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  1. HEADS UP & ACTION PETITION REQUEST: Michigan GOP leader wants Paul barred from future
  2. So the Michigan RNC chair thinks a ban is wise?
  3. What's happening at the Michigan GOP
  4. Good News From Michigan! Michigan GOP Chairman retracts statements.
  5. Michigan GOP backs down??
  6. Troy, Michigan (Tomorrow) June 22
  7. MI poll results: Ron Paul at 3%
  8. Keep it up in Michigan
  10. Michigan. leadership conference
  11. MI GOP wants to ban independents in primaries??
  12. Fair Press Coverage of RP in Michigan
  13. Any Michigan Folks??
  14. Oct. 9 Michigan Debate
  15. Michigan Ron Paul Supporters Extend Olive Branch to State GOP
  16. Ron Paul Fundraiser in Detroit, MI Sept 20th
  17. Ron Paul will be on the MICHIGAN primary ballot
  18. Any live blogs from Michigan tonight?
  19. Michigan success, lining the docks
  20. Boy, does THIS reporter have a surprise coming...(from Michigan)
  21. What's going on in Michigan-A news report
  22. Is there a Michigan video?
  23. Ron Paul comes in third at MI strawpoll
  24. Ron Paul comes in 3rd in Michigan
  25. Get your Michigan GOP debate tickets now
  26. Michigan State Police Officer Endorses Ron Paul
  27. Ron Paul Rally - Ann Arbor, MI
  28. Ron Paul in Ann Arbor, MI after the October 9th Debate
  29. Ron Paul Speaking in Ann Arbor Tuesday October 9th 7:00 PM at Diag
  30. Please donate for an Airplane Fly-Over for the Michigan Debate!
  31. TV ad in GOP areas of Michigan during Michigan debate
  32. Ron Paul is Coming to Ann Arbor and I get to introduce him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  33. Nice Port Huron, Michigan Article
  34. Who do you think won the Dearborn, Michigan MSNBC News Republican debate?
  35. HUGE RALLY at University of Michigan LIVE right now
  36. Rememeber when the Michigan guy said Ron Paul shoudln't be allowed in the debates?
  37. Michigan Daily Pre-debate story
  38. Digg these 2 Michigan Rally Reports....
  39. Pictures from U of Michigan Rally???
  40. Ron Paul University of Michigan Rally - All Videos - 10/10/07
  41. Michigan Daily: Ron Paul wins Straw Poll
  42. Excellent opportunity - Read This If You Live In Michigan!
  43. Better Quality Videos of University of Michigan Rally are Up!
  44. Vote in this Poll on Newsbusters: Who won the Michigan debate?
  45. The scene at the Michigan Debate (Pre and Post!)
  46. I've watch almost every Ron Paul video, but that U of Michigan set was amazing!!
  47. Photo Gallery From Ann Arbor Rally
  48. Great short version of Ann Arbor Speech
  49. Pre Michigan Debate Video
  50. Ron Paul Dearborn MI GOP Debate Rally + U-M
  51. Another poll Michigan
  52. Ron Paul U of M Ann Arbor Full Speech HIGH QUALITY
  53. What do you guys make of this- Michigan state coodinator situation
  54. A primary or a convention? Nobody knows
  55. Ron Paul Ann Arbor Rally - Full version
  56. Information from 2004, please update
  57. Ron Paul at the Arab-American Institute in Deaborn, MI Oct. 26
  58. Michigan4Ronpaul website
  59. Wow....that Michigan for Ron Paul video is AMAZING
  60. Mike Gravel vs. Ron Paul at the University of Michigan
  61. Florida and Michigan (HUGE OPPORTUNITY?)
  62. Ron Paul Dearborn Michigan Speech 10/26
  63. Michigan State uniting with University of Michigan to support Ron Paul.
  64. Michigan vs. Ohio State Football Game: Huge Opportunity!
  65. michigan ron paul supporters own mitt
  66. To late?
  67. Convention likely
  68. Michigan Primary - E-mail response from GOP Chairman
  69. Video of our Michigan State - Michigan Tailgate: Hilarious Mitt Romney Footage!
  70. Michigan vs Ohio State :: The biggest Ron Paul Football outreach of the year!
  71. What's up in Michigan?
  72. Looks like RP's got the University of Michigan...
  73. Work to do, says poll
  74. Michigan ChipIns Wanted
  75. Ohio State vs. Michigan Flyover!
  76. Video from the OSU v Michigan game!
  77. These Michigan folks need a reality check
  78. Michigan For Ron Paul Forums
  79. Great News For Michigan!
  80. Michigan primary is BACK ON
  81. Michigan Advertising?
  82. Detroit Free Press hopes for Ron Paul win in Michigan primary! Digg!
  83. Can Ron Paul win Michigan? (YES!)
  84. Michigan Local Papers! THIS IS CRUCIAL!
  85. Hundreds of signs need a good home.
  86. Converted Two Michigan Voters
  87. This could be very good news for Ron Paul in Michigan
  88. Democrats strip Michigan of delegates -- possible talking point
  89. E-Mail, Snail Mail and phone bomb the unions in Michigan.........
  90. Ron Paul at 23.5% in Michigan!?!
  91. How about a Michigan letter writing campaign?
  92. How about a Michigan letter writing campaign?
  93. How are these newspaper advertising rates (Michigan)?
  94. Ron Paul Phone Message
  95. Chipin for calling Michigan voters!
  96. How does one become a delegate in MI?
  97. December 15th events
  98. New Rasmussen Michigan Poll -- RP at 7%, nobody above 21%
  99. FirstGOP Michigan Online Polls
  100. Join the Meetup Alliance
  101. Mass campaign in Michigan
  102. Radio Ads in Michigan
  103. Michigan - NAFTA - Unions
  104. What is the current delegate count?
  105. A PAC needs to target Michigan
  106. What About Michigan?
  107. Ron Paul Radio Ad
  108. Positive RP Article in another Local Paper: Hillsdale, Michigan
  109. Has the campaign emailed donors in Michigan and SC?
  110. Romney is running ads day and night in Michigan on two channels... ABC and NBC!
  111. It is Cold in Michigan, but the message of Liberty prevails!!
  112. Difficult Scenario, Should I Try to Become a Michigan Delgate?
  113. Precinct Captain
  114. Ads in Michigan!
  115. Volunteer Organization. Need your help NOW.
  116. TRAVERSE CITY, mICHIGAN has the RON PAUL Van running around!!
  117. VIDEO - Midland Michigan Sign Waving for Ron Paul, Dec. 22nd
  118. Michigan strikes again!!!!
  119. How many delegates does Michigan GOP have?
  120. Livingston County 12-22!
  121. Raon Paul readies office in Southeast Michigan
  122. Ron Paul second on Michigan ballot
  123. Michigan: I Need Signs!! Contact Info??
  124. Been getting a lot of Ron Paul mailings in Michigan
  125. What is HQ doing in Michigan?
  126. Ron Paul Campaign Opens Michigan Headquarters Saturday in Detroi
  127. Ron Paul in Michigan and the Military
  128. Want to win Michigan? Help us!
  129. RP's U of M speech to be televised on local Michigan TV
  130. Please Digg -- Obama Not A Choice In Michigan Primary
  131. Please Digg -- Obama Not A Choice In Michigan Primary
  132. S.E. Mich...Where's the Revolution?
  133. Write letters to Michigan!
  134. Michigan Support Very High
  135. Please sign up michigan! lets get organized and win MI for RP!
  136. Michigan support?
  137. CRITICAL MICHIGAN >>>Operation Recycle Sign<<<
  138. How many letters will you send to MI by Jan 7?
  139. Winning Michigan
  140. DAD Summit 2007 Jan 12 in MICHIGAN!
  141. Michigan will be our stronghold and turning point
  142. Local Newspaper Blitz and Chip In
  143. Please email Meetup group organizers encouraging them to write letters to MI.
  144. Where the hell are the Michigan ads????
  145. We need to start shifting some focus to Michigan.
  146. Operation Michigan
  147. New Ron Paul Mailer Received in Michigan ("Comparison Voter Guide") - Pics Included
  148. Michigan Grassroots Television Commercials
  149. Its sad
  150. -->Ron Paul Freeway for Freedom<--
  151. Need Help In Warren
  152. Detriot Free Press Endorses Mccain...
  153. Battle Creek rally
  154. Arab Americans
  155. Dearborn, Michigan is Muslim central!
  156. RP rally to be held in Jackson tomorrow
  157. CALL 4 PAUL : I need your input Michiganians...
  158. Urgent: Independent Slimjims Needed in Ann Arbor!
  159. Can anyone help writing letters to MI
  160. huge muslim communities in MI
  161. Michigan Resident flies in from Germany to file Absentee ballot!
  162. Are we targeting Lutherans? They might be friendly to RP, no pandering needed.
  163. Photo ID required to vote
  164. Is Ron Paul going to be in MI on the 15th
  165. Michigan Democrats - Don't Throw Your Vote Away!
  166. Social/religious video
  167. Way to go whoever you are
  168. Contact Michigan Obama supporters
  169. Michigan is an Open Primary - And Paul Can Win It
  170. GOTV Phone Calls
  171. Michigan is an Open Primary - And Paul Can Win It
  172. Just on our local news in the UP...
  173. Ann Arbor canvas help Tuesday and Wensday
  174. Carpooling voters to the polls in Michigan
  175. Signs and Literature
  176. Bingo Halls Michigan
  177. Local news coverage, Paul gaining support...
  178. GET THE DEM VOTE: Michigan has ZERO Dem Delegates
  179. Kiwi Shoe Polish for Ron Paul
  180. for those who want some motivation
  181. Download Burn Dissimenate
  182. Grand Rapids Campaign office?
  183. Really, target muslim communities, Ron is the only Rep. candidate for them!
  184. Ron Paul gains local support
  185. Ron Paul gaining local support
  186. Why I plan to vote for Ron Paul
  187. Downsize DC Running Arabic ads for Ron Paul's "American Freedom Agenda Act"
  188. Obama is Taking Our Independents - HOW TO TAKE THEM BACK AND WIN MICHIGAN!
  189. Michigan Predictions?
  190. Critical Signage problem I saw in New Hashire
  191. Vote for Ron Paul on Mojo in the Morning
  192. ***IMPORTANT To Michigan neighboring states ****
  193. Education The only way to Win
  194. NH Voter:Donor Ratio applied to MI
  195. Campaign ads
  196. Town Hall meeting in Lansing?
  197. How can those not in Michigan help out?
  198. Call your 3 favorites from Michigan!
  199. It's has to start somewhere, it's has to start sometime!
  200. Giuliani ad naseum!
  201. Ron Paul Zines- Get Creative!
  202. Supplies in At Major Offices
  203. Nafta
  204. Turnout will affect MI more than any other state
  205. Is michigan an open primary?
  206. For anyone who is promoting Ron Paul
  207. LewRockwell article - Michigan is an Open Primary - And Paul Can Win It
  208. Why women don't vote for us?!!!
  209. Lesson learned from NH
  210. Picking a 5 day battle plan.....
  211. Is this true?
  212. Focus on Congressional Districts
  213. Possible way to avoid Vote Fraud
  214. Need help getting my parents to vote for RP
  215. What the official campaign should do...
  216. Please Read -- Serious Suggestions On How To Win
  217. Campaign Running TV Ads?
  218. Calling democrates specifically?
  219. Where is Ron Paul?
  220. First hand experiences: Dems. very receptive to Paul and likely to vote for Him
  221. Jan 12th and Ron Paul in Michigan
  222. Democrats were stripped of ALL delegates - They can send a message by voting Ron Paul
  223. anti-establishment
  224. We will not win Michigan but Romney
  225. Can anyone get their hands on a list of democrats in Michigan?
  226. Purchase list of Dem voters?
  227. Targeting the Older Voters
  228. Idea for Michigan supporters
  229. We need Michigan Democrat & Independent calling lists now!
  230. Ottawa County Straw Poll
  231. RP Appearances in Michigan?
  232. Democrate HOT TOPICS? WHAT R they?
  233. Any Michigan Polls out?
  234. DEMOCRATIC Michigan AD: supply me one NOW..
  235. Daily Kos???
  236. Product refinement: #1 Medicare
  237. A simple 30 second TV/Radio ad
  238. Inspiration
  239. Are MICHIGAN meetups targetting Democrats?
  240. Nafta-
  241. Can we get a list of registered democrats?
  242. Stop trying to convert Huckabee supporters
  243. CRITICAL!! Winning MI per Jefferson County, IA
  244. Facebook???
  245. How to get the Democrat vote: Story FROM a Democrat
  246. If I was running the campaign.......
  247. Getting lists of registered democrats
  248. Stealing the Obama vote?
  249. Everybody go and sign up to be RP precinct captains NOW! This is how we win!
  250. Anyone From Michigan? Which of these papers are the largest in Michigan?