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  1. [video]Kentucky Chamber Roundtable Discussion With Rand Paul - Energy and Environment (0 replies)
  2. Federal Judge Rules on Healthcare (4 replies)
  3. Race will be close Rand tells local supporters (update on tax issue) (3 replies)
  4. Protect Kentucky Jobs Latest Press Release (2 replies)
  5. Dem State Chair on CN|2 (1 replies)
  6. Campaign updates and news with a serious message! (2 replies)
  7. third quarter fundraising out tomorrow? (21 replies)
  8. Rand Paul and Jack Conway show sharp differences in third debate (9 replies)
  9. Likely voters see extremists as having greater sway over Dems than GOP per the Hill (3 replies)
  10. Jack Conway calls for amnesty for illegals in Paducah debate (10 replies)
  11. Jack Conway silent on raising medicare deductibles on seniors. (0 replies)
  12. New Rand Paul Commercial Links Conway to Obama on Cap and Trade (3 replies)
  13. Time to fantasize - what can Rand REALLY do in the Senate? [MOD NOTE: GOTV First!] (16 replies)
  14. We need to be phone banking for Rand - Jack's getting phone banking from the left (3 replies)
  15. [video] Paducah debate streams live tomorrow at 8:15 a.m. Paducah time, 9:15 ET (46 replies)
  16. DSCC ads (6 replies)
  17. Jack Conway admits he smoked Marijuana?!? (16 replies)
  18. Hint of things to come? Pageone says GOP new registration 4X Dem new registration (0 replies)
  19. Conway Supporters shown for what they are.... (4 replies)
  20. Rand Paul sets the record straight on Medicare and Social Security (1 replies)
  21. Survey USA (5 replies)
  22. What have I missed in the Past 3 Weeks? (0 replies)
  23. wave3 video re: debate (3 replies)
  24. We Need More TV Ads (5 replies)
  25. New Rand Paul ad - A Doctor I can Trust (21 replies)
  26. Jack Conway Fought Against Christian Only Healthcare Plan (0 replies)
  27. [Video] Campaign for Liberty Launches Jack Conway Informative Commercial! (14 replies)
  28. Why is the media ignoring Jack Conway wanting to shut down gitmo & bring them to KY? (24 replies)
  29. Did someone already post this 'shocking' Crossroads ad? (0 replies)
  30. Rand's college letters to the school paper. (24 replies)
  31. Rand Paul slams Clinton for 'intern relations' (0 replies)
  32. CONFIRMED BY MEDIA! Dr. Rand Paul is being lied about by his opponent. (7 replies)
  33. [video] Newscast on debate etc (2 replies)
  34. Less than 3 weeks to go... when are we going to leverage Rand's prolife stance? (9 replies)
  35. Jack Conway: "I'm Never Going To Balance The Budget" (6 replies)
  36. news article and video about misleading ads, refers to Conway's "$2K deductible" (0 replies)
  37. Rand would abolish the IRS and Prog. Income Tax; Move to Sales Tax (33 replies)
  38. Rand Paul: Worst Person In The World (38 replies)
  39. Rand Paul says unequivocally he'd abolish federal dept of education (10 replies)
  40. Outside PAC tries to double down on Jack Conway's hypocritical drug views. (6 replies)
  41. Politico attacks Rand "Mocked Christians in college" (12 replies)
  42. Lexington Herald-Leader Calls Conway a Liar (0 replies)
  43. New third party attack ad group puts out anti-Rand ad (4 replies)
  44. Clinton Heckled in Blue New York; Crowd Asks: "Where's Monica?" (5 replies)
  45. Is Rand Paul the Only Major Party Candidate Talking About Reforming Medicare? (0 replies)
  46. Um. Tripp Palin wore a Kentucky hoodie during the KY debate last night. (3 replies)
  47. Bluegrass Bulletin editorial on KY Senate debates and candidates (0 replies)
  48. Jack Conway's Opening Statement (Minus Smears) (3 replies)
  49. Rand Paul being interviewed by Cincinnati Editorial Board (Follow Live Tweets) (1 replies)
  50. Jack Conway flips on Death Tax (1 replies)
  51. Lots of Campaign and Kentucky stuff.... (0 replies)
  52. Jack Conway vs. Rand Paul on Card Check (0 replies)
  53. Forget Jack Conway — Rand Paul targets Obama during televised debate (1 replies)
  54. Jack Conway Accuses Rand Paul of Being a Liberal (3 replies)
  55. Photos: Rand Paul vs. Jack Conway at NKU (11 replies)
  56. More 'independent expenditures' opposing Rand then for him, per this (4 replies)
  57. Politics Daily has a good write up of the debate, if short... (5 replies)
  58. Manchin ad would be awesome for Rand to use on Jack (1 replies)
  59. request: Fb image to countdown to election (4 replies)
  60. PageOne asks if today's Clinton cheerleading for Conway violated rules (0 replies)
  61. Frank Luntz is doing a Paul/Conway Kentucky Debate Analysis on Hannity (54 replies)
  62. Rand Paul on front of Huffingtonpost (9 replies)
  63. Rand Paul back at Knob Creek machine gun rally (2 replies)
  64. Jack Conway's wife who promotes Drug Dealers promotes cracking down on Drug dealers. (3 replies)
  65. Jack Conway flips and now loves MTR and Cap & Trade! (0 replies)
  66. Clinton appearance padded with students forced to attend (15 replies)
  67. rand paul on tort reform (4 replies)
  68. New Conway ad about Medicare deductibles (25 replies)
  69. ** TOADY is Rand vs. Conman 2! Debate At NKU! ** (122 replies)
  70. Jack Conway has a history of problems with doctors (video) (0 replies)
  71. NYT: Rand Paul says The Fed Devalues the Dollar and Causes Boom-Bust Cycle (8 replies)
  72. Marcus Carey discusses the senate race (0 replies)
  73. Debate Tommorow (7 replies)
  74. Ron Paul supporter and libertarian making false edits against Rand on Wikipedia? (5 replies)
  75. Jack Conway Touts Government Program (Video) (3 replies)
  76. [Old] Did you notice Rand went up in the 5th district according to last month's SUSA? (2 replies)
  77. Rand Paul Calls For Term Limits For Some Fed Agency Chiefs (0 replies)
  78. CONway was shamelessly scaring senior citizens back in 2002, just like today (0 replies)
  79. LA Times: "Rand Paul toning down his libertarian message" (4 replies)
  80. [VIDEO] Rand Paul helps open GOP headquarters (0 replies)
  81. neanderthal Rand: We need to make one for conway (0 replies)
  82. Gwen Ifill / PBS Cover Kentucky Senate Race (1 replies)
  83. Ad Of The Day: Joe Manchin Backs Cap-And-Tax! (6 replies)
  84. If Jack Conway 'sees himself as more a Clinton' than Obama Dem why did he back Obama (8 replies)
  85. Nice story from the ground in KY. Rand was at a machine gun shoot today? (5 replies)
  86. Vote for Rand's Obama impersonator ad (4 replies)
  87. Comment on Kentucky talking about Rift between Gov. Beshear and Jack Conway. (2 replies)
  88. Are the Unions illegally working with the Conway campaign. (3 replies)
  89. CN|2 to release latest poll in 12 minutes. (18 replies)
  90. Local paper misrepresents Rand Paul's position on term limits. (1 replies)
  91. AP describes Conway's pro-amnesty position as 'getting tough' on illegal immigration (1 replies)
  92. Jack Conway Cursed By Obama (Video) (0 replies)
  93. America Loses Another 95,000 Jobs In Wake Of Liberal Trial Lawyer Conway’s Stimulus (0 replies)
  94. Warren County Meet and Greet Sunday, Oct 10, includes Rand (0 replies)
  95. Trey Grayson Releases Statement On Jack Conway (1 replies)
  96. AND (new) Pageone on Conway's flips on Cap and Trade (33 replies)
  97. Pageone on the latest Crossroads ad against Conway - and the utility rate scandal (1 replies)
  98. PBS follow up article to go with Rand video (has video too) (0 replies)
  99. Should Rand Paul go on MSNBC after he wins? (29 replies)
  100. Rachel Maddow attacks Jack Conway! (15 replies)
  101. [Video] Rand Paul on NewsHour PBS (16 replies)
  102. Bluegrass Bulletin: Conway "Demagogues" Rand Paul Has "Adult Discussions" (0 replies)
  103. Tired of Obama, Jack Conway Has The Answer (6 replies)
  104. Could Jack possibly be more of a whore? (3 replies)
  105. Jack Conway Supporters Scream More Government, More Government (2 replies)
  106. YAL will PAY YOUR EXPENSES for campaign school in Kentucky! (1 replies)
  107. When will Rand start to use his political clout to benefit other candidates? (22 replies)
  108. Bill Clinton Wants To Remind KYians of 1 thing (14 replies)
  109. Rand Paul segment to be on PBS Newshour Tonight - "Washington GOP Beware" (3 replies)
  110. What if Bill Clinton cuts an ad for Conway? (19 replies)
  111. Jack Conway Picks Fight With Sharron Angle (Video) (9 replies)
  112. Good Rand Paul Interview in Investor's Business Daily (3 replies)
  113. Jack Conway: "We're going to have to look at the retirement age... benefit levels." (10 replies)
  114. ***[WARNING]*** Jack Conway is getting lots of VIEWS because of US! (5 replies)
  115. Jack Conway's Kentucky First Plan Emerges (0 replies)
  116. Michael Steele Joins Rand Paul Money Bomb Says He read End the Fed (8 replies)
  117. [Video] Rand Paul on Neil Cavuto 10/6/10 (7 replies)
  118. Rand Paul ad: "Saving Social Security" (1 replies)
  119. Secret donors fuel American Crossroads media buy (1 replies)
  120. Danville newspaper online poll (7 replies)
  121. WaPo anoints Rand's 'Obama Impersonator' ad as 'the ad of the day'. (20 replies)
  122. Clinton to Campaign for Conway on October 11th (8 replies)
  123. Jack 'Waffles' Conway TV Ad. NRSC calls him on flips. (8 replies)
  124. Rand on cavuto tom. (8 replies)
  125. CNN Lies About their Own Month-Old Poll (2 replies)
  126. New Crossroads GPS ad hits CONway on utility rate hikes/stock distributions (2 replies)
  127. Rand says Jack doesn't have the " intestinal fortitude" to fight back big government (0 replies)
  128. Fred Thompson on Rand's social security answer in debate (audio) (7 replies)
  129. European Bookmakers on 2010 mid term state by state betting odds: Kentucky etc (0 replies)
  130. Anti-Ben Chandler Ad (0 replies)
  131. TPM on Rand's new "Obama" voiceover ad (24 replies)
  132. New drugs in Kentucky for Jack to talk about! (6 replies)
  133. 'Kentucky Senate Candidates Talk Social Security', points out Conway's all on table (3 replies)
  134. Live video of Jack Conway with CJ editorial Board (8 replies)
  135. Jack Conway Lies About Sharron Angle (0 replies)
  136. New DSCC ad - Two Thousand Dollars (8 replies)
  137. Jack Conway must love Ohio. He keeps turning down Kentucky media (video) (6 replies)
  138. David Adams Defends Rand Paul (2 replies)
  139. Sen. Bunning introduces timely legislation to stop the EPA (3 replies)
  140. Is Rand Paul the only real tea partier? (25 replies)
  141. to those who read the GQ hitpiece on rand paul (2 replies)
  142. Details: Senate Candidate Forum Oct 14 - Paducah (0 replies)
  143. New Rand Paul ad - Saving Social Security and Medicare (18 replies)
  144. New Rand Paul ad - Jack Conway's Stamp of Approval of Obama (20 replies)
  145. Bengals fundraising for Conway (6 replies)
  146. Jack Conway editorial board interview live Tuesday at 10 a.m. (15 replies)
  147. Video of Trey Grayson speaking about Rand.... (3 replies)
  148. Jack Conway acts like GOP to help Progressives? (Email I got!) (0 replies)
  149. Rand Paul tackles business issues (audio) (0 replies)
  150. Jack Conway was for the war before he was against it (seems to be pattern for Jack) (2 replies)
  151. New Conway ad.... (10 replies)
  152. Rand Paul Slams Jack Conway (Video) (1 replies)
  153. Two Faced Jack on Cap and Trade (0 replies)
  154. Jack Conway's "Pressing Issue" of Drugs (3 replies)
  155. Two faced jack on Bank Bailouts (0 replies)
  156. Two Faced Jack on Bailouts. (0 replies)
  157. Trey campaigning for Rand? (5 replies)
  158. Are there anymore of these videos? (0 replies)
  159. Rand Paul tells Kentucky Chamber of Commerce we need to cut corporate welfare (0 replies)
  160. Rand Paul, Neocon? (48 replies)
  161. Rand Paul: Students should be able to choose their school (6 replies)
  162. Toady is the last day to register to vote (1 replies)
  163. Will terror threats help Rand? (1 replies)
  164. I'm back in the swing with some random notes from the campaign and elsewhere! (0 replies)
  165. I hope Rand Paul is not promoting the RINO’S Phony balanced budget amendment! (20 replies)
  166. randslide (5 replies)
  167. Rand needs to hammer Conway on Cap and Trade (0 replies)
  168. CB and Free man Ganging Up On Jack Conway (0 replies)
  169. Conway: I like to think I would've done the courageous thing (voting for the bailout) (5 replies)
  170. Jack Conway fundraiser host, well he seems to have anger management and legal issues. (6 replies)
  171. Dr. Paul Old School (video) of his group Ky. Taxpayers (0 replies)
  172. Channel 5 in Cincinnati focused on 6 protestors? Still, good press. (video) (6 replies)
  173. Washington Post Video on Rand/Conway Debate (0 replies)
  174. Fox News Sunday Debate makes Hot Air (Scott Brown Moment) (21 replies)
  175. Campaigning for Rand (9 replies)
  176. Jack Conway DID NOT support the Bush tax cuts in 2002! (5 replies)
  177. National Review on the Rand Paul/Conway Fox debate (0 replies)
  178. Jack Conway Flip-Flops on Social Security, Says Paul Campaign (0 replies)
  179. Wendell Ford's Seat? (6 replies)
  180. DSCC Chair calls Jack Conway fiscally irresponsible. (0 replies)
  181. Bluegrass Bulletin: Rand Paul scores TKO in Fox Debate (0 replies)
  182. Rand's campaign calls Jack on his social security flip flop (0 replies)
  183. Rand Wins Lexington Fox 56 Poll (1 replies)
  184. Jack Conway's Record On Full Display (New Video) (4 replies)
  185. Rand Paul wants to raise retirement age? (31 replies)
  186. The Hill's write up of the debate (0 replies)
  187. Man oh Man oh MAN, why isn't anyone saying how obviously Jack lied on cap and trade? (0 replies)
  188. Rand Paul Debate Video (28 replies)
  189. Did Jack Conway really lie about his position on bailouts on the Fox debate? (2 replies)
  190. Video from early 90's of Rand Paul (7 replies)
  191. Well, I would say Rand Paul won the Chris Wallace debate! (84 replies)
  192. Woooo Hoooo! It's Debate Day Boys And Girls! (3 replies)
  193. Photos: Rand/DeMint/Ron Paul rally (24 replies)
  194. AFL Union mailer (5 replies)
  195. article on rally w/ Ron/Rand more pictures, shows crowd (0 replies)
  196. Jack and Rand neck and neck? Someone send her the Rasmussen poll... (4 replies)
  197. If you need motivation, watch this video (9 replies)
  198. Dem Tea Party strategy - death by a 1000 media cuts - forget the issues (0 replies)
  199. AP story on the Rand/Ron/DeMint rally (1 replies)
  200. Rand Paul Rally Draws Political Heavyweights - video (11 replies)
  201. Rand Paul Holds Rally In Erlanger - brief story (0 replies)
  202. Union workers are going door to door this weekend lying about Rand (5 replies)
  203. [Video] Chris Wallace previews tomorrow's debate (10 replies)
  204. Oct 2nd with Jim DeMint, Ron Paul, Rand Paul in NKY (31 replies)
  205. Rand on the G. Gordon Liddy show (0 replies)
  206. You thought SUSA's weighting of Dem to GOP voters was bad? check Cn2 (0 replies)
  207. Really interesting comments on a recent villevoice article re: SUSA poll (3 replies)
  208. Conway challenges Rand Paul on the Budget... (3 replies)
  209. Fox News (Re: Sunday's Debate) "Power Play Update: The Stakes in Kentucky" (17 replies)
  210. [Live Stream] Joe Arnold and others to discuss U.S. Senate race on KET at 8 PM EST (4 replies)
  211. Rand Paul cited as example of tea party fundraising (1 replies)
  212. URGENT...Rand needs campaign volunteers in Louisville (5 replies)
  213. National Review: "If you're ahead by 6 30 days out, history is on your side" (5 replies)
  214. No SLEEP TIL NOVEMBER! (6 replies)
  215. Dem ad buys for Conway next week MAY be back up...after DSCC got grief for pulling ad (5 replies)
  216. LET'S BREAK THE RECORD!! I'll donate $100 if I get 5 matches... :D (1 replies)
  217. Can We Break Our Record?!?! (5 replies)
  218. $400,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (48 replies)
  219. National Review "Calls the Senate Race" for Rand Paul (2 replies)
  220. Prepare for a hit piece (3 replies)
  221. $300,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (54 replies)
  222. I need ten people! (25 replies)
  223. Rand is the real deal (12 replies)
  224. "Paul exceeds $250,000 in online fundraiser" (9 replies)
  225. Further breakdown of the Rasmussen numbers (0 replies)
  226. NRSC: "Jack Conway; Courageously Progressive" (3 replies)
  227. Rand On Fox News This Morning [AUDIO] (3 replies)
  228. Rand on Baldy and the Blonde WGSO 9/29 (audio) (1 replies)
  229. DSCC canceling some ad buys in Kentucky (7 replies)
  230. Will the web-athon bomb beat Jack's faux bomb? (6 replies)
  231. Fox News' Chris Wallace aims to give Paul and Conway "A Fair Shake" in their debate (33 replies)
  232. Jack Conway Called For Cutting Unemployment Benefits! (video) (2 replies)
  233. Latest Donor: Barack Obama ... Anonymous Anon (7 replies)
  234. Full video that deceptive social security deductible quote was swiped from (0 replies)
  235. $189,000 (12 replies)
  236. Do you ever get Deja Vu listening to Jack Conway? (video) (6 replies)
  237. Rasmussen: Rand Paul leads by 11 (September 29 polling) (37 replies)
  238. When did they decide to let Joe "I heart Conway' Gerth ask ?s at the Oct 17 debate? (2 replies)
  239. Is something wrong with the Rand Paul campaign paypal link? (2 replies)
  240. WHAS 11 terms today's MoneyBomb as 'dueling' with Jack's end of quarter solicitation (0 replies)
  241. Rand Paul makes Corbin Visit Wednesday (0 replies)
  242. CQPolitics says Rand should win (6 replies)
  243. VIDEO - RightTimes: Jack Conway on Social Security In His Own Words (2 replies)
  244. Rand Paul mentioned in today's NYT (3 replies)
  245. Rand Paul Town Hall teleconference live now (11 replies)
  246. Live Townhall Access? (9 replies)
  247. Politifact : Jack Conway's attack ad 'one of the bigger distortions that we’ve seen' (4 replies)
  248. Toady is the Telethon! (0 replies)
  249. Michael Steele Up Next on Rand Telethon (19 replies)
  250. Jack Conway's Ever-Changing Tax Policy (video) (0 replies)