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  1. Stopping the Coup: The 2020 Guide
  2. Romney doesn't care about America. Romney Defends Joe Biden
  3. California Republican Party Accused of Vote Tampering
  4. Joe Biden possibly named in Ukrainian criminal complaint
  5. Newsweek: Fauci Backed Wuhan Lab with Millions of U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research
  6. CIA Whistleblower says Obama/Biden offed SEAL Team 6?
  8. Why there "ain't gonna be no civil war"
  9. Gov. Newsom Limits Gatherings to Three Families, Two Hours Or Less, No Singing
  10. House Republican calls Nancy Pelosi a crazy bitch.....
  11. Anybody Else Get the Memo About "Sexual Preference" Being An Offensive Term?
  12. AI creating deep fake humans for misinformation
  13. No Charges For Rittenhouse.
  14. Biden Rally for Latinos in Las Vegas
  15. U.S. Courts Rule Doctors Can Overrule Parents On Life Support Decisions
  16. #ArmedRevolution
  17. Black Lives Matter deletes its "What We Believe" page
  18. Jimmy Dore's Message to Trump - on the Tucker Carlson show
  19. Poll shows Israelis overwhelmingly favor Trump over Biden
  20. PAYBACK: DOJ sues Melania tell-all author...
  21. [Ziminski] Man charged with firing handgun just before alleged Kyle Rittenhouse shootings
  22. The Fact-Free COVID Dystopia | Thomas E. Woods. Jr.
  23. New York Rabbi Says Fight Coming Health Fascism Now! The Lessons of History
  24. Early Election Has Started Trump Supporters Need to Vote or Its Game Over.
  25. Was Ronna Romney appointed RNC Chair because she is niece of Mitt Romney?
  26. Very bad day for Biden/Harris
  27. Harry Browne Article: The Supreme Court Scam
  28. Twatter locks out White House Press Secretary over Hunter Biden e-mail revelations.
  29. Sweden Shreds Mask Advocates, With No Masks or Lockdown Has 12% Lower COVID Deaths Than US
  30. Trump Orders Plan for Troop Withdrawal From Somalia
  31. ‘Unmasking’ probe concludes without charges or any public report
  32. Twitter is down
  33. President Trump asked to denounce 'QAnon' at NBC's Town Hall
  34. Dems: maybe you don't like the other guy running for president,” Just Vote For Biden!
  35. At Florida rally, Trump continues his attacks against imaginary version of Joe Biden: fact che
  36. Trump's popularity slips in latest Military Times poll, more troops say they'll vote for Biden
  37. USWGO News Brian Hill petitions Supreme Court for rehearing to rule on Fourth Circuit denying
  38. Are Polls Wrong Again as They were in 2016?
  39. Definitive Proof that Wind and Solar are Cheaper than Oil or Coal
  40. Top 50 US "think tanks" are really funded by War Industry and Pentagon
  41. Dueling Townhalls Post Mortem: Snarling Savannah Vs Gentle George
  42. Digital Terrorists YouTube, Facebook and Twitter Go into Full Censor Mode
  43. Trump is more popular in Nigeria than in UK, Australia, Germany, Japan
  44. Newsweek attacked for Trying to Ask to Dox A Black Woman Trump Supprter.
  45. US Hospitals Received Up to $306,000 for Each New COVID Case; German Anti-Lockdown MD Arrested
  46. Obama calls Trump a symptom of "misinformation" led by conservative media
  47. Biden's town hall scripted.
  48. DOJ tells court that Trump didn't actually declassify Mueller documents
  49. The Parallels Between 9/11 and Covid19
  50. Ice Cube attacked advising Trump because Platinum Plan not "pro women/trans/gay"
  51. libertarian icon Kennedy is"BACK BTCHES", show is coming back to Fox Business next Monday.
  52. Trump is still ‘compromised by the Russians’: ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok
  53. "Our Black Party" - P. Diddy
  54. Conclusive Proof Laptop is Hunter Biden's
  55. Trump orders USS Reagan Strike Group to SCS/Taiwan Strait
  56. What’s Coming After the Election
  57. When Ruth Bader Ginsburg got it wrong on spy Jonathan Pollard
  58. Michael Moore Exposes Obama's Failure and Posturing In Flint Water Crisis
  59. Far Left Activist Bias on Full Display During Biden/Trump Town Hall Meetings
  60. FFDP makes anti-Communist music video!
  61. Are Biden's laptops from Chinese whistleblower? Is CCP backing/blackmailing Bidens/Dem party?
  62. Should Barron Trump tryout for an NBA Gatorade team(nba farm team) or play WR in the NFL?
  63. The Book That Got the Anti-Lockdown German Doctor Arrested! “False Alarm” Learn the Truth
  64. The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority (Older article, but relevent)
  65. Georgia at a Tipping Point
  66. FED Judge allows businesses to sue Seattle
  67. Twitter Trends are Funny.
  68. Trump Says He Won't Force Americans To Take COVID-19 Vaccine
  69. U.S. Court of Appeals throws out Probation Revocation Appeal, ignores evidence and case law, b
  70. Harris/Biden Agenda Is to Be Freindly To China. She Praised the Chinese Leader
  71. SPLC: Hating white people isn't hate.
  72. "Still Think This Is An Idea?" - San Francisco Free-Speech Marchers, Police Violently Attacked
  73. Fla. Company president warns of layoffs if Biden wins
  74. Joe Biden Takes Another Campaign Lid
  75. Biden Ally Pardoned Key Whitmer Plotter Last Year After Violent Felony Conviction
  76. While You Were Debating Riots & Masks, COVID-19 Bailout Gave Wall Street a No-Lose Casino
  77. Happening now in Chicago at the Trump Tower
  78. Trump Jr. says dad’s ‘next move’ is to ‘break up’ FBI: ‘He has to get rid of these things’
  79. Twitter Removes White House Dr. Scott Atlas’ Post Regarding Masks
  80. Twitter Won’t Unlock NY Post Account Unless Hunter Biden Posts Deleted
  81. Trump Debate Moderator EXPOSED as having Deep Democrat Ties, Media Bias Reaches BREAKING Point
  82. Sickness Psychotics
  83. Residential evictions begin as city braces for possible wave
  84. Is Trump's OBL tweet appropriate?
  85. Jeffrey Toobin, CNN Legal Expert, Pulls Out His Penis On Camera
  86. Who Are These Lockdown-Lovers? Please Help
  87. Trump: Yes by McCarthy of NRO
  88. SCOTUS splits 4-4 on PA vote-by-mail fraud case: Ballots three days old will be accepted
  89. "Truth and Reconciliation" Councils
  90. Trump calls Dr. Fauci an 'idiot' and 'disaster'
  91. Gitmo should only be used for politicians who violate the Constitution
  92. Now We Know What the Tattoo Scene in Idiocracy Means, Unvaccinated
  93. Jefferey Toobin caught masturbating on Zoom.
  94. Glenn Greenwald on Adam Schiff and Hunter Biden Scandal
  95. 50 Cent Appears to Back Trump over Biden’s Tax Plan: ‘62% Are You Out of Ya F**king Mind'
  96. Biden campaign pays battle rappers to make horrible cringeworthy ad endorsing him
  97. Compton rolls out largest 2-year guaranteed income program amid racial injustice reckoning
  98. San Diego public schools: "Completing assigments on time is racism"
  99. Trump Is Losing Ground With White Voters But Gaining Among Black And Hispanic Americans
  100. Operation Warp Speed is Using a CIA-Linked Contractor to Keep Covid Vaccine Contracts Secret
  101. Israeli Doctors Think Lockdown is a Big Mistake
  102. AP finds most arrested in protests aren’t leftist radicals
  103. Twitter Shows Orwell Thought Police Officially Here, Deep State More Powerful than President
  104. 1 Million New Yorkers can't afford food?
  105. FDOTUS Tiffany Trump and former Director Intel Grenell bring the house down at PRIDE 2020
  106. Tech Giants Google, Oracle to Monitor Americans Who Get COVID-19 Vaccine
  107. Trump Supporters in New Hampshire Receive Letters Threatening to Burn Down Their Homes “Should
  108. Union leader calls out Biden for false endorsement claim
  109. Rigging the election by staging the second wave
  110. The good old days
  111. President Trump's tax records reveal details about his business pursuits in China
  112. Adviser: Trump tweet about Afghanistan withdrawal was a wish
  113. Rudy Giuliani faces questions after compromising scene in new Borat film
  114. Mitt Romney did not vote for Trump in 2020 election
  115. Billionaire who said he would pay off Morehouse student debt admits to tax fraud
  116. Bill Burr SNL Opener Rips Woke/Cancel Culture - Karens Triggered
  117. Frank Luntz today.
  118. N.C.: 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rules ballots will be accepted up to Nov. 12th
  119. Biden wants Carbon-free electricity, Pushes raical justice for environment
  120. Bill Gates and MIT Unveil Quantum Dots To Mark Children
  121. Didn't Vote For Trump In 2016...Now Voting For Him In 2020
  122. Feds say Russia and Iran have interfered with the presidential election
  123. Joe Biden Calls America's past actions Mistake.
  124. Biden's gun control plan includes ban on online sales of ammo, parts, kits and firearms
  125. John "Muh Warz" Bolton : Trump second term would cause "irreparable damage"
  126. Young Healthy COVID Vaccine Experiment Subject Dies, Doctors Call for "Nuremberg Trials"
  128. Ending the Myth That Trump Is Ending the Wars
  129. American Media NPR Its Just a Distraction!
  130. CBS Complains Trump Trump administration violated agreement and released the Interview Yet.
  131. Twitter allows Giuliani revenge porn while suppressing Hunter Biden story?
  132. RAW 60 Minutes Interview with President Trump: Lesley Stahl is SHOCKING!
  133. Mike Rowe nails it. Yet again.
  134. $3,120/weekly dose: FDA approves Trump promoted remdesivir as coronavirus treatment
  135. Official Final Debate Thread 2020
  136. Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service
  137. Did Joe Biden just have his "Hillary Clinton Coal" moment?
  138. *Video* The actual Giuliani / Borat "sex trap" FULL clip here.
  139. Biden let his mask slip and declared war on oil and gas at the end of Thursday’s debate.
  140. AOC On Green Energy and Oil/Gas
  141. MA Secretary of State Has US Senate Anti-Lockdown Candidate's Twitter Shut Down, Sues for $1B
  142. Joe Biden's "Super Predator" comment
  143. Biden Seems to Be in Favor of Lockdowns but Restricted Uses Coded Wording
  144. Biden Will Make Mandate masks on highways and Transportation
  145. Trump says the state of Israel and the Republic of Sudan have agreed to make peace
  146. Dark Winter
  147. Huge COVID study finds remdesivir doesn’t work—FDA grants approval anyway
  148. Report on The Biden’s Chinese dirt... Highly Detailed.
  149. More 666 numerology
  150. Joe Biden is a base traitor and criminal who should be in prison
  151. Trump winning post debate poll
  152. The Republicans Who Have Turned on Trump So Far
  153. If Rudy Giuliani is telling the truth, Trump re-election chances would sink
  154. Pro-life granddaughter of Billy Graham says Trump 'hijacking the Christian faith for votes'
  155. Preacher whose daughter was kicked out of class over 'homosexuality is a sin' t-shirt sues
  156. Reason Editor Attacks Ron Paul and His Supporters (Again)
  157. Trump AGREES there is systematic or institutional racism
  158. Trump talks Middle East policy, while Biden and Harris avoid it, stick to coronavirus
  159. Government funded pest control
  160. Massive Danish health study on effectiveness of face diapers being intentionally silenced
  161. TX-Early voting results: 44% of all registered voters have voted - 53% GOP - 38% Dem
  162. South Korean Flu Vaccine Deaths Rise, Including 17-Year-Old Boy, Government Pushes Forward
  163. Delta puts 460 passengers on ‘no-fly list’ for refusing to wear masks
  164. FBI drops Biden laptop case, and some questionable sources...
  165. Joe Biden Touts Most Extensive & Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization in History
  166. This is "journalism" in 2020 ...
  167. Biden INC.
  168. The Deadly Isms
  169. New Hampshire Presidential
  170. Fights Erupt During ‘Jews for Trump’ Rally, Rudy Giuliani pelted with eggs
  171. Woman boasts her DYING pro-Trump dad voted for Biden because ‘it matters to his girls’,
  172. Hunter Biden Sex Tape
  173. IMPORTANT: Stop Zombies Infommercial!!
  174. 50 Cent says 'f--k Donald Trump' in apparent retraction of endorsement
  175. Putin rejects Donald Trump's criticism of Biden family business
  176. Ray McGovern Interview: Blaming Moscow for Hunter Biden’s Laptop is Russiagate Disinfo
  177. NYPD officer suspended for saying 'Trump 2020' over patrol vehicle speaker
  178. "Russian Interference": "Suspected Russian spy" Guccifer 2.0's phone was registered in Israel
  179. Top Foxnews anchors go in quarantine few days before election
  180. Tampex goes woke - "Not all people with periods are women."
  181. Amy Barrett Sworn in tonight
  182. U.S./India - defense pact
  183. CA-Gov. Gruesome has banned family gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas
  184. Is the U.S. Opening the Door for Diplomacy in Syria?
  185. OREO cookies getting "woke"
  186. BREAKING: Protest Turns Violent After Cops Shoot Man Armed with Knife in Philadelphia
  187. Joe Biden Calls Sen. Harris’ Husband, Doug Emhoff, “Kamala’s Wife”
  188. Joe Biden "We have the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history.
  189. YT "Black Conservative Perspective" On Racist "Handler" of 50 Cent
  190. Maryland Voter Arrested After Refusing To Wear Mask At Polling Location
  191. Why the Coney Barrett Appointment Is of World-Historical Importance
  192. If the Election Results Are Contested...
  193. Chicago - Security guard stabbed 27 times
  194. Justice Barrett Will Declare Open Season on Gun Control Laws
  195. Packing the court is constitutional
  196. Ted Cruz is asked why national debt is paramount to R's only when a D is in the White House
  197. Obama campaign for Biden: "This country was founded on protesting against injustice”
  198. Trump's EPA Requests DOJ Investigate Foreign Funding of Environmental Groups
  199. Next 4 years could bring resurgence of libertarians, conservatives, small-gummit Republicans
  200. 13 Year-Old ‘Gender-Creative’ Boy: ‘Gender Is Over’
  201. Why Are The Trafalgar & Rasmussen Polls So Different....
  202. The Democrats have always been this way, they are only show their true colors
  203. WA - State "Red Flag" gun law found to be unconstitutional by state court
  204. Section 230: Twitter, Facebook and Google Hearing Thread
  205. Ted Cruz grills Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for 'censoring' Hunter Biden story
  206. A Modest Proposal: Make Universities Pay for Student Debt Forgiveness
  207. Massive pro-Trump rally in Beverly Hills brings together black, white, gay, straight Americans
  208. Eric Trump comes out as part of LGBT community
  209. CDC Journal Oct 2020:No conclusive evidence showing cloth masks help protect users from COVID
  210. SCOTUS rules that NC can count ballots up to nine days after election day with no sigs
  211. Alex Jones Joe Rogan episode disappears from Spotify
  212. College Drop-Out Bill Gates Calls Stanford Professor Dr. Scott Atlas "Pseudo-Expert"
  213. GOP pushing socialist policies?
  214. [Found] UPS loses Tucker's copy of damning Biden documents
  215. Trump Rewrites H-1B Program to Help American White-Collar Workers
  216. Joe Biden wants to add Kasich, GOP members to cabinet, NeoCons Back to WH
  217. A Sign of Freedom
  218. 3 dead in attack at French church; country on high alert
  219. ‘Racism Lives Here’
  220. President Pence and VP Harris? It Could Happen.
  221. Glenn Greenwald resigns from The Intercept citing censorship of Joe Biden article
  222. Biden Suggested Jailing Fossil Fuel Executives to Fight Climate Change in 2019
  223. Hackers steal $2.3m from Trump reelection fund, says GOP
  224. "Contact Tracers" Going to Homes in El Paso Ordering People Over 99.8% Survival Rate Bug
  225. Are Leftists Who are Anti Trump on twitter NeoCons?
  226. Fake News: "Trump Campaign Left Old People Dying in the Cold Outside Omaha Rally"
  227. If Trump "Wins" A Second Term
  228. Doug for President
  229. What's Wrong with FISA?
  230. How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy
  231. We will beat hate with our joyful rebellion - MN Marxists plan war if Trump wins
  232. Do the Russians have a Trump card? - EIR
  233. NYT Opinion Piece: The Media’s Hunter Biden Conundrum
  234. PA Dem’s Accused of Voter Intimidation: ‘I’m About to See How All you fuckers vote"
  235. Biden New strategy? Claim Trump Plans on ending destroy Social Security
  236. Jeff Rense on the planning for post-election mayhem
  237. AI predicts US presidential election
  238. Email company to "fact check" users' content
  239. Kyle Rittenhouse to be extradited to Wisconsin
  240. AIPAC conference in March 2021 canceled due to coronavirus
  241. NIAID Contract Obligates Pentagon to Buy 500,000,000 Doses of Moderna’s Covid Vaccine for $9 B
  242. Mars - "Self Governing Principles"
  243. Lil Wayne Endorses Trump For Reelection, Leftists Spew Racist Hate At Him
  244. France - Freedom of speech
  245. Vigano's second letter to Trump, which we know he reads carefully.
  246. US backs release of "low level" ISIS terrorists in Syria, negotiations with IS prisoners start
  247. Mother of Austin Tice accuses Pompeo of blocking son’s release from Syria
  248. With Deluge Of Mail Ballots, Here's When To Expect Election Results In 6 Key States
  249. Google and/or search on Twitter “Finger Lakes and Biden”
  250. Twitter is a joke.