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  1. Ron Paul's son Rand
  2. New Hampshire Straw Poll Rand Paul Speaks you tube video
  3. Rand Paul to speak in Paducah, KY on August 9
  4. You have to watch this video of Dick Cheney in 1994!!! WATCH IT NOW!!!!
  5. Rand is the man
  6. Who is Rand Paul? Ron Paul's son talks campaign success.
  7. Why doesn't Rand Paul run for office?
  8. National meetup.com conference call happening now - Rand Paul on now
  9. Rand Paul will be in Paducah, KY Wednesday Nov. 28
  10. Rand Paul: feds may have unfairly 'targeted' dad's supporters
  11. Rand Paul Radio Interview Day of Debate
  12. Rand Paul in NH This Week
  13. I just got back from having lunch with Rand Paul.
  14. Rand Paul as VP?
  15. Rand Paul?!?!?!?
  16. Should We Draft Rand Paul?
  17. Rand Paul: "Send FOX NEWS more polite emails!"
  18. Rand Paul and Berry Goldwater Jr. campaign in Pauls absence.
  19. Rand Paul?
  20. Anybody contact RAND PAUL or have his info ??
  21. Just returned from Rand Paul speech 1/15
  22. Rand Paul and kids on blimp
  23. Rand Paul here tomorrow at 3 pm - woo hoo!
  24. Should Rand Paul run for Congress?
  25. Just saw Rand Paul - Was an awsome meeting!
  26. Draft Rand for Congress
  27. Draft Rand for Congress
  28. VIDEO : Rand Paul in Billings
  29. Hutchison leaving, Rand for Senate?
  30. rand paul in chattanooga, TN
  31. If you were Rand Paul's career manager
  32. Rand Paul! The future?
  33. Rand Paul a better speaker than Ron...
  34. FLASHBACK: Rand Paul went to Montana...
  35. Rand Paul for Indy??
  36. Rand
  37. Would you vote and support Rand Paul if he was to run Independent?
  38. Rand Paul 2008
  39. Rand Paul: Is the Revolution Over or Just Beginning?
  40. Amit Singh Endorsed by Rand Paul
  41. New Letter from Rand Paul
  42. Rand Paul is on tonight. We need to get his name recoginition up.
  43. Anybody record the recent Rand Paul interview?
  44. I need Rand's E-mail Adderss!
  45. Rand Paul wants 10K Republicans in MN at convention to protest
  46. Why are we not trying to elect Rand Paul to an office????
  47. Watch out Ron! Here comes Rand!
  48. Has anyone gotten info on Rand Paul for Pres....2012??
  49. Rand Paul's prediction came true
  50. Dr. Rand Paul to speak at TN-CFL 1/31 Event!
  51. Dr. Rand Paul considers 2010 Senate run!
  52. Who will start a Rand Paul 2010 support petition?
  53. DIGG Rand Paul might run for Senate
  54. Rand Paul considering running for Senate in KY
  55. Another article about Rand
  56. Rand Paul Forums is up...
  57. Rand Paul $2300 club
  58. Facebook Group -- Rand Paul for Senate 2010
  59. Senator Bunning willing to meet with Rand Paul
  60. David Williams: The man who would be Rand Paul's opponent
  61. A message from Rand Paul
  62. Sen Bunning might give way for Rand Paul in 2010
  63. What are Rand Paul's political positions?
  64. Rand2010.com | Draft Rand Paul | Website Launched
  65. News: Rand Paul Discusses Possible Senate Run [with Video]
  66. Rand Paul 2010 | rand2010.com | check it out
  67. Just read Bunning's bio ...... he's a lunatic
  68. Sen. Bunning running for re-election - so Rand Paul probably won't run
  69. If Rand "helped" Bunning this time
  70. Jim Bunning Threatens To Resign From Senate To Hurt GOP
  71. Rand Paul!!!
  72. Dr. Rand Paul will be speaking tonight!
  73. Rand "supports the stimulus" comment
  74. Should Rand Paul back Sen Bunning?
  75. Rand Paul: Bunning Declares Again: 'I am running'
  76. Rand Paul needs to give us a sound/video byte
  77. Bunning's voting record
  78. Dr. Rand Paul From Saturday Night
  79. from Politics1.com (no mention of Rand)
  80. Rand Paul discusses possible senate run Video
  81. Post any KY forums or blogs here
  82. Rand Paul supporters
  83. Congressman Paul’s Statement on His Son Rand Paul
  84. Good grief! What a week for Bunning
  85. Bunning Battles His Own Party (no mention of Rand)
  86. Dr. Rand Paul will be on Judge's Freedom Watch show tomorrow
  87. WSJ: Bunning Out, Rand Paul on Deck?
  88. Tom Woods heard a rumor
  89. Dr. Rand Paul on Freedom Watch Video
  90. Peter Schiff on Rand Paul, Third Parties, and Ballot Access
  91. What Budget Shortfall?
  92. Is The GOP Looking For a New Pitcher To Relieve Bunning?
  93. Republicans unite for Lincoln Day
  94. "Like father, like son" latimes
  95. Rand Paul to speak Thursday in Lexington
  96. Williams apparently drank the Democrat Kool-Aid
  97. In Danville, KY's Newspaper
  98. Draft Rand Paul 2010
  99. Rand Paul in Lexington (Update)
  100. Others Prepare To Run In Bunning’s Stead
  101. Jim Bunning Unplugged! Goes off on The Fed and Timmy.
  102. Press controlling Bunning's election chances?
  103. Rand Paul sent me an e-mail today -
  104. Rand Paul at Knob Creek Kentucky 4-4-09
  105. Rand Paul on Guns and Politicians
  106. For those on Facebook
  107. For those not on Facebook
  108. Dr. Rand Paul will speak at WKU 4-7-09
  109. Our next Senator?
  110. Bunning is polling at 28% Approval Rating
  111. Rand Paul to speak at Tea Party
  112. Will Bunning Please Just Go Already?
  113. Is Rand Paul named after Ayn Rand?
  114. Bunning Expects No Major Opponent in GOP Primary
  115. Rand Paul in Paducah on May 8th
  116. Bunning poised to retire, "gives blessing" to rival Grayson
  117. 7/04 Rand Paul Moneybomb
  118. Breaking: Bunning's Out, Rand Paul In?
  119. Rand's comments on Bunning / Grayson
  120. Rand Paul's Facebook floats announcement
  121. Follow Rand Paul on Twitter
  122. WBKO: Rand is poised to enter Senate race
  123. Add Rand Paul as your friend on FaceBook!
  124. Submit your "Rand 2010" logo designs HERE!
  125. Rand Paul: THE candidate for 2010
  126. Rand Paul for Senate will need $10 million - can we do it???
  127. Associated Press: "Rand Paul Ready To Enter Senate Race"
  128. Jim Bunning: when might he leave officially?
  129. Pack it in, it's Over for Rand Paul
  130. What can YOU do to help Rand Paul for Senate?
  131. Rand2010?
  132. Bunning out "possibly as soon as Saturday"
  133. CNN Politics Blog Posts On Rand Paul
  134. Politics1
  135. Bunning Reiterates Plans To Stay In Race
  136. Vote Rand Paul
  137. Money may force Bunning to rethink re-election bid
  138. Should Rand start a committee too?
  139. Rand Paul on Greg Dunker Show
  140. Rand will announce on TV Thursday night
  141. Bunning drama continues to haunt GOP
  142. News is spreading
  143. Rand Paul for US Senate Blog
  144. Rand Paul's Summer Vacation in Kentucky
  145. Fox News on Bunning's "Long Odds" - Mentions Rand Paul as possible contender
  146. Bunning insists he is still running
  147. Thursday or Friday?
  148. Anti-Grayson Website Launched: Turncoat Trey
  149. Rand Paul to announce on Rachel Maddow Thursday night!
  150. Rand Paul to appear on Brian & The Judge Friday morning!
  151. Rand Paul to appear on Mike Church show this Friday morning
  152. Rand Paul to appear on Freedom Watch next week
  153. Rand Paul to appear on AntiWar.com this Friday morning
  154. VIDEO THREAD: Please post 5/15/2009 Rand Paul Senate Run Announcement News Vids Here
  155. Rand Paul's Website
  156. Mini bomb now for Rand
  157. So I asked mr. Rand Paul a question.
  158. Rand Paul at $1800 already!
  159. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  160. Here we go again... :-D
  161. When will there be an Email Blast?
  162. Hoo hoo! Lawn Sign Ideas
  163. Kentucky Fair Grounds and other events
  164. Rand Paul...Ayn Rand
  165. So Rand needs what. . $7 Million!
  166. Digg Rand Paul
  167. Hey! Rand, over here, yo! Paypal?????
  168. Rand Paul moneybomb coming this summer
  169. Rand Paul on the Mike Church radio show 5-15-09
  170. Comment on Kentucky today-Rand Paul mentioned
  171. Rand Paul on AntiWar Radio
  172. I'm from Kentucky...
  173. Rand Paul gives race for Senate more kick
  174. So, how long do exploratory committees take?
  175. Rand to appear on Alex Jones 5/21
  176. Awesome video. I think I like Rand just as much as his dad!
  177. Try to get Rand Paul on one of Beck's programs
  178. Rand's opponent asks for comments!
  179. New 768mb XFX 9600 GSO video card auction for donations to Rand
  180. Rand will announce next week if he's running?
  181. Rand Paul on Alex Jones right now.
  182. Rand Paul to Speak in Frankfort this Saturday
  183. $25 to Rand Paul 2010!! Let's Go...
  184. Kentucky GOP heavyweights lining up to stop Rand Paul
  185. Rand Paul interview on Alex Jones Show 5/21/09
  186. The first of many yardsigns in KY!
  187. Rand's opponent's stance:
  188. Rand's Kentucky Organization?
  189. Does Rand drink Fiji water?
  190. Look what I put on my truck today!
  191. Grayson says "It's all going to work out"
  192. Cathy Bailey (potential candidate) dodging Kentucky taxes?
  193. Rand Paul fund raising events in TX this August!
  194. Attacks validate Grayson as candidate
  195. When does the State Fill Up?
  196. Help plan Rand's Summer Vacation - new private sub-forum
  197. July 4th T.E.A. Party 3PM - Lexington, Ky
  198. Bunning Running?
  199. Rand said he might run even if Bunning Stays in if he raises a lot of money.
  200. Promote Rand's moneybomb with your profile pic!
  201. Paul/Schiff 2010
  202. Attention Rand Committee: Free Talk Live will interview Rand
  203. Dr. Paul on Lexington Radio
  204. Rand announces economic advisors
  205. What issues should Rand focus on?
  206. Rand Paul Graphs now live - Donation Statistics
  207. Rand: 4160 supporters. Trey Grayson: 3508
  208. Rand's Facebook Group: 2435. Trey Grayson's: 878
  209. Will you donate to the Rand Paul for Senate mini-bomb Monday (6/1)?
  210. "Rand, trim your hair" Bomb?
  211. We start at midnight!
  212. New video from Rand on National Defense/Foreign Policy
  213. Rand Paul's mini-money bomb doing good, but needs more help
  214. Not Bad
  215. Money bomb is half way to goal!
  216. Amit Singh Donates to Rand Paul
  217. Almost there! Let's make it happen!
  218. Rand Paul Sign Waves Commence!
  219. Rand Paul's First money bomb is a success!
  220. Dr. Rand Paul on the "Mini" Bomb
  221. Media picking up $25,000 mini-bomb
  222. 3rd Republican Enters Race for US Senate in KY
  223. Ron Paul for Congress sends out letter for Rand
  224. BLOG- "Rand and Ron Paul: The Case for Nepotism"
  225. Giant spike in Rand's donations
  226. The Rand Paul Blimp
  227. Rand Paul top google search result for "Senate 2010"
  228. Just donated..who wants to match me!
  229. Digg Ron Paul's Endorsement of Rand
  230. Get www.SenateConservatives.com to support Rand!
  231. Rand paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  232. Another Dr. Paul in Congress? | The New American Mag
  233. News Article: Ron Paul helping son prepare for KY Senate race
  234. Can we raise 100,000 dollars before June 30th: the End of the 2nd Quarter?
  235. Rand Paul Meet Up Group In Louisville!!!
  236. WorldNetDaily: Ron Paul's son for Senate?
  237. Politico discusses Rand and Schiff
  238. Did Rand Paul End His Bid? [Admin note: No]
  239. Rand's Website is being hijacked!! [Mod: No it's not]
  240. Rand's fundraising drying up
  241. Grayson gears up for run
  242. KY Senate President won't run for US Senate
  243. Vote for Rand in this Poll
  244. Perspective on US Senate race in KY
  245. Bunning Not Surprised Williams Not Running
  246. Bunning to decide next month.
  247. More indications Bunning won't run
  248. Bunning has an increase in fund raising?
  249. Rand Paul's speech from Carroll County, KY
  250. Louisville Journal: Bunning Still Running by Many in the Wings