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  1. The Midwestern-State Planters
  2. CIA Officer exposes that Bush knew there were NO WMD's
  3. We Need To Politely Petition MSNBC To Take Action Conerning The Ed Show
  4. Prominent voices on Right blogosphere react to Peter Schiff's treatment on "Ed Show"
  5. DIGG: Gary Johnson - This Revolution Never Dies
  6. Can someone find me a higher quality version of this video?
  7. Dr. Ron Paul Speech From Yesterday
  8. NY Times: Another Hurdle for the Jobless - Credit Inquiries
  9. P&G, Progressive Pull Ads From Glenn Beck's Fox Show After "Obama Is Racist" Remarks
  10. They brought this on themselves!
  11. The Start Of The Second American Revolution?
  12. Where are the Men?
  13. Time: Why Juvenile Detention Makes Teens Worse
  14. Interesting Article on Liberal Bias on Campus
  15. Obama's grand vision of America
  16. Libertarianism as Cult
  17. New Video! Patriots and Obama Socialists Face Off
  18. New Video! Rally for Black Patriot Beat Up by SEIU Thugs
  19. Goldman Sachs and Sudden Push for "Electric Cars"
  20. Tom Harkin Town Hall Today
  21. The Media was right :)
  22. is wantiThe New Legalese a judge is wanting: Quantum Law
  23. Dissect the words of your elected officials!
  24. OBL died last week in a missle strike?
  25. Infowars: "Obama speech police shutdown top youtube videos
  26. Do You Know Anybody Who Has/Had The Swine Flu?
  27. The Vision of Leonard Read
  28. A Great Moment in Our History by Judge Napolitano
  29. Town Hall meeting in Memphis turns ugly
  30. EFF'INGG Amaaaazing [Alex Jones to sue Google]
  31. Obama's Tattletail Program Put On Notice
  32. More NAU talks.
  33. Google tyranny, once again
  34. More troops for Afghanistan Inc
  35. Cash for...new SUVs and trucks?
  36. Memphis Town Hall Meeting Report
  37. 99% of glaciers in the US have been shrinking, and the rate is accelerating
  38. Is Obama a libertarian dream?
  39. Sesame Street As Cult
  40. Mobile AL: Police taser and pepper spray deaf, disabled man in bathroom.
  41. Get the Antares Technologies to make an auto-tune of the Shiff/O'Donnel shout fest
  42. Media Caught Lying About Ron Paul
  43. Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Finally Testifies Under Oath
  44. Kentucky Grassroots Radio
  45. CSPAN 2-Book TV Freedom Fest 2009 on!
  46. How Would You Counter This Socialist Argument?
  47. How an average citizen is feeling about the mess the White House has created
  48. March on Washington
  49. Are You Still in Platos Cave? How Would You Know?
  50. Should regulation be in place to prevent mergers?
  51. Cable Line sparking/getting hot
  52. GOP: Looking For WEB Developers, Interns / Tech Summit
  53. Porcupine-411 System For Emergency Cell Phone Call Recording
  54. Air Force One NY Flyover was Military Psy Ops Test on Nation
  55. Where would we be if....
  56. Poll: Private School, Homeschool, Public School
  57. Youtube-bomb!
  58. Nancy and the Astroturfers Photo-Essay
  59. Rasmussen Daily tracking Aug 10, 2009
  60. Generic Ballot: Republicans 43%, Democrats 38%
  61. Just chewed a Congress Critter a new Ass Hole...
  62. member of Federal Reserve Board coming to Decatur IL on Aug. 15
  63. Simple question for libertarians
  64. Paul to speak to Lake Jackson business association
  65. Were Ron Paul's Votes Undercounted?
  66. My first campaign speech is tonight.
  67. Swiss artist fights biometric passport
  68. US Air Force sets up new command for nuclear forces
  69. Reupload censored videos on youtube.
  70. Swine Flu Now Elevated To "Code Red"
  71. Why I am here. 22 year Democrat
  72. Gates Controversy Goes On in Cop's Lawsuit
  73. How Is Rand's Campaign Doing?
  74. Secret Prisons and Gag Orders Continue Under Obama
  75. Let's Play A Game
  76. Murder of the Real
  77. Anyone else like Rachael Maddow? Call for Tubes
  78. Manufactured Protests Myth Starts To Crack...
  79. Majority of Pakistanis are more concerned about US interference in their country than
  80. Fed to keep interest low!
  81. 'Buried In The Archives,' The Original Town-Hall Battle?
  82. Iraqi religious factions put aside differences & unite to rebuild shrine
  83. Ron + Liberty Movement FINALLY get good press in major conservative outlets
  84. Obama supports Top Ramen.
  85. Hiroshima and Nagasaki: A Look Back at the US Atomic Bombing 64 Years Later
  86. Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (BNW)
  87. Email from MoveOn.org today
  88. Father recieves threats after confrontation with REP. Dingell Berry
  89. What are they trying to accomplish with calling opposition fake racist Nazis?
  90. Interesting read from Constitution Party website
  91. The Most Statist Crap I've Ever Seen
  92. RED ALERT: Pentagon seizing emergency powers from States
  93. The 545 People Responsible For All Of U.S. Woes
  94. Zogby International blogs about secession
  95. Is the US on the brink of fascism?
  96. Ron to speak at anti-NAU press-conference?
  97. Kathleen Sebelius...SEIU "Keep doing what you're doing"
  98. The Fallout of Sen. Mel Martinez’s Resignation
  99. United States Targets Afghan Drug Lords Tied to Taliban
  100. Govt. states that second wave of swine flu is incoming this fall, "people will die!"
  101. A True American Hero & Patriot, Must See Video
  102. Obama's "Don't tase me bro!" moment?
  103. Thirty-Thousand: Is This a Good idea?
  104. Caucasian Female Government Thug with a Badge BODYSLAMS Elderly, Afro-American Woman
  105. Obama's Coming To My Town
  106. Monday Message: Ask your congressman to sign the LP Responsible Legislator Pledge!
  107. Union thugs are going after Dr. Ron Paul
  108. Amazon/ The Revolution
  109. America No Longer has a Debt Problem!!
  110. Searching for a great Ron Paul video..
  111. Lou Dobbs Rant Today On Pelosi & Hoyer's "UnAmerican" Comments And More
  112. Update from Political Lore.com
  113. Stirring the Pot
  114. Austin TX cops setting car "baits".
  115. Trio of Inspiring Individuals Listen here
  116. Health Insurance Industry Regulation/Competition
  117. Ghetto Birds flying around Victorville CA
  118. Are you a Ron Paul Republican.
  119. Commentary: Doomsday pro and con
  120. Barrack Obama Supporters plan on converging on Congressman Ron Paul's office
  121. Anyone active on RebuildtheParty.com
  122. Does Obama administration respect rights of Gay religious soldiers?
  123. HC Bill creates 53? New Bureaucracies....
  124. Union Thugs Beat Up Innocent Civilian -- Or Did They?
  125. Obama Job Approval: Highest in D.C., Hawaii, Vermont
  126. Did 9/11 "Change Everything"?
  127. Glenn Beck's "The Story Of Barack Obama" On His Birthday
  128. FT columinst attacks all conspiracy theorists (JBS, Larouche, birthers, anti-NWO, etc
  129. Forget the Joker! The Batron rocks!
  130. Buchanan: Angry White Men
  131. American Socialism: Repeating Europe’s Mistakes
  132. "Socialist" Is A Code Word For Nig...
  133. Fox News airing live town hall meeting with Arlen Specter right now
  134. Counter the Joker - Ron Paul as Batman
  135. "critical mass"
  136. Who profits from Israeli occupation?
  137. Senator Specter's Town Hall... {Videos}
  138. is this guy serious?
  139. Hillary Clinton Gets Totally Pissed
  140. Buchanan: "Angry White Men"
  141. Why politicians shouldn't Twitter ha ha ha
  142. obama on, join chat
  143. Fox news interview with father who confronts dingle.visited by thugs middle of night
  144. Angry Mob Mauls Crowder
  145. Protester seen with gun outside Obama town hall
  146. New York’s War on Marijuana
  147. Letter Noting Assisted Suicide Raises Questions
  148. Does anyone get the feeling...
  149. ACLU Says It's Not Kosher to Define Kosher
  150. Arkansas C4L's Rob Richard on Foxnews tonight
  151. Great Fox Reporting
  152. At least 692 letters are being sent on August 24th...
  153. MSNBC needs to go!
  154. Difference Between Socialism and Communism?
  155. Angry Mobs Throw Away their brand new HDTV's
  156. Looking for filmmakers
  157. Can You Think of any current or former libertarian State Governors?
  158. Military tracked Twitter reactions to Air Force One flyby of New York City
  159. The Family Budget vs. The Federal Budget
  160. Look What The Left Really Thinks ABout The Right's Protests
  161. YouTube-Chris Matthews/William Kostric - Man at Portsmouth Town Hall with sidearm
  162. Protest your local liberal newspaper and TV station
  163. Bing to Pay You Up To 50% CashBack For Purchases
  164. Keith Olberman video: This is WORSE than the Ed Show!
  165. Does anyone here know someone who is puzzled by the media's sudden hysteria?
  166. YOU TUBE! Rep. Conyers: "What good is it to read the bill?" (Not kidding!)
  167. We Must Make An Effort To Not Be Misunderstood
  168. WSJ: Illegal Aliens to be included in CENSUS in 2010
  169. Using Poker and Tomatoes to explain the US Economy
  170. Commision on Civil Rights Says Obama Care Has Pro-Minority Racial Bias
  171. White House: 'War on terrorism' is over
  172. CFL Sign Center Screen on Hannity right now
  173. I got a question for all the people that believe that government....
  174. The Alinsky Way Vs. the American Way
  175. Which theory is more feasible.
  176. Hilarious parody video clip
  177. Is A Child Begging Normal in the US?
  178. WY - Cops Taser 76 yo man, driving antique tractor in parade for not turning properly
  179. Front Page @ Yahoo - Officials see rise in militia groups across US
  180. "She is doing grievous damage to the party and should immediately step down."
  181. Who is funding and giving weapons to the Taliban?
  182. (message from a 12 year old) harshly punished at school for being logical...
  183. *DIGG*August 20th is Ron Paul's 74th birthday. Let's give him a present he'll never f
  184. Oakland Police Repeatedly Taser Man For Watching a Baseball Game
  185. Shotgun blasts kill Calif. toll collector & 1 more person
  186. Don't You Wish This Guy Could Be Our President...
  187. *DIGG*Texas Straight Talk - Ron Paul Cash for Clunkers 8-10-09
  188. Why Are Internment Camps Being Built? by Chuck Baldwin August 11, 2009
  189. WAKE-UP Call 08/12/09
  190. Town Hall To Claire McCaskill: We Don't Trust You
  191. I'd Rather Be Called Racist than Comrade...
  192. Obama:Caught Lying Again-Making Back Room Deals with Pharmaceutical Lobbyist
  193. Post Office Vandalized With Obama 'Joker' Posters
  194. Why is National Guard recruiting for 'internment' cops?
  195. Chris Matthews Interviews Gun Carrying American from Obama Town Hall
  196. $175M in Free Money given out in NYC and surrounding areas!
  197. Keith Olbermann compares tea parties to Hamas and Hezbollah
  198. Obama gun carrier Reflects on Publicity - Ridley Report
  199. The Left is waging war and Glenn Beck is their target
  200. Local Patrolmen Cruising the Internet
  201. Jesse Jackson: Why Isn't Michael Vick Getting a Contract?
  202. Do You Agree with the following statements?
  203. National Review Editor Worked for Bush Admin!
  204. Obama Town Hall Staged Questions
  205. Congressman cancels Middle School Appearance fearing a Tea Party
  206. Comments about NH man Open-Carry at Town Hall Meeting
  207. Military deployed in NYC?
  208. Reading the bills
  209. Ron Paul on the Mort Downey show
  210. William Kostric - NH "Open Carry" man - On Alex Jones now.
  211. Alex jones is famous!
  212. Front Page of msn.com 3:36pm EST
  213. We should storm this thread!!!
  214. Paul Romer's Charter Cities
  215. So is Ventura running for President or not?
  216. Join Facebook group: SHRUG, ATLAS! SHRUG!
  217. Get Popcorn and Straight Jacket: Ron Paul vs. Ed Schultz Round 2 Tonight
  218. LEAP update
  219. Clinton admits fraud in 2000 election (Reference to Florida & Bush's Brother)
  220. Sheila Jackson Lee: An American Patriot
  221. DHS SOURCES for Right wing Extremism Reports!
  222. Ray McBerry's Legislative Plan to Enforce State Sovereignty
  223. Obama's press sec Gibbs
  224. Trust Common Sense
  225. MSMBC (sic?) up to more mischief
  226. CFL Member Booted from Town Hall Meeting For Mentioning The Constitution
  227. Netanyahu behind Obama birth rumors: Report
  228. So I Just Wikipedia'd Gary Johnson..
  229. HR 3200 - The 80 lb rotting fish in the middle of the room
  230. Senators - Not Representative Of America
  231. Daily Show rips on conduct of town hall protestors
  232. What is Reality? [Simulacra vs Simulation]
  233. Senator Mark Warner Might Be Homeless
  234. Military tribunal finds CIA techniques irrelevant to detainee competency hearing
  235. The Matrix Decoded
  236. Obama's FCC Has a "Chief Diversity Officer"
  237. Black Doctor rails against Obama (best rant EVER - MUST WATCH!!!)
  238. Happy Cost of Government Day today
  239. Sen. Grassley Endorses "Death Panel" Rumor: "You Have Every Right To Fear"
  240. How much more can a camel bear?
  241. 45 years ago
  242. Difference between them and us
  243. Fascism vs. Marxism (a side by side comparison)
  244. LMAO... Blitzer CNN report tonight that the right wing terrorists....
  245. Brazilian Reality TV show - Actual murders committed to increase show's ratings
  246. Blogging about cops? Go to Jail.
  247. Sheriff Mack to run for governor?
  248. C4L members create a blog for Operation Kickstart and other ideas for promotion
  249. Looking for links to "March on DC" speeches
  250. Daniel Hannan on Sean Hannity 8/12/09