View Full Version : Iowa
Pages :
- New scientific Iowa poll- 2%!!!!
- Operation Spooner- Iowa Outreach launched 7pm CST
- Poll: Let's see how many tickets can we buy for Iowans
- Door 2 Door Des Moines: Operation Groundswell
- For the Straw Poll - Operation Adopt-an-Iowan
- What I Did...
- Iowa Headquarters Website
- Suggestion from Texas
- Why doesn't anyone talk about a fairtaxx rally in Ames.
- Iowa is live
- Awesome Ron Paul Attack Flyer!
- SPAM Iowa Straw Poll with canned spam - food drive
- Yard Signs
- Iowa Debate and Iowa Straw Poll Grassroots Game Plan
- Announcing: Operation Adopt-A-Iowan Phase II
- Get Your Iowa Straw Poll Volunteer Info Here...
- Great Media Story for RP in Iowa video
- The Ames Straw Poll Evite
- Iowa Church going on Sunday Aug. 12
- Conflict of interest?
- What Comes After Iowa? Iowa!
- Links to the Iowa threads?
- Iowa flyers project
- News from Iowa *LINK*
- How do the Iowa Caucuses Work?
- Information from 2004, please update
- Delegate
- "Boozers for Barack" (and maybe Ron Paul?)
- Iowans for Tax Relief Fall Kick-Off Event
- Delegates???
- The Way Iowa Works (IMPORTANT)
- Want to help RP win in Iowa, then join The Great Iowa Weekend Walk-Off
- Iowa Roll Call!!!!
- What's going on in Iowa?!
- Iowa ChipIns wanted
- Go Door to Door or try to get Local Media Attention ASAP
- 22 Billboards going up in Des Moines!
- Paul ahead of Romney in Iowa State Republicans survey
- Iowa Rp Support Key To The Universe (first 45 counties)
- The Next 54 Iowa Counties
- The Rest Of Iowa's County Chairs
- Iowa GOP Caucus Training Video
- How do I caucus for Ron Paul?
- Busing folks to Caucuses?
- Door to door in Council Bluffs
- Ron Paul will WIN in Iowa....
- Looking for videographer from Iowa Hawkeye Tailgate
- 8% in Iowa!
- HUCK #1 In IOWA and rp in 3rd soon !! AWESOME BABY !!
- Some Iowa Radio Polling Help
- Join the Meetup Alliance
- Early Iowa poll results are in!
- Ron Paul will get third in Iowa... but
- If you want to represent Dr. Paul for MTV...
- Fox just showed an Iowa poll and Ron Paul wasn't even listed!
- Some good news from Iowa
- My New Blog from Iowa!
- Speech Given at Local GOP Meeting
- Ron Paul is #3 in Iowa
- Iowa does not want college votes....
- (Already) spinning the Iowa results
- Mitt Goes Negative in Iowa!! Yes!!
- Conquering Davenport, Iowa
- Help win Iowa
- Anyone have historical weather data for Iowa between 1st and 6th of Jan.
- Iowa and voter commitment
- Tip an Iowan Waitress for Ron Paul [Hillary stiffed her!]
- Ron Paul Romp in Iowa Caucus
- Davenport, IA has been RON PAULIZED
- Iowa Report: How Ron Paul Could Become Next President of the US
- Help in Southwest Iowa
- i recieved my first anti huckabee mailing today (iowa)
- Polk County Caucus Attendees
- Polk County Caucus Attendees
- ***GOAL: Win IOWA***
- My Caucus Night Speech
- Can 25,000 votes take Iowa?
- My take on Iowa - (especially the new 'Iowa Infomercial')
- People in Iowa still don't know (step it up!)
- I'm looking for two graphs (Iowa polls + fundraising)
- Paul At 4% And Huckabee AT 22% In Iowa?!?
- Paul closing in on third place in Iowa!
- Is there a way to count democratic-republican's in Iowa?
- Ron Paul tied with Rudy in Iowa at 8%, beating McCain, and 1% from 3rd! (MSM POLL)
- Help needed in Iowa Poll
- Dates and times for informercial
- City of Chicago, convoy to IA this Saturday
- Something To Consider Iowa/Polls
- So, we only need ~35-40k votes to win Iowa?
- Immigration radio ad?
- Ron Paul tied for 4th in Washington Post Iowa poll
- for those in states surrounding iowa...
- Iowa is SHORT on delegates!
- Iowa Caucus Poll... Ron Paul LOSING BIG!
- Online vote help needed! Iowa Caucasus
- Definitive breakdown of Iowa polling methology:
- Iowa Caucus Poll
- Anyone in Iowa?
- Cedar Rapids needs help
- registration deadline?
- Columnist for The Hill: "Ron Paul Will Surprise in Iowa"
- Callout to anyone in my district.
- iowa caucusers, who is your second round choice
- Attn all who are unsure how to support Ron Paul in a caucus state and Attn Iowans
- Direct-mail showing up in Iowa
- Is This Good Or Bad News For Ron Paul In Iowa?
- Funding available for ads in Iowa...
- Why Ron Paul Will Win Iowa
- Just something I noticed here in Iowa City
- This could be very good for us in Iowa
- Thought on Iowa
- TEN (10) Days to Iowa!!
- Is anyone providing transport to get people to the caucus in IOWA
- Paul moves up to double digits in new Iowa ARG Poll:
- BREAKING: Ron Paul at 10% in Iowa!!!
- Weather Forecast For Iowa: January 3rd
- Huge Iowa News - double digits
- How many voters we need in Iowa to win!
- Iowa weather for Jan. 3rd: partly cloudy
- ***iowa Weather Update*** == Scattered Snow Snowstorms Jan. 3
- Kernels from Iowa: Ron Paul wins over Fairfield’s deep thinkers
- Paul breaks 10% in Iowa
- How will we know who won each caucus location in Iowa?
- Weather forecast to be sunny yet freezing in Des Moines, Iowa
- Ron Paul Moves Up Six Points in Iowa
- My sobering analysis on iowa, from Cedar Rapids
- Iowa and Wyoming next week... how do you feel?
- Iowa Caucus Poll
- Babysitters needed for Iowa Caucaus?!?!?!?
- Yahoo Poll: Who will surprise peoplein Iowa? RP at 71%
- We need carpools in IOWA
- Lew Rockwell on Iowa
- Quick Iowa Poll on MSNBC, Ron at 17%?
- Iowa voters still undecided?
- 2008 Iowa GOP Caucus Coverage
- 17% in Iowa??
- 6 days to Iowa, Huckabee main threat
- Ugh, just got a response back from a letter I mailed to Iowa
- Robert Novak: third-place finish in Iowa is not out of the question
- Iowa Ride Share/Car Pool
- Paul tied for 4th in Iowa, Research 2000 poll
- Iowa Caucus Poll: Interesting stats
- Iowa poll shows 48% of Republicans want out of Iraq!
- For 1st time Iowa caucus attendees
- Estimated over 100,000 Poker Lovers in Iowa...
- A Request from Iowa
- Ron Paul way behind in Iowa on-line poll
- Iowa Vote Observers Needed : : Iowans Please Read
- News from the Iowa Student Army
- Ron Paul THIRD in Iowa power rankings.
- RP 3rd in Iowa Power Rankings
- Is THIRD Ron Paul's BEST BET in Iowa?
- Battlefield Report
- What's your prediction for Iowa?
- Iowa - Ron Paul Foreign Policy
- IOWA becomes much more IMPORTANT NOW !!
- My Iowa Caucus Turnout Calculation
- Me thinks rudy giulliani will do worse than Paul in IOWA
- How many votes do we know we'll get in Iowa?
- moving on up ! cedar rapids iowa poll ties for 4th
- Need Help Understanding Iowa
- 3rd place in Iowa is looking very possible
- Winning 1st Place in Iowa
- Seeking Iowa Talkshow Call In Numbers
- Call HQ for a hand recount in IOWA - cost about $100,000
- Iowa Independent blog
- Are you Iowans ready to Caucus?????
- Iowa House Parties for Ron Paul
- Iowa Caucus: Interactive Graphic for visual people
- Iowa Caucuses, high of 32*F temps
- Iowa Caucus Jan 3rd, 2008
- Iowa Cacus
- Iowa HQ: Vote Observers Needed in Iowa!! Urgent Need.
- When will Iowa caucus results be announced?
- **IOWA Caucus Prediction Thread and Bet**
- To my Iowa brethren, caucus strategy...please read!
- Here's a good introduction to the Iowa caucus.
- estimated 83,000 to participate in GOP Iowa
- Iowa Vote Counting Issues
- What's the Matter With Iowa?
- McLame not in Ames = 0 Iowa convention delegates
- The reality in Iowa
- Vans driving people to the Iowa Caucuses?
- The OFFICIAL Iowa predictions thread - NO POLL!
- Pass this on to the campiagn !! IOWA Voter Fraud?
- Harold Ford: "don't count RP out of Iowa"
- BREAKING::possible snow storm Iowa on thursday
- Iowa vote counting tricks...Centralized tabulation
- Just got back from Iowa
- Can the Iowa college kids legally vote?
- So...How does the Iowa delegation process work?
- Confused by Des Moines Register Poll - paul at 11%? or 9?
- Iowa City
- Iowa - Caucus - Basic questiosn
- Iowa Caucus Thoughts - Ron Paul or the Democrat?
- Since Many of You Cite The Iowa Straw Poll...
- Ron Polling high with independents in Iowa - Digg It
- Offical Iowa FAQ thread - Ask and/or Answer last minute questions.
- reflection about Iowa polls... then vs now.
- IOWA: "I Owe the World an Apology"
- Google Trends
- Short report from a friend of mine in Iowa
- Iowa Caucus goers: Pamphlet to use to sway LDS folks from Romney to RP
- Iowa Weather Forecasts continue to Fall for Caucus Night
- Iowa Caucus: If youre 17 you can vote...
- TH: Letter to the Editor
- Just saw RP 9% in Iowa!
- When will we get the results from Iowa?
- How will we Poll in IOWA!!!!, VOTE!!!!!
- Iowa Prediction
- AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH! Read the last paragraph.
- Normal wait time for results?
- Politicallore's IOWA PREDICTIONS... Let's Turn Out For Ron Paul!!!
- An Open Letter to Iowa Skeptics
- What combination would be best for Paul in Iowa
- Paul was not in Iowa yesterday or today...
- The Grassroots Reaction per Position Finished in Iowa
- Iowa Info Thread***
- All i know is...
- Happy Causus Eve everyone
- Official Site Directs Caucus Information
- Online Database to place an RP supporter in each Iowa precinct
- The Official Good Vibes Thread
- Just a thank you to Ron Paul Supporters before Caucus Night
- Politcal attire is PROHIBITED from polls/caucuses! DON'T REBEL.
- Coffee Bean Caucus in Iowa City
- One last reminder - How you can get updates from Des Moines
- When will we know the results of the Iowa Caucus?
- 4th Place Isn't Bad!
- Luntz in Iowa
- Anyone Live in Des Moines????????
- The Caucus Structure benefits us - but it invites Shills and Agent Provocateurs
- Monitoring Iowa Caucus
- So, how does this work?
- Final Zogby IA poll - Paul jumps to 9%
- IOWA HQs: Paul vs. Huckabee LOL
- Date and Time For Republican Caucus
- News: Paul is better organized than Huckabee
- IMPORTANT: Link for live results of Iowa Causes on Jan 3!!!!!
- do you have a good caucus speech for me ?
- Iowa Exit Polling Results
- Constitutional Convention of 2008 set to convene
- I see many predictions of where the candidates will place, but..
- Weather in Iowa
- Iowa - The shot heard round the world!
- Wow
- This isn't being stressed enough in Iowa...
- For caucus goers. Watch for dirty tricks.
- idea to drive iowans to the caucus?
- RP on Ed Schultz Show now!
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