View Full Version : Health Freedom
Pages :
- AMA takes on retail clinics
- Excellent link for pro-sociliazed medicine drones
- Republicans favor universal healthcare, gays in military
- Video: Anti-Sicko examining the claims of Michael Moore
- Ronald Regan on Socialized Medicine
- Has anyone seen the movie Sicko yet and if you have, what did you think?
- Medical Savings Account in the near future?
- Healthcare Video w/ Kaiser 2007 July 19
- Wanna See What Government Healthcare is like? Watch This!
- Fda Raids
- Giuliani's Health Care Plan
- Tide turning in affordable drugs.. like as in FREE!
- Man sentenced to 25 years for Vicodin (with prescription)
- Help me understand "Socialized Medicine"
- 25% of voters are familiar with Thompson's health care plan
- MSNBC Health Care Poll
- Single Payer Healthcare Japan
- Huckabee's National Smoking Ban
- free market health care book?
- Edwards backs mandatory preventive care
- Would an opt-in, state-level "health care tax" be a bad idea?
- Ron Paul and Healthcare?
- how reducing massive central govt regulation in healthcare can reduce costs...
- Mandatory Mental Health Screening?
- C&L sending mixed message on Socialized Medicine
- CA's socialized medicine plan
- John Stossel 20/20 tonight: Govt Healthcare
- Health Care, USA vs. other countries - in the 60s and 70s
- Hillary on health care scares me
- Excellent 20/20 program on Health Care
- CA. takes cured 17yr son from Mom forces Chemo
- Hillary says health care is a right not a priviledge
- Hillary's Health Care Plan Announced
- Hillary Unveils Healthcare Plan
- Hannity just said that socialized medicine will DESTROY THE ECONOMY!!!
- Universal Healthcare's effect on Military Benefits?
- Discussion: Alternative Healthcare
- Stossel on socialized health care
- Community Health Teacher
- Oprah on now - pushing for Universal heath care
- Bill Maher on Heathcare (entertaining and insightful)
- Mental Health Screens.....message from Dr Paul 1-888-322-1414
- Action Alert - Veto Override of Socialist Medicine Bill
- John Stossel article on health care
- Interesting Discussion on Health Care
- Universal health care wouldn't be that bad if...
- Good Universal Health Care Article/website
- Problems with Socialized Healthcare
- Ammo against th Hillary Health Care Brigade
- " English 'pull own teeth' as dental service decays" -- AFP/Yahoo
- Did Hillary's people write the Univeral Healthcare Wikipedia?
- Brought to u by your friendly pharmaceutical fascists!
- FEE: Healing America: The Free Market Instead of Government Health Care
- Why the Health Freedom Protection Act? (HR 2117)
- Medical marijuana advocate kills herself
- Mother jailed, put on trial for curing her son of melanoma
- Influenza flu Shot Pro or con?
- Vaccine failure exposes Aussies to AIDS risk
- "Get Kids Vaccinated Or Else, Parents Told" -- Washington Post
- anti-smoking health nut candidates
- Universal Healthcare
- Why we should be against the FLU shot vaccine
- Children herded like cattle into Maryland courthouse for forced vaccinations
- Questions about socialized healthcare...
- Dirty Little Secret - Universal Healthcare? Social Security?
- Articles on Healthcare
- Healthcare thread on Digg needs some education
- Ayn Rand on Healthcare
- 28 Women Miscarry After HPV Vax - FDA: No Problem
- Huckabee wanted to isolate AIDS patients
- Problem with healthcare issue
- How many pissed off health freedom fighters do we have?
- NJ Requires Flu Shots for Preschoolers
- Libertarians on Healthcare
- Official Ron Paul Ads on Health Care
- Ron Paul Addresses CODEX in these Vids
- Grass Roots Vids regarding Ron Paul on Health Care
- Forum dedicated to Alternative Medicine News
- Support Health Freedom TODAY - spread the word
- Flu shots now mandatory for NJ preschoolers
- NewsTarget: Health Freedom Candidate Ron Paul Raises $6 Million
- Is there support for a Ron Paul Health Freedom Day Fund Raiser?
- Controversy regarding CA's regulation or raw almonds
- Raw milk becoming illegal in CA
- Note to folks from SoCal: Health Freedom Expo on February 22
- A question for those who oppose UHC
- D.L. Hughley's comment on nationalized medicine
- What Illness or Event Turn you into a Health freedom "warrior"?
- RP will talk about Health Care and Wellness in Des Moines On Jan 3
- Blog Posts discussing a CODEX protest in Bonn Germany, 2004
- CA Raw Milk Saved
- "Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Artic
- Ron Paul and Health Care Freedom
- Who has ideas for garnering support from alternative health advocates?
- Is taking away medicaid and medicare a good move?
- An Actor's Healthcare Option
- Am I incorrect in my assumptions about health care?
- Reach out to chiropractors?
- Kefir
- VA considers trusting consumers with "food choice"
- 135,000 more Americans die of preventable causes than if in France
- ACTION ALERT: Support Ron Paul's Health Freedom Protection Act, H.R. 2117
- Milton Friedman, Nobel winner on health freedom
- Farmer finds USDA co-opted CNG for Big Agribusiness
- Has Hillary Voted For Wrongful Use Of Social Security Funds?
- Petition to END Flourdiation of water
- Ron Paul is an excellent Role Model!!
- Need To Know Ron Paul's Position
- Supreme Court rules on terminally ill patients' medications
- "The Future of Food" Docu. Film - Watch now!
- The Meltdown Of Public Health And Personal Freedom
- Pandemics, National Security, & Human Rights
- FDA Halting Hormone Treatments w/ Estriol
- Ron Paul's Bill to Stop TeenScreen
- Don't Let Congress Fund Orwellian Psychiatric Screening of Kids
- Brass Tacks Benzo Drug Addiction VIDEO
- Federal Funding for Mental Health Screening of Kids
- Abortion rates lowest since 1974
- Judicial Watch Releases Records On Hillary’s Health Care Reform Plan
- Bio containment area
- Moment of Service - Health Care Solution
- Scientific American Has Second Thoughts About Fluoride
- Warning about lead in folk medicines
- Ron Paul - Don't Force Vaccines
- RON PAUL is for BIRTHING Freedom. Now THAT'S Hot!
- RON PAUL is for BIRTHING Freedom.
- GMO agitator takes Monsanto back to court
- Laws Limiting Alcohol Brew Frustration
- Mandatory vaccinations
- Stop FDA From Taking Your Choice Away...
- Need moral argument against Universal Health care
- Universal Health Care
- HDNET report on Medical Marijuana.
- the DANGEROUS FUTURE of universal health care
- BJ Lawson on Health Care & Health Freedom
- No single Payor Petition
- In a truly free health care system...
- How to fix healthcare, PLEASE POST YOUR GRAND SCHEMES
- AIDS as a biological weapon
- King of The Hill and the Trans-Fat ban
- New Way to Kill Viruses: Shake Them to Death
- Law Would Ban Serving Obese Diners
- Michael Moore Exposes Sellout Hillary Clinton
- What does Social Health Care do when they've spent their Budget?
- Unhappy Meals - Michael Pollan
- SICKO movie
- Libertarianism and food safety
- PLEASE HELP. Article implying UHC is the answer needs INFORMED response!
- RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story
- Ron Paul HR bills
- Here's a UK health care story you'll want to bookmark
- How To Counteract Fluoride in your body..
- CNN Gets Blitzed by Michael Moore
- Salvia divinorum
- Health Care "FED"
- hCG in Tetanus vaccines
- Imagine No Insurance Companies
- Ron Paul's Health Care Bill needs YOUR support!
- Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?
- EPA Conspire to Remove Toxicologist Deborah Rice
- All Jacked up- Spread this like a polymorphic virus
- GVT control gone mad THE WHITE LIST
- Federal Health Board (Just like Federal Reserve)
- Drugs in our water supply
- How any doctor can get a free $105,000
- Chemicals to be sprayed over SF Bay Area this summer
- Why are ALL my Filipino realtives getting Cancer? or worse?
- Jail for Belgians Who Reject Polio Shot
- Millions Against Monsanto Campaign
- Millions Against Monsanto Campaign
- Which global megacorp owns your indie organic co.?
- question on RP health care
- G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer
- GMO Trilogy - Unnatural Selection
- Wal-Mart milk to have no artificial growth hormones
- Colbert: First Vid of Dean Kamen's Miracle Water Distiller
- Zyprexa Warnings over Weight Gain, Blood Sugar Elevation
- Soy Industry Promotes Health Myths to Sell More Soy Products,
- GMO Trilogy - Unnatural Selection (part 2 of 5)
- We Have No Right To Water?
- The future of Health Care Providers
- Doctors support universal health care:survey
- Halliburton caught poisoning the troops in Iraq
- Watching the Lakers and maintaining - feeling a little wierd....
- Copper & Silver Are AntiBacterial
- Mainstream Media Attacks Water; Recommends People Drink Soda Instead!
- The world according to monsanto.
- Groundbreaking Cancer Treatment Coming From my Hometown!
- Penn & Teller: Bullshit! - Alternative Medicine
- Any Brits here agaist water fluoridation ?
- We Become Silent - The Last Days of Health Freedom
- California proposes $7 billion for prison healthcare
- Toxic Water, Killing Animals, And Horses.
- CNN: Could Artificial Turf at school have high levels of Lead?
- BYE BYE Constitutional rights and Organic food from California
- FDA Approves Killer Virus For Foods
- Waterloo. Ontario ditches Fluoridization of Water
- Senate passes genetic discrimination bill
- The Pot Vending Machine Has Been Stolen by the Feds!
- Competition in Dentistry
- The Military's Plan to Regrow Body Parts
- The man who grew a finger
- Ron Paul is the only one who votes against genetic discrimmination
- "Sin" tax
- a 'drug' question...
- ACTION ALERT! Raw Milk Under Fire
- Are we eating cloned beef yet?
- Digg Please: Dr. Mary Ruwart: FDA doesn't need more bureaucrats
- Homeland Security Act protect pharma from being sued for Mercury vaccines?
- EPA May Leave Rocket Fuel In Drinking Water
- Abortion - Right to Life or Property?
- Aspartame - Would you ban it?
- Update on C-51
- The most inspirational speech against socialized medicine, by Ronald Reagan
- Anti-CODEX website
- Vitamins to be outlawed?
- Nobel Prize for Death
- Court hears claim linking vaccines to autism
- Citizens uniting against fluoride; Large-scale lawsuit
- U.S. using food crisis to boost (GMO) bio-engineered crops
- The Clintons' connections to Monsanto
- Positions on Vaccinations
- Sick Monkeys: Research Links Vaccine Load, Autism Signs
- First-ever government review of fluoride/thyroid toxicology shows risk
- Sen Ted Kennedy has a brain tumor...
- Organic is bad for environment (less energy efficient)
- Google Health
- Red Alert!! Aaaahhhhhoooooogah!!!!,
- Smoking Nazi's Strike Again
- Universal Flu Vaccine
- Your drinking water causing depression? | impacts of fluoridation
- Scientists Record The Birth of a Virus
- Common bacteria linked to cot death
- Vaccination - The Hidden Truth
- Let's make Ted the anti-socialized med poster child
- Drug company creates fake grassroots to defeat legislation
- Grocery Store Wars (humor)
- How Ted Would Be Dead in England With Liberal Health Care
- Recommend a health insurance article
- The FDA Says SIlver Fillings Aren't Great.
- Are the government and big pharma conspiring to suppress cures to great diseases?
- Omg! C-50 Died
- First the Cig tax and now the Drink Tax
- Should Government Aircraft Spray Chemicals on Residential Areas?
- Should Government Aircraft Spray Chemicals on Residential Areas?
- Red Cross strapped for cash!
- FDA Warns Individuals and Firms to Stop Selling Fake Cancer 'Cures'
- AAP Leadership Fights Informed Vaccine Choices
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