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  1. Welcome to the Off Topic Forum
  2. What are you listening to?
  3. Video question..
  4. oldest person ever elected President of US
  5. Star Trek, etc.
  6. Ron Paul Dating Service
  7. Merry Christmas, Everyone!
  8. Oil is not a Fossil Fuel?
  9. things people should stop saying on these fourms...
  10. Neat Video
  11. some good websites
  12. Take a break and watch some awesome youtube videos
  13. Thank you!
  14. Start The Revolution / Ron Paul Online Shop!!!
  15. Ron Paul Y'all
  16. People In Cuba are in Question......
  17. voter fraud
  18. RonPaul2008.com is very slow
  19. To all the revolutionaries!
  20. YO YO how goes it Ron Paul Peeps?
  21. Poll for atheists only: Do you have a soul?
  22. Bump???
  23. Just had Lunch with a Dying Multi-Millionaire who LIVED the Freedom Lifestyle
  24. "What's With All These Clueless Christians?" by Pastor Chuck Baldwin
  25. New Episode of Jericho is on tonite
  26. How a Newton (MA) man derailed Romney
  27. Poll: If you had to pick one of the remaining GOP contenders for ALL grassroots conse
  28. Gotta Digg --- kinagrannis
  29. Taxi to the Dark Side (Censored/Won't Air)
  30. I nominate Randy (Revolution9)
  31. Ron Paul's Eagle
  32. Hello? Is there anyone out There?
  33. Downloading news videos?
  34. Funny website
  35. *******Happy Valentines Day *******
  36. "For Christ and Caesar" by Laurence M. Vance
  37. MY DAUGHTER joins the HUCK army!
  38. Wierd Email Recieved today from 2001??
  39. FEMA trailers toxic?
  40. How true! (caution: mild adult content)
  41. I've been Hacked!!!
  42. *Huge Sasquatch reports news on CNN*
  43. Feed Your Head - 02/14/08
  44. What's Your SHTF Backup Plan?
  45. Governor of Illinois Declares State of Emergency
  46. Go ahead and ban me
  47. "Fallen to Greed" - moving war song
  48. Book recommendation for fellow revolutionaries
  49. You stupid sheep
  50. Sorry bout postin new s---- mofos, but
  51. I think we have a situation.
  52. These people suck.
  53. Please stay calm!
  54. I just smoked a huge joint yes I did
  55. you bitches are sexcey yes you are
  56. Your titties are too big yesh they are
  57. We need less mods fucker!! We have lost it!!!
  58. Ban me!! I am makin sumtin!!!
  59. Hey Hi!
  60. DONT get me sstarted on FISA
  61. I just smoked a bowl_ would he bust me?
  62. McCain vs. Paul, or uh McCain vs. uh Miss uh Teen USA South uh Carolinauh
  63. Secret Lovers...yeah that's what they arrreee
  64. Hill Billy - a morph of the clintons
  65. Unemployment and crime run rampant in Ron Paul's...
  66. So what was the "vulgar slang" Jane Fonda used?
  67. Resolution to ban profanity and those who use it.
  68. Congratulate me!!! You will have DA George in an Elected Position Reppin you SOON!!
  69. From Now ON - No Flack From ANYONE! I Own this Board Baby!
  70. The single greatest moment in TV history
  71. World Leaders (funny)
  72. This shirt is pretty funny
  73. Caught on film
  74. Are there other forums you post in?
  75. BS thread
  76. I just ate a venison sloppy joe on hemp bread.. i feel like such a hippie
  77. what is with ron paul using mason handshake and hand gesture?
  78. Favorite movies with a freedom twist/flavor?
  79. Always Wondered..
  80. How old are you?
  81. Study: 38 Percent Of People Not Actually Entitled To Their Opinion
  82. The New Homeland
  83. Send a message to eBay: Strike 2/19-25
  84. Americans Hate New York and Massachusetts
  85. FEED YOUR HEAD 02/17/08: The Greatest Mistake in American History
  86. Billboard sign tells jokes.
  87. Thoughts On Urban Survival
  88. Anti-Spousal Abuse Commercial
  89. Paleo-lib/paleo-con books for kids?
  90. Fyi: Firefly Series Marathon Today.
  91. Tracing an embedded link in a email?
  92. DELIBERATE Dumbing Down of American Children
  93. Check out this virtual world
  94. UToob America as an Emprie in Decline
  95. Just Stocked my Garage with 2-3 Months Non-Pershables
  96. Time to fill my Netflix Queue - Recommend Good Movies?
  97. Question about Dial up ,cable...
  98. Plz email Richmond VA radio personality
  99. Anyone else ROFLMAO that listens to Limbaugh and Hannity
  100. Total Lunar Eclipse
  101. The Secret
  102. OPERATION Patriot Breeding
  103. wikilleaks
  104. Celebrity Recommends Kierkegaard: RP Supporter?
  105. david gergen is a man of truth and freedom
  106. On this day 1848
  107. What Radical Man Hating Feminists Want
  108. My, What Precise Shooters We 'Mercans Are!
  109. Topic of drilling oil
  110. Police brutality
  111. Man that moved away from it all
  112. Blu-Ray Drive in an External Enclosure
  113. Tired of sociopaths, anyone else?
  114. creepy
  115. New Web Based Html Chat no downloads, plugins or flash
  116. Heaviest Element Yet Known to Science Discovered! Amazing!
  117. What does FTW stand for?
  118. Anybody remember The Fixx - Reach The Beach?
  119. IMPORTANT: VISTA Just Gets Worse and Worse
  120. Show me the list of CFR members
  121. My first web design.....
  122. Who was Abraham, really?
  123. Who built the pyramids?
  124. Sibel Edmunds
  125. UFOs over San Diego
  126. I just don't look good naked anymore
  127. Why BioShock is not against Randism
  128. Deleted from Wikipedia--G. Edward Griffin!
  129. Alika
  130. I've been asked to remove Ron Paul from my forum signature!
  131. Saving a Ron Paul stream.
  132. Does anyone know the organization AdoptaPlatoon?
  133. History Channel 7pm..."Hillbilly - The Real Story"
  134. Captain Eric H. May
  135. ronpaul.com turned into ad site, heh
  136. Nader 2008
  137. Barack Obama Dances
  138. Looking for a quote
  139. What does HTH stand for?
  140. Feed Your Head: The Property Basis of Rights
  141. Who are you? What is your Talent? What do you do?
  142. What election/party system would you prefer?
  143. Meditation: the key to the kingdom
  144. Man I just saw the freaking funniest movie, HFS, LMAO
  145. WTF Happened In Janurary
  146. What's the best way to sell banner ads?
  147. Changing party affiliation in PA
  148. Great Depression 08, Coming to a store near you!
  149. Hitler was a British agent
  150. What has the Revolution opened your Eyes to?
  151. Where'd that one topic go...?
  152. A Question for the Atheists in the Crowd
  153. My daughter's B-Day was the 23rd and I just talked to her for the first time in 8 yrs
  154. McCain Eaten by Zombies!!!!!
  155. new Ron Paul video - OMG, OMG!!!!! Gotta see this!
  156. Fun political game
  157. Revolution9
  158. Your not as fat as you think you are.
  159. There will be MONOPOLY
  160. Where the anarchists at?
  161. Extended orgasms
  162. Hypnosis and NLP (this is crazy!)
  163. Papa Roach- Between Angels and Insects
  164. One Stop Shopping for NWO Agenda
  165. Obama victory will prolong US racial divide, says British equality chief
  166. Refi discussion with a loan officer re: The Constitution
  167. Willie Nelson: for 'whoever the Democrat happens to be'
  168. Damn .223 sold out all over
  169. Rush believes Osama bin Laden is dead
  170. When does life begin
  171. State flags for a penny!
  172. I verey funny story about lunch with RP
  173. Rampage Ripples
  174. Playmobil Security Checkpoint Playset
  175. FBI Documents and 9/11
  176. Happy Birthday Carol Paul
  177. Must watch Speech by Judge Napolitano!!!
  178. OMG lmao - Viewer Discretion Advised
  179. change they want?Change they will get
  180. Is it just me or...
  181. Time for some fun (Ron Paul related)
  182. A cool new online game called Erepublik
  183. Jay Rockefeller's committee assignments
  184. Whites to become minority in U.S. by 2050
  185. Netflix Removes Aaron Russo
  186. 911 Pentagon Plane
  187. Wolf Blitzer is a Zionist
  188. Songs you can relate to the current events/RP movement
  189. VIDEO: Ron Paul sticker gets kid 4 tickets... wow
  190. Alex Jones Show Transcription
  191. Ghemminger lurker Thread
  192. New Nine Inch Nails album relseased today - pioneering a new way to sell music
  193. US Marine Throwing a Puppy. Video
  194. Liberty Island!
  195. Winter Music Conference - Miami, March 25th - 29th
  196. The Cradle Of The Human Race At The North Pole
  197. Pavement Drawings
  198. I give you... XKCD!
  199. Need help!
  200. www.ronpaulforum.com problem...
  201. Anyone Been To Space Camp Recently?
  202. Another kind of puppy story from Iraq.
  203. R I P Jeff Healey
  204. Sample Sentences for Written English Testing
  205. Squirrel Obstacle Course
  206. Need a new chair...
  207. Transistioning to a TOTAL FREEDOM Lifestyle
  208. Give it Up for Tom Lazardo...RP Congressional Campaign Cheif!!
  209. Youtube deletes the video US soldier throws puppy off a cliff makes World NEWS
  210. Satchmo!!!
  211. Pretty Cool Prank!
  212. Jack Johnson - Sleep Through the Static - highly recommended!
  213. Times Square Explosion/Police Probe
  214. Flat Screen Monitor Recommendations?
  215. "wOOt for Cowlesy" thread!
  216. Black Pharoahs
  217. Tornado in Florida
  218. Jiffy Lube caught on tape!
  219. Geodesic Dome Homes!
  220. Bottom feeders have come to the top
  221. Roger Kennedy - Please INFORM Yourself about what "IT" is
  222. What is your ideal presidential ticket?
  223. Thought experiment: A lottery for presidential candidates?
  224. Random pic thread
  225. What is cancer?
  226. Scientists Disclaim Role of CO2 in Global Warming
  227. "Microchip Consent Act of 2008" (Georgia)
  228. The Iraqi Constitution
  229. A jump-start for me?
  230. separated at birth
  231. Who Moved My Cheese? Insight for Economics and Politics
  232. We will smite all trolls back to the depths of hell they were spawned from!!!
  233. Microloan and Phase III
  234. Can anyone guess what Lou Dobbs' favorite word is?
  235. WATCH THIS!..and get SPEECHLESS!
  236. Solar power paint ???
  237. Hulu.com, anyone?
  238. Spitzer is "Love client #9 "
  239. 2012 ascension?
  240. I'm Totally Free and it's fricken lonely sometimes...
  241. Josh come on man lighten up
  242. Why Starbucks is evil...
  243. Greatest guitarist thread
  244. War on Terror = McCarthyism?
  245. Spitzer Resigns
  246. Found this on Dennis K's website... for kids
  247. Peace out Y'all - headed out too lunch
  248. Daily Paul Down?
  249. Rate My Cop Website
  250. Please DIGG - Child Abducted Need Help