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  1. Advantages of Extremism
  2. Ontario Tent City on LockDown! Update
  3. Afghanistan going to "Legalize Rape" In Marriage?
  4. Kaua`i corruption bust nabs everyone
  5. Power of the People
  6. The Powers that Be Just Don't Understand
  7. NPR Sanford hit piece on stimulus
  8. Thanks Willie
  9. 912 Project Poll: What you'd like to see done
  10. St. Louis TSA Detains Man For Carrying Cash & Ron Paul Stickers
  11. This is new to me... (military coup)
  12. Lack of freedom of speech on internet forums
  13. Why The End Of America Is Closer Than You Think
  14. First Core of Corruption Film Released!
  15. Obama: "My grandmother was a typical white person"
  16. "G20 leaders seal $1.1tn global deal"
  17. Video:Gordon Brown Announces 'New world order is emerging' At G20
  18. Tax Day Tea Party April 15th
  19. Tax dodgers multiply as underground economy cushions job cuts
  20. Wow! Alan Keyes tells it like it is!
  21. I meet Fred on Monday
  22. Carter Conservatism
  23. Sean just said more...
  24. Frontline's "Ten Trillion and Counting"
  25. Time is Now
  26. Obama Bows to Saudi King
  27. Best article that I have read in some time
  28. !!! Possible Fraud at AIG Regarding Credit Default Swaps (CDS) and "Side Letters"
  29. Several good articles on infowars today
  30. Video: "Rihanna Beats Up Thomas Jefferson"
  31. "Real Patriots Question Authority" -Kevin Tuma Comic
  32. So I got pulled over... again... you will not believe this.
  33. Did anyone hear that?!!!!!!!!!!!
  34. Lou Dobbs has a poll up for the next 30 - 40 minutes on The New World Order
  35. A tea party response to the inclusion of party politics - "partisan speech zones"
  36. Adopt a Meetup
  37. New World Disorder
  38. The Only Way Out Of This Crisis Is To Build More Houses
  39. Obama's DHS Creates Amnesty Program Not Authorized By Congress!
  40. Wow The POTUS bows to the King?
  41. Video:Lou Dobbs On The G20 And The New World Order
  42. Secret Societies on Hist. Channel Thurs.
  43. American Detained & Threatened at Airport for Carrying Cash (fresh digg)
  44. "The Smartest Guys In The Room."
  45. Queen Elizabeth’s Gift to Calderón: Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four
  46. The new "security" in the GOP agenda
  47. Secret societies on History Channel right now
  48. If Ron Paul won, who would reduce the size of government?
  49. VIDEO: Why a Republic is Superior to Anarchy.
  50. Do you think federal government is closely gauging discord in the gen. population?
  51. Libretarian Solution - 4/1/2009
  52. Do gov't officials sign an oath?
  53. What type of politician would you be? Find out with this test!
  54. Michael Moore using neocon argument
  55. Why is the OECD able to dictate tax policy to soverign countries?
  56. Rockefeller introduces bill that allows executive branch to shut down internet
  57. FDR and Churchill having a brandy?
  58. Bravo, Krauthammer!
  59. Introducing the Government-Backed DMV Automotive Repair Center! (Reason TV)
  60. How much of the new Congress budget is war and military spending?
  61. Is Ron Paul’s civil war theory a contradiction on limited government?
  62. Domino's bailout pizza
  63. "Under President Bush's Authority, they've been going into countries, not talking to
  64. And in other News
  65. Shocking Details from Obama-Banking Conference
  66. Oh look.....another shooting..... it's just the start people!
  67. Join the Facebook Stop Government Bailouts Group
  68. Libertarian Democrats in Congress
  69. Jefferson vs. Obama who wins?
  70. Prototype: Libertarian Social Networks
  71. DESTROY the Fairtax !!!!!
  72. Obama To Appoint New GM Board Of Directors
  73. Hour long flash presentation on how our capital markets have been corrupted.
  74. lets get ron paul on oprah
  75. Taxing Marijuana Businesses?
  76. Oppose $30 Billion Military Aid Package to Israel
  77. Your Share of Fed Spending is $42,105.00 - How Can You Stop it? [video digg!]
  78. So called "Mandatory public service" H.R. 1388 - Factchecked
  79. What does one TRILLION dollars look like?
  80. Need to Find Some Information
  81. Anyone have good articles on the false left-right paradigm?
  82. Barack Obamas New World Order - Yahoo front page
  83. Obama's Blackwater? Chicago Mercenary Firm Gets Millions for Private "Security" in Is
  84. Obama Bows To King of Saudi Arabia
  85. Another American Found Murdered in Mexico
  86. Hizbullah’s Mexican-US Open Border Connection
  87. Obama Plan for Shared Soveriegnty - John Bolton
  88. Grade Obama, National Online Poll
  89. Beast Word - Revision history by the Beast: neo-Gestapo and neo-Goebbels step by step
  90. Send an article to me about the GIVE Act & I'll get it published guaranteed!
  91. I am declaring my intent to run for Congress
  92. PLEASE CHECK INTO THIS Dianne Sawyer to do Anti-Gun Hit Piece on Primetime Live (?)
  93. In response to G-20 NWO
  94. Liberty Collaborative - Help Build an Archive, Reference tool, and Networking site
  95. Redress of grievances...with an armored bulldozer
  96. Gerald Celente takes all his money out of the bank
  97. Taliban behind NY Attacks?!!!
  98. How is the State of the Union rebutter chosen?
  99. The real unemployment numbers
  100. Ron Paul on Book TV Sat and Sunday
  101. Gov. Palin's sister-in-law arrested for breaking into a house twice
  102. Does voting for libertarian candidates take votes away from Republicans?
  103. Glenn Beck on Ron Paul
  104. How many campaign promises has Obama broken?
  105. Question about the early days of the IRS.
  106. Words of Wisdom: George Washington's Farewell Address
  107. Department of Unintended Consequences
  108. Obama adviser Summers earned millions from hedge fund
  109. American Politics and The Three Ways of Being
  110. Unsafe Genetically Modified Food GMO Proliferation Bills in the US Congress
  111. Campaign for Liberty worker hassled by TSA
  112. Ireland Faces Total economic Collapse !!!
  113. Man fearing Obama gun ban kills 3 cops
  114. The Fed has its own police force?!?!?!
  115. Bill Moyers sits down with William K. Black,
  116. Obama Has Already Started Creating Jobs!!!
  117. Report states Pittsburgh officers were intentionally ambushed
  118. Galileo Put Us In Our Place
  120. Barack W. Bush?
  121. The Doha Debates...with Michael Scheuer
  122. Nuclear Football
  123. Stephen Colbert fears for Glenn Beck's sanity
  124. the words "New World Order" are now plastered all over UN website [MOD: HOAX??]
  125. Obey, Consume, This is your god
  126. N. Korea violated UN rule?
  127. Gov Sanford Explains Stimulus Standoff
  128. WOOT finally got on C-SPAN!
  129. Would you have shot down the North Korean Missile?
  130. Too Much Government? Just What Would You Cut?
  131. Listening to Obama...
  132. local autarchy (article)
  133. Amusing anagram from Hannan
  134. Does the tax code screw single men?
  135. Black & White
  136. Corporate Angel Network impacted by econ downturn
  137. North Korea space launch 'fails'
  138. Texas Tea Party Liberty Fundraiser
  139. How America can successfully combat the tyranny Walmart imports.
  140. Salbuchi - Global Financial Collapse - Part 1
  141. Please help me: rocket vs missile
  142. Obama Turkey: Obama's an Imperialist, More Dangerous than Bush, ObamaGo Away!
  143. An important message to tea party participants!
  144. Don't Think Mind Control Is Real? Watch This!
  145. Crooks with a badge...
  146. Put your C4L Profile in your Signature!
  147. Slacker (1991) Movie
  148. A brief History of ZIONISM and how it VICTIMIZED Judaism
  149. Breaking News DickMorris Fireside Chat...Blows Whistle on Globalists
  150. If a new party formed...
  151. Left wing bloggers blame Beck et.al. for the Pittsburg Shootings
  152. The SPLC is at it again (tied to Pittsburgh shootings)
  153. proof Obama is Wall Street's lapdog (youtube)
  154. Intelligence Chief Replaces Inspector General
  155. THE "new world order"
  156. 912 Poll from top 50 ideas down to 20
  157. Guns and tea...
  158. Mark Sanford agress with Newt. wants to attack Korea with electromagnetic weapon.
  159. Now it comes full circle
  160. Another Glenn Beck Poll
  161. How is it that Jim Rogers and George Soros were partners?
  162. Ohio Joins the Sovereignty Fight!
  163. Snopes does NOT have the "dope"..
  164. Obama wants to eliminate nuclear weapons
  165. Speed Vision refuses to cover Driver because of his sponsorship (Gun Manufacturer)
  166. Reuters: "Italy muzzled scientist who foresaw quake" -- spreading panic
  167. And I thought conservepedia was bad.
  168. Steps for Amelioration of the Republic. Organizing Pamphlet
  169. Economic Collapse for Dummies
  170. And you thought liberalpedia was bad
  171. Top 15 holders of U.S. Debt
  173. I was mentioned on the radio today regarding the Nashville GOP
  174. TN Liberty Alliance: "GOP status quo on the ropes"
  175. Help draft Schiff, Rand, Napolitano
  176. 3 cops dead for bustin down guys door
  177. Few Historical Questions?
  178. Legality of setting up a surveillance camera on my front yard?
  179. Mark Sanford refers to Newt Gingrich as "my former boss, so to speak?"
  180. Glenn Beck: Teen punks kill Navy SEALs dog, get chased down
  181. 700,000 people could exhaust their unemployment benefits by June
  182. Focus on the Family narrator arrested for luring teenage girl for sex on Net
  183. On Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs
  184. great site, www.civiliandefenseforce.com
  185. Demint is beating RP. Voting ends today.
  186. Tom Paxton sings "I'm Changing My Name to Fannie Mae"
  187. Your Children's Tax Money in Action - GM & Segway Team Up
  188. Communities begin to print their own currency
  189. OBAMA WASTING MILLIONS ON AIR TRAVEL. His itinerary to date:
  190. Harvard student takes on Barney Frank
  191. Now this is a revolution
  192. Airing Our Grievances
  193. Internet black lists - political cencorship
  194. URGENT - Help kill REAL-ID in TN...TODAY!!!!
  195. New Video Game Consists Solely Of Shooting People Point-Blank In Face
  196. **Breaking**Violent Protests Erupt in Moldova
  197. Faced With Lay-Offs, French Approve of Locking Up Bosses
  198. Tyranny holds something greater than money -- power.
  199. Kumar Joins the Obama Administration
  200. YOUTUBE: Michelle Bachmann on The GIVE Act
  201. H.R. 1108 - Tobacco is regulated under FDA
  202. Criminal Charges Against Stevens's Prosectors
  203. Is Bob Basso a Communist Plant ( YouTube Thomas Paine )
  204. North Carolina newspapers have no shame
  205. Vid: Argentina's Economic Collapse
  206. Communities print their own currency
  207. How was Ronald Reagan?
  208. Commercial for "Creature from Jeckyl Island" on Hannity's radio show
  209. Following Bush lead, Obama blocks challenge to wiretapping program.
  210. 911 worker didn't warn Pittsburgh police of guns
  211. TIME article - Why Are Army Recruiters Killing Themselves?
  212. Rep Michele Bachmann U.S. Starting "Youth Re-Education Camps"
  213. Growing the Liberty Forest...
  214. Why has the word socialist replaced communist?
  215. If You Had to Choose...
  216. Guess who's back...
  217. Foreign crisis 'scenario' solution..help???
  218. [video lecture] Leonard Read: Are YOU an Anti-Agent?
  219. Presidents Give Warning About New World Order
  220. Don't tread on me t-shirts
  221. New crappy invention by GM and a waste of billions
  222. Olbermann turns on Obama regarding wiretapping
  223. Ron Paul supporters help clean house of ENTIRE COUNTY party leadership
  224. Ron Paul Interviews Ivan Eland
  225. You know you're a liberty nerd when....
  226. Kumar goes to work at White House!
  227. Hannity Thred Poll.
  228. What Will it Take??
  229. Another tea party heads up!!!
  230. Another shooting...
  231. Justin Nickles 22 years old wins race for mayor!
  232. Pirates Hijack US ship - oops armed
  233. Bachmann and Beck Double-Down on World Currency
  234. James Tiberius Kirk Recites the Preamble
  235. How Can I Get a Continuance or for a Court Hearing?
  236. Daily Kos Freaking Out
  237. April Snow - Brings lying Scientists
  238. Vulchers
  239. CP Party Candidate on Radio Today Long Island, New York
  240. Florida Cancels Tea Parties, Citizens fight back!
  241. Military Protocol = Hugging?
  242. Had a member of the IPCC guest lecture in my air pollution class today.
  243. Making Aid Work
  244. Hannity is a straw man for the Obamaniacs
  245. False Flag operations for dummies
  246. Help. Written a lengthy OP on RPFs then lost all that you wrote?
  247. I am not a truther or fan of Alex Jones but damn Obama Deception is awesome
  248. Somalia: The Anarchist Utopia?
  249. Debunking freedomain radios Anarchist Somalian utopia video
  250. Obama wants to block sun rays