- December 30th
- December 31st
- Fridays for Freedom aka Ron Pauls Payday
- January 17th - $100 for Franklin a.k.a. Benjamins for Paul
- January 21st - MLK Day
- Volunteers please reply here.
- 23 Million in One Month?!
- rules on donation amount
- $23 million summery site
- Collected my ideas, use as you like...
- January 21 Ignore Fox News Day
- 2 Money Bombs On Jan 21
- Official Money Bomb Website Has Jan 21 Combining 2 Money Bombs ...
- Let's get our minds around the challenge...
- Main Super Tuesday fund raising site...
- Consensus Please!
- Idea for consolidating the money bombs
- Ron Pauls Pay Day can be a huge factor in reaching 23 million.
- We need to have something for the 4th, 5th and 6th!
- A path to 23 million
- Are we ready for the after-IOWA deluge?
- Trevor Lyman's Money Bomb Is On Jan 21 Freeatlast2008.com
- benjaminesforpaul: for you consideration
- Is $23 million really needed?
- RP FOX exclusion, Money Bombs and raising $23 million today!!!
- 1 trillion dollar hedge fund for peace
- Trevor made a moneybomb site for Jan 21
- Matching Funds?
- URGENT: The Rapid Donation Tipping Point
- Why? Because We Need It! Why Not? You Tell Me!
- Your #1 internet priority for the week
- Super important! Need funds ASAP! pauldigras.com
- Ron Paul POWER HOUR: Smashing Campaign Finance Records with THE NEW MONEY BOMB
- this song
- $500 moneybomb
- Raise money for Ron via Cell, 1st time EVER in US History! :) ...crosspost, important
- Finally a method that will secure our 23 million
- Who runs these money bombs?
- Ron Paul for Congress
- The real only way to get 23 million, or even 8.4 million
- TaxDay08.com