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  1. The End of Dollar Hegemony by Ron Paul
  2. Bush says Ron Paul is "... naive."
  3. "Paul denies report he compared NH tax evaders to Ghandi" - Boston Globe
  4. Ron Paul first contact Poll
  5. Does RP believe in global warming?
  6. RP interview - Legal immigration
  7. Where is Truckin' Mike?
  8. Ron Paul Jokes ;)
  9. MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: Lawyers for Ron Paul Lawsuit NOTE: Having the lawsuit not up 4 debate
  10. Good '70s cheese.
  11. What's your favorite Ron Paul picture?
  12. Only $9,000 to go for Air Force Ron!!!
  13. >>>>hold!!!<<<<
  14. Fire!!!!!!
  15. Ron Paul Doesn't Accept Evolution?
  16. YouTube Video: McLaughlin awards Person of the Year to Ron Paul
  17. Ron Paul vs. the Dirty Tricksters
  18. 2001 Space Odessey Ron Paul Payday Video now #67 Top Rated N&P Today at YouTube
  19. R O N P A U L !!!!!
  20. Election Surprise: Judge Roy Moore Backs Ron Paul
  21. How does Ron stay so calm?
  22. Sound Bites for Ron Paul
  23. "Unbiased" Candidate Comparison Sheet
  24. Stumping for Ron Paul at the gas station.
  25. Incredible! Ron Paul profiled by the BBC
  26. Confessions of a Defecting Democrat --- Why Ron Paul is the Perfect Candidate...
  27. Ron Paul drinks Fiji water
  28. Is this Website Legit?
  29. Trilateral Commission alarmed that Dr. Paul is causing “significant future damage.”
  30. Ron Paul Spaceship Progress Report
  31. What's on your pumpkin?
  32. ~~~ Ron Paul Video Archives ~~~
  33. Prediction: Ron Paul will not run in 2012
  34. Ron Paul a "conspiracy theorist" by Politico
  35. Ron Paul's Views on the cold war be?
  36. Article: Ron Paul "Fight them over there vs. over here' a false choice"
  37. What if? by Ron Paul
  38. Ron Paul: We need to take out the CIA!
  39. Why Has Dr. Paul Never Publicly Demanded The IRS To "Show Us The Law?"
  40. Dr. Paul does not dismiss a run in 2012 - What do we do different in 2011?
  41. Ron Paul - Our Power Our Responsibility
  42. Ron Paul was originally for open borders (a more principled libertarian stance)
  43. RP to Congress: Iran sanctions=act of war
  44. M.C. Hammer Supported Ron Paul
  45. CNN - Ron Paul ponders 2012! "I am very serious about thinking about it all the time"
  46. Daily Paul: Ron Paul Confirmed To Run In 2012? [MOD NOTE: Not yet]
  47. Ron Paul addresses recent rumors of 2012 campaign
  48. Video - Ron Paul on Alex Jones 8/18/10 addresses rumors about a 2012 run
  49. RP has no plans to announce prez run this year
  50. Ron Paul on 2012: "Degree of Support Will be a Major Factor in Decision"
  51. I need help to become a delegate!
  52. First thread
  53. Rp 2012
  54. Road to success starts here
  55. Ron Paul Media-Trix and Ron Paul 300
  56. Ron Paul Has NEVER Argued for Cuts in Defense Spending
  57. In at the start
  58. Ideas for winning the Ames strawpoll
  59. Here's a photo. Free to use.
  60. Ron paul
  61. How to capitalize on Rand's victory and get that support behind Ron?
  62. Ron Paul 2012 begins now...Moneybomb!!!
  63. Ron Paul 2012 videos
  64. Google TV
  65. Phone Banking...
  66. Ron Paul 2012: We are Running to Win, Right?
  67. how will rp do in ky after rands wins?
  68. Everyone check out Rand's new ad
  69. Best technology for campaign
  70. How does Gary Johnson fit into 2012?
  71. What do you think of this RP2012 video concept
  72. Building a List of Reasonable and Purposeful Endorsements
  73. 2007 TIME article: Ron Paul for President 2.0?
  74. Google TV Ads makes it easy for individuals to put commercials on tv
  75. How did Ron Paul win Jefferson county in Iowa?
  76. When / where will Ron announce for 2012?
  77. Ron Paul stickers
  78. Chris Christie for VP?
  79. Ron should rip off this old Nixon commercial!
  80. If Ron Paul Announces 2012, I pledge to attack his competition
  81. Lock Up Ron,Peter Schiff And A Debating Coach For A Year
  82. 2012: End of the world...
  83. If Palin Runs For President?
  84. Politico article on 2012 ignores Ron Paul
  85. Run ron run
  86. Any Technical Or Statistical Way Of 'Keeping An Eye On' Youtube
  87. We need to treat Ron Paul like a product and market him effectively
  88. Exit polling
  89. Meetup or CFL?
  90. Mike Huckabee going to Kentucky to Campaign for Rand Paul
  91. Media blackout
  92. 2008 Election Focus Groups...What can we learn?
  93. Talking to Republicans on the Issues [Coming Soon]
  94. Ron Paul: "I may run again"
  95. Excellent debate from Value Voters in 2007
  96. 2012: The Revolution Continues! [video]
  97. The Ron Paul Project
  98. Nov 5 2010 is Ron Paul 2012 Sign Waving Day
  99. r3VOLution?
  100. Initial small effort support
  101. I think Ron just hinted he's going to run in 2012 on FBN
  102. Could the Tea Party successes stifle Ron Paul's chances?
  103. Ron Paul Subtly Announces He's Running for President in 2012?
  104. ron paul signs on google street view post here
  105. Ron Paul Auto Tune
  106. Gary Johnson vs Ron Paul
  107. New Forum For 100% Guaranteed RP 2012 Media Blackout?
  108. Senator Thune plans to run in 2012
  109. Ron Paul on Twitter??
  110. Talking about Ron Paul 2012
  111. What Is The Bare Minimum (vote percentage) you would consider a "win?"
  112. Refresh my memory...
  113. Ron Paul 2012 Fliers, Handbills, and Printouts for Distribution
  114. Ron Paul Presenting The Case for Liberty at IU Bloomington, Indiana MON OCT 25
  115. 2012 Gallup poll: Ron Paul in fifth place and at 7% Nationally
  116. Ron Paul Plans Trip To Iowa!!!
  117. Best theme song for Paul 2012?
  118. Best pictures of 2008 -- what we have to look forward to!
  119. Motivational Video for 2012
  120. Visual Graph - Why this movement will succeed
  121. Thomas Friedman on 2012
  122. Advantages Ron Paul Has in 2012 Which He Didn't have in 2008
  123. Last Pic Standing
  124. Gary Johnson on Colbert Report (10/7)?
  125. Cornyn might run for President
  126. Liberty Hosting Service
  127. RP flier I made...
  128. Ron Paul: Fear is The Tool of The Thugs in Government - Alex Jones Tv
  129. RP open to 2012 run!
  130. "Infobomb" on Ron Paul
  131. Who would be the most SUCCESSFUL running mate for Ron Paul?
  132. "Will Ron Run? A six pack says he will."--Star Ledger
  133. Mitt Romney Advertising on Facebook
  134. Hannity Last Night?
  135. I knew I Remembered Lawrence O'Donnell From Some Where..
  136. Disheartening Lawrence O'Donnell Interview
  137. Rand Paul Jack Conway Debate #2
  138. Ron Paul and how the tea party movement really got started!
  139. 2012 great chance for Paul to win Nomination!
  140. Ron Paul to speak in Iowa next week
  141. Grassroots campaign commercial idea!
  142. I have a thread on the front page at Daily Paul
  143. A Scenario Where A Ron Paul 3rd Party Run Gives Republicans the Win
  144. Run Ron Run - Nov. 5th, Sign Waving Across America
  145. Ron Paul in Iowa , talking Tea Party & 2012 (Interview )
  146. Ron Paul says if someone will be listening, then he'll run in 2012!
  147. The Ron Paul Miracle 2012 to 2020!
  148. Ron Paul 2012.tv
  149. Palin: "If my country needs me I might just run for President"
  150. $35 Million For A Plausible Run
  151. My 5000th Post: Join The Ron Paul Tea Party!!! (Local Tea Party Coordination)
  152. April 5th...
  153. Ron Paul 2012 Super Bowl Add or Money Bomb
  154. How will a Rand win benefit Ron's 2012 run?
  155. ronpaul2012.tv?
  156. Prepair for 2012 and clean up your community
  157. Ron - Announce this week!
  158. Ron Paul Can Beat Obama In 2012
  159. CNN Exit Poll = bs
  160. A message from Adam Kokesh
  161. Run Ron Paul
  162. Ron Paul 2012 Pledge Bomb (12/16)
  163. Doug Wead: Who Won the 2010 Election? Ron Paul
  164. If you want to be a precinct captain post here!
  165. Encouraging Ron to Run
  166. Ron Paul: The Revolution Continues....
  167. this is us all waiting for the Ron Paul 2012 announcement
  168. Campaign book? "Liberty Defined"
  169. Paul Library Change
  170. Who runs TheRonPaulTeaParty.com
  171. Ron Paul has $2 million left over from Congressional run
  172. George Bush: A Tribute
  173. RP New Youtube From 1988
  174. It is Never Too Early
  175. Should the grassroots be attack dogs during the primary or positive?
  176. Top 10 best Ron Paul youtube videos
  177. Where were you on 11/5/10?
  178. Hello, Graphic Designer here...
  179. We should start getting ready... NOW
  180. Dec. 16th Ron Paul Tea Party Rallies across America!!!
  181. August 2010: Ames Ronapalooza!
  182. "Ron Paul was Right"
  183. "You can't have a rEVOLution if the music isn't right, y'know what I mean."
  184. Ron Paul or BUST!!!
  185. Is it here yet ?
  186. Misesian Books To Influential People/Gideon Bible Concept
  187. Can we -own- "quixotic"?
  188. Ron Paul TV truck
  189. Localized Ron Paul 2012 Facebook Pages
  190. Who runs RonPaul.com?
  191. Chances of Ron Paul on Oprah?
  192. Young Americans for Liberty is proud to announce our Five Six-State Campaign Plan to
  193. Should we have a Grassroots summit?
  194. Sponsor an Iowa group
  195. The debates
  196. Help Create Youtube Video for Ron Paul 2012 Kickoff Moneybomb
  197. Youtube Of TV Programme 'Power To The Jury' Hosted By R.P
  198. Workforce strategic command center extranet. *Important*
  199. If you are serious about Ron Paul in 2012
  200. Sign waving? Usefull or waste of time?
  201. A radical idea: Ron Paul Runs as a Democrat in 2012
  202. Slogan
  203. I need help now creating RP 2012 literature for NH.
  204. We need to own CPAC and the AMES straw poll
  205. Bobby Jindal won't run for president in 2012!!!
  206. Palin Hints at 2012 Run in New York Times
  207. We must get Ron Paul on record about this...
  208. Fox News already actively excluding Ron Paul from the running.
  209. VA PPP Poll: Paul at 7%, ties for second among 18-29s
  210. Donate directly to getting TV ads played
  211. Please comment on this IOWA article about Ron Paul!
  212. National Opt Out Day - What Can We Do?
  213. Ron Paul Billionaire Is a Reality
  214. Why my dad won't support Haley Barbour....
  215. Barbour to Bloomberg: Please Don’t Run for Prez
  216. Ron Paul 2012 moneybomb set to raise over $400,000
  217. Romney and Obama "NECK AND NECK" in recent pol
  218. Possible Slogans For 2012?
  219. Need Help: Ill. Immigration Still A Problem For Ron in 2012
  220. advertise on theiowarepublican.com
  221. FAIR model prediction: 2012 a Democrat year
  222. Anyone else noticing the media demonizing RP for his comments re: TSA?
  223. Prediction: Sarah Palin to endorse Herman Cain for 2012!
  224. Ron Paul was elected 87 years ago...
  225. December Money Bomb 100$ from 1million people
  226. Serious Question....
  227. Newt Gingrich's people are worried about the Ron Paul Revolution...
  228. Straw Polls
  229. We can already beat the $6,000,000 high...
  230. teaparty2011.com doman?
  231. "Ron Paul -- Is he politically viable in 2012?"
  232. National Delegate Project
  233. 2012 Domains
  234. I found this article about Ron Paul!
  235. Doug Wead Blog Series - A MUST READ for anyone serious about Ron Paul 2012!
  236. Poll Tracker
  237. Ron Paul on Morning Joe Thursday 12/2
  238. The guys at IGN apparently support Ron Paul for President
  239. THE PLAN for 2012: Marco Rubio as VP!
  240. Red Pill idea
  241. RP at 3% in MA
  242. Political Survey Call 12/7/10
  243. Atlas Shrugged movie
  244. Ron Paul on Freedom Watch with a "big announcement" tonight
  245. Grassroots Groupbuy
  246. Media contact list
  247. Mike Gravel considers running for President in 2012
  248. Let's start planning: The internet will play a BIG role in determining the next POTUS
  249. groupon and the point useful to gain members?
  250. Is it safe to post