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  1. Pray for Ron Paul's campaign
  2. Christian Right Says No "Rudy"
  3. Mobilizing the Christians!
  4. Christian Conservative for Ron Paul
  5. Ron Paul's Faith - The Deal?
  6. regarding Christians
  7. Why Iowa Christian Alliance - and MANY evangelicals - won't support Ron Paul
  8. Ron Paul's Strategy to Reach Evangelicals
  9. Christian/Evangelical radio and forums
  10. Great Post on an Evangelical Forum
  11. Statement of Faith By Rep. Ron Paul, MD.
  12. New Poll on Christian News Site
  13. Statement of Faith By Rep. Ron Paul, MD.
  14. Barack Obama vs. Ron Paul on Separation of Church and State
  15. Should I send Dr. Paul's statement of Faith along with my letter to the Iowans?
  16. Mail Pastors in Iowa
  17. "Statement of Faith" - hit up the church parking lots, windshields!!!
  18. Christians For Ron Paul (video)
  19. Prayer at Rallies
  20. I printed up 50 copies of RP's "Statement of Faith" and.....
  21. Romney's off-air defense of faith gets lots of Internet attention
  22. A prayer for Tomorrow
  23. QUICK! I need a link to RP "statement of faith"
  24. Chuck Baldwin to lead prayer conference calls
  25. Christian group plans straw poll, religion-and-politics faceoff
  26. Alabama Pastor is Awesome!
  27. Wow! Statement Of Faith On Church Parking Lots
  28. Statement of faith on a single side flyer
  30. Another great article from a Baptist Pastor
  31. Ron Paul Interview- Christian News Wire
  32. Can we squeeze this quote onto the Faith Flyer?
  33. Audio Posted:Ron Paul Pastor Chuck Baldwin interview (31 min)
  34. Pastor Baldwin Interview of Dr. with Ed. Summary
  35. Jesus Schooling Pastor Huckabee In A Debate
  36. Ron Paul and Christians
  37. Evangelicals hesitant about Thompson
  38. How to win over Christians
  39. Ron Paul, the War and the Faith of the Christians
  40. Let's PLASTER CHURCHES this weekend with RP's Statement of Faith!
  41. Dr. Paul's weak theological statement
  42. Ron Paul supporters vs. Independent, Fundamental Baptists?
  43. Passing out flyers at churches
  44. Ron Paul, Independents, and Evangelicals
  45. RON PAUL CHURCH DAY! Tomorrow
  46. Christians? RP hates Isreal??
  47. Christian organizer, veteran Republican activist joins Ron Paul 2008
  48. church and state
  49. Abortion issues: Ron Paul needs to reach out to evangelicals
  50. I wrote political proganda on church property. :O
  51. BREAKING: Christian Conservatives Threaten to Break Away from GOP if Giuliani nominat
  52. Contact Focus on the Family, Christian Political Support Needed!
  53. Time to Start Targeting Christian/Value Voters?
  54. The Christian Right
  55. Let's email the Christian Right:
  56. Christians for Ron Paul/ James Dobson?
  57. I just convinced a Christian minister to vote for RP.
  58. Why Some Christians Fail To Support Ron Paul
  59. Christians for Ron Paul Meetup Group
  60. Christian Broadcasting Network: Ron Paul Supporters Speak Out
  61. "Ron Paul: Rock Star" Christian Broadcasting steps up again!
  62. Strategy for Reaching Evangelical Christians Voters: Updated
  63. Lets get the Evangelicals on Our Side!!!
  64. ****Godtube.com A way to reach the Christian Right!!!!***
  65. Olbermann Covers RNC Christians and NO PAUL
  66. The key to the Christian Right?
  67. What do Christians, Athiests, Muslims, Agnostics have in common?
  68. Pray for Ron Paul at the debate tonight! That's right, PRAY!
  69. Calling all Christians...
  70. time to pwn a poll at a christian right's newsite.
  71. Is a Christian News Website afraid of a little blogger and the word pwn?
  72. How to Convert a Christian (to Ron Paul)
  73. NEW Grassroots effort - Christian Starter Kit.
  74. Evangelical vote is up for grabs
  75. Pastor Chuck Baldwin Endorses Ron Paul...
  76. Statement of Faith Slimjims
  77. YouTube: Nun Supports Ron Paul on Fox : God Bless Sister Rose Marie
  78. Chuck Baldwin calls on fellow pastors
  79. Christians only please make this brief phone call to Focus on the Family
  80. Win Churches To Ron Paul
  81. Parallels between Christianity and Campaigning
  82. Rep Dr Ron Paul "Power Prayer" WebSite LIVE!
  83. Ron Paul sees a war on Christianity?
  84. Ron Paul To visit with the Pope?
  85. Call Karen Cross at Nat'l Right to Life now!
  86. Ron Paul Prayer Website
  87. Prayer4Paul.com
  88. AUDIO: Why Every Christian Needs to Support Ron Paul
  89. An Easy Way to Reach Christians
  90. Sunday + Walmart + Slim Jim = Christian awareness
  91. Pastors Gathering and Forum...
  92. Losing the Christian Vote
  93. DVD For Christians and Pro-Lifers
  94. Please Join Us to Pray Thanksgiving Day ~ 9:00pm EST ~ For Our Dear Dr Paul
  95. CALLING ALL CHRISTIANS - spread Ron Paul!!
  96. Prayer in Schools
  97. Need help converting a Catholic
  98. Christian's for Ron Paul - Pastor's Forum Video Online at Google Video!
  99. Ron Paul's older brother is a pastor.
  100. [VIDEO] John Weaver - Biblical Money and Inflation (must see)
  101. 30 second radio ad for Christian radio
  102. Christians: Putting Some Water on Huckabee's Fire in Iowa
  103. Need some music suggestions for Christian video.
  104. Pray for Paul
  105. Ron Paul PRAYER TEAM!
  106. I made a Christian's for Ron Paul youtube...
  107. DVD Packages to Iowa Christians! WE NEED YOUR HELP!
  108. Church parking lots
  109. Help Fellow Christians!
  110. usa today:when will the American evangelicals stop being duped by Main stream media?
  111. Debate with a Youth Pastor
  112. Religious Right vs. Ron Paul
  113. Edited Christians for Ron Paul video-Vote for Truth
  114. Just slim-jimmed 500 windshields at a $50/plate Catholic ball thing
  115. So this is where the action is, eh!... Critique www.prayforpaul.com
  116. Pray For Paul :)
  117. Rudy, Iowa Christians, A Tough Sell
  118. Ron Paul On Homosexuality - Interview
  119. To the person who recently asked about a song for a Christian/RP video
  120. Reaching out to Christians
  121. Youtube: " My faith in Christ is why I'm voting for Ron Paul "
  122. Christians for Ron Paul forums
  123. Something for the Christians you are trying to convince...
  124. A Christian perspective Ron vs. Huck
  125. The Christian Right just doesn't "get it"
  126. Why we won't win the Christian Right....
  127. Convincing Christians to vote for RP
  128. Why Paul can't woo Christian right and Huck can
  129. Paul's campaign site needs a link to his spiritual beliefs
  130. Is this a good video for the Christian Conservatives?
  131. Anyone working the church angle?
  132. Season's Greetings from the Ron Paul Family
  133. Getting the Religious Right to Rally Behind Ron Paul
  134. ***Offical Pray For Ron Paul Thread***
  135. *** Official Pray for Ron Paul Thread ***
  136. Huckabee's Big Mistake with the Christian Right
  137. Conservative Christians ARE for Ron Paul
  138. If you go to church this Sunday, please tell everyone to donate
  139. Strategy: RP Evangelicals = Iowa Win
  140. Jeremiah Black Productions to release christian ad-donations needed to get on the air
  141. Ron Paul for X-MAS
  142. HUGE NEWS: NEW Iowa Evangelical Ad Campaign
  143. Evangelical Poll for us to Rock!
  144. Big Opportunity: Get Ron some Evangelical Support!
  145. J.B. Ad 4 now up-30 sec christian ad
  146. Get NEW AD Targeted at the Christian Community on TV!!
  147. How to convert Evangelicals ?
  148. NRO: Ron Paul Charges Huck Implies He's The Only Christian
  149. Christians have Dr. Paul at #1 GOP
  150. Marketing RP to Christians, a different approach than Huckabee
  151. How to win Christians - open letter
  152. Pastor endorses Paul
  153. Video Pastor Chuck Baldwin Endorses Ron Paul
  154. Good coverage on CBN / 700 Club
  155. Mike Church Voting for Ron Paul
  156. What my Pastor Says about Ron Paul
  157. Need Help Setting Up Christians For Ron Paul Website
  158. The PERFECT video for CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS - Show to HUCKABEE supporters!!
  159. Meaning of Christmas is on a change
  160. Great sermon! Convert a few Christians!
  161. VIDEO: "San Antonio for Ron Paul" sign wave at Cornerstone Church
  162. Evangelical Christian Blogger Switches from Huckabee to Ron Paul! Tell them what you
  163. Help! My mother-in-law is voting for Huckabee...
  164. Christian Email Project - Help us answer the responses
  165. "Evangelical" Presidential Poll
  166. huck wants to war in pakistan
  167. A Handy Tool For Helping Religious Huck Supporters
  168. Simple "All-In-One" Page Designed Especially For Christian Voters - Feedback?
  169. My email to a friend who is a Pro-war Huckabee Supporter
  170. What I e-mailed my Baptist sister about Huckabee
  171. Article in Christian Science Moniter
  172. Please digg this EXCELLENT article from the Christian Science Monitor
  173. good Christian Science Monitor Article on Ron Paul
  174. Response from the Christian Science Monitor regarding my "thank you" e-mail
  175. Join/post this 210,000 member christian forum if you're bored
  176. Huckster Arrests Christians
  177. Dailly PRAYER FOR PAUL at 12 Noon
  178. Fast and Pray for Ron Paul Today
  179. Judge Roy Moore Endorses Paul! HUGE for Evangelicals
  180. Hourly prayer/positive thoughts time coming up...
  181. So are we done ignoring the Evangelicals?
  182. We might be able to use this article to win evangelicals!
  183. An open Letter for Evangelicals on Mr. Huckabee
  184. how we can get the christian/evangelical vote....
  185. Guide to Getting the Christian vote: Charismatics!
  186. Great article to share with Christians!
  187. Winning my Co - 1 Mega Church and 1 Simenary School
  188. Guys, we have the power to get the Christian vote, but we're lazy.
  189. Mixing Religion and Politics
  190. Ron Paul Christian Fliers I made
  191. For us to win....
  192. Prayer bomb for Paul Today!
  193. Calling all prayer warriors!
  194. Need web designer (to take down Huckabee)
  195. If you're feeling frustrated or hopeless right now...
  196. Resources for Biblical views on Government
  197. Derek Webb
  198. A new poll at a highly-read Catholic blog
  199. The strange spectacle of the pastor turned politician
  200. Mike Huckabee and the Two Kingdoms
  201. Ron Paul is the Most Fiercely Pro-Life Candidate
  202. Need to be Upfront About Racist Allegation
  203. Getting the Catholic vote
  204. New Voter Guide brochure for Christians
  205. Call Nat'l Right to Life and demand RP Endorsement
  206. Some helpful emails we can send?
  207. "Prayer and Fasting Bomb"
  208. Christians Expose Huckabee: Video help needed!
  209. Christians for Ron Paul Comparison Guides
  210. News article on Ron Paul, will bring in Christians
  211. what about PASTORS and CHURCHES? 501 (c)(3) Here is info ....
  212. Mike Huckabee Moneybomb!!!
  213. hristian Homeschool Mom for Ron Paul (Video)
  214. FANTASTIC article from Baptist pastor
  215. RP Conservative Radio Ads (feel free to use)
  216. Christian Persecution in Iraq
  217. My amazing idea:
  218. Need Christian Precinct Leaders
  219. Huck gets TN Right to Life endorsement
  220. Contact your state Right To Life!...contact info inside...
  221. Anyone on GodTube?
  222. *****Paul Second Behind Romney - TIME TO PRAY*****
  223. Email: A Call to Christians
  224. It's Time to REALLY Fight This Freedom Revolution On The Spiritual Level
  225. Send your clergy this Ron Paul piece from Liberty University
  226. Advertise in Church Bulletins...
  227. The Mormon Prophecy
  228. Huckabee Drops Out
  229. Continuing Christian Outreach
  230. Christian money?
  231. Zero hour - The truth about the Arab Israeli conflict
  232. Shouldnt this Be...
  233. Christianity vs the Constitution
  234. Jesus and Freedom
  235. Light of the world
  236. upcoming Laurence Vance speaking event
  237. Christianity and war (Vance article)
  238. RIP Vern Gosdin
  239. free books by Gary North
  240. Firearms Scripturally Defended
  241. Catholic Decentralization quotes
  242. A Christian view of Authority and War
  243. Norma McCorvey endorsement
  244. Homeschoolers
  245. Ron Paul Faith and Religious Views: "I get to my God through Christ… the Prince of Peace."
  246. A Video For Christians Who Are Uncomfortable With Ron Paul
  247. I converted an evangelical! woo hoo
  248. His Christianity isn't questioned, his policies are...
  249. reach out to the Christian community at the Values Voter Summit
  250. Working Text For Future Video