View Full Version : Florida
- Paul at 2.1% in Florida
- Poll in Florida - removed quickly by CNN
- This Saturday Ron Paul Rally at Marlins Game
- Ron Paul Miami
- Airplane Banner July 4th?
- BNI Networking Breakfast Wed. June 13th!!
- Campaign Advertising Laws
- Who"s Making The Signs?
- Ron Paul to be in South Florida
- Young Republicans Convention in Ft. Lauderdale
- Emergency Action Alert re: Florida
- Republican Party of Florida EVENT.
- Moderator: HRoos
- Ron Paul Brochures
- Getting articles in the newspaper
- Ron Paul Florida Campaign Paint Party
- Check out this poll
- Republican Convention in CA Poll results!
- Past Accomplishments! Read a history of activities...
- What happened at Monday night's Meetup?
- Florida Info
- EVENT: Car Caravan Around Miami - July 14th
- 400 Ron Paul Supporters show up in Hollywood, Florida
- South Florida: CNN Debate in Sept. is next!!
- Operation Spooner- Iowa Outreach launched 7pm CST
- Hope For America Day - What are WE doing in SoFla??
- Jacksonville is live
- Florida Support: WAY TOOO GOOOO!!!!
- Gun Shows
- Ron Paul Overnight 2.0 MIAMI STYLE!
- South Carolina Event (7/21/07)
- Jacksonville GOP Organizations/Clubs
- Introduce yourself!
- Favorite Ron Paul You Tube Videos
- July Meetup
- Flyers, Brochures and Posters
- The easiest project
- Phone Bank????
- Thursday evening Republican event
- Iowa Phone Blitz
- ACS Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
- Ron Paul DVD
- Jacksonville Sign Campaign
- Cheap Sign-Making Methods
- Ron Paul articles
- Jaguars for Ron Paul
- Monday's Republican Event
- Custom Ron Paul Rubber Stamp!
- Custom Ron Paul Rubber Stamp!
- Custom Ron Paul Rubber Stamp!
- Custom Ron Paul Rubber Stamp!
- Ron Paul poll
- August 5th Debate
- Information from Around the State of Florida
- Business card campaign
- Ron Paul Dollar
- Local Bands
- Manpower Needed! Please Respond.
- GOP debate September 17 - Tampa/St. Pete
- housing panic blog features Ron Paul...
- Voter Registration FYI
- Robert Higgs on The Perils of Trading Freedom for Safety
- Cigar Dave and Tampa Tea Party
- Not to raise false hopes.
- "Ron Paul Nuts: Brownshirting Jerks"
- Ambassador for the Republican Party of Florida
- Gun Show After Action Report
- very cool ron paul site
- Wouldn't a Billboard Be Great?
- shirts
- Orlando Ron Paul Meetup Takes It To The Street
- Housing Panic Blog poll
- Ron Likes Sound Money
- Submit your Video Questions for the Sept Debate to Republican Party of Florida
- Cinemark Theaters
- Call Iowa Begins. What About Mail Iowa?
- Sounds Stupid
- Ron Paul on NPR yesterday
- IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability
- Tix to Orlando Debate?
- ---- HOT FLASH ---- CNN/YouTube St. Pete Debate Postponed ----
- Dynamite! -- Great 44 second professional TV ad.
- Ad in "Miami New Times" - Can you contribute?
- Yard Signs
- Next Meetup meeting Aug 6th - MANDATORY ATTENDANCE!!
- ATTENTION FLORIDA! GOP CNN/YouTube Debate in Jeopardy!
- The Jax Video Project
- Labor Day Parade & Picnic for Ron Paul Supporters --- All Invited!!!
- Labor Day Parade & Picnic for Ron Paul Supporters --- All Invited!!!
- FLorida Times Union RP - Letter to Editor
- Sw Florida Ron Paul Update 8-4-07
- CSPAN Washington Journal
- Romney Report from Melbourne, Florida
- Miami Meetup 8/6 update
- Paint The Town "Ron" Miami Team
- This place will get tons of readers this week
- Are you an employee of FCCJ
- Miami Meetup Group -- Aerial Advertising
- Are you an FCCJ student?
- Our "Paint the Town Ron" Project Prevailed! WJXT Jacksonville NEWS COVERAGE!!!
- RPOFlorida Quarterly Meeting Aug 10-11: My Report
- Mitt Romney OWNED by Florida Ron Paul Patriots
- Orlando Ron Paul Patriots With A BIG Heart
- Testing
- Radio Interview in Jacksonville FL
- Two photo albums sign waving in Jax
- Florida MUs going strong...
- Ron Paul segment on Bay News 9 in Tampa FL
- Videos From Florida on
- Miami News (Spanish)
- Central Florida City Goes After Ron Paul Homeowner
- Critical Message - Ron Paul Supporters to greet Rudy G. in Florida on September 7th.
- Miami Ron Paul Meetup at Obama Event
- Jacksonville Paint The Town RON, MUST SEE!
- The Jacksonville Paint "Paint the Town Ron" video! (another must see)
- Florida Big News!!! Rp Is Coming!
- 120+ Ron Paul Patriots in the LARGEST EVENT IN FLORIDA, YET!!!
- World Net Daily Founder - to host GOP debate in Florida Sep. 17th
- Ron Paul getting beat in Florida
- Florida Meetup Groups Welcome Rudy
- Orlando Debate Opportunity on October 21
- Paint The Town Ron (Miami) - We need help!
- Ron Paul - Florida - signs all over?!
- A Cocktail Reception with Ron Paul in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
- RP @ Broward Center for the Performing Arts, FT Florida, September 17 - Today!
- Sign Up Here!
- Sign up here!
- Taser Incident/Univ. of Florida Contact Info
- RP Supporter Judge Andrew Napolitano on a local station in Jacksonville, FL, 9/20
- Paul Supporter Addresses Republican Party of Manatee Florida
- What's Going on in Tampa? Need my Ron Paul Fix
- Paullapalooza / Orlando Welcomes Ron Paul To Presidency IV
- PAULLAPOLOOZA, Orlando, October 21st
- RP spanish flyers
- I'll be on Orlando Talk Radio Weds/Code Enforcement Problems
- Orlando Meetup organizer on the radio now!
- florida woman facing $1000 a day fines for ron paul signs on her truck!
- OK Florida only 19 Days to go!!!!
- Nice sign waving in Jacksonville today
- Anyone who is registered as a Republican in Florida...
- Letter from a friend in Florida
- Who wanted help organizing a music show in Miami?
- S.Florida Neo-Con Central Primary Poll - Vote NOW!!
- Florida RP Oppty
- Ron Paul signs not allowed in Florida
- Going to Orlando from Miami, Sunday 8am - Carpool?
- Official Orlando Thread (Sun 10/21 Debate Activities)
- I'm at the convention in Orlando...
- New Poll...Miami Herald
- Information from 2004, please update
- Florida - Neocon haven?
- Any reports from Ron Paul rallies in Orlando
- Who was the Orlando audience?
- Awesome Orlando Event!!
- Mentally Challenged Florida Man on Fox News: "Ron Paul is Certifiably Insane"
- Some 2nd Hand info on Florida GOP Debate
- A very odd post from (Orlando Fox News Debates)
- Orlando Party Youtubes are in!!:
- Attention NW Florida, Southern AL Paulites!
- Orlando, FL tazer guy mentions RP
- Great RP day in SW Florida!
- Ron Paul Revolution piece in NW Florida Daily News
- Forum please help me promote this Florida rally
- Florida 970WFLA Now
- Ron Paul on every hour in Orlando News Channel 13!
- Gorilla Operations in Jacksonville, FL
- Florida Straw Poll
- Florida Republican Straw Poll Nov 28th, Buy Tickets
- Jacksonville University of North Florida Straw Poll Win
- Rally Saturday Nov. 17th, 2pm - 8pm
- Rally Saturday Nov. 17th, 2pm - 8pm
- I want to get involved but can't find info
- Anyone attending the FL Straw Poll in St. Pete
- How to become a delegate in Florida
- Chip In for North Central Florida
- Paul at 4%
- Florida ChipIns wanted
- Special Get out the Florida Vote Idea
- CNN/Youtube Florida debate events!
- Getting the USA Today ad published in the Miami Herald
- More Video Footage of the Ron Paul Freedom Rally in Clearwater, Florida!
- Latest Rasmussen Florida Poll -- Up to 5% from 0% in September, Rudy Slipping
- Carol Paul after the Florida Fox News Debate
- Republicans debate Ron Paul's positions in Tampa
- Florida Registration and Delegate Information!
- Show the Florida GOP Ron Pauls massive oraganized support at the St. Petes Debate!!!
- Florida Debate Festivities (including rally), post here if you're coming!
- Florida CNN/Opinion Poll -- up to 5% (highest Florida poll yet, I think)
- Paul at 5% statewide before debate
- Paul at 3% in this one
- Florida Straw Poll update?
- Florida straw poll
- Video Of Mitt Robbery Straw poll Scam in Florida - Unbelieveable
- Trevor Lyman in today's Miami Herald!
- Picture of Today's Miami Herald ad!
- Romney Supporters Caught Voting Multiple Times In Florida Straw Poll!
- Anything Major.......
- What Rudy said to Ron Paul In Florida ? Must see!
- Jacksonville Meetup Group Rocks
- Florida GOP Official Threatens Ron Paul Straw Poll Voter with Violence! Read It!
- Florida GOP Official Threatens Ron Paul Straw Poll Voter...
- Ron Paul Campaign Telephone Call - FLORIDA
- Radio adds I-95 corridor Jacksonville-Savannah
- Vote for Paul before 2008--Florida Absentee Ballots
- Who here lives in Miami Beach, Florida?
- Create a Meetup group in Miami Beach. ( 32 people interested )
- Florida straw poll scandal reported in paper!
- Straw Poll in Florida Draws Felony Complaint
- WorldNetDaily holds 'Taking America Back' conference in Florida.
- Florida Republican Party line-- No mention of Ron Paul
- Phone Poll Fraud Continues in Florida.
- Almost 2 Million Floridians Have NO PARTY AFFILIATION!
- Join the Meetup Alliance
- says Florida primary is January 28th!
- A HUGE shout out to Florida Panhandle!
- Miami Herald Poll
- Miami Supporters...
- Ron Paul in Miami Today
- Media Caught Censoring Ron Paul Support in Miami Florida
- Winter Park Group Canvass Walk This Weekend Dec 15th
- Paul Supporters on the Radio
- Facebook Miami Tea Party Event
- New Video: Ron Paul after the U of Miami Debate
- Here's a great Patriot in Miami!
- Dean Santoro for Congress
- Ron Paul 2008 - The Constitution Committee of Florida
- Dean's Speach at the Constitution Committee Meeting
- Rudy has his sights set on our state...
- Blimp in Orlando?
- Blimp event in Jacksonville, FL - December 28th, 2007
- Exclamation Blimp event in Jacksonville, FL - December 28th, 2007
- Blimp Rally In Jacksonville! Planned for the 28th!!!
- *** December 27th • Flight to Florida with overflight estimates ***
- Citrus Parade in Downtown Orlando
- Where do I get a Voter ID Card???
- Blimp Route - Best Speed to Jacksonville
- Florida Loses in 11th Circuit on Voter RegistrationFlorida Loses in 11th Circuit on V
- Blimp - Jacksonville to Orlando, Florida ~ 8:00am Saturday, 12/29
- Letter writing campaign adds Florida
- Capture the Highway
- Blimp - Link to Photos Ron Paul Blimp rally in Jacksonville, FL 12/28
- florida people
- Just-Posted Video of Blimp in Jacksonville - Ratings Needed!
- West Florida is all Ron Paul
- Blimp takes off in Florida
- Video/Photos: Blimp over Celebration, Florida
- Primary questions
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