View Full Version : S.C. Fox News Debate
- Jan 10th Fox News Debate - Who is going?
- 1/10 Fox News Debate - SC
- Six candidates to appear at GOP debate
- Fox News Caves, Allows Ron Paul Into Debate
- So today is the Debate right?
- I hate to give FOX a higher viewer rating but...
- Sand castle Rushmore
- Ron Paul at Broadway at The Beach today
- Ron Paul needs to get them to talk about 100 years, then contrast himself
- Extra Ticket for Debate Tonight
- I think Paul needs to attack the 100 year war (McCain), Lawyers (Mitt) etc.
- Will there be visible Ron Paul support?
- Is this being aired on national tv?
- boycott FOXNEWS debate... WATCH ON YOUTUBE later!!!
- Talking Point... The falling dollar, fed "easing".. recession is a reality!
- Debate Transcript:
- Talk Solutions
- Good idea or bad idea?
- Isn't there a Fox debate tonight?
- Ron Paul is FIRED UP!!
- Is there any streaming audio or video of the debate??
- The Unofficial Post-Debate Poll Thread
- Ron Paul Blimp over Fox debate NOW!!
- Time of Debate?
- Let Us Ask The Questions.
- Why Fox is having Ron Paul on - AMBUSH!
- Is Duncan Hunter going to be included?
- Ron Paul needs to emmulate the indignation in this video
- Rudy- White house race is like the superbowl
- Digg: Make this viral on the internet before the debate! Substantial Romney dirt!
- youtube of pissed of Ron!! Woo-hoo!!
- Ron Paul should talk about Economy and War policies ties
- URGENT!! CNN hitpiece just before SC debate!!!
- I have a feeling were going to see a VERY agressive Dr. in tonights debates!
- Any way to stream the debate?
- Live footage from liberty steak house & brewery(post-debate RP speech)
- Stream of the Debate?
- Great YouTube Advice for Dr. Paul at SC Debate
- cool little story
- SC Debate Video Feed?
- Poll: Will Fox bring up the Newsletters? Yes or No
- live stream of post debate speech and during debate readion ON NOW
- Why the whole "racism" debacle may help Ron with republicans!
- Text Vote PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- *****Official SC Debate Thread*****
- ***A Link To A Live Fox Stream***
- RON PAUL had that ROCKY fire today THIS YOUTUBE is for you RON !
- this is a useless thread.. just really nervous
- Fox Stream of Debate
- O'Riely calls Ron Paul Supporters loons
- O'Reilly just called Ron Paul supporters "loons"'
- Make no mistake - there is only one reason they invited Dr. Paul: To finish him off..
- debate streaming anywhere
- The national anthem?
- Prepare to be furious
- Into the snakepit
- SC Debate LIVE stream!
- Huckabee Recession LOL
- Giuliani
- *Remember Ron Paul fell 27 Votes Shy Of 1st Place in S.C. Straw Poll*
- Please, Ron, if you get the same question
- the chances of a Fox news viewer understanding Austrian economics
- Huckabee says, "I HOPE we're not in a recession???"
- ZZZZ What, oh!
- Ronald Reagan Drinking Game
- My HEad Hurts
- Thompson is making last stand
- Oh Snap
- Fred Chucks Huck!!!
- If what Huck said is true then Dr. Paul is REALLY over the target
- Fred attacks Huckabee
- Debate drinking game, if you dare...
- Here's the dirt
- Truthers!?!?!
- NOT truthers!!!
- How much you want to bet....
- Hellz Yeah!
- Offs
- hell yeah!
- Fox throws 9/11 truthers to Paul!!!
- Rongasm!
- Ron Paul Is KILLING IT!
- Da da da DAMN
- I don't know what people are talking about when they say he's not a good speaker!
- Truthers!! Racist!!! Truthers!!! Racist!!! - They have nothing
- I am squalling like a baby.
- Omg That Was Awesome
- Buy/Sell: Paul had some debate coaching
- Nice try Fox, nice try...
- Maybe not KO punch but RP squeezes in a winner blow
- Chris Wallace is pathetic, worthless, immature WASTE OF LIFE
- No Anti Thruther Threads tonight please
- May I participate in THIS debate
- Haha Huck looks like he's trying so hard to understand on Iran.
- What Next? Mr. Paul, Some of your supporters believe a mothership...
- Keep them coming Fox
- Iran boats, Fox asks question based on report that may not be true?
- I feel dumber for watching this debate
- Make the Pledge - "I pledge to put an END to the MSM"
- tonkin! haha
- War is on tomorrow!
- John McCain makes me sick
- Ouch
- Oh the moderator got even on that one
- Uh oh... Romney just f***ed up
- The MSM Trap - Divide and conquer (Truthers dont despair)
- Ron Paul "Make fun buddy" as Romney booed.
- The Stepford candidate got Booed!
- The Audience was Laughing at Ron
- Censoring Dr. Paul's Support
- Navel Question
- No Post-debate Poll this time??
- RP should have maybe said this...
- Homerun!
- Burkas???
- "It's not american presence, its american casualties"
- Excellant Response from RP regarding Middle East
- McCain: Presence over Troops
- McCain: "Trade Burkas"
- McCain speaks the truth
- please continue summarizing
- Fox's strategy against Paul.
- LOVED RP's comment to McCain...
- I Quit!
- Ron Paul ON FIRE in Debate!
- Mute button.
- Huckabee Sucking Up To AIPAC
- I can't even watch the screen....
- Huckabee throwing Israel card
- This is a game-changing debate, agreed?
- Trade with alqaeda?
- " We missed you"..
- "We Missed You"
- Oh Burn Huckabee.
- Rudy
- My FAITH is restored! RON IS ON FIRE!
- "Besides we don't have any money to do that"
- Then WHY do we arm Israel's enemy's , the Arabs?!
- Paul's gettingt better and better, but not because he's smarter...
- Paul is the center of the debate
- unrelated note: Huckabees is finished
- FOX with a deliberate cheap shot to Paul
- I have NEVER, heard Paul speak so fluently and coherently
- Donate to support Dr. Paul NOW !!
- RP should just tell McCain he is a war monger
- Getting his fire back
- Fred Talking Points
- "We don't have the money anymore!"
- I'm not able to watch the debate...
- FOX Actually Reports on Ron Paul
- Ron Pauls Best Debate
- Have there been any cheers for Paul any time after they laughed at him?
- He should of said Israel has 200 nukes!!!!
- McCain, I changed the war on terror!
- Ron Paul/msm Tomorrow
- Camera shake
- Ask Jack Abrhamoff if I'm an insider??
- Paul how will you bring "change." "By readin our Constitution!"
- Huck: Lemme tell ya what I raised...
- So Transparent
- Huckabee, "I Raised Hope!!!"
- Huckabee: "...Highways accessible to children."
- Someone help me out here...
- Dude, you're from Arkansas not Utopia
- Huckabee says, "I, I , I, I...Paul says, "we, we, we, we.
- What does "We missed you" mean?
- Carl looks like he just smoked a bowl..
- Laughing more?
- Where will the YouTubes be?
- Giuliani just botched foreign policy question
- In the beginning
- Huckabee smear first, Paul smear next?
- Looks like attack Huck and Paul tonight
- Huck Begging For Money,
- Is it just me or do all of these answers sound familiar?
- Here it Comes!
- Here comes the Newsletter attack on Paul!!!!!!!!!!!
- 200%??
- Huckabee gets my vote for Marriage Counsellor!
- Here comes the Paul = racist smear.....
- Best answer by Paul in any debate so far
- Request: Fellow Americans...
- Campaign Carl, SUCK IT!
- Wooooooooow
- Wooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooo
- boooyaaaaaa!!
- Yes! Grand Slam!
- Why can't Paul hear?
- Sheriff McCain?
- Electable? HAHAHAHA
- Ron Paul just bitchslapped them all ,including
- I Cannot Wait For The Youtube!!!!!!
- Ron Paul has been sandbagging the WHOLE DAMN CAMPAIGN!!! He has come out strong!!!
- Ok, How Can We Crash Fox News
- "I'm not a Repulican?"
- Paul Just Won The Debate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- The FOX news network is total scum!!!!!!!!!!!
- I just donated. I'm still on this train, with NO RESERVATIONS.
- The Great SC Debate Comeback
- He's really kicking ass tonight! Go PAUL!! The true republican.
- Site Getting Hammered?
- What will they say when the poll is unaniimous for Paul?
- Fox is wishing they never invited RP on tonight!
- Thats was Amazing!!!! LOL LOL LOL "Let me get the straight"
- Un-fucking-believable
- Call Hq, Tell Them We Are Loving The New Ron Paul!
- Immigration
- Hoooo . . . Leeeeeee . . . Crapola!
- McCain: Americans at Fault for Illegal Immigration
- Gobstopper Cheeks McCain...
- Thanks for the door Mitt
- LOL Romney just fell all over himself...
- Came back from commercial mid-debate...
- How's it going so far?
- Remember:
- Disgusting Display
- TO Those Who Have Been Critical - READ
- Donate to the New Ron Paul Ownage.
- Post debate coverage should be hilarious!
- Fox's Nightmare
- We are going to win
- History being repeated.......
- AH What did I miss?!
- Best. Debate. Ever.
- David Rockefellar is shaking in his boots right now
- nytimes bias
- Thanks God they have let Ron Paul supporters in the Audience
- Did Huckabee completely quote Paul for 2-3 sentences?
- Afer debate coverage?
- The New Ron Paul
- Hey Rudy: Shut Up Already!
- No Newsletter Bullshit
- That debate seemed kind of short..
- Ooh it's over! Is there going to be a Text Poll!?
- text away
- Text poll! LOLOLOL
- WooHOO, Hannity and Combs
- Honestly, how many of you thought this was the end?
- Frank Luntz! Focus Group
- Gholiani and his "The reality is.." crap
- Oh Great, Here Comes The Spin
- Oh Boy Hannity's debate reaction!
- Ron Paul's Knockout
- Oh boy...another F/U Frank session
- Fred won the debate???? LOL
- FoxNews and Luntz... Setting up thompson victory
- Time to change the channel
- Debate Youtubes?
- FOX POLL! Text your vote!
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