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  1. Sarah Palin: the Paris Hilton of politics?
  2. Couple of questions for Obama "birthers"
  3. Top 3 Things That Everyone Should Do Now!
  4. America's Insatiable Desire for Socialism
  5. Obama Declares: "I'm President, so I'm in charge of solving it [deficit]" CBS
  6. Motorhome Diaries: 24 hours in Keene
  7. Hottest-ever Temps Roast Pacific Northwest
  8. Senators to introduce ban on texting while driving
  9. Traffic Cameras Under Attack
  10. -TUBE- Kucinich the Federal Reserve is paying banks NOT to make loans " One Fraud aft
  11. -Tube-Obama's Agenda in Black and White Our Re Founding Father by Glenn Beck
  12. Iraqi troops kill 4+ people & wound 400+ people
  13. *urgent* food safety legislation hr 2749
  14. Thought Experiment: Tax Free Society
  15. Hawaii's 1961 Birth certificates
  16. Bill O reilly. Math fail.
  17. Urgent!! If you're from California or Massachusetts, please join this effort!
  18. The military will be used.
  19. Poll: Public dissatisfaction growing with Obama, other Democrats
  20. Ron Paul/political music video!!!
  21. Pat Toomey vs. Peg Luskik (PA Senate Race)
  22. Wall Street Journal: Let’s Break up the Fed
  23. Wsj: End the fed!!!
  24. Eliot Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi scheme, an inside job’
  25. Youtube Censorship still healthy
  26. House passes anti-birther "Obama born in Hawaii" bill unanimously. RP didn't vote
  27. Military to Deploy on U.S. Soil to "Assist" with Pandemic Outbreak
  28. Adopt a Meetup
  29. Digg this please!
  30. Fax blast asking states to investigate (in)eligibility
  31. 75% of people favor auditing the Fed
  32. 'Freedom Watch' under media scrutiny
  33. Military to Deploy on U.S. Soil to "Assist" with Pandemic Outbreak
  34. Judge Napolitino: Gates arrest was improper
  35. What's the libertarian solution to unwelcome solicitation?
  36. Janet Napolitano at it again! We are terrorists!
  37. Lowest Rating Yet Recorded for Obama
  38. Why Ron Paul Is allowed by TPTB.
  39. Are Obama's Policies Pushing More Americans Toward Libertarianism?
  40. Obama's Military Is Spying on U.S. Peace Groups
  41. Ban bottled water...then raise taxes on soda?
  42. FIJA Explains Jury Duty on VideoJug (Must Watch!!)
  43. Charges Dropped Against Woman Framed by Cops
  44. Lol...Nugent and the pro-america rockers
  45. Thinking of covering the Annual Conservative Political Action Conference
  46. More American women have died from breast cancer than all Americans killed in...
  47. Promoting a friend's talk show
  48. Why are conservatives so mean...?
  49. Tom Woods talks about his experiences selling liberty [audio, 50 min]
  50. Daily Show on Tim Geithner
  51. The hell of war comes home...
  52. Is G. Edward Griffin a member of the John Birch Society?
  53. 10th Annual Freedom21 National Conference
  54. Oldie but a Goodie
  55. 1950's cartoon acting as a revelation to our doomed reality
  56. FL-GOP faces questions over spending
  57. Cop may lose his job over e-mail
  58. 1/5 Suspects released from Guantanamo return to terrorism? why? would you?
  59. Guys check out my new video about Auditing the Fed!
  60. Glenn Beck in all his genius
  61. WSJ: "It’s Certifiable" (Sorry Birth Certificate Truthers)
  62. Cash for Clunkers to end
  63. Hank Paulson Joins Electric Car Startup
  64. Why do we continue to trust the chronically unreliable?
  65. Robert Nozick - Great Philosopher or Greatest Philosopher?
  66. NEW RP SPEECH! -7/30/09- "What Are They So Afraid Of?"
  67. Pnac
  68. Campbell Brown and CNN Attack Alex Jones And Many More
  69. KB Hutchinson's Site Used Ron Paul To Lure Searchers
  70. Keynesian propaganda on Wikipedia: "growth jam"
  71. Homeland Security running "snitch" ads on sides of buses!
  72. Should all the "birther" stuff go to the Hot Topics subforum?
  73. Uncle Jay Explains Congressional Recess
  74. Ron Paul What Are They So Afraid Of? House Floor 07-30-09
  75. ronpaulforums.com overtake neocon.com in all key metrics
  76. video- woosley: "dumb foreign policy dumb military policy dumb fiscal policy"
  77. Texas Atty. Gen. Rules On Illegal Immigrant Tuition
  78. Question for Forum Members on House Rules
  79. Malkin: Dodd and Obama: Corrupt Birds of a Feather
  80. Sotomayor's Ties to La Raza
  81. McClatchy: Here's the truth: 'Birther' claims are just plain nuts
  82. Buchanan--Tell Israel: Cool the Jets
  83. Rep. Lawmakers want answers, seek refiling in Black Panther case
  84. Looking for submissions at dontspreadmywealth.com
  85. Glenn Beck: O.B.A.M.A., One Big A^^ Mistake America
  86. Politico goes on the attack; target: John Birchers and Birthers
  87. OUTRAGE: U.S. Removes “United States” Border Sign b/c It Might Offend Terrorists
  88. Gallup Poll: Obama Approval in Freefall [52-41]
  89. Free to Choose - Happy Birthday Milton Friedman
  90. Crack/Powder Cocaine Sentencing Disparity Bill Passes Subcommittee, headed for vote
  91. U.S. may require anti-DWI locks on vehicles
  92. Motorhome Diaries Crew Detained at Canadian Border
  93. Officers Run Background Check On Obama; Placed On Leave
  94. The beer summit and race in America
  95. Obama ramping up wars overseas; MORE TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN
  96. Can you name an action the federal government has taken that resulted in LESS control
  97. HR2749 - Food Saftey Bill Passed in House
  98. Obama's Amateurism and Incompetence - article by Thomas Sowell
  99. What Politicians Are Up Against
  100. MA: Boston cop suspended for racist Gates rant
  101. The Criminalization of a Generation ('sexting')
  102. Government Spies Infiltrate Antiwar Movement
  103. How Now Shall We Behave? by Garet Garrett
  104. Time to celebrate our American culture again!
  105. town outlaws playing catch
  106. Crazy Brit Journalist: The insanity and enduring racism of the American right
  107. Beer Summit's Purpose? Take the Heat Off Obama
  108. Senator Chris Dodd Diagnosed with Early-Stage Prostate Cancer
  109. ICN (Informed Citizen News) lays out the facts. Ratings agencies get bailed out ;)
  110. House votes to clamp limits on Wall Street bonuses
  111. ~~$$Change is coming$$~~
  112. How's this for power grab?
  113. The REAL reason behind "Cash for Clunkers"
  114. Student charged $675k payable to record industry for uploading music per court order
  115. Cnn Running Second 100 Days Special Thursday
  116. Thomas DiLorenzo to teach Lincoln class in TN Aug15
  117. Is Ron Paul Any Different?
  118. Huff Post writer says Only Thing Weirder Than The Birthers....is Anti-Birthers
  119. Ron Paul appointed to US Senate?
  120. Tell me about the "League of the South"
  121. Will You Remove Your Money From Banks if HR3200 Passes?
  122. Is it still interstate transportation if...
  123. US Government strong arms Swiss bank to reveal customer data
  124. POLITICO: Congressmen refuse to hold town-hall meetings due to angry constituents
  125. New vids from G. Edward Griffin...
  126. Weekend study - Energy from Thorium
  127. why are the cars in the clunkers destroyed?
  128. New poll shows birthers growing
  129. Advisers Call for Afghanistan Troop Buildup | CFR influenced
  130. LaGuardia terminal evacuated in NYC, 1 in custody
  131. Is Obama creating a future generation of terrorists?
  132. Obama's right hand man threatened journalist with death?
  133. US signs UN disability rights treaty
  134. Sibel Edmonds: "Bin Laden worked for US until 9/11"
  135. The Importance of Saving Money
  136. Newt's big cash haul: $8 million
  137. The Huckster's PAC Expenditures
  138. Is America prepared for economic collapse?
  139. Cash for Clunkers May Cost Up to $45,354 Per Vehicle
  140. What's Your Take On Cato Institute?
  141. A Good Job for Jesse Ventura & Will Allen
  142. Could this be the real reason behind "The Cash For Clunkers" program
  143. African Sun May Light Up European Homes
  144. ATR publishes some numbers about Obama
  145. Torture
  146. Sarah Palin divorce reports are untrue, says the ex-governor of Alaska's people
  147. Gravel's National Initiative For Democracy
  148. Obama Administration Overcomes Constitutional Checks and Balances
  149. Only 42% of Republicans Say Obama Was Born in America
  150. GOP to dump Birthers like they dumped Birchers
  151. Secret Service draws guns on crowd at TN town hall meeting!
  152. CNN POLL: Grade Obama
  153. Unions budget up to $15 million for August campaign
  154. Call C-SPAN NOW about Cash 4 Clunkers
  155. What is the Free Market Solution to a Major Asteroid Collision?
  156. Wal-Mart weighs role in U.S. H1N1 vaccination plans
  157. In Washington, pretenders reign and truth-tellers are silenced
  158. "Town Hall" Cong. Lloyd Doggett Austin, Tx 8-1-9 "Bad Doggett"
  159. The State is anti-life (article)
  160. CSPANJunkie / VotersThink / Earth2Obama YT Accounts
  161. New MSM catchphrase: "Unduly burdened"
  162. The birth certificate thing
  163. Internment camp specialists.
  164. Reason Magazine: Coming Internet Sales Tax "Streamlined Sales Tax Project"
  165. TURN ON C-SPAN, right now!!
  166. Candidate Value/Point System???
  167. Damage Control: GOP Bosses Coming Down Hard On Birthers
  168. Derek!
  169. This Billionaire Warns Obama's Economy is on the Verge of Collapse
  170. Where are the anti war fools?
  171. Legalization of Marijuana on CA ballot 2010? <<VOTE IN THE POLL>>
  172. This video almost made me cry
  173. Corrupted Thinking
  174. Classic Ron Paul
  175. One of the Best Social Commentary Movies Ever.... and you've never heard of it!
  176. Alicia Healy at the Ohio Tea Party (Youtube, Aug 1st)
  177. looking for help on County development code
  178. Video - MIAC Oversight Commitee Public Hearing - St. Charles, MO
  179. Did Dick Cheney use Neuro Linguistic Programming
  180. Dave Berry makes a (not so funny) joke:
  181. Bankster Bootlicking - Dodd is a fawning sycophant for the bankers
  182. Why is Nancy Pelosi still allowed to keep her job
  183. NYC woman sues her college because she can't find a job
  184. SO, do we still blindly respect cops?
  185. "Islamic" Terrorist Groups Formed & Led By "Former" Communists
  186. On the road to Martial Law...
  187. Crowd shouts down Arlen Specter & Sebelius
  188. Graduate Sues College Because she hasn't found a Job yet
  189. Tesla Roadster (Fully Electric Sports Car)
  190. Sen. Ted Kennedy Receives U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom
  191. yell at a partriot. now on chat. limited time only
  192. Ridley Recounts His Time In Jail (Ridley Report Video)
  193. Obama Loses Immigration Allies
  194. The case for toll roads without the government
  195. The Constitution kept me out of jail on June 27 2009
  196. F.A. Hayek and the Fatal Conceit of Barack Obama
  197. Liberty and lip: Are the police too worried about losing face? + 2 more articles
  198. International Drug Policy Reform Conference Scholarships Available
  199. DHS Improves Efficiency With GPS Tracking Systems
  200. Dan Rather wants Obama to save the news business | Media Czar?
  201. WorldNetDaily and Birthers Wrong, Again
  202. Glenn Beck Exposes Cars.gov Malicious Behavior
  203. A little help here
  204. DC Circuit rules Capitol police race discrimination suit may proceed
  205. D.C. lawyer arrested for expressing contempt towards police
  206. I Think We the People are Finally Pissed off at Congress! YAY!
  207. GE's silencing of Olbermann and MSNBC's sleazy use of Richard Wolffe
  208. UK Government wants more CCTV cameras in homes
  209. Immediate Job Opening: Appellate Practice Coordinator/ Assistant to Tom Goldstein
  210. H.R. 2749 Would Give the FDA Vast New Powers
  211. Seattle Bank Teller Fired for Chasing, Apprehending Robber
  212. Just searching on google for some economy news then noticed
  213. NASA announces $1.5m prize for eco-plane inventors
  214. Rawstory - Whistleblower: Bin Laden was US proxy until 9/11
  215. Do libertarians preach totalitarian rule of monopoly transnational corporations under
  216. UK to put 20,000 problem families under 24-hour CCTV super-vision in their own homes
  217. 15 Cities Saved By Glorious Government Jobs!!
  218. The Post Office Considers Closing Hundreds of Offices
  219. @ Sheriff Richard Mack (Why would you use an endorsement from Joe Arpaio?)
  220. Ron Paul's Dumb Plan?? :o
  221. Scanning a Private Federal Reserve book from the KC Fed Archives
  222. The Yes Men Fix the World (Tikkun Olam) -- against the bankers!
  223. The Yes Men Fix the World (Tikkun Olam) -- against the bankers!
  224. HAHA! Federal tax revenues plummeting
  225. "SHOW OF FORCE" Are we too scared to show our own force?
  226. This Video Almost Made Me Cry II
  227. Timmy and the Other Obamatrons At Each Other's Throats!!
  228. Is This Woman an American Patriot?
  229. Today August 4th is supposed to be Barack Obama's birthday
  230. *Digg* Ron Paul - Cash for Clunkers
  231. *Digg*8/3/09 Ron Paul on Brian and the Judge: Government, Stay Out!
  232. Town Hall meetings rigged?
  233. Has this Been De'bunked?
  234. *DIGG*The truth about the market rally
  235. Bailouters not getting the attention they deserve
  236. What do you think of Health Savings Accounts?
  237. Happy Birthday Mr. President
  238. Not paying taxes
  239. "Morning Joe" gives Ron Paul props (again)...
  240. Honest question for birthers--or anyone else
  241. The Fourteen "D’s" of Deceitful and Dirty Politics
  242. **Breaking** Cash for Clunkers Con = Car Dealers Stealing Millions in Bailouts?
  243. Federal terrorism reports cite supporters of Ron Paul,Constitution are dangerous
  244. Second best politician on Capitol Hill?
  245. My letter to my friend Bill Cooper - Friday, December 17, 1999 10:57:58 AM
  246. Breaking the Chains of Slavery - July 10, 1999
  247. Right of Allocution / fighting corrupt drug laws (1999)
  248. anybody buy stamps lately?
  249. Stop the Drug War Fundraising drive
  250. End the Fed? A not-so-crazy idea.