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  1. Communications with the National Campaign
  2. Michigan Republican Debate, Oct. 9th
  3. Posting guidelines for the "Official Campaign News" sub-forum
  4. Seattle: Presidential hopeful Ron Paul sees crises ahead for country
  5. Tucker Carlson, Pat Buchanan: "Ron Paul won the debate.
  6. State scientific opinion polls
  7. Article: Presidential hopeful visits Utah
  8. Ron Paul on KUTV2 Salt Lake City (Oustanding MSM coverage!)
  9. Daily Ron Paul News Articles 9-17-07
  10. GOP Straw Poll In New Jersey on Sept. 29th
  11. "American Family Association Debate" Thread [Official]
  12. Pro-Paul MI news article with some good comments.
  13. Constitution week donations
  14. Brutal, Unprofessional Fox Attack Interview of Ron Paul by John Gibson
  15. Ron Paul wins Manchester NH GOP Straw Poll With 66% of the Vote
  16. Ron Paul Reminds Us of Our Freedom
  17. GOP Presidential Hopeful Ron Paul Visits Utah
  18. Ron Paul on God and Government
  19. West Coast Swing netted over $350k
  20. *Values Voter* Debate *tonight* 7:30 EST Live on the following channels
  21. LOL, article its happening?
  22. Video: Ron Paul speaking at Seattle University Law School
  23. Updates from Jonathan Bydlak, Fundraising Director
  24. Debate closing...
  25. Huckabee won the values Voter debate by 63%
  26. Ron's closing statement video from the debate
  27. Ron Paul The Flip Flopper
  28. RP Inspiring a new Civil Rights Movement
  29. Audio Posted: Ron Paul Voter Values Debate 091707 (18 min)
  30. Values Voters Debate
  31. The campaign is getting online donations
  32. Values Voter Straw Poll Results
  33. How Many Americans Have to Die so the Neo-Cons Can Save Face?
  34. RP's Seattle Speech Greatest Yet - But No Media
  35. Ron Paul at PBS debate Sept 27?
  36. "He is the Prince of Peace."
  37. Fox on Values debate
  38. Paul now at 4% in Gallup; About to Catch Romney
  39. Ron Paul: “I Believe In National Sovereignty”.
  40. Ron Paul stands apart from the pack. Did he win th debate?
  41. Romney And Clinton Lead N.H. In New Primary Polls
  42. Ron Paul - Personal Beliefs vs Political Beliefs
  43. GOP Presidential Hopeful Ron Paul Visits Utah
  44. Wonkette: Earth Attempts to Open Up, Swallow Ron Paul
  45. Ron Paul Seen Winning Values Debate Poll
  46. Top GOP Candidates Skip Social Issues Debate
  47. Paul (Utah) visit
  48. lew rockwell on the vv debate
  49. Why haven't they added the NH straw poll results to this?
  50. Giuliani Wins Over Ron Paul Supporters in Florida
  51. Ron on a GERMAN poll...
  52. Ron Paul is coming to Michigan
  53. N.H. State Rep. Endorses Ron Paul
  54. Values Voter debate's 340 delegates were hand-picked?
  55. Dr. Paul at 2% in three states
  56. Ron Paul mentioned on O'Reilly
  57. Ron Paul Values Voters Florida Debate Recap
  58. Mike Huckabee Wins Wacky “Values” Debate - Ron Paul Places Second
  59. Ron Paul's "Extreme" Views
  60. SlashDot Poll. Ron Paul dominates.
  61. Ron Paul's 2001 Commencement Address to the UT-Houston Medical School
  62. Video for Value Voters Debate?
  63. Ron Paul is a saint compared to other members of congress
  64. Glenn Beck interviews Ron Paul economist
  65. Daily Ron Paul News 9-19-07
  66. Did "Blowback" Cause 9/11? - Charleston City Paper
  67. OH and WI polls
  68. Paul Raises $350,000 on West Coast Tour
  69. Level of awareness for Ron Paul less then 10%
  70. Audio Posted:September 14, 2007 - Ron Paul Brushfires Of Freedom speech JBS Utah (46
  71. Dr. Paul and Tancredo vote NO on Vietnam
  72. Another Article on Blowback
  73. Peroutka, 2004 Constitution Party Presidential Candidate, Endorses Ron Paul
  74. Value Voters Debate Links
  75. Dr. Paul triples support in FL, holds in CO
  76. Another NH Endorsement
  77. Confucious say: Vote for Ron Paul
  78. New RP2008 website design
  79. He'll be appearing on 60 Minutes
  80. Scheduling Conflict: 2 Ron Pauls?
  81. Defending the Dream Summit (Dr. Paul has accepted)
  82. Daily Ron Paul News Articles 9-20-07
  83. Fred Barnes attacks "non-Mainstream" candidates, Ron Paul
  84. Ron On Cnbc Now
  85. Ron Paul Explains Moral Hazard to Ben Bernanke
  86. Paul on WGN today
  87. Ron Paul - Just Bring Them Home
  88. Paul 3% in Harris Poll - 10% ages 18-29
  89. SC Straw Poll Results - RP 2nd
  90. THIS is the Ron Paul I love most: Mancow Interview
  91. Paul jumps from N/A to 2% in Pew poll
  92. Paul at 2% Cook poll
  93. Daily Ron Paul News for 9-21-07
  94. Interesting Article on Ron Paul
  95. Conservative Forum without Ron Paul?
  96. 1791 Donors - Y'all did it!
  97. MySpace endorsements!
  98. Jews for Ron Paul
  99. Donklephant: Ron Paul On The Falling Dollar
  100. Ron Paul will be speaking in Washington, DC!
  101. Chicago Event Live!!!
  102. Some of Dr. Paul's speeches are up on ronpaul2008.com
  103. Ron Paul Killed The Radio Star
  104. Salon News: Ron Paul is blowing up real good
  105. Get troops out of Iraq, let states decide marijuana issue, GOP candidate says
  106. Daily Ron Paul News for 9-22-07
  107. Ron Paul Confirmed for MTV/MySpace "Presidential Dialogue"
  108. New Official Video w/swear words
  109. New CNN political ticker: Paul: Time for US to leave UN
  110. Ron Paul-"The end is nigh."
  111. Ron Paul in Detroit Free Press
  112. New message from Dr. Paul !
  113. Now for a Real Underdog: Ron Paul, Libertarian, for President
  114. Daily Ron Paul News for 9-23-07
  115. Article: Ron Paul: Highways claim more than 9/11 killed
  116. Article: Anti-war Republican
  117. 5 GOP candidates commit to Baltimore debate
  118. 'Values Voters' Get Earful of Truth from Ron Paul
  119. Article: The gay voter's guide to the GOP
  120. Values Voter Debate now available on-line
  121. Ron Paul top tier, Top political blog
  122. Ron Paul comes in 3rd in Mackinac Straw Poll, Beats out Guilliani who was present.
  123. Panel Discussion with Ron Paul--Excellent
  124. NH Group pays homage to Constitution
  125. Ron Paul wins Gun Owners of America Straw Poll with 97%
  126. First Day of Mackinac Conference + Giuliani's Nigthmare Ferryride!
  127. Polls: Paul at in 3% OH & WI, 1% AL, CO, FL
  128. State Legislator Dick Randolph endorses Ron Paul!
  129. Paul in recent N.H. Polling
  130. Articles: great primers for introducing Ron Paul
  131. Ron Paul on POTUS08 On XM
  132. FNC: Black Forum Forges Forward as Republicans Continue to Bail Out
  133. Paul pulls out of GOP forums
  134. Detroit Free Press on Dr. Paul
  135. NH letter: Vote Paul for personal freedom
  136. Detroit Free Press Article (Get troops out of Iraq, let states decide marijuana issue
  137. Pay Pals — Paul supporters reach into their pockets
  138. Why Is The Thermometer At $500k Already?
  139. If get $300K by midnight we're on track for a MILLION!
  140. Did They Screw Up The Calendar On The Thermometer?
  141. Military Donations to Candidates/Totals
  142. HOLY SHIZITT! We're at 275,000 and the day isn't even over yet!!
  143. Daily Ron Paul News: 9-25-07
  144. New Jersey: Campaign and Elections coverage of Ron Paul
  145. Daily Ron Paul News 9-26-07
  146. Paul's still bringing in the military donations
  147. Best GOP Straw Poll Compilation
  148. Tax Free Tips Act - Ron Paul Speech to Congress September 25, 2007
  149. DNC Debate on MSNBC Right Now
  150. M/C/NBC & Wall Street Journal Debate Oct. 9th Focusing On Economic Issues
  151. Edwards to Accept Federal Matching Funds
  152. You Tube Video summary of Dr. Paul at Morgan State Debate
  153. FNC: Morgan State debate coverage
  154. Columbus Dispatch on Morgan State debate
  155. WP on Morgan State debate
  156. Paul ballot access bill gets support
  157. Roll Call: clock ticking
  158. USA Today on Morgan State debate
  159. NYT on Morgan State debate
  160. YouTube of Morgan State debate
  161. Iran Counter-proliferation Act Of 2007
  162. John Edwards at $813 at 11am.. We can catch him!
  163. Ron Paul Calls for an End to the 'War on Drugs'
  164. Paul at 4% in NH, 3% in IA, FL, NJ
  165. Atlantic article-McCain, Ron Paul, and Torture
  166. Could Ron Paul Get Three Presidential Nominations?
  167. Liberty & Power blog: John Dean on Dr. Paul
  168. Ron Paul Revolution Ignites Republican Fever
  169. Pander Proof Ron Paul
  170. Paul at 5% in Iowa among likely caucus voters
  171. RP Just Passed John Edwards
  172. Ron Paul Smashes Nj Straw Poll 70%
  173. 900k signed and sealed
  174. Ron Paul supporters not quitting, online campaign donations increase
  175. Sounds Like Uncle Ron Has $10M
  176. Ron Paul Wins N.J. Republican Straw Poll In A Landslide!
  177. Paul: "we are going to have a lot more money in the bank at the end of the 3Q than...
  178. Concord Monitor coverage of RP in Manchester 9/29 ("Many awakenings")
  179. Union Leader (NH) Coverage of RP in Manchester on 9/29 ("Paul's call: end the IRS")
  180. Decent Write Up on Yesterday's NH Rally
  181. Thermometer prediction for midnight. What's your guess?
  182. Ron Paul vs. the Neocon Cowards
  183. Hill Tube video interview of Dr. Paul on Iran
  184. race42008.com congratulates Dr. Paul
  185. SC poll (ARG)
  186. Comment from left field
  187. GOP candidate Ron Paul breaks fund-raising goals
  188. Politico: How Ron Paul raises money
  189. GoldSeek.com Radio Nugget: Dr. Ron Paul & Chris Waltzek
  190. Neocon FreeRepublic.com "Brownshirt Republic" wants Ron Paul supporters fined by FEC
  191. WIRED: Internet Candidate, Fund Raising Outpaces Better-Known Rivals in 3Q Dash
  192. Ron Paul News for 10-01-07
  193. Right-to-life group hears from GOP candidates
  194. Article: It's the honorable Paul or insincerity!
  195. Ron Paul: It's Like He's Made of Money
  196. Why is the thermometer still running?
  197. More Good Press in New Hampshire
  198. “It’s All About the Money: Ron Paul Surprises, Thompson Disappoints.
  199. MSNBC: Rand Paul, More money on hand than most others
  200. The New American: (Ron Paul) How the Internet Is Changing Political Campaigning
  201. Gambling 911: Paul Now Favored Over Romney!
  202. Florida Debate
  203. Four Titanics and One Iceberg, Ron Paul?
  204. ARG: Paul at 2% in IA (up from 1%), & 3% in NH (up from 1%), 2% in SC (down 1 pt.)
  205. Tom Tancredo, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney Address New Hampshire Pro-Life Group
  206. Get this writer in your paper!
  207. Yahoo: 3rd Q fundraising numbers
  208. Slate: Eventful numbers
  209. Excellent article in Collegiate Times
  210. Stop the madness: what we know for 3rd Q fundraising
  211. Ron Paul Finishes September With Major Fund Raising Success
  212. ron paul donation page visits...
  213. They're making fun of us, but it's kind of funny anyway.
  214. Possible new outlet for RP info
  215. Paul's campaign expects to raise "substantially more".
  216. Ron Paul's ALEXA Charts going through the roof
  217. Ron Paul News for 10-2-07
  218. Ron Paul the new "Mendoza line"? - MSNBC
  219. GOP Is Losing Grip on Core Business Vote as Identity Shifts
  220. Why the GOP Must Nominate Ron Paul
  221. Rand Paul Interview Today!!
  222. Forbes' Financial Illiteracy: Calls Ron Paul 'Left Wing'
  223. Baltimore debate replay now on RonPaulRadio.com
  224. Our Goal is to win
  225. Note from Kent Snyder
  226. Redstate.com: A Respectful Open Letter from a Ron Paul Supporter
  227. WP blog: Do Libertarians Ride Subsidized Buses?
  228. Zogby: 73% Paul supporters will vote for him; 73% supporting others likely to change
  229. Rand just hinted that 3Q might be double 2Q!
  230. Anita Andrews is gone
  231. Dont forget about the Thermometer
  232. NBC Nightly News: Biggest GOP surprise Ron Paul $3mil
  233. Ron Paul getting props on Lou Dobbs
  234. Ron Paul getting props on Lou Dobbs
  235. CNN: Ron Paul strongly against National ID card!
  236. Ron Paul Repeatedly on MSNBC Ticker
  237. Great NBC News report on Dr Paul!
  238. Mobile, Alabama loves Ron Paul
  239. Rainbows Endorse Ron Paul
  240. Give Ron Paul presidential chance
  241. Ron Paul on Front Page at Digg.com
  242. Rumor on 3Q announcement
  243. GOP Veteran Dr. Drew Ivers to Chair Ron Paul's Iowa Campaign
  244. Another fund raising goal.
  245. Cash Poor - These Candidates Should Quit
  246. Ron Paul Detractors Still Don't Get It
  247. Paul at 1% in NJ
  248. Video: Paul calls for end of drug war (debate)
  249. Paul at 1% in NY
  250. Paul at 3% (up from 1%) nationwide (ABC) and 2% MN