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  1. Gov survielence is MASSIVE!
  2. 1st Amendment... nah
  3. 450 dogs were seized during raids in seven states
  4. Ban on tobacco urged in military
  5. And what about the tyranny at home?????
  6. Operation FALCON nets 35,190 fugitives in annual sweep
  7. WITCH HUNT: Sotomayor backers to attack and discredit CT Firefighter
  8. Capitalism: A Love Story, Trailer
  9. Judging by the Swedish state TV, America is a very poor place
  10. The Final Push...
  11. YAL wants t-shirt designs! $300 reward contest
  12. 7/7/09 G Edward Griffin Interview
  13. Nafta Superhighway Returns From The Dead
  14. Homeless people die after bird flu vaccine trial in Poland
  15. The Socialization of America (article)
  16. NATO supported Afghan regime legalizes rape, starvation of women
  17. The Grand Marais Municipal Plantation
  18. Who is the Prime Minister of your state?
  19. Political Synthesis
  20. Homeland unveils immigration enforcement plan
  21. John Holdren, "Science Czar" wrote in favor of forced abortion and sterilization
  22. Florida GOP tries to kick out black conservative!
  23. New Water Regulations = Fresno CA Federal Disaster Area & Mendota 41% Unemployment
  24. Congress Rebukes Obama on Dictatorial Claim
  25. Sarah Palin: America's Newest Libertarian
  26. DC Police chief denounces 'cowardly' iPhone users monitoring speed traps
  27. Informative surveillance state video.
  28. Hemingway revealed as failed KGB spy
  29. Good For Nothing Christians by Chuck Baldwin July 10, 2009
  30. Obamas tour slavers’ fort in ‘painful’ Ghana visit
  31. Medvedev Unveils “World Currency” Coin At G8
  32. Christian group bent on world domination: Youth With A Mission. Brainwashed Sanford?
  33. B.J. Lawson
  34. Cheney kept CIA program secret from Congress, source says
  35. Attorney General May Open Interrogation Inquiry
  36. Government officials say RFID makes life easier!
  37. Obama is the Messiah
  38. A Blast From The Past!!!!
  39. Ron Paul: A Most Unusual Politician
  40. Fox news: Palin Plans to Stump for Republicans and Democrats
  41. A path is being paved to send Cheney to prison?
  42. Obama: Long Way to Go in Afghan War--Far From Over
  43. Sheriff Mack Calls For A New Independent 911 Investigation
  44. 5-4 rulings
  45. Gag the internet!
  46. Digg: A Love Letter to LewRockwell.com
  47. Channeling the Soviet Union: How U.S. Federal Criminal Law Has Reincarnated Beria
  48. The Only Question That Matters
  49. Which of these ideologies has most contributed to the expansion of government?
  50. Ultra-Orthodox Jews Riot Over Parking Lot Being Opened On Sabbath....
  51. Which site did you find out about first?
  52. Pendulum (Jordan Page)
  53. Protest @ Bohemian Grove
  54. Barack Obama's Birth Certificate!
  55. Huffpo Loves Obama's Interventionist Foreign Policy
  56. A-Team Stands for Anarcho-Capitalism
  57. Is This Immoral?
  58. Ginsburg's Support for Sotomayor--An Ethical Violation?
  59. Wikipedia acknowledges Obama may have been born in Kenya!
  60. Racism's cure found in private sector
  61. Bill Passed: House Boosts Aid to Israel to $2.775 Billion
  62. Demjanjuk charged in Germany with 27,900 Counts of Accessory to Murder
  63. Barney Frank - ***** as Blazes - old video
  64. Sotomayor backers urge reporters to probe New Haven firefighter
  65. Documentary Preview: The Difference Between a Patriot and a Terrorist
  66. Book Review: The Last Best Hope by Joe Scarborough
  67. Britain hits Israel with partial arms embargo following Gaza massacre
  68. Vaccinations don't have to be mandatory
  69. What was your first contact with the liberty movement?
  70. Racism
  71. List all the negative things Obama has done
  72. Obama names Dr. Regina Benjamin as his pick for Surgeon General
  73. Excited delerium causes death, not tasers, beatings or being shot.
  74. Too Early to Judge
  75. 2084 Fiction based on Fact
  76. Obama mismanagement good for Liberty
  77. The American Ideal of 1776: The Twelve Basic American Principles
  78. Sarah Palin Signs Alaska Sovereignty Resolution
  79. Who is Gary Clift?
  80. McNamara deceived LBJ on Vietnam
  81. Is anyone else watching the Sotomayor confirmation hearings?
  82. Made in America
  83. SarahPAC raises $700,000 in 6 months.
  84. 2009 Bohemian Grove Gets Underway Amidst Protests
  85. Illinois government job initiative art actually has a shovel on the advertising!
  86. Where is OBL?
  87. Multi-agency report questions presidential warrantless wiretapping program
  88. Obama eligibility case will be heard on merits!
  89. What the Critics are Saying about RP - From Brüno
  90. Independence Day and Other Myths
  91. Selling E-cigs at the mall
  92. New Live Poll Allows Pundits To Pander To Viewers In Real Time (luntz' magic machine
  93. What's Next for the Federal Reserve?? TROUBLE!!
  94. What happens when a Ron Paul Republican asks a candidate about guns:
  95. What happens when a Ron Paul Republican meets a candidate who voted for the bailout:
  96. 9/12 mania: Massive tea party storms D.C.
  97. What political stripe are your parents?
  98. Glenn Beck, Steven Moore on new world order, world currency
  99. Left Brain, Right Brain - No Brain?
  100. Pat Buchanan Says Todd Palin Should Kill Levi Johnston
  101. North Carolina Firearms Freedom Act
  102. Chomsky refutes "libertarian" "anarcho"- capitalism
  103. USA Today tech blog: Computer attack may not have originated in North Korea after all
  104. MSNBC: Maddow Says Opposition to Sotomayor “Is Substantially about Race”
  105. A Web site where the Obama family is called 'street ghetto trash'
  106. How to Handle Sonia--Patrick J. Buchanan
  107. Bon Fête Nationale/ Happy Bastille Day
  108. Senate Would Mandate Employee Insurance
  109. What's your stance on speeding tickets?
  110. Silly question, but...
  111. Independents Take Center Stage in the Obama Era
  112. Canadian PM Harper at G8: “There Is Going To Have To Be Global Governance”
  113. Did Russian Leaders Snub Obama by Refusing to Shake His Hand?
  114. SKYNET and the total AI surveillance grid.
  115. Commerce clause
  116. New flu resembles feared 1918 virus: study
  117. Marketing new chemical weapons
  118. Gov. Rendell of PA: State Workers Should "Put A Statue Of Me" On Their Mantel
  119. CBS Poll Finds Record Support for Legalizing Marijuana
  120. 'Nazi guard' Demjanjuk is charged with 27,900 counts of being an accessory to murder
  121. Constitution banned in RI
  122. Sotomayor hearing a mockery for property rights
  123. Republics and Democracies by Robert Welch
  124. Will Torture Probe Prosecute Peons and Protect Politicians?
  125. Audit: NOPD didn't tell state about missing cash
  126. ‘Religion’ billboard brings debate
  127. What you do with this article is up to you
  128. 'Jane Roe' (of Roe v Wade) Arrested at Supreme Court Hearing
  129. AP Defeats Online Aggregator That Rewrote Its News
  130. We're the Government and You're Not: A Guide to Good Citizenship (vid)
  131. The Sotomayor Hearings — Day One to Day Two
  132. UnConstitutional: Possible Investigation of College Bowl Games
  133. Gunpoint Medicine for Vaccinations?
  134. Interesting that you don't hear a peep about Joe Biden.
  135. What is the news ignoring during Sotomayer hearings?
  136. Obama Says Sotomayor’s “Castrate White Males” Comment Taken Out of Context [SPOOF]
  137. Obama Threatens to Veto His Own Defense Bill Over F-22 Funding
  138. What Would You Ask Sotomayor?
  139. Army Major: Obama not US born, can't send me to war
  140. The Reach Of Progressivism
  141. Disorderlyvision's Book Giveaway # 2
  142. Obama's teleprompter collapses mid-speech! haha
  143. For Tea Party Patriots: The 16th & 17th Amendments and the big, corrupt fed. gov.
  144. Rachel Maddow: GOP Sex Scandal Exposes Secretive Conservative Religious Group -- 'The
  145. Ron Paul Voted the Best Unintentional Singer here!
  146. damn almost got a job
  147. wow.
  148. Did Obama get booed at All Star Game?
  149. Soilder obama not U.S born can't send me to afghanistan
  150. Fedgov threatens Kyl and AZ (article)
  151. College grad: ‘I wish I’d gone to prison instead’
  152. The War Chest
  153. New military robot feeds on dead bodies
  154. Bachmann VS Palin
  155. The Libertarian Case for Palin
  156. US House committee urged to reform mandatory minimum sentences
  157. Federal judge allows class-action status for immigrant fee challenge
  158. Econophysicist Predicts Date of Chinese Stock Market Collapse
  159. Nigerian Email scam: 9 Israelis suspected of scamming millions from U.S. pensioners
  160. Where was President Obama Born?
  161. America's Cushiest Federal Prisons
  162. Ohio man pleads guilty to recommending 17-year-old hooker on Web site
  163. RIAA has moved for summary judgment on "fair use," to undermine defense strategy
  164. Hacker's human rights 'ignored'
  165. Obama Mulls Rental Option for Some Homeowners
  166. In the last 100 years, what has the Federal Gov't done RIGHT?
  167. The Ten Biggest Stock Market Crashes of All Time
  168. Recent Congressional Votes $352 Billion +
  169. Rich government employee complains government not helping him enough.
  170. How do states elect Lt. Govs.?
  171. Frank Luntz creates coaching guide for Israelis named Global Language Dictionary
  172. Ron On Glenn Beck Next
  173. American Community Survey Act
  174. Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings Enter Day Three
  175. 6 countries uniting to break Russian gas monopoly
  176. Everybody Worships: a comment on the Liberty movement
  177. Sotomayor dodges gun-rights questions
  178. Your Time is a Real Treasure
  179. Get Out Of Our House!
  180. Palin may form third party, in a "flanking" move against RP republicans
  181. Video: How To Brainwash A Nation – Ex-KGB
  182. Did any of you see my new documentary? (media)
  183. Researchers Achieve Major Breakthrough With Water Desalination System
  184. NOAA Bans Commercial Harvesting Of Krill
  185. Real ID Act faces repeal after outcry from Napolitano, states
  186. DEA weighs new limits on drug eyed in Jackson case
  187. Social Security Administration: Your Tax Dollars at Play!
  188. Will We Ever Get a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice?
  189. Surgeon General Nominee Regina Benjamin
  190. Naomi Wolf on the American Police State
  191. Paulson says he pressured Bank of America CEO
  192. The Threat of Totalitarianism
  193. MI's Myron Magnet - Brilliant Essay: The Obsolete New York Model
  194. Property Rights/Eminent Domain argument
  195. BLOG: Ron Paul votes with Obama 15% of the time
  196. 175 economists sign petition to keep Fed independance. (They're getting scared)
  197. John McCain ad
  198. Ron Paul: How "Brüno" Punked Me...
  199. How does one not get discouraged by these types of poll results
  200. What we can do peacefully
  201. Got Arrested last night...
  202. So, if AIG is investing in Carbon offset/credits then can we assume CnT will pass?
  203. The Definition of Marriage
  204. RP on the front page of Yahoo!
  205. Relics From A Bygone Era
  206. Yet another unread bill
  207. Company Fined $300,000 For Posting Fake Reviews Online
  208. Obama administration defends Bush wiretapping
  209. AUDIO: Glenn Beck screams like a b**ch (at 3:30 in audio)
  210. [Youtube] Ron Paul's brother, Wayne Paul, on the Alex Jones show 7/16/09
  211. Man ticketed for honking too much for peace
  212. P&G Scores in Tampon War
  213. Sears Tower renamed Willis Tower in ceremony
  214. Girl arrested for swearing at 911
  215. gov employees spend over 700,000 to relieve stress
  216. Court knew man jailed for a year for non-support was not child's father
  217. Harley-Davidson axes 1,000 as profits hit skids
  218. Pentagon won't ban war-zone smoking, despite study
  219. Have you pledged to donate to Rand's big moneybomb on August 20th?
  220. Did anyone just see Glenn Beck?
  221. NASA erased Apollo11 moon footage to reuse the videotape, Hollywood restores it
  222. 50 developing nations meet in Egypt and call for a NEW WORLD ORDER
  223. Hawaii: Lawmakers Override Governor's Veto Of Marijuana Task Force Bill
  224. MO: Eminent Domain Call to Action
  225. VA Legislator: bullet box, but we should try the ballot box first!
  226. Congress Objects to CIA Lies but not to Torture and Murder
  227. Daily Kos gets busted
  228. Judge: State law barring underage drinking is unconstitutional
  229. URGENT Report!!!! altered Obama news report of continent of his birth
  230. Rev JD Manning on Obama
  231. Umm, Fox News, Hello!
  232. Amazing, Amazing Schwarzenegger Ad
  233. Maddow, Buchanan Spar Over Affirmative Action And Sotomayor
  234. Jonathan Turley?
  235. Free Talk Live Interviews Shelly Roche Tonight
  236. Who should have won World War I?
  237. The Problem Reaction Solution Paradigm (The Hegelian Dialectic)
  238. John Yoo: President Can Ignore Law
  239. Hillary Clinton: Council on Foreign Relations tells government what to do!
  240. Grassroots Action Alert! - Calls Needed
  241. Jesse Ventura: $100 Million Spent Investigating Clinton...$4 Million for 9/11
  242. Sanford sinks lower
  243. Paulson reveals US concerns of breakdown in law and order
  244. Ron Paul audio interview on economist.com
  245. Medical Marijuana: US House Overturns Barr Amendment, Removes Obstacle for DC
  246. Judge: Airlines can't question FBI in 9/11 suits
  247. Fourth Circuit rules Maryland liquor regulations violate federal antitrust law
  248. Pat Buchanan Eviscerates Rachel Maddow on Affirmative Action
  249. Have you considered becoming a Libertarian precinct leader?
  250. In a free market you can sell drugs to kids...