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  1. Urgent! Letter of intent to GOP
  2. Comments on John McCain's website are not being watched carefully
  3. High Fuel Costs Could Spur a New Rationalism
  4. Airliners to charge by the pound?
  5. NYT circulates fear-mongering claims on FISA debate
  6. My Word, This Isn't Shady....
  7. Proving Obama is Pro-War
  8. John McCain 2008 just ordered from my company!
  9. Say, where'd that video go?
  10. Who's smartest?? Bush or McCain??
  11. What a waste of money
  12. Hey Sen. McCain: Isn't It Time to End the Liberty Cover-up?
  13. Email this to your Obama friends and even his campaign
  14. Link to good piece on Congressman Larry McDonald, true American Patriot
  15. Does this strick any of you as ODD!?!?!?!
  16. Cindy Sheehan talks about O-bomb-a
  17. Which government Departments would you keep?
  18. Jim Hinde R.I.P
  19. I Need a Point in the Right Direction...
  20. Senate Bill Would Block Pentagon Propaganda
  21. I'm voting Republican!
  22. Obama v. McCain: Setting the Tone
  23. Need Help Finding OSHA wasteful spending
  24. E.D. Hill gets replaced after "Terrorist Jab" remarks...
  25. Oh yah...McCain is fucked
  26. The Rise of the Obamacons
  27. DIGG - Little Guy Stands up to Bush
  28. Magnetic Motor
  29. Microsoft Dirty Tricks? 'Security Update' plugs up Internet - Solution Get Vista
  30. Need help-- legal question protecting my rights
  31. The First Black Gay Woman President
  32. Gang of 14 will not back McCain
  33. Human "Rights" Commission in Canada
  34. CFR member Dick Cheney says Democrats on 'destructive path' for being anti-NAFTA!
  35. Habeus Corpus survives!!
  36. Fox News calls Michelle Obama "Baby Momma"
  37. Kuccinich Impeachment Speech
  38. Obama's baby mama
  39. Truancy = Unconstitutional?
  40. Ron Paul Blows Away Conventional Thinking About Economic Bubbles
  41. Hey, we're still dying over here!!!
  42. McCain Is Obviously Committed to Building Empire
  43. I know how to prove there's a secret NWO
  44. Taxpayer-funded mortgage bailout program?
  45. Excellent Bee Gees song on 911
  46. Land Of The Free (EXCELLENT VIDEO!)
  47. #129 - The Bottom Line about Economics
  48. Dr. Paul will be making a major announcement
  49. Ron Paul!
  50. Is this true?. Ron Paul To End Long-Shot Campaign
  51. If I Were Sarah Palin...
  52. Im gonna reregister as a non republican
  53. TX Constitutional Amendment
  54. British MP resigns over detention without trial
  55. Awesome News: Troops Coming Home Soon
  56. Bob Barr as compared to Ron Paul
  57. On the press and the Bilderbergs
  58. News from Ireland and the UK
  59. I'm taking a political poll--wanna help?
  60. Dennis Kucinich on the Alex Jones Show Today... 6/13/08
  61. The People need to control the purse
  62. Ireland EU referendum: last resisters defeat illuminati
  63. Favorite video of Irwin Schiff
  64. Huckabee joining FOX NEWS / 'FIXED/Bias'd' News as Political Commentator
  65. Ted Poe (R-TX) on CFLs
  66. McCain wins General Election Straw Poll
  67. Tim Russert dead of a heart attack
  68. Funding of DHS to be passed on to states?
  69. "Irregular" Priest Named to Head UN General Assembly
  70. I Don't Mean To Sound Like An Ass But...
  71. Don´t forget to celebrate the freedom victory in Ireland today
  72. Irish voters reject EU treaty
  73. Campaign for Liberty. anybody worried about Ron's life?
  74. Why is the average American shocked that universal income taxes are unconstitutional?
  75. Where's Ron Paul on impeachement?
  76. Real ID Battle Rages On in PA *ACTION ITEMS*
  77. The Irish still value sovereignty. Voted No on Lisbon EU treaty.
  78. Oil for War
  79. Ron Paul on front page of yahoo
  80. Which is worse, American Bar Assocation or the Federal Reserve?
  81. Talk show host, Mike Reagan calls for anti war activist's murder
  82. Look at the Casualties of War - Our Soldiers
  83. Huckaboom to Star on FOX News!
  84. HHO gas part two (alternative to fossil fuels)
  85. The Revolution Continues.........
  86. Did Kucinich vote "YES" for Clinton's Impeachment?
  87. -4 For my comments on youtube By the sheeps
  88. Paul Craig Roberts on Digg Front Page!!!
  89. Interesting Comment by Ron Paul, check it out.
  90. Secrets of a powerful Family
  91. Make a poltical prediction
  92. Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty from Federal Government
  93. Texas GOP Ices Ron
  94. Why don't flags fly at half mast for soldiers that die overseas?
  95. What to say to this guy
  96. Constitution Party v. Libertarian Party
  97. Oklahoma declares Sovereignty! MUST READ!
  98. #131 - Luxury Prices Going down... It's a bad thing
  99. Poll on the European Union
  100. CIA ..STILL.. running drugs, Another plane goes down
  101. RCMP? to Hammer Canadian P2P/Bittorrent users with Photo-Radar Like Fines...
  102. Taking a bite out of crime, the Ron Paul way
  103. U.S. Senators Chris Dodd & Kent Conrad Corruption masked by Russet's TIMELY Passing!
  104. Michael Reagan To Apologize For Mark Dice Death Threat
  105. Ross Perot launches perotcharts.com
  106. Obamacons?
  107. (Spoof) How can we expand government?
  108. ZERO voter turnout in tiny North Dakota town: Pillsbury
  109. June 2008 Predictions
  110. Enough of the Tim Russerts: The Messenger Is the Message
  111. McCain: Habeas Corpus a Privilege not a Right
  112. PerotCharts.com
  113. News sucks.
  114. We live in a Police State
  115. Are Republicans having buyer's remorse?
  116. Diaries of a Neocon
  117. Opinion of Ross Perot
  118. Sgt. Matthis Chiroux keeps his promise.
  119. Precinct walking list
  120. california trying to violate 2nd amendment rights
  121. Why building a border fence is a HORRIBLE idea!
  122. amazing gas price map a friend showed me
  123. why are the sheep not outraged?
  124. It's Congress's Job to Block the North American Union!
  125. Lets come to a consensus Either Baldwin or Barr!
  126. Gen. Smedley Butler on "War Is a Racket" -- Ch. 1
  127. Gen. Smedley Butler on "War Is a Racket" -- Ch. 2 Who Makes The Profits?
  128. more McCain stupidity
  129. Gen. Smedley Butler on "War Is a Racket" -- Ch. 3 Who Pays The Bills?
  130. Gen. Smedley Butler on "War Is a Racket" -- Ch. 4 How To Smash This Racket!
  131. Gen. Smedley Butler on "War Is a Racket" -- Ch. 5 To Hell WIth War!
  132. The Political Machine
  133. Counter Spy Act - Could remotely shut down your PC
  134. Some interesting reading....
  135. Ross Perot >> Charting Government Fiscal Irresponsibility
  136. No Gas in this Car!
  137. Are the Democrats feeling buyer's remorse now?
  138. Compare without Inflation [9/11 Commission]
  139. Fully Nude Strip Search: Male Police Stripping Woman Naked
  140. Washington Times: VA Testing Drugs on War Veterans
  141. I reckon I'll vote for McCain
  142. Veterans Used as Pharma Guinea Pigs
  143. DNC seeks to force FEC action on McCain complaint
  144. Perot: “Economic crisis far greater than anything since the Great Depression”
  145. What law requires Americans to pay income taxes?
  146. Ahmadinejad like Saddam....
  147. Screw It. I'm Voting for Frank Moore
  148. America's Next Big Step (vid)
  149. Russert: Will it ever end?
  150. Oklahoma to Feds: Don't tread on Me
  151. Video: Michael Moore Owned lol
  152. bin Laden can appeal to U.S. courts
  153. Before the Income Tax: G. Edward Griffin (Article)
  154. Whose setting the agenda?
  155. Gay Rights
  156. Return of the Censors by Patrick J. Buchanan
  157. A sane and civil discussion on the Budget, Debt, and the two major parties.
  158. A Counter on Privatization, Free Markets, and Taxation
  159. McCain site
  160. US Subsidizing European Fuel Costs! "Splash & Dash"
  161. People who talk about collectivists are collectivists
  162. Are You An Anarchist?
  163. America's prison for terrorists often held the wrong men
  164. Militants found recruits among Guantanamo's wrongly detained
  165. A Wasted Vote
  166. Communist Monopoly
  167. McCain Investigated?!?!
  168. Help me reply to this about corporatism
  169. Sam Young for Governor of Vermont
  170. AWESOME, Michelle Obama opens the VIEW with "fist bump."
  171. difference between...
  172. Nader on Obama: A Corporate Candidate from A to Z
  173. Breck Film Fest Hosts World Premiere of New Freedom-Flick “Washington, You’re Fired”
  174. Royal Bank of Scotland: prepare for global stock and credit crash
  175. RFID Experimentation Kit
  176. Public Servants Flee Tough Oregon Ethics Laws
  177. Democrats move to nationalize oil refineries
  178. How do I file tax return and still have 5th Amendment?
  179. America's Berlin Wall - An "exit tax" to deter ending of U.S. citizenship
  180. "Don't like a law, change it"
  181. Special Forces Counter-Insurgency Manual Leaked
  182. Boortz Speech - TX A&M Class of 08 (long)
  183. People have forgotten what "civil rights" mean
  184. This is Where Michelle Obama is Listed on CFR Board of Directors In Chicago
  185. Ellis Wyatt.
  186. Happy super fun Obama
  187. Erepublik
  188. Law School To Organize Bush War Crimes Trial
  189. U.S. War Historical Cost (in 2007 dollars)
  190. Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty
  191. monarchy
  192. Political Interpretation: The Wizard of OZ and that yellow brick road...
  193. Court Quashes Dad's Grounding of 12-year Old Daughter [QUEBEC]
  194. Particracy
  195. Mercenary Company begs for Sharia Law
  196. ......
  197. Critics Demand Resignation of U.N. Official Who Wants Probe of 9/11 'Inside Job' Theo
  198. John Edwards Admits Treason: Attending Bilderberg
  199. Canadian Court Overturns Child's Grounding
  200. good article on texas republican party
  201. Schoolboy hacker Omar Khan who upped his grades faces 38 years in jail
  202. McCain's top VP choice calls Intelligent Design "best science"
  203. The real cause for high Oil?
  204. McWar visits Springfield, Mo
  205. Is Obama worse than Hillary?
  206. House Passes War Funding Bill 268-155
  207. Congress Sneaks FISA Bill Vote In....
  208. Congress set to vote next week on Internet gambling ban
  209. Conservapedia ( The Conservative Wikipedia ) - Help update it!
  210. Still think that Obama's Like Ron Paul
  211. Cannibal Relatives Ate Boy Alive
  212. 10,000 volunteers needed in MN
  213. Unfiltered News
  214. Gold May Rise to $5,000 on Inflation
  215. Ron Paul dissapoints me more than Obama...
  216. Closet Paulers: Keith O. speaks the truth on the loss of liberty.
  217. I'm looking at opensecrets and
  218. America F--- Yeah!
  219. Who WILL Be President A Year From Now?
  220. Joseph Terrazas - Ron Paul Candidate?
  221. The Energy Non- Crisis
  222. What if you were a Terrorist?
  223. Peak Oil
  224. Pressure Conyers Now
  225. War Profiteering - Iraq's Lost Billions
  226. More on the Cedar Rapids Police State
  227. I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore (VIDEO)
  228. Senate Votes To Privatize Its Failing Restaurants
  229. Arizona bans REAL ID,
  230. Barbara Lee on FISA Bill
  231. Scientists find bugs that eat waste and excrete petrol
  232. Vague Words and Political Correctness
  233. Maricopa County Sheriff rounding up Illegals
  234. Music Row Eminent Domain Abuse in Nashville!
  235. Sign Kucinich's IMPEACHMENT PETITION
  236. Swedes To Be Wiretapped, Despite Protests
  237. We'll Do It Live!
  238. Tiny Shetland island declares independence from United Kingdom!
  239. Play "Pork Invaders", via McCain.
  240. #132 - Who to vote for in November
  242. You are about to get robbed to the tune of $300 billion dollars.
  243. MPAA Says No Proof Needed in P2P Copyright Infringement Lawsuits
  244. Poster Review
  245. (Video) "Terrorism Training" in Denver
  246. Peak Oil or Peak Water?
  247. Report: IDF ignores abuse cases involving Palestinian detainees
  248. We should give the American homeless the same legal status as we do illegal aliens
  249. New Emblem for America (humor)
  250. Iowa: Instead of checkpoints, let's have "strike teams" break down every door!