View Full Version : Iowa Debate
- Isn't there a debate on Wednesday coming up?
- Dec 12 Debate
- Dec 12th - Des Moines Republican Debate
- WTF! There's a debate on Wednesday?
- GOP debate on TV tomorrow
- Debate tom?
- Republican Debate: December 12, Des Moines IA
- What time is the debate tomorrow?
- News from Iowa - Des Moines Debate
- What station is showing DEBATE today? TIA
- Watch The Debate
- Live Video: IA debate at 2:00pm
- Alan Keyes In The Debate Today!
- debate online?
- Who is moderating?
- The debate today will be heavily influenced by Luntz
- Ron needs to be aggressive in this debate!!!
- This could be good
- 2 links for live debate | one is audio only
- *** OFFICIAL IOWA DEBATE *** Discussion Thread!
- Republican Debate is coming up
- Anyone think they're setting Romney up for a fall today?
- Frank Luntz is a retard
- Stage positions
- Here goes the debate
- First question was perfect for paul!
- Ron Paul Radio broadcasting debate, and post debate commentary
- FINALLY a format that is fair!
- Graph on the side
- How to say F YOU Frank! Right now DURING the Debate!
- the tank, "Womb to tomb protection?"
- Just me or is everyone stealing Pauls talking points?
- Is it just me, or are they all sounding like Ron Paul?
- Debate Is On Everyone!!!!
- Woah, every candidate gets a 30 second free speech?
- I am a little worried on this Iowa debate
- Paul keeps finishing in under 30 seconds.
- Paul needs to stay away from some words....
- Rudy "NAFTA is good"
- Ron Paul Is Being Too Obtuse
- tancredo sounds more like paul than ron does
- What a terrible 30 second speech....
- Fox Graph lines
- The Fox Meter is BUll$61t
- Go ALan Keyes!
- F** you frank
- Anyone else feel angry?
- This debate isn't going well for Paul because everyone is copying him
- How long is this debate scheduled to go?
- This is going bad...
- Oh shut up Alan
- Is it just me or is Keye's insane?
- This debate is a joke.
- Paul slammed it on the education question.
- I think paul is warming up. (bringing up iran)
- Are you joking me?
- Calm down Ron
- Crikey, we need an actual debate
- Candidates copying Dr. Paul's responses could also mean...
- I need a stream
- Thompson: The cia are stupid beuracrats
- Ouch, Huckabee's 'commercial'
- Fox poll line?
- Alan Keyes screwed up this debate to Ron Paul's detriment
- Huckabee misinformed on rights....
- fox stream dropped
- Mitt Romney: We're better off strictly following the Constitution? WTF?!!!
- Ron Paul - The BEST 15 SECONDS of This Debate
- anyone get a time count?
- Ron Paul up on CNN "immediately" after the debate
- Post Debate Poll
- I doubt we won any votes in this debate
- Lol Lunts. Romney wins
- So how did it go, overall?
- I hate to say it, but I think the CNN style debates are better.
- Link To Post Debate on Faux News?
- WTF PEOPLE? I Thought it was a good debate...
- Watch? Replay?
- FOX NEWS post debate lies
- Brainstorming time! What do you do when everyone around you takes your positions?
- We need a meter to guage what we think of meters!
- Alan Keyes needs to come out.
- Why wont fox news talk about how mitt rommey will clean up the video game industry?
- Are you donating more on December 16th because of this?
- I was Ron Paul before these candidates were Ron Paul
- Heres an after debate poll, BREAK THE LINK
- Anybody youtube the IA debate???
- For all the people who are good at making Paul Youtube videos
- Rate the Iowa Debate
- Video of Tancredo's weird "diary room" message and McCain's Cyberrrrrspace Needed
- So I guess Fox isn't going to have an online poll of the debate anymore?
- lol @ CNN
- Post Debate Poll
- Who Imitated Ron's Positions the most?
- Someone post the youtube here please!!!
- the one guy at the debate
- Ron Paul - Debate Highlights Video (Youtube)
- Of course Huckabee wins with the 21. Who else?
- Thew "boring" comments
- Can grassroots put together a debate?
- Outside the debate...
- We need more lessons
- Anyone have the CNN youtube? Thanks!
- Youtube of CNN post debate interview
- Is Ron Paul having a post-debate speech this time around?
- ABC says Huckabee and Ron won debate
- Ron Paul on The Situation Room again.
- Some interesting observations to consider
- Is the CBSNews online poll rigged?
- Iowa Impact?
- Watch Full Debate Video Here...
- Ron gets short changed again
- Did you know who Alan Keyes was before this debate?
- What the???????
- The League of Women Voters?
- So where's the Poll?
- Fox's "Dial" Viewers = BS
- ABC News: Ron Paul a Debate Winner
- Debate on Now CSPAN2 6:51 PST DTV 351
- Who was the annoying "moderator"?
- Not a single question about immigration.
- So where can we download the debate?
- Just watched the replay on CSPAN2
- Last Night's Iowa Debate 12/12/07 ~ Complete ~ Playlist ~ 10 parts on Youtube
- NPR ignores Paul in Iowa debates
- I've traveled so I must be right?
- Iowa Debate 12/12 - Ron Paul Complete Compilation
- Tancredo - Miss Teen USA South Carolina
- Democratic Debate - one thread
- Ron Paul - Democrat?
- Paul mentioned in CNN's roundup blurb.
- Yet Another Plant Found in an "Independent Focus Group"
- hand raising...
- Another Iowa debate?
- All of a sudden Constitution Huck's #1 priority?
- Can you say HuckaCrush?
- Ohio Study Confirms Voting Systems Vulnerabilities
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