- $12 million goal: possible through consistancy
- RESPONSE NEEDED BY NOV 8! Boston Tea Party Commemoration
- Bill Of Rights Day/boston Tea Party Weekend Money Bomb!
- Sooo.... Dec 16th....
- Boston Tea Party Dec. 16th
- Which day would be the best Money Bomb day?
- Another money bomb date
- Visit http://www.teaparty07.com/ and take a look at it!
- WeekendOfLiberty.com - next step?
- Nov. 11th is too soon for me, I'm saving up for Dec. 16th
- *This December 16th* - Money Bomb
- Mass Circulate This Boston Tea Party Flyer!
- Next Donation Drive (Input Please)
- Tea Party '07 shirts?
- Weekendforliberty.com?
- Opinion- Donations should be on December 16th
- VOTE HERE: weekendforliberty.com - yes or no?
- VOTE HERE: Campaigning Dec 15th, Moneybomb Dec 16th - good plan?
- Final Call for Alternative Website Names
- Vote for Best Dec15/16 Website Name!
- Weekend For Liberty = Bill of Rights Day + TeaParty07. Example Photoshop. *PIC*
- Which of the top 2 names?
- Donate all on the 16th (Sunday) to get max exposure Monday
- PRO vs. CON of both weekendforliberty.com and teaparty07.com
- how about 15th for sign hanging bomb/ 16th for the money
- We need to focus on one day and break the six million record.
- December 16th Video
- December 16th Video
- Our New Tea Party
- 100,000 Donors
- We must all work together for DEC 16TH!
- Slogan for TeaParty07 ?
- To Admins: The forumsection should be renamed to 16th December only
- Moneybomb Must Be On Dec 16th To Make It Huge!
- PLEASE, finnish the DEC 16th web-site ASAP!
- Request for Graphics and YouTubes for TeaParty07
- Tea Party 07 Graphics/Backgrounds
- Popular Slogan Ideas?
- Updates on TeaParty07 sticky, 1st post
- Event idea for Bill of Rights day - Dec 15th
- 48 hour donation period?
- Viral marketing idea for Weekend of Liberty
- Vote for Best Dec 16 Slogan!
- Vote for Best Dec 16 Slogan!
- A house divided cannot stand
- Please stick to one day. The 16th was the day originally planned. Drop the 15th
- WeekendOfLiberty structure ideas or "If I was king of the world" ;)
- Possible Itinerary
- Here we go!! Compromise for 15th and 16th
- New Tea Party Graphic
- Bill of Rights day suggestion
- Ideas for BoRs Day site?
- On December 16th Design
- TeaParty07.com to be live tonight/tomorrow
- Ron Paul Quote Video
- TeaParty07 T-shirts - Who can design one?
- Interesting tidbit on the original Boston Tea Party
- Which of the slogans do you prefer?
- TeaParty07 - We've got media coverage already...
- A mini-event for Bill of Rights day?
- DEc. 15th rallies/signs - extra noise in early states Iowa, NH, SC, etc.
- A Call For Meetup Group Events On The 15th
- Watch this excellent TeaParty07.com YouTube Promo!
- December 15th/16th Video
- Please rename this forum section name
- My humble T-Shirt Design
- A new name for Dec 15th and 16th.
- what happened to www.teaparty07.com?
- Printable Dec 15th/16th Flier
- Round#2 - Vote for best slogan!
- Have a $1 donation option
- something added to my Dec 16th design
- A word of warning
- Why a 100 Million Dollar Boston Tea party is doable
- THE Coming "16th of December Boston Tea Party Money Bomb"
- Three Tea Party '07 Shirts - Ready for print!
- Two-tier, Mass Appeal Message
- Tea Party 07 Website Design Idea
- Make November a Month to Remember - warmup to Dec 16th
- Which slogan? (Yes, another one of these lol)
- Links For The Boston Tea Party - Sources for Information
- www.teaparty07.com still the URL?
- Free Advertising for Ron Paul! Today!! We can't afford not to!!!
- TeaParty07 Merchandise
- Tea Party 07 Web Design Idea
- Personal Goals: 2x to make $10 million!
- setting up TeaParty07.com- tech help please!
- Focusing on Hillary
- Thought Bombing. Coordinated Strikes.
- Hopefully we're getting close to the last of slogans lol...
- An idea.
- Hi CNN!
- For the reenactment...
- Who is Ron Paul? I am Ron Paul!
- TeaParty07.org----Does someone here own it?
- My Tea Party Design
- Liber-Tea-Party I like it
- Need everyone's help to check propagation status of TeaParty07.com
- Programming help needed Bill of Rights Volunteer Day Site help
- Beware of fraudulent TeaParty07 sites...
- pics needed for BoRD Volunteer site
- Another Tea Party Design
- TeaParty07.org
- Nov 5th email about the .org and .net teaparty07 sites?
- T-Shirts For Printing (Someone Set Them Up)
- ronpaulmoneybomb.com?
- Paul Revere March-Video
- Teaparty.org - Fraud?
- December 16th rally?
- Thank you for your input
- HEY LOOK. An article about US!!!
- 112 subscribers?
- National Boston Tea Party Commemoration Event
- TeaParty .ORG .NET- clarification
- December 16th Was Advetised On CNN!
- The Power of Focus....DEC 16TH.
- Seven degrees to John Mayer
- teaparty07.com is just white...
- thisdecember16th.com harming the campaign?
- I still can't get to teaparty07.com site. What is going on?
- Hawt new slogans
- Tricorner hats as symbol of idea-based revolution
- OMG! GET THE www.teaparty07.com ONLINE ?
- Tea Bags to News Companies
- Promoting Ron Paul & Dec 16th
- 10 Million Goal: Too Small?
- TeaParty07.com Looks Great!
- http://TeaParty07.com does NOT have "www"
- I can finally see the site....some comments.
- Subscription by email not working?
- MEETUP PROJECT: Make a list of local news orgs and start mailing tea bags
- UNITE under ONE SITE for the tea party
- Link to TeaParty07 from ThisNovember5th
- Need a banner or something to promote on website
- Bulk Tricorner hats
- You guys are going to LOVE this!
- Link Tea Party to Christmas Donations
- Will the number of subscribers be listed? And....?
- Flyer Text
- Great new from Rasmussen reports
- Which Website Is The Right One?
- The majority of people do not want to receive a daily email.
- Boston Tea Party Video
- What is the absolute upper limit we could raise on Dec 16th?
- Frequency of emails from TeaParty07.com
- Donation Options -- TeaParty07.com
- How can we spread this to NON Ron Paul sites?
- Problems/Ideas/Suggestions for www.teaparty07.com
- 15th/16th Marketing Strategy Thread
- thisdecember16th.com now linked to teaparty07.com
- Site looks f'd up in Firefox
- TeaParty07 only through ondecember16th.com
- REQUEST TO OWNERS OF teaparty07.ORG & teaparty07.NET
- ** Critical ** re Dec 16 ** please read
- Rights Rally 07 Website ready for viewing!
- How Much You Are Going To Donate ATLEAST On DEC 16TH
- No one understands "inflation tax"
- is the TeaParty07.ORG site legit?
- Love the main Tea Party youtube video
- Tax-protestor movie on TeaParty07.com
- Freedom to Fascism- should it stay or go?
- Inflation Tax- stay or go?
- Myspace Bulletin for Tea Party 07.. feel free to copy
- Everyone with Myspace.. POST THIS BULLETIN! teaparty07
- Sign-up site suggestion - add way for visitors to send e-mails out
- Wait...why is ronpaulgraphs.com tracking the subscribers to teaparty.com?
- December 16th Video
- Wasn't it 13 million?
- The most telling Paul statistic:
- Two sites promoting Dec. 16th? This is confusing
- Again...Please get rid of INFLATION TAX from Tea Party site
- How many of your friends will donate?
- $100 is chump change....everyone should shoot for $200 min
- Please post all TeaParty07 YouTubes here
- Ideas to get more donations...
- Excellent video on teaparty07.com
- revamped image for teaparty07.com
- MICHIGAN: Teaparty07.com still not up
- A Teaparty-only flash widget?
- Any comcast internet users unable to load teaparty07.com? PLEASE LET US KNOW!
- A great movie.
- I need graphics help
- Best Boston Teaparty video!
- Should we publish a donor list to TeaParty07 site?
- Tea Party Logo Submissions Here
- Making The Tea Party a Success
- Bandwidth Considerations for the 16th??
- People with talent, start making videos for tea party 07!
- Anyone NOT with Comcast than cannot access the site?
- TeaParty07.com connection poll
- Order your signs for the 15th of Dec. from HQ on Nov. 11th if possible!
- teapartyo7.org still up
- Teaparty07; new video added
- Rights Rally 07 map - help needed!
- Tea Party in San Francisco - I need help
- Poems, Quotes for TeaParty07.com
- Freedom to Fascism: UPDATE
- International support for our Tea Party!
- Sunday donations compromise
- Drop the 15th, focus on 16th
- We should dump ten thousand one dollar bills into boston harbor during TeaParty07
- Consensus Politics - Amazing!
- teaparty07.NET and .ORG not being forwarded to .com?
- Ideas/suggestions for rightsrally07.com
- Extremely Important: Please Keep In Mind
- Virginia - Teaparty07.com up only briefly, now down
- URGENT: Website Resolution Display Problems
- The true Tea Party goal
- Fox News Philadelphia Buries Rally
- Ways to get more money donated on the 16th
- ThisDecember15th.org
- Dec.16th being copied by other candidates?
- Am I the Only One Worried about 'Spammers'?
- TeaParty07.com Suggestion
- teaparty07.org needs fixed
- Inform people that the money bomb day is only December 16th.
- We need a Theme song for the Tea Party
- Slogan-Liberty is brewing?
- "Pledge" instead of "Subscribe"
- National Ron Paul Tea Party Mall March
- Trevor/Nathan doing great job w/ TeaParty07
- New Banner sets are up.. more to come
- no daily updates from TeaParty07?
- Goals for 12/15?
- Official December 15-16 Prediction Thread
- Thisnovember5th.com
- At the very least, put Boston Tea Party in the meta tags
- Just replace 'inflation tax' with 'income tax'?
- Please point me to YouTube videos of news coverage that mentions December 16th
- Please add myspace.com/teaparty07com
- Inflation Tax By Itself Is A Horrible Idea
- Promoting the Tea Party:
- How much will be raised December 16th (Vote!!!!)
- Still looking to help work on the donation websites?
- TeaParty07 is already beating Huckabee
- HQ should help promote Tea Party
- Tea Party Video by eLIB3RTY: Everyone back this one up
- Please don't discourage people who come up with alternative sites...
- Will the west coast have to donate before 9pm?
- What should be vocally protested on Dec. 16?
- Stop the madness! Focus on www.teaparty07.com ONLY!
- Should the inflation tax stay, or go, or should another issue be added?
- December 15th Site
- Idea to get even bigger response!
- Tea party ticker? A way to unify diverse efforts
- A word to the thoughtful people with good intentions.
- The Best Video For Teaparty07.com Is Online!!!
- teaparty07.com site down?
- Moving Change Bomb Date to Dec 16th, suggestions welcome.
- Who did the music for the TeaParty07 video?