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  1. Senate Restricting Public Access to Contractor Data
  2. Bob Barr could get as many as 18-24 million votes!
  3. CNN Becoming pro bush economy just look at this story
  4. Politicians Don't Listen to Scientists
  5. Karl Rove raps.
  6. I'm on the fence about joining the RLC
  7. Scott McClellan: Bush Misled Americans In Order to Go to War
  8. Who was Ron Paul's VP in 1988?
  9. Marines bringing combat training to Indy
  10. Barr and Root on FBN
  11. Don't joke about the TinFoil hat, soon we will need one
  12. Bush Claims More Powers than King George III
  13. Reclaiming the American Right
  14. Senate Bill to Reduce Greenhouse Gases Would Cripple U.S. Economy
  15. Huckabee attacks libertarianism
  16. OMG: Gingrich says we should have allowed some terrorist attacks...
  17. Character Attacks: How to Properly Apply the Ad Hominem
  18. "Footage you weren't supposed to see"
  19. Start of WW3???
  20. Oil Crisis: Blame It on the Fed?
  21. NPVIC is gaining ground...
  22. Something Like Slim Jims
  23. Dems targeting McCain via google tricks..
  24. Unions of the World
  25. How to Make a Citizen's Arrest of a War Criminal
  26. No Waco.
  27. If you all want to arrest Bush for War Crimes...
  28. Two Florida Cities Want to Split Florida into Two States!
  29. The INFOWARS moneybomb has begun
  30. I'm concerned about Sabrin
  31. Middle East Countries About To Abandon Sinking Dollar
  32. The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: "Owning the Weather" for Military Use
  33. Election Outcome Was Reversed
  34. Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama support Nationalized hurricane insurance
  35. Bob Barr
  36. How Many Of You Donated To Alex Jones Today?
  37. The We The People Foundation requests assistance from The Revolution
  38. What will CNN be reporting on in 6 weeks?
  39. Maybe this is what we should do
  40. The Neoconservatives are scared
  41. Typical Supreme Court propaganda
  42. live edward griffin interview about to start
  43. Congress Makin' Bank With Your Money
  44. Don't turn into this guy! (rogue helicopters are chasing him)
  45. Professional Revolutionary?
  46. DWI Checkpoints
  47. Here's some hope to bring Bush to justice
  48. I heard Tony Blair say last night that Jesus would have been a socialist
  49. The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
  50. Ron Paul: Chuck Baldwin Worked VERY HARD On My Campaign
  51. Bob Barr a poor representative of liberty
  52. If you vote for Obama you are playing footsie with Rupert murdoch
  53. This is what the race between Hillary and Obama reminds me of.
  54. Hard to believe!
  55. state convention
  56. SuperDepression Now Inevitable : ~2010? How to Prepare.
  57. The Political Spectrum
  58. Is an all volunteer army a bad thing?
  59. DUIs, seatbelt laws...... how bout carseats?
  60. Do you despise the Libertarian Party?
  61. New World Order for Dummies
  62. Market Failure: Rare diseases...
  63. Montana considers secession over 2nd Amendment ruling
  64. The Declaration of Boundaries
  65. the Michelle Obama Tape
  66. Ron Paul campaign 'touched a nerve'
  67. Propaganda and Our Movement
  68. Wayne Roots Blog site a must read
  69. The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
  70. Public parks, public roads......privatize?
  71. Best explanation for legalizing Pot ever
  72. Sabrin Can't Win:
  73. MADD Tricks Students Into Thinking Classmates Have Died
  74. Anyone else see Scott McClellen on Daily Show
  75. Bankrupt socialist city
  76. What CNN can't report without offending its sponsors
  77. Some Republicans see Ron Paul as change agent
  78. Republican Mind control? Lakoff says so.
  79. Think The State Does Not Own Your Children??
  80. My ride to tonight's Obama event
  81. PNAC website shut down because they didn't pay their bill.
  82. This Really works. Spread this around
  83. Hilarious video by Veracifiour on the McClellan debacle
  84. The REAL casualties of WAR! Warning Graphic!!!!!
  85. Cheney Torn Down By Nonogenerian
  86. ABC tells kids when they should commit suicide! This is SICK!
  87. < Obama now the official Presumptive Nominee! >
  88. Ron Paul warned us: Marines conduct martial law training in Indianapolis
  89. Goodbye freedom in britain
  90. PETA proposes Lobster Empathy Center for jail
  91. Name your baby daddy on the dotted line, please
  92. Late night funny, Zoom zoom zoom!
  93. Arrested for DUI...but...
  94. (Racist) Nation of Islam activists on Obama camp payroll
  95. Whole lotta money in dem thar carbons!
  96. What if Florida and Michagan decide to be audacious?
  97. The michelle Obama Tape - Part 2
  98. Beam Me Up, Scotty!
  99. Bilderberg Meeting in VA - The Elite Plan Our Future - Where is the MSM?????
  100. Drop 'middle-class' academic subjects
  101. Reflection on government and politicians - what they say and do
  102. Terry McAuliffe (Hillary's campaign chairman) is crazy
  103. What exactly does a liberal stand for?
  104. Let's Show our strength and get Baldwin and Barr on the Ballot in ALL 50 states!
  105. Let’s Fight Prohibition of Internet Gambling
  106. Hillary gives up!
  107. Why we do not have to pay taxes
  108. McCain Staffer Supports Dictatorship
  109. Attention PENNSYLVANIANS: Important Action Items!
  110. post pros and cons about McCain-Glenn Beck
  111. We, the undersigned, wish to convey our thoughts to you on the following matter
  112. Is the IPMC Unconstitutional or just UnAmerican?
  113. McCain: I'd Spy on Americans Secretly, Too
  114. US Silver Eagles Illegally Rationed
  115. Supreme Court: The Videogame
  116. PNAC website suspended
  117. Poor economy deters illegal immigrants
  118. 1.2 Trillion Dollar Carbon Tax, Vote possibly Tomorrow.
  119. Ending a slogan in a preposition
  120. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd wants "Asian Union"
  121. LOL, Energy hoax on America, FED backed
  122. Local 6 News 'Water-Running' Car Gets 100 Miles To The Ounce, Inventor Says
  123. Politico: A centrist third party would have most success
  124. How do I even start to respond to this?
  125. Cigarette Taxes Fund Terrorism!!!
  126. Really good song about political situation/morality today
  127. , and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
  128. A recipe for brainwashing in America
  129. Paper instead of a speech this time...
  130. How much money will I give to the government in a year?
  131. Chuck Baldwin: continuing the rEVOLution
  132. Hcsfjm !! Wtf??
  133. Pat Buchanan should of been Ron Pauls Vice
  134. What are Atheists complaining about?
  135. Water crisis to be biggest world risk
  136. Sponging off of FEMA
  137. Bilderberg 2008 Attendee List - happening now
  138. Writing in Ron Paul?
  139. Subject: Unrelated bills rolled into one
  140. The Federal Budget is Out of Control (Rep. Ron Paul)
  141. Bye-bye thread and Hello Team Law
  142. Seven Degrees of Inner Slavery
  143. If my word was law...
  144. If you're a Ron Paul supporter
  145. Shut Down The Federal Reserve
  146. NWO for dummies
  147. Is the cost of OIL correlated to the feds printing of money?
  148. Carbon Tax
  149. The National Animal Identification System = BS
  150. Clark as Obama's Vice?
  151. Stan Meyer's built a car than runs entirely on water.
  152. Fun with Photos
  153. Michelle Obama "Whitey" Video Finally Released [Rickroll]
  154. Is the United States a colony of Israel?
  155. Butt-naked body scanners installed at 10 airports
  156. Super-Bombs for the Super-State
  157. Nanny Car
  158. Here Comes the One World Religion
  159. Shrink the people
  160. Prediction: Obama to pick Caroline Kennedy for VP
  161. Ron Paul Fan (kind of a libertarian) Running for Congress in PA
  162. Neil Stephenson of Revolution Broadcasting running for Congress
  163. Obalma vs Paul
  164. Should the legal adult age be changed?
  165. Farm Bill Cartoon
  166. Has anyone ever seen this vid?
  167. **alert** High Options Trading / Market Drop / Oil Up - War Or False Flag?
  168. Who did you vote for in 2004?
  169. A Video Portrait Of Barack Hussein Obama
  170. P2P to be made totally illegal
  171. Alexander Hamilton's house in Harlem moved, literally.
  172. AOL Straw Poll
  173. How should the government fund itself?
  174. Hillary Clinton endorses Obama, explained worldwide only by
  175. World Net Daily helping to expose the Bilderberg & Council on Foreign Relations
  176. U.S. Corporate Media Blackout On Bilderberg Meeting
  177. Obama-Global Poverty Act
  178. Libertarian Party/Constitution Party
  179. Political Spin: Just a load of …
  180. pauls on c-span
  181. Obama: "He has closed all doors to peace."
  182. This Is Not A Real Photo Of The Inside Of A Chemtrail Plane Folks
  183. Stop The EU Treaty ! Let's raise our voices in Ireland
  184. Any stock traders?
  185. Are International Organizations Interfering in USA Elections?
  186. Bill Moyers address to the National Conference for Media Reform
  187. Bob Barr?
  188. Barr to endorse Green Party nominee
  189. Ohio Action Alert - Great Lakes Compact. They want control of the water. URGENT
  190. RP Grassroots under attack
  191. McCain get 58,000 a year in disability.
  192. I can see it now... Knife Control, Registration, Permits and Background Checks
  193. Why I didn't become a libertarian.
  194. What is a Conservative?
  195. The Blinding Truth radio program
  196. Essential reading
  197. Obama or McCain?
  198. Things Younger Than John McCain
  199. When they take the internet away II.
  200. My reply to an Obama supporter
  201. New World Energy Order
  202. Bush finally bought up for war crimes?
  203. Bernake seen at Bilderberg
  204. Mountain Dew 'Revolution'? 'Spread The Word'?
  205. Be Careful Driving In Delaware! 85% Should Be Safe...
  206. Utah Mayor ROCKY ANDERSON Protests BUSH
  207. Arson Suspected in Texas Governors Mansion
  208. Ron Paul in this years edition of the Political Machine!
  209. Totalitarian Republicans: Notes From a Convention
  210. Chuck Norris: Congress, get off your gas, and drill!
  211. 4 Out of 12 Ballot Selections Printed Out Incorrectly,
  212. The New Fusionism - Joining Libertarian and Constitutionalist
  213. Banned from Hannity forums :)
  214. Libertarians Are Racist?
  215. For those against Internet neutrality
  216. Boston Tea Party to hold online nominating convention
  217. Kucinich delivering articles of impeachment NOW!!!
  218. Private Attorney General /? Did anyone get this email?
  219. Rockwell: War and Inflation - Digg
  220. Is US Beef Safe to Eat?
  221. "Social" Contract???
  222. Government’s Moral Compass (Yeah, I Laughed Too)
  223. Fox Ambushes Bill Moyers,Jounalists Ambush Fox
  224. We're paying the Saudis to build nukes?
  225. Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles (video)
  226. Dennis Kucinich Presents 35 Articles of Impeachment Against George Bush
  227. Florida tomato industry in 'complete collapse'
  228. McCain action plan to win
  229. Bilderberg report on Coast to Coast last night
  230. Forget about Obama, Kuchinich has introduced articles of Impeachment
  231. PSA: Non-existent ideological groups!
  232. direct taxation or inflation tax
  233. BALLS ALERT: Mark Dice directly sending 9/11 info to U.S. soldiers (RP mention)
  234. Dems and Repubs ALL THE SAME!
  235. Impeachment articles (35) in PDF form - Dennis Kucinich 6/9/2008
  236. Digg: Tell Bill O'Reilly: Stop Pretending to be a Journalist
  237. I got an email...
  238. IF you were elected president?
  239. the 545
  240. Missing Ron Paul: Readers Respond
  241. Ron Paul Plans Rally Near GOP Convention
  242. Jim Webb is my Favorite Senator
  243. US HOUSE clerk reading 35 articles of impeachment AGAIN
  244. John Stossel pimping Paul when he had colored hair
  245. Gasoline? Public or Private commodity?
  246. RP in the news!
  247. Clear Pelosi From Impeachment's Path
  248. Important Information About Energy Saver Light Bulbs!
  249. Sen. Repubs halt Big Oil Windfall Taxes
  250. MSNBC Poll: Should President Bush Be Impeached? (89% Yes!)