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  1. When was the last time so many states had disagreements with the federal government?
  2. The Four Stages of Revolution
  3. North Korea states "Any blockade will be considered act of war"
  4. Using force to protect animals from torture or unnecessary killing
  5. "The Four Stages of Revolution" has been queued for Admin review
  6. Michael Medved Uses Holocaust Museum Murder to Smear Ron Paul !!
  7. Geitner 1 month ago: TARP has $134.5B left. Last week, same amount almost smuggled..
  8. WOW, what do you know... Freedom works.
  9. RINOs join Democrats in trashing Constitution to regulate tobacco!
  10. Where does the federal government begin and end?
  11. Letterman Joke About Palin is Obama's Fault
  12. "Why the hell should I feel sorry?" Lynndie England hawks new book.
  13. Chuck Baldwin: Gods Come Cheap These Days
  14. Are we being Con-Conned?
  15. US Congress The Next Battleground For Middle East Hostilities?
  16. Kucinich running interference for the FED?
  17. American Death Squad
  18. The End of "E Pluribus Unum" & the New CSA
  19. Obama takes on Federal Reserve? Huh?
  20. Michelle Bachmann - "Obama's Gangster Government"
  21. not on MSM why not?
  22. Hang em all T-shirts
  23. Meet the Jewish Al-Qaeda Member...
  24. The AF family will be "boycotting" July 4th.
  25. Zogby Poll Sans Ron Paul.
  26. The Obama Stimulus: Predictions vs. Reality
  27. Ventura, Young Turks interview 6/10/09, W.A. Root radio show week 2
  28. Wall Street Journal - "Divided We Stand" The USA Break Up
  29. Chinese sub smashes into US destroyer's sonar.
  30. Go to the FTL chat
  32. NY cops, dealing drugs and frame ups.
  33. Man convicted of complaining too much to town council.
  34. Must Read Paper on the Neoconservative political network
  35. Gingrich's 12 Solutions for America
  36. Is This America's Only Truly Libertarian College?
  37. Thank god! Picking a nanny for your child has become easier!
  38. $5 Dollar Day
  39. Bloomberg - Bankers and their Reptilian souls.
  40. Sen. Charles Grassley stands by his "tweet."
  41. Open letter to Justin Williams on behalf Mark Sanford
  42. Another Ron paul Republican to run for US Senate
  43. Training boy scouts to take out our Veterans.
  44. Teenagers in Greensboro, NC are paid $1 per day to not get pregnant
  45. Obama demands the right to target teenagers for military recruitment
  46. CIA chief believes Cheney almost wants US attacked
  47. Follow up: Conservatives call for Shepard Smith to be fired
  48. Listen Live to the Grassroots Radio Program on Thursday, June 18th
  49. Arizona police putting spies in fast food drive up windows
  50. Round Up Hate-Promoters Now...
  51. Nao
  52. Politico: Ron Paul a "Dreamboat"
  53. No change: Obama ambassadorships still go to fundraisers, friends
  54. Why are Warren Buffett and Bill Gates so liberal?
  55. Operation Vigilant Eagle: We're all targets
  56. Obama ordered midshipmen and officers as USNA disarmed for his visit?
  57. Does the Right Wing Want Civil War?
  58. WTB very fuel innefeciant car to scam "cash for clunker" program...
  59. Study:Serial killers and politicians share traits
  60. Police Force Protestors to Cover Their Shame During Rally
  61. US DoD now claims public protest is "low-level terrorism"
  62. 100,000+ protest Iran's election...This is HUGE!!!
  63. South Carolina GOP Official: Michelle Obama's Gorilla Relatives
  64. Bill O'Reilly Freaks Out Over Abortion Doctor While Salon.com Woman Defends
  65. "Ladies 4 Liberty" discuss PMS relief tactics
  66. You're on the Battlefield Right Now
  67. Man threatens to harm himself; Police shoot him
  68. woman fighting booking fees, faces contempt charges
  69. First 'anti-stab' knife to go on sale in Britain
  70. Basij shooting AK at Iranians - video
  71. LEAP Rapid Response Alert - 6/15/09‏
  72. Fire David Letterman Rally Set for Tuesday
  73. The difference between Iranians and Americans is...
  74. OK trooper who choked EMT "Not an Ogre"
  75. Best Video Documentary Series Ever (Truth Inside)
  76. Bill Maher: Obama obsessed with being on TV
  77. Nice Journalist calls for round ups.
  78. Coalition to Save America??
  79. U.S. Attorney Tries to Kill Book Exposing Terrorism
  80. Transfrom Che shirts?!
  81. Pics from my trip in India. Contrasting rich and poor
  82. Congressman Mark Kirk (IL)Proposes 25 Years In Prison For Pot
  83. Did North Korea Nukes come from Nashville?
  84. Are our agencies pretty effective?
  85. Program could create door-to-door energy consultants
  86. Crops under stress as temperatures fall
  87. For small government types
  88. Gibbs gets 2nd shot at Obama eligibility question
  89. Proud To Be American? You Should Be Ashamed
  90. Living without a bank account?
  91. Bail out the IMF?
  92. Any opinion of Rep. Paul Ryan?
  93. State Department to Twitter: Keep Iranian tweets coming
  94. Thomas Woods on Alex Jones right now.
  95. How is it that Ron Paul is so well received on CNN?
  96. YAL National Convention
  97. Tea parties my ....
  98. Hey, What's "high-level terrorism"?
  99. Follow the Fake Iranian Counter-revolution Here
  100. Republican Sen. John Ensign admits banging staffer
  101. "Force the Gov't to stop aiding Communism"
  102. Difference between socialism and communism?
  103. World Government and how I could support it
  104. Abc turns programming over to obama
  105. How will forced minimum wage increase affect economy next month?
  106. Hate Crime bill to be voted on soon
  107. Hugo Chavez, pathetic victim of the BIG LIE technique, swallows Ahmadinejad hoax
  108. Proud to Be an American?
  109. My Goodness, Sodahead is Depressing Lately!
  110. The Judge on Free Talk Live
  111. Dem, GOP centrists meet in secret
  112. Opposing Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny Chapter 10 Ron Paul was Right
  113. Mark Levin Number 1 NYT Best Seller.
  114. Mayors Against Illegal Guns
  115. NASA To Trigger Massive Explosion On the Moon In Search of Ice
  116. drill to the center of the earth possible?
  117. Detroit's Retail Exodus
  118. This is What America Has Turned Into...
  119. Cocaine is good for you - who would have guessed???
  120. Article - "Why aren't Jews outraged by Israeli occupation?"
  121. Israeli Minister Calling For Sanctions Against the USA over Obama Policies
  122. Onion: Obama Announces Plans To Run For McCain's Senate Seat In 2010
  123. Again, a woman alleges indecent assault by same cop during a narcotics raid
  124. Urban guerrilla attacks in Greece this year
  125. Subpoenas Issued To Get ID Of Online Commenters about Robert Kahre case
  126. Penn Jillette: I should be in New Hampshire, joining the Free State Project
  127. Passaic Cop Caught on Video Beating Man Denies Wrongdoing
  128. Infiltrators in our midst?
  129. Fired IG Calls White House Explanation 'Baseless,' Says He's Being Targeted
  130. This is What Public Schooling Devolves Into...
  131. Effort To Ban Folding Knives in Hawaii
  132. No America Left Alone - Charlotte Iserbyt
  133. Jon Stewart Shows Glenn Beck As Two Talking Fool He Is
  134. If you were an Iranian voter, who would you have voted for?
  135. Read The "Letter" and Sign the Petition.
  136. Wiki blocks Scientology Addresses
  137. How can I refute eminent domain'ers?
  138. Mood Stabilizers Found in Drinking water 2008
  139. Why there is such vilification of Iran's President in US media?
  140. Matthews: Howard Dean is the St. John the Baptist to Barack Obama's Jesus
  141. Obama approval rating crashes
  142. Video Clip: Obama swats fly and brags about himself
  143. Taking PC to a whole new level
  144. What the news is versus what it should be!
  145. North Korea Responds to Obama Warning
  146. HBO's Bill Maher Takes On President Obama
  147. "4th amendment does not apply to military operations on US soil"...
  148. Terror Book Author Wins Round #1 in Censorship Battle
  149. State Sovereignty info needed asap
  150. Glenn Beck says the average Fed gov't salary is $75k
  151. Operation Blackjack - OK, what's the real deal here?
  152. My Ron Paul video removed from youtube...
  153. Barbara Boxer: Please Call Me 'Senator'
  154. Geitner in front of Dr. Paul today.
  155. How Green were the Nazis?
  156. UK cops taser, punch, kick unarmed man.
  157. Republicans and their s**t films must be stopped
  158. The Inspiring 'Open Letter to Our Nation's Leadership' by Janet Contreras
  159. U.S.- Canada Border Security and Military Integration
  160. BUSTED! BBC alters Iranian rally photos
  161. Adopt a Meetup
  162. Vote Hemp Update: Maine passes hemp farming bill
  163. H.R. 984 - State Secret Protection Act of 2009
  164. PETA miffed at President Obama's fly "execution"
  165. Feinstein denies NSA abuses; Holder refuses to call them ‘illegal’
  166. Appeals Court Backs Prison for E-Mail Obscenity
  167. British Airlines asks its 40,000 employees to work without pay
  168. N. Korea may fire missile toward Hawaii
  169. Man lights up cannabis joint in Parliament
  170. Rep. Bachmann Refuses To Fill Out 2010 Census
  171. WOW! (If true)
  172. Taser death: stun gun fired 28 times
  173. Jefferson landowners 'willing to fight' for farmland wanted by Norfolk Southern
  174. Proposed Canadian Law Would Allow Warrantless Searches
  175. Give me questions for a Republican straw poll
  176. Attention North Carolinians: Your Wallets Are Under Attack!!!
  177. Cash For Clunkers Passes
  178. Here's one HUGE story the BBC did get right....but never followed up on again.
  179. Rethink Afghanistan: Civilian Casualities (12 min youtube. help digg it)
  180. Anthrax Story still haunts me
  181. Kudlow: "Team Obama Wants To Give The Federal Reserve A Virtual Dictatorship"
  182. Ethics- Absolute or Relative
  183. Old Harry Browne Ads for President
  184. Prof. James Petras: The Stolen Election Hoax
  185. Video: 6/18: Ron Paul schools two MSNBC journalists
  186. Cop pulls gun on McDonald's drive up attendant
  187. So here is how to talk to the census folks
  188. IRS wants to make it illegal for YOU to prepare your taxes.. experts only!
  189. 9,220 vials of pathogens missing from Ft. Detrick labs
  190. [KIA] Sgt. 1st Class John C. Beale
  191. E-waste
  192. California County pays people to take care of their own kids
  193. Immigration By The Numbers
  194. Child Porn Found on Computer Of von Brunn
  195. Court orders Jammie Thomas to pay RIAA $1.92 million
  196. After Obama Fails
  197. What is RP talking about here?
  198. "Freedom Watch" will reach a whole new audience
  199. Howard Stern: "We're sitting close to a digital Pearl Harbor"
  200. The UN/military angle of the GPS based census
  201. House vote 405-1 - condemns Tehran crackdown. Guess who voted no
  202. JOHN CORNYN response to S.604
  203. George Mason U. - State freedom rankings 1-50
  204. RPF is running out of ink...
  205. A different political tactic
  206. A really Funny song "The Obama Man Can" (tune of Candy Man Can)
  207. TODAY! RJ Harris Featured all day on Revolution Broadcasting!
  208. Our Choice: Chains or Slavery
  209. "Child Rights" Forces Mobilize
  210. Secret CIA File Tests Obama's Pledge of Openness
  211. Please support PoliticalLore.com
  212. Awesome Gerald Celente interview. Coins a new term "Obamageddon."
  213. Regarding the knife ban. MY Rep wrote Napolitano a letter
  214. Dr. No
  215. Holder tells Senate judiciary committee hate crimes legislation is a DOJ priority
  216. UK to hold first judge-only criminal trial
  217. CNN Covers Unlawful Detention Of Steve Bierfeldt Of Campaign For Liberty
  218. What would our Government do if we protested our elections
  219. Pre-War of Northen Aggresion Tariffs
  220. Shield Laws vs Caste System?
  221. Accused 9/11 mastermind says: 'I make up stories to stop the torture.'
  222. RJ's Money Bomb Right Now
  223. Video: ACORN: Now a National Powerhouse
  224. The Only Vote Against the Resolution Was By Rep. Ron Paul R-TX
  225. Gerald Celente on The Tommy Schnurmacher Show 6/18/2009, 30 min
  226. RNC 2009 Obama Agenda Survey (fail)
  227. RJ Harris - I'll Match Contributions
  228. U.S. Closes Final WWII Internment Camp
  229. J. Bradley Jansen: A Way Out Of The Iranian Stalemate - DIGG
  230. VA - Judge fines 40 people for signing recall petition.
  231. Heavy metal in Baghdad
  232. The Grassroots people in L.A. really need your help! Please spread this message.
  233. "I guess ole Ron was right"
  234. Jibjab: Obama the Superman
  235. Myths about right wing terrorist(according to alternet)
  236. Should there be a "REGISTER REPUBLICAN" campaign?
  237. Sit down protest
  238. ACLU challenges federal prison solitary confinement units
  239. Heads up: IL photo enforced work zones
  240. Ron Paul Co-sponsors Barney Franks pot bill
  241. The License Plate Loyalty Card
  242. Ohio Homeland Security Loyalty Oath for professional licenses.
  243. Anyone know a liberty friendly ophthalmologist?
  244. Cops arrested, resign over Waffle House tasering.
  245. Teach me about the "National Right to Work Act"
  246. We're All Gonna Be There When She [America] Dies - *new song*
  247. 20 points fall in US support for Israel caused by economic crisis or Gaza massacre?
  248. Pennsylvania: Have to carry orange flag to cross the street
  249. Obama Administration Looks to Colleges for Future Spies
  250. Mayor Ravenstahl to nonprofits: pay up or else(Pittsburgh)