View Full Version : Fox Boycott
- After I told Newsweak that I was boycotting them, I got this response!!!
- Official Campaign Press Release regarding Paul exclusion in Fox debate
- Daily Paul on Fox debate- CEASE AND DESIST
- Fox Excluding Paul Confirmed
- Press Releases Has Fox News Excluded Ron Paul?
- Fox News Contact Information
- PLEASE DIGG - Has Fox News Excluded Ron Paul?
- NH Debate Rally?
- I URGE everyone for CALM...Fox
- Fox News Sponsors Contact Information
- ***official Send Free Faxes To Fox News Thread****
- What to do: How to handle RP being excluded from the Fox debate
- Alan Colmes Friday Night Free For All! CALL in NOW!
- Fox News Timed This Perefectly
- We need to prepare to run an ad in major NH newspapers about Fox News
- A message to Fox on their exclusion of Ron Paul from the debate
- ***Fax Fox Online for Free!***
- List of Fox sponsers contact info HERE
- USA Today Retracts Fox Exclusion story.
- RP Should invite candidates to his OWN debate...
- Local Fox News Protest In Your Town
- MOST IMPORTANT!! - Call Your Local Fox Affiliate About This Outrage!!!
- Ron Paul Fox News Debate Exclusion Buried on Anti-Paul Bury Squad
- Fox is Trolling Us - Think About It.
- Fox debate exclusion: Start emailing/faxing now or wait until Monday morning?
- Contact your local Fox Affilliate
- Dont call Comcast.
- Log On To Fox Site
- Alan Colmes said complain to Fox
- The Official Campaign has no idea whether they've been excluded or not
- The debate is NOT the Fox Forum on January 6
- What to do about the debate: Celebrate?
- Free poster inspired by fox..
- Stop annoying people
- Where is the AP article that says RP is excluded?
- Fox News and Iowa
- What did Ron Paul do about the LAST debate he was excluded from?
- Fox just made us all
- IT WORKS - Looks like I just cost fox an advertiser
- Don't contact Fox, contact everyone else!!! (read me)
- best quote ever from the forums
- Calm Down Please
- Fox Debate Exclusion: Take a breath and think, read:
- Are we crazy?
- #67 - Boycott FOXnews... UNTIL IT'S OFF THE AIR
- People freaking about the Jan 6th Fox debate are not acting on confirmed intelligence
- I'm sure they didn't exclude him because they hate him
- Outfoxed!!!!
- WHo is Fox's competition in MSM?
- Everybody go to the chat room
- This is what happens when you criticize FOX News on hannity:
- Sample letter to FAX the media and "Faux News": WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!
- Regarding FOX I think we need to calm down for a sec and follow these instructions...
- Storm The Debate!!!
- The exclusion is CONFIRMED by BOTH the NH Rep Party and the AP!
- roll call: glad dr paul is being excluded
- Master Email List For Media Outlets
- Someone create a listserv with all the fox email addys
- Protest Outside Of The Fox Debate
- SLAM Fox/NWS on Yahoo Finance Message Boards
- IMPORTANT: Debate is Jan. 5, FORUM is Jan. 6
- PLEASE - Remain calm until Monday.
- The polls prove Fox has no reason to exclude Paul
- Operation: Annex The Media
- Moderators Place A Link To This Forum At The Top!
- IMPORTANT: PLEASE get the dates right!
- Create TV and newspaper ads for January 6th
- Compiled FOX Mail-Addresses
- give them comms bomb
- Psyop, don't fall for it. Focus on the positive.
- Urgent Ron Paul Forward
- "Fox news sucks" MONEY BOMB on the 5th?
- MAKE foxnews look stupid by HUGE suprise in IOWA
- Idea to show support at the debate
- Do what we did in Iowa!!!!
- Use This to Get out in Full Force in the coming Week events!
- A Video Reminder Of The Last Time Fox News Did This BULLS***
- How to react to FOX censorship?
- What Would Ron Paul Do!
- Confirming Call to Action: This is Not a Drill
- The time for *peaceful*, *lawful*, and *non-violent* ACTION is RIGHT NOW!
- FLY the BLIMP to the FOX DEBATE!! Urgent plea to the skies.
- Fox News Forum, Sovereignty not on the table
- NH REPUBLICANS: Tell Your State Party They Will LOSE Your Support
- We've Doen Our Good Faith Effort... It's Time To Be Heard
- YOUR incredible energy & RP's truth r at stake: a time to chill.....
- Digg This: Video About Freedom/liberty
- This is a great video showing Fox's bias towards Ron Paul
- Be MAD but be POLITE?!
- If they donīt want RP in the forum, who canīt do NOTHING!
- Iowans don't let us down!
- Fox News - Hijacking An Election
- Why we donīt focus to get more votes from Iowa and NH ?
- Digg is Censoring This: My letter to Judge Napolitano regarding Ron Paul and FoxNews
- An observation...
- Let's call it Ron Paul Day!!
- Let's make Fox Noise problem work for our advantage (A Plan)
- Lets contact the other candidates publically and ask
- Fox news forum is NOT the ABC debate.
- DIGG Anti-Paul Bury Brigade Censored All 16 Stories
- This is a good thing!!!
- Focus On This Now!!!
- All You Need To Know. . .
- New Hampshire Grassroots: What ACTION are you taking about the Fox News Forum?
- Attack the SPONSORS like was done with GLENN BECK
- If you want to hut our chances in NH, keep contacting the NH GOP.
- Stuff to CITE in letters to editor/etc about this
- Another contact list
- paul excluded from debate forum
- ***think Before You Act, There Could Be People Here Who Don`t Want Ron Paul To Win!
- Post on Stock Market Forums
- good article slams FOX
- Have MASSIVE Rally outside debate location...
- Digg/Dugg - Will There Be a Run on NewsCorp (NWS) Holdings?
- If you want to have an effect, contact drudge
- Compiled list of FOX News email address, phone numbers, fax, and sponsors
- Partial list of Fox 2 St. Louis, MO sponsors
- Contact News Corporation!
- If you don't believe we can change FOX news then how can you chage a country?
- Notice of controversy - what's the best use of resources?
- Censorship-->Opportunity-->Counter programming-->Millions join the Revolution
- Jane Aitken on the New Hampshire Debate situation
- Good Morning! - Today's task is to get Ron Paul INCLUDED in the Fox News Forum!
- FOX Strategy Analysis
- New Years March!!!
- Poke Fox News in the Eye for Ron Paul
- Two websites that list FOX News Sponsors
- Boycott Fox and every single sponsor. E-mail them to show it.
- Do We Even Need Ron Paul On The Fox Debate To Win????
- Stock and Advertiser Boycott blogging needs to go viral
- My e-mail to Fox News
- GREAT letter to FOX!!!
- How are we going to protest FOX excluding RP?
- Operation Blowback!
- If you are going to write an email, do me one more favor
- Buy tickets in support of other candidates?
- Executive Director of Republican Party on Washington Journal!
- Strategy - Polite - A deluge on their communication network!~
- Fox's main Sponsors contact information
- "Friendlies" in the MSM can help?
- Up mod this on Reddit
- Contact list of Fox's advertising executives
- What candidates will be in the debate?
- My tactic for dealing with this problem.....
- SUCCESS!! -- Local Fox affiliate just lost car dealer advertiser
- NewsCorp Stock Drops!!
- Moderator - Please Sticky Master List for us
- How much press would Huck get excluded????
- Why would St Anshelms college
- Battle Plan For Nh Debate
- One RADIO Car Dealership ad is worth $40,000 a month
- Hit Fox in the OTHER place it hurts: FCC Approvals.
- Boycott your local Fox Affiliate
- Great post and idea's on
- Suggest that the issue be CENSORSHIP, which is bigger than Dr. Paul
- Exclusion is good. Thanks Fox.
- Holy Crapola!! Calm Yourself
- Make sure NH local media all know about this
- Ron Paul March
- Fox News supporters here......
- This vid about RP exclusion needs to go viral quickly
- A Plea to all of you
- Food and Fox
- Please help get this page ranked in google
- The WORST option is to actually get RP included!
- Sign the MSM petition, and help finance our own PROFESSIONAL POLLS before NH!
- Tim for a new blimp banner exposing FOX NEWS bias
- Why NOT call HN Gop? Maybe we can get them to pull sponsorship?
- Will Iowa caucuses shake up Republicans?
- Very good WND article
- Every interview/meeting/speech RP has to say he was excluded.
- Now on Fox about Wall Street and candidates...
- Local Media Channels?
- If you are arrested for civil disobediance while protesting the debate...
- Unleash hell
- Rally Has Been Suggested On Daily Paul
- Ten FANTASTIC reasons to INCLUDE Ron Paul in the Fox News Forum!
- Simplification of Fox News Sponsor Boycott-bomb
- Your Over-Emotionalism Will Harm Ron Paul..
- Fox wants your input
- Somebody could ....
- EXCELLENT video advice from Jive Dadson--great points!
- List Of Fox News Sponsors
- When a corporation can be used to hi-jack an election a rEVOLution must occur!
- Pre-Emptive Stike on Iraq? Now on FOX? Deja Vu?
- This forum is being censored FOX NEWS STYLE
- SUCCESS #3 - Another lost advertiser
- Does anyone remember the LAST FOX debate (December 4)?
- "Unfair & Unbalanced"
- Lessons from the past
- Why?
- POST HERE - Have you cost your local Fox affiliate an advertiser yet?
- Can we talk about getting this in the papers tomorrow?
- Fox within rights to exclude Paul
- If RP isn't in the debate will you be there?
- So how long have the Fox
- Enlist Olbermann to Fight Fox?
- Air a commercial before/during the Fox Forum
- Oh man! You all have to watch this 22 sec clip. It says it all
- Ideas to Combat Fox:
- "Ron Paul Newspaper Day"
- What will you do to ensure your voice is heard?
- Ron Paul Car Parade Day
- Family Day
- 3rd in Iowa
- Our own event
- Boycott 4 Freedom!!!!!!!!!!!
- You guys know that there is a nationally televised debate on Jan 5th, right?
- Join NH writing letter writing campaign mention media bias.
- Stop the boycott! KEEP RON PAUL OUT
- Fox news
- Century Faux - Outfoxed - Logo
- Why Not A Rally-Protest in NH? Rally BOMB!!!
- 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action
- Take a break - Wyoming precinct committee members need letters
- The Revolution Musters at Fox Debate
- Refuse to be violent - or they will prevent our rallies
- Fight FOX NEWS Via F.C.C now!
- Two talking points if you want to be positive to FOX...
- Don't let this fox thing take away from REAL grassroots.
- Post debate event with web simulcast?
- ATTENTION: Rupert Murdoch is backing Hillary
- IMPORTANT: Ron Paul Responds to FOX -- DIGG IT!
- Don't Help Fox Change Their Mind Before Iowa Vote, Do This Instead...
- Bill O'Reilly's voicemail at Fox?
- Has FOX shown any signs of cracking?
- FOX debate - Get Tickets!
- Murdoch The Maniac supports Hillary and is therefore excluding RP
- update on Rally?
- Fox has A LOT of enemies already. Let's leverage them!
- Let's target the whole Murdoch empire worldwide & make it come crashing down to halt
- DIGG it "Paul: Fox News is 'scared of me'"
- MYSPACE!!!! (owned by FOX)
- One paragraph summary of the controversy being discussed here please -- been AFK
- This is FOX's Toto moment for America.
- Let us make an Ad on this censorship!!
- We need a forum exclusion as an excuse to destroy FOX News?
- Comprehensive list of ALL fox news emails -- It's time for an email bomb
- FOX has no rights!! It is unethical!
- Deja Vu
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