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  1. Anger in White America--- Kevin MacDonald
  2. Int'l money laundering rabbis
  3. Ron Paul even sings great
  4. The disease of socialism has made a roaring comeback.
  5. Real Time US Debt Clock
  6. Is John Campbell from the 48th district of California any good?
  7. Help Prevent the Federalization of our Food and Water Supply
  8. Government is good
  9. 3 New Jersey mayors, lawmakers, rabbis, arrested in international money laundering
  10. Obama: "Police Acted Stupidly" in Arresting Black Scholar
  11. "Islamists" Denounce Capitalism, Call for Global Caliphate
  12. If We Were Liberals, We Would All Be Happy!
  13. Examining a chance that was "missed"
  14. Obama Regulatory Pick's Pro-animal Rights and Anti-First Amendment Activism
  15. obama says he was in Hawaii in 1969 - LIE
  16. Bill Cosby 'shocked' at Obama's statement
  17. the Dasht-e-Leili Massacre of Taliban prisoners of war
  18. Reid tells Obama to chill, he is going on vacation. No vote until after break.
  19. The Sociological Significance of President Barack Obama
  20. Liberty Radio On the Air Tonight
  21. Cop unsuccessfully tries to intimidate people who know the law.
  22. Will Silvio Berlusconi 'sex tapes' release effect US-Italy relations?
  23. The coming money bombs are vital
  24. Please Vote !!!
  25. Dems no longer doves?
  26. SHOCK! Obama Down Sharply In Gallup Poll
  27. Gov. Sanford Raises Concerns over Federal PASS ID (formerly REAL ID)
  28. History of the World... Condensed Version!
  29. Obamopoly
  30. Hey Guys - Working on a Few Internet Movies...could use your thoughts...
  31. Minarchy (Badnarik) vs Non-Archy (Molyneux) debate here!
  32. Super Chill Monkey issue gaining momentum - Youtube video has over 1,000,000 views
  33. Could this be the main lesson of the internet?
  34. Fed Judge: FDNY Written Exams Excluded 100s of Black and Hispanic Firefighters
  35. U.S. warns Israel: Don't build up West Bank corridor
  36. Fla. Senate Race: Marco Rubio's Challenge to the Moderates
  37. Cambridge Cop Tells Obama: I Didn't Vote for You and Won't Apologize
  38. Cantor and Ryan to Save the GOP?
  39. ACORN: Community-Organized Crime
  40. WorldNetDaily produces 1st feature documentary on Obama (in)eligibility
  41. North Korea Nails Hillary Clinton
  42. Buchanan: Has Obama’s Luck Run Out?
  43. Ferguson on the US in 2013
  44. The Federal Reserve: The smartest guys in the room ???
  45. Daily Kos says "so what"
  46. The American Taxpayer in 2009 (Cartoon)
  47. Obama Approval Rating Drops Below 50%!
  48. 21st century traitors
  49. McCain Lawyers Investigated Obama Citizenship
  50. The different meanings of the word "Liberal"
  51. Sheriff Mack: Police acted improperly
  52. 2017 CIA World Fact Book entry for the United Socialist States of America
  53. Sen. Lindsey Graham, our traitor from S.C. and Sotomayor
  54. There Are No Illegal Aliens, Just Human Beings
  55. nobody wants Sarah except the usual suspects
  56. Article: Money bombs now planned for Peter Schiff and Rand Paul
  57. worst and best presidents
  58. The Right Is Now Splintered Beyond Repair
  59. 'Racist' Doctor connected to Ron Paul
  60. Obama calls police officer in Cambridge case-Admits that he Escalated the Issue
  61. Police ask you to step outside?
  62. Does Anyone Else Find It Hilarious...
  63. Major Civil Rights Group Demands CNN Remove Lou Dobbs
  64. We need a liberty czar!
  65. FOX: "Who let the blue dogs out?"
  66. Fema nle 09...?!?
  67. Where would we be if Ron Paul/McCain had won?
  68. Lou Dobbs, Obama Birth Certificate and Ragging Black Man
  69. Harrison Bergeron
  70. Will They Or Wont They?
  71. U.S. has bought 195 million doses of H1N1 vaccine
  72. Ex CIA operative tells how he was assigned to "neutralize" those who challenge gov
  73. Federal agents seize $1.2 billion worth of pot in Calif.
  74. Cop Attacks Woman After She Honked At Him
  75. Officer tased man in buttocks AFTER arrest
  76. City Manager Gets Fired for Marrying Porn Star
  77. You're (Probably) a Federal Criminal
  78. G. W. thought about sending troops into Buffalo
  79. Border Patrol Agent Killed
  80. Amazing footage! George reports on empty retail & office space in Inland Empire (CA)
  81. Obama Remarks on Gates Arrest Offend Many in Law Enforcement
  82. Disorderlyvision's Book Giveaway # 5
  83. Report: Bush mulled sending troops into Buffalo
  84. former Monsanto lobbyist in charge of Food Safety
  85. Tom Woods debates Ending the Fed - 12:30 PM EST on C-Span2
  86. Cheney Demanded To Use US Troops To Arrest People To Destroy The Constitution
  87. Afghan woman MP lists 'enemies': Nato, Taliban, US supported Warlords
  88. Orthodox Union apologizes for booklet saying Vatican teaching Hezbollah to kill Jews
  89. Distrust of government blunting Obama's pursuit of new programs
  90. Fla Gov. Crist's Office Mistakenly Praises Nazi Film
  91. PROOF: SPLC & ADL behind DHS "Right Wing Extremism"
  92. Torrent of racist posts traced to DHS
  93. Question???
  94. New rule: lets stop lining our commentary with false-truths
  95. Andante, Andante
  96. SPRword.com - Simply the best collection of educational documentaries ever!
  97. Spitzer: "the Fed is an inside job, a ponzi scheme"
  98. Long Associated Press Article on Libertarians
  99. Is Joe the Plumber a Libertarian Now?
  100. The United States Most Abandoned Cities
  101. Please Contribute
  102. Massachusetts Pot Smokers Ignore Fines!
  103. New Zogby Survey- Guns and Sotomayor?
  104. AWESOME article by Chuck Baldwin's son re: State Sovereignty
  105. Obama's approval rating drops to 48%
  106. Vote to discuss the Obama natural born citizenship issue on "Freedom Watch"
  107. Is Democracy a dirty word?
  108. Every 9.74 Days, Iraqi Civilians Experience September 11th
  109. I wrote a new article on the GOP and limited government. Please check it out.
  110. Cheney put his relationship with Bush on the line to get a pardon for...
  111. Article: Moneybombs now give liberty movement a chance
  112. Dennis Kucinich to be on Fox News shortly to discuss federal reserve payoffs
  113. ANIMAL FARM - 2009 by Jim Quinn, C4L Member
  114. Lew Blogged me again!
  115. "A Republic, if You Can Keep It"
  116. Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi scheme, an inside job’
  117. Open encouragement to Chuck Adkins AKA "Paloeo Pat"
  118. Who is your second favorite Congress critter?
  119. New article on the Council on Foreign Relations
  120. organizing human action sans State(practical anarchism)
  121. U.S. money laundering suspects linked to pro-settler Israeli political party
  122. Rand Paul and Peter Schiff money bombs
  123. CFL and CSA New Yorkers Attacked By Raving Mad Lunatic ACORN-ers [VIDEO]
  124. DEA Agent Who Shot Self In Foot Sues the Government
  125. Obama: Race Baiter in Chief
  126. Stumbling governors signal trouble for Dems
  127. Firsthand account of FL-GOP purging Ron Paul Republicans
  128. Ron Paul: "Toldja"
  129. Obama - Where have all his records gone
  130. Anybody looking for an idea for a book or article to write?
  131. Can anarchists hold public office?
  132. Copyright/patent laws in a free market.
  133. Libertarian Academics and Scholars
  134. Palin: I quit because I love Alaska
  135. Palin to Press: Stop making things up for the sake of troops
  136. Cutthroat Capitalism - Somali Piracy is a business!
  137. Facebook vs Google - the war is coming!
  138. Why has defiant officer who questioned Obama's US birth not been discharged?
  139. ATT Blocks 4chan
  140. company director arrested for attempted murder after rescuing son being beaten
  141. Parents Sue to Stop Army Daughter's Deployment
  142. NEW BOOK: "The Conscience of a Libertarian"
  143. Disorderlyvision's Book Giveaway # 6
  144. Zogby: GOP Faces Extinction
  145. Gotta Support the Troops!
  146. Do you support the Constitution?
  147. From: NumbersUSA - hmm. make hell, people.
  148. Latest and Greatest Hypothetical -- (Threat of) Aggression Justifies War?
  149. Bush Considered Violating Posse Comitatus Law
  150. Cries of reverse discrimination show U.S. isn't 'post-racial' (Kansas City Star)
  151. Rasmussen: Obama Double-Digit Negatives
  152. Dodd May Snub Lobbyists, but Not Their Cash
  153. -11 Approval Index
  154. Obama’s NAACP Talk vs. the Department of Education’s Walk
  155. Stop Sotomayor NOW! -- vote anticipated Tuesday
  156. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is one of the most despised political figures in the count
  157. AP - Americans rate Federal Reserve worst among 9 key agencies
  158. Please Digg this!Promote C4L!
  159. Republican Moms for marijuana: 'Time to legalize is now'
  160. Your opinions matter
  161. IL Annual Libertarian convention
  162. White House Calls Birther Movement "Fictional Nonsense"
  163. Nebraska: We want State Sovereignty
  164. 'Impeach Obama' bumper stickers spark shopping mall protest
  165. Is Facebook slower?
  166. Immigration from "terrorist countries" good or bad for US?
  167. RP's next bill should be securing our voting machines.
  168. The corruption runs deep.
  169. Who owns freedomscape.com?
  170. Devvy Kidd looks for volunteers to set up website dealing with judicial corruption
  171. The real problem with the Washington Post's Federal Reserve transparency article
  172. U.S. Census Bureau Says It Will Improve Census Accuracy
  173. Very PC police force issues its WPCs with Muslim headscarves
  174. House of Cards..
  175. Time for a change -- to the Constitution
  176. Are Liberals Welcome?
  177. My Conversation with Carolyn Mccarthy's Office
  178. Bachmann blocks resolution recognizing Hawaii as Obama's birthplace
  179. Leaders’ Summit on North American Relations Held in June
  180. Bokodes - Bar Code Replacement
  181. PokerFace Calling For a Revolution music video
  182. Phil Berg, Esq. interviewed by Alex Jones (July 27th, 2009)
  183. Gaining leverage with the failing economy
  184. The Noble Lie(article about neocon philosophy)
  185. Progressive Lesbians and Post-Millenial Pietists created the Welfare State? Do Tell!
  186. A new Conspiracy History journal
  187. Chris Matthews and Company create a caricature of Liberty movement
  188. Islam Is Peaceful? Not If You're Nigerian.
  189. What Happened to Our Postracial President?
  190. An Endangered Native Species: The First Amendment
  191. What do you think of Karen Kwiatkowski?
  192. Ohio Senator Rages Against Southern Takeover Of The GOP
  193. Legalized Internet Gambling bill reaches 50 co-sponsors!
  194. Stupid Massachusetts cop will allow himself to be used as an Obama photo-op
  195. Martial Law and the War on Terrorism by James Bovard
  196. Dr. No Succeeds in Killing Sick-Leave Bill, For Now
  197. Sotomayor passes cmte
  198. Federal Reserve's 'approval' rating lags even the IRS'
  199. Rothbard Through Psychology
  200. Watch Sheriff Richard Mack on tomorrow's "Freedom Watch"
  201. The Henry Louis Gates "teaching moment"
  202. Israeli settlers to Obama, "NO, you can't"
  203. Palestinian group threatens 'Bruno' star Sacha Baron Cohen
  204. Declassified Docs Reveal Military Operative Spied on WA Peace Groups
  205. Why not bring back exiling?
  206. Question for Obama: "Where do we place the plaque?"
  207. McCain Says Spanish-Language Ads Cost Him Latino Vote: ‘Life Isn’t Fair’
  208. The Fellowship Foundation: Secret and Scrutinized
  209. Winston Churchill was a Conspiracy Theorist
  210. US Air Force says decision-making attack drones will be here by 2047
  211. Senate Panel Endorses Sotomayor in 13-6 Vote
  212. Help would be appreciated.
  213. City council won't give Chuck E. Cheese a license because it has violent video games
  214. Free Ak-47 with the purchase of a Truck vs. CNN Newswoman
  215. Ron Paul throwing up the illuminati horns
  216. Reddit Q&A with Ron Paul
  217. Delete this
  218. The Obama cult
  219. Colbert on Tasers.
  220. Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace
  221. "Birthers" Off-Base on Obama
  222. NR on birther question
  223. Military to assist with H1N1 breakout
  224. Judge Fights His Redlight Camera Ticket
  225. Ron Paul hit piece
  226. The bill we warned you about
  227. LP on birthers
  228. Campaign for Liberty at the New Orleans Area Gun Show 7/25-26/09
  229. Get ready for Martial Law H1N1
  230. Dr. Orly Taitz on The Colbert Report (July 28, 2009)
  231. Glen Beck : Obama Is A Racist!
  232. Murphy's Law strikes "Cash for Clunkers" program
  233. Joe Legal vs. Jose Illegal
  234. Leo Zagami interview
  235. Sens. Dodd, Conrad: Mortgage discounts were 'courtesy'
  236. Atlanta Eliminating All Large Housing Projects
  237. What a real 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate looks like
  238. Paranoids Ate My Party
  239. Democrats Struggling to Keep Stranglehold on Black Voters--WSJ
  240. Live from CFR. Janet Napolitano addressing terrorism
  241. Federal Highway Funds 'strings'
  242. Some at Texas Tech Protest Gonzales Hiring
  243. Newsweek's Embedded Obama Campaign Reporter Joins Obama Administration
  244. Great interview about women getting started in conservative politics
  245. Michelle Malkin talks with Glenn Beck about Obama's "Culture of Corruption"
  246. Recap of MIAC Committee Hearing
  247. Hal Turner confirmed to be FBI informant
  248. McCain taking calls questions in 10 minutes on the radio
  249. Cuomo Takes Aim At Toy Guns
  250. Our friend Colin Powell weighs in on Gates v Crowley