Cheney will rot in hell
- Cool picture of Ron Paul and Walter Jones
- Liberty For All pledges to defend Walter Jones who faces primary challenge
- Liberty for All Super PAC to Support and Defend Walter Jones
- Walter Jones meets with Judge Napolitano
- Is RPF supporting Walter Jones for re election or this guy?
- Rep. Walter Jones to vote "no" on Syria attack
- Rep. Walter Jones on The Alex Jones Show 9/18/13
- Walter Jones has an establishment primary opponent
- Breaking: Walter Jones' primary opponent will now run as a democrat.
- Congressman Walter Jones Exposes Massive 9/11 Conspiracy [who financed hijackers?]
- Walter Jones' opponent attacks him for wanting to impeach Bush and Cheney
- Walter Jones could use a campaign boost
- GOP establishment, including Romney's campaign mgr, fundraising for Walter Jones' opponent
- Koch Pac vs Israel Pac in Walter Jones primary
- Bill Kristol declares war on Congressman Walter Jones
- RLC Endorses Walter Jones in NC CD-03
- Laura Ingraham Interviews Walter Jones' GOP Primary Opponent
- Sarah Palin endorses primary challenger to Walter Jones
- Ron Paul endorses Walter Jones
- Official Walter Jones primary results thread (update: Walter wins)
- Walter Jones Survives Well-Funded Primary Challenge From Bush Crony
- Pat Buchanan: Walter Jones Repels a War Party Attack
- Ron Paul: Pro-Peace Candidate Rep. Walter Jones Wins North Carolina Primary
- JD Hayworth & Rush Limbaugh endorse Walter Jones' victory in NC
- Rush Limbaugh: Establishment came after Walter Jones with a million dollars and they failed
- Walter Jones votes against more gov't spying
- Rep. Walter Jones discusses Iraq on C-SPAN's Washington Journal - Friday at 8:20 am
- Walter Jones on C-SPAN's Washington Jn this morning
- [Video] Thomas Massie on Walter Jones' Washington Watch 6/25/14
- Former Commission Heads Endorse Rep. Walter Jones' 9/11 Declassification Bill
- Who Has Courage to Defy AIPAC? Only Justin Amash, Walter Jones, Tom Massie, and Mark Sanford
- Ron Paul interviews Rep. Walter Jones, declassifying 9/11 secrets and foreign policy discussed
- Rep. Walter Jones: “Hamilton Gave us Impeachment; Use the Constitution;” Lawsuits Don’t Work
- Walter Jones discusses 9/11 report on MSNBC
- Rand Paul heading to the Carolinas endorsing Tillis & Walter Jones
- Neocons attack Rand for campaigning with Walter Jones
- [Video] Rand Paul and Walter Jones on North Carolina radio show
- Walter Jones on Laura Ingraham show
- Walter Jones re-elected to congress in 2014 with 68% of vote
- Walter Jones to face tough RINO challenge in 2016
- Walter Jones talks foreign policy on Washington Watch
- NC Rep. Walter Jones Endorses Sen. Rand Paul for 2016
- Rep. Walter Jones endorses Rand Paul for president
- Rep. Walter Jones Uncovers 9/11 | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - Ora TV
- Walter Jones floor speech: Afghanistan - Graveyard of Empires
- Walter Jones on The Laura Ingraham Show discusses TPP
- Welcome to the new Walter Jones Forum!
- Congressman Walter Jones on the staggering $18 trillion debt
- Walter Jones and Jim McGovern start Constitutional War Study Group
- Walter Jones discusses Constitutional War Study Group on C-SPAN Washington Journal 5/1/15
- Congressman Jones Raises Hell Over Defense Contractor Waste
- Jones And Mcgovern Urge Boehner To Take Action On Existing AUMF Request
- GOP Establishment Readying New Primary Challenge for Walter Jones
- Walter Jones speaks on urging Boehner to take up an AUMF - 6/4/15
- Walter Jones op-ed: ‘I oppose fast track’
- Walter Jones Votes Against Unconstitutional Obamatrade
- Congressman Jones forces a debate on the US strategy against ISIL
- Walter Jones Named Most Conservative in NC Delegation
- Walter Jones Primary Challenger Taylor Griffin Looks for Rematch in 2016
- Walter Jones: Here We Go Again
- Taylor Griffin Announces 2016 Congressional Campaign
- The New American's Freedom Index: Walter Jones scores 90%
- NC Congressman Walter Jones stands with Mark Meadows, tells CNN Boehner is Bully who MUST GO
- Walter Jones speaks at Young Americans for Liberty 2015 national convention
- Walter Jones on The John Fredericks Show 8/6/15
- Walter Jones on The Alex Jones Show discusses why Boehner must go (TUBE added)
- Thomas Massie endorses Walter Jones for re-election: "The most courageous man in congress"
- Walter Jones on Iran deal, Trump and running in 2016 (video)
- Jones Calls On Feds Not To Overregulate Spiny Dogfish
- Walter Jones Cosponsors Bill To Impeach EPA Administrator
- Walter Jones on The Alex Jones Show discusses Boehner resignation
- Hero: Walter Jones killed McCarthy's Speaker bid?!
- Heritage Action: Walter Jones top North Carolina GOP conservative
- Dave Brat to campaign for Walter Jones
- Walter Jones on NewsmaxTV 10/9/15
- Walter Jones on The Laura Ingraham Show 10/5/15
- Walter Jones outraised in 2015 Q3
- Walter Jones Questions Strategy in Afghanistan (video)
- Walter Jones Receives Award For Fighting Unconstitutional Obamatrade
- Walter Jones Votes Against Raising Debt Limit
- Walter Jones votes against NDAA
- Walter Jones Urges Speaker To Allow Debate on ISIS AUMF
- Walter Jones Demands Answers On Pentagon’s Sheltering Of Afghan Child Rapists
- Walter Jones votes no on Paul Ryan for House Speaker
- Walter Jones’ Leadership Letter Solidifies Outsider Image Ahead of Rematch
- Jones-Griffin Race Another Front in GOP Civil War
- Wow. Taylor Griffin IS being bankrolled by Wall Street & K Street.
- Walter Jones on Paul Ryan, budget battle (video)
- Walter Jones radio interview on Veteran's Day
- REP. WALTER JONES: Congress must defund Obama's reckless refugee plans
- Congressman Walter Jones on Syrian Refugee Bill
- Walter Jones files for re-election
- NC congressman hacks at $1.1 trillion budget with sword
- Taylor Griffin Being Funded From Out-Of-State
- Walter Jones-If Rand drops out I will endorse Trump
- Walter Jones on Your World w/ Neil Cavuto 12/21/15
- Jones Calls for House Oversight Hearing on Waste in Afghanistan
- Phyllis Schlafly Endorses Walter Jones for North Carolina’s 3rd District
- FreedomWorks PAC Endorses Rep. Walter Jones for Re-Election
- Jones sees debt as national threat
- 10-term NC Rep. Walter Jones faces formidable primary challenge
- Walter Jones on The John Fredericks Show 2/11
- [Video] Walter Jones speaks on waste, fraud, & abuse in Afghanistan 2/2/16
- Vietnam Veterans of America thank Walter Jones
- Is Walter Jones in trouble?
- [Video] Walter Jones speaks on Pentagon waste in Afghanistan 2/24
- Primary date moved to June 7th, runoff rule eliminated
- Walter Jones on wasteful spending in Afghanistan 3/15
- Congressman moves to block porn on federal computers
- The 13-year wait for 2 widows and a congressman comes to an end
- Jones Defends Religious Liberty Against Obamacare Mandate
- Facebook post from Walter Jones for Congress
- Walter Jones on The Alex Jones Show 3/31/16
- Jones leads in 3rd District cash
- Walter Jones speaks about the debt and Afghanistan 4/19
- Walter Jones urges President Obama to release 9/11 papers
- Walter Jones to Meet with Intelligence Director on Declassifying 9/11 Report
- Jones Receives Award From The American Conservative Union
- Walter Jones speaks at press conference urging AUMF debate - 5/12/16
- Walter Jones calls on Obama to release 28 pages - 5/12/16
- ALIPAC targets DC Lobbyist Taylor Griffin for defeat, supports Walter Jones
- Taylor Griffin attacks Walter Jones on Iran
- Jones meets with DNI Clapper on 28 pages
- Jones Calls for Resignation of Senior VA Official Who Heads Suspicious Veterans “Charity”
- Walter Jones interviewed by Ed Schultz on 9/11 pages
- GOP mega-donor backs eastern NC Rep. Jones’ primary foe
- NRA endorses Walter Jones
- Jones Wins ‘Fiscal Hero’ Award
- Walter Jones ad rebuts Griffin Lies
- Jones Wins Award For Fighting For Military Personnel
- Meet The Candidates - Walter Jones on GPAT TV
- [Update] Walter Jones wins NC-03 primary by 45 point margin!
- Walter Jones to face Ernest Reeves in general election for NC-03
- Why Walter Jones is my favorite congressman
- Jones And Massie Introduce Amendment To Cut Post-speaker Office
- Walter Jones Introduces Resolution To Declassify The 28 Pages
- Jones delivers on promise to 9/11 families
- Walter Jones on 9/11 report and TPP (John Fredericks Show 8/22)
- Walter Jones floor speech on national debt 9/14
- Walter Jones discusses declassification of 28 pages
- Representative Walter Jones on Remembering America's Fallen Heroes
- Jones Celebrates Victory For 9/11 Families
- R. Lee Ermey endorses Walter Jones (video)
- Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC): Don’t Undercut the 9/11 Victims Bill (JASTA)!
- Congressman Walter Jones on US Financing of ‘Ghost Soldiers’ in Afghanistan
- Jones disappointed with both Trump, Clinton
- Walter Jones 2016 election results thread [Update: Walter wins!]
- 'Asking God To Forgive Me': N.C. Lawmaker Seeks Redemption For War Votes
- Rep. Walter Jones’ Tireless Effort to End the Afghanistan War
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