View Full Version : Open Discussion
- Welcome to the Off Topic Forum
- What are you listening to?
- Video question..
- oldest person ever elected President of US
- Star Trek, etc.
- Ron Paul Dating Service
- Merry Christmas, Everyone!
- Oil is not a Fossil Fuel?
- things people should stop saying on these fourms...
- The R[evol]lution's Myers-Briggs Personalility Type
- Neat Video
- some good websites
- Take a break and watch some awesome youtube videos
- Thank you!
- Start The Revolution / Ron Paul Online Shop!!!
- Ron Paul Y'all
- People In Cuba are in Question......
- voter fraud
- is very slow
- To all the revolutionaries!
- YO YO how goes it Ron Paul Peeps?
- Poll for atheists only: Do you have a soul?
- Bump???
- Just had Lunch with a Dying Multi-Millionaire who LIVED the Freedom Lifestyle
- "What's With All These Clueless Christians?" by Pastor Chuck Baldwin
- New Episode of Jericho is on tonite
- How a Newton (MA) man derailed Romney
- Poll: If you had to pick one of the remaining GOP contenders for ALL grassroots conse
- Gotta Digg --- kinagrannis
- Taxi to the Dark Side (Censored/Won't Air)
- I nominate Randy (Revolution9)
- Ron Paul's Eagle
- Hello? Is there anyone out There?
- Downloading news videos?
- Funny website
- *******Happy Valentines Day *******
- "For Christ and Caesar" by Laurence M. Vance
- MY DAUGHTER joins the HUCK army!
- Wierd Email Recieved today from 2001??
- FEMA trailers toxic?
- How true! (caution: mild adult content)
- I've been Hacked!!!
- *Huge Sasquatch reports news on CNN*
- Feed Your Head - 02/14/08
- What's Your SHTF Backup Plan?
- Governor of Illinois Declares State of Emergency
- Go ahead and ban me
- "Fallen to Greed" - moving war song
- Book recommendation for fellow revolutionaries
- You stupid sheep
- Sorry bout postin new s---- mofos, but
- I think we have a situation.
- These people suck.
- Please stay calm!
- I just smoked a huge joint yes I did
- you bitches are sexcey yes you are
- Your titties are too big yesh they are
- We need less mods fucker!! We have lost it!!!
- Ban me!! I am makin sumtin!!!
- Hey Hi!
- DONT get me sstarted on FISA
- I just smoked a bowl_ would he bust me?
- McCain vs. Paul, or uh McCain vs. uh Miss uh Teen USA South uh Carolinauh
- Secret Lovers...yeah that's what they arrreee
- Hill Billy - a morph of the clintons
- Unemployment and crime run rampant in Ron Paul's...
- So what was the "vulgar slang" Jane Fonda used?
- Resolution to ban profanity and those who use it.
- Congratulate me!!! You will have DA George in an Elected Position Reppin you SOON!!
- From Now ON - No Flack From ANYONE! I Own this Board Baby!
- The single greatest moment in TV history
- World Leaders (funny)
- This shirt is pretty funny
- Caught on film
- Are there other forums you post in?
- BS thread
- I just ate a venison sloppy joe on hemp bread.. i feel like such a hippie
- what is with ron paul using mason handshake and hand gesture?
- Favorite movies with a freedom twist/flavor?
- Always Wondered..
- How old are you?
- Study: 38 Percent Of People Not Actually Entitled To Their Opinion
- The New Homeland
- Send a message to eBay: Strike 2/19-25
- Americans Hate New York and Massachusetts
- FEED YOUR HEAD 02/17/08: The Greatest Mistake in American History
- Billboard sign tells jokes.
- Thoughts On Urban Survival
- Anti-Spousal Abuse Commercial
- Paleo-lib/paleo-con books for kids?
- Fyi: Firefly Series Marathon Today.
- Tracing an embedded link in a email?
- DELIBERATE Dumbing Down of American Children
- Check out this virtual world
- UToob America as an Emprie in Decline
- Just Stocked my Garage with 2-3 Months Non-Pershables
- Time to fill my Netflix Queue - Recommend Good Movies?
- Question about Dial up ,cable...
- Plz email Richmond VA radio personality
- Anyone else ROFLMAO that listens to Limbaugh and Hannity
- Total Lunar Eclipse
- The Secret
- OPERATION Patriot Breeding
- wikilleaks
- Celebrity Recommends Kierkegaard: RP Supporter?
- david gergen is a man of truth and freedom
- On this day 1848
- What Radical Man Hating Feminists Want
- My, What Precise Shooters We 'Mercans Are!
- Topic of drilling oil
- Police brutality
- Man that moved away from it all
- Blu-Ray Drive in an External Enclosure
- Tired of sociopaths, anyone else?
- creepy
- New Web Based Html Chat no downloads, plugins or flash
- Heaviest Element Yet Known to Science Discovered! Amazing!
- What does FTW stand for?
- Anybody remember The Fixx - Reach The Beach?
- IMPORTANT: VISTA Just Gets Worse and Worse
- Show me the list of CFR members
- My first web design.....
- Who was Abraham, really?
- Who built the pyramids?
- Sibel Edmunds
- UFOs over San Diego
- I just don't look good naked anymore
- Why BioShock is not against Randism
- Deleted from Wikipedia--G. Edward Griffin!
- Alika
- I've been asked to remove Ron Paul from my forum signature!
- Saving a Ron Paul stream.
- Does anyone know the organization AdoptaPlatoon?
- History Channel 7pm..."Hillbilly - The Real Story"
- Captain Eric H. May
- turned into ad site, heh
- Nader 2008
- Barack Obama Dances
- Looking for a quote
- What does HTH stand for?
- Feed Your Head: The Property Basis of Rights
- Who are you? What is your Talent? What do you do?
- What election/party system would you prefer?
- Meditation: the key to the kingdom
- Man I just saw the freaking funniest movie, HFS, LMAO
- WTF Happened In Janurary
- What's the best way to sell banner ads?
- Changing party affiliation in PA
- Great Depression 08, Coming to a store near you!
- Hitler was a British agent
- What has the Revolution opened your Eyes to?
- Where'd that one topic go...?
- A Question for the Atheists in the Crowd
- My daughter's B-Day was the 23rd and I just talked to her for the first time in 8 yrs
- McCain Eaten by Zombies!!!!!
- new Ron Paul video - OMG, OMG!!!!! Gotta see this!
- Fun political game
- Revolution9
- Your not as fat as you think you are.
- There will be MONOPOLY
- Where the anarchists at?
- Extended orgasms
- Hypnosis and NLP (this is crazy!)
- Papa Roach- Between Angels and Insects
- One Stop Shopping for NWO Agenda
- Obama victory will prolong US racial divide, says British equality chief
- Refi discussion with a loan officer re: The Constitution
- Willie Nelson: for 'whoever the Democrat happens to be'
- Damn .223 sold out all over
- Rush believes Osama bin Laden is dead
- When does life begin
- State flags for a penny!
- I verey funny story about lunch with RP
- Rampage Ripples
- Playmobil Security Checkpoint Playset
- FBI Documents and 9/11
- Happy Birthday Carol Paul
- Must watch Speech by Judge Napolitano!!!
- OMG lmao - Viewer Discretion Advised
- change they want?Change they will get
- Is it just me or...
- Time for some fun (Ron Paul related)
- A cool new online game called Erepublik
- Jay Rockefeller's committee assignments
- Whites to become minority in U.S. by 2050
- Netflix Removes Aaron Russo
- 911 Pentagon Plane
- Wolf Blitzer is a Zionist
- Songs you can relate to the current events/RP movement
- VIDEO: Ron Paul sticker gets kid 4 tickets... wow
- Alex Jones Show Transcription
- Ghemminger lurker Thread
- New Nine Inch Nails album relseased today - pioneering a new way to sell music
- US Marine Throwing a Puppy. Video
- Liberty Island!
- Winter Music Conference - Miami, March 25th - 29th
- The Cradle Of The Human Race At The North Pole
- Pavement Drawings
- I give you... XKCD!
- Need help!
- problem...
- Anyone Been To Space Camp Recently?
- Another kind of puppy story from Iraq.
- R I P Jeff Healey
- Sample Sentences for Written English Testing
- Squirrel Obstacle Course
- Need a new chair...
- Transistioning to a TOTAL FREEDOM Lifestyle
- Give it Up for Tom Lazardo...RP Congressional Campaign Cheif!!
- Youtube deletes the video US soldier throws puppy off a cliff makes World NEWS
- Satchmo!!!
- Pretty Cool Prank!
- Jack Johnson - Sleep Through the Static - highly recommended!
- Times Square Explosion/Police Probe
- Flat Screen Monitor Recommendations?
- "wOOt for Cowlesy" thread!
- Black Pharoahs
- Tornado in Florida
- Jiffy Lube caught on tape!
- Geodesic Dome Homes!
- Bottom feeders have come to the top
- Roger Kennedy - Please INFORM Yourself about what "IT" is
- What is your ideal presidential ticket?
- Thought experiment: A lottery for presidential candidates?
- Random pic thread
- What is cancer?
- Scientists Disclaim Role of CO2 in Global Warming
- "Microchip Consent Act of 2008" (Georgia)
- The Iraqi Constitution
- A jump-start for me?
- separated at birth
- Who Moved My Cheese? Insight for Economics and Politics
- We will smite all trolls back to the depths of hell they were spawned from!!!
- Microloan and Phase III
- Can anyone guess what Lou Dobbs' favorite word is?
- Solar power paint ???
-, anyone?
- Spitzer is "Love client #9 "
- 2012 ascension?
- I'm Totally Free and it's fricken lonely sometimes...
- Josh come on man lighten up
- Why Starbucks is evil...
- Greatest guitarist thread
- War on Terror = McCarthyism?
- Spitzer Resigns
- Found this on Dennis K's website... for kids
- Peace out Y'all - headed out too lunch
- Daily Paul Down?
- Rate My Cop Website
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