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  1. Trump considering 'enforceable' quarantine in New York, New Jersey and parts of Connecticut
  2. Hillary Clinton Criticizes Trump: ‘America First’ ... In Coronavirus Cases
  3. How Much Is $2.3 Trillion? More Than Even Obama Could Imagine
  4. $2.2T, Now Pelosi wants a fourth stimulus pkg.
  5. Gun-Rights Activist Releases Blueprints for Digital Guns
  6. Democrats eye additional relief checks for coronavirus
  7. Locked Down in Third World California
  8. Biden calls NBC host's 'Does The President Have "Blood On His Hands"' question too harsh
  9. The systematic abuse, discrimination, prejudice, and disrespect of pro-se filers
  10. Owe Back Child Support? No Stimulus Check For You...but what about ...
  11. US Space Force and the strategic marketplaces of the 21st century
  12. H-1B Visa Alert (85,000 on the way!)
  13. Does anyone here personally know a symptomatic confirmed positive that is quarantined at home?
  14. How local governments put unaccountable bureaucrats in charge...
  15. WaPo Op-Ed: ‘Homeschooling’ During Coronavirus Crisis ‘Damaging’ to Children
  16. WHO Praises Trump for Leadership During Crisis While Pelosi Casts Blame
  17. Concealed Permit Holder Kills Alleged Attacker and Thwarts Mass Shooting
  18. Corrupt US Judge Jackson L. Kiser Strikes again, quickly dismisses Social Security Garnishment
  19. Pelosi aims to move fast on next rescue package
  20. $25 Million to Kennedy Center will not make them whole
  21. Woman Who Ingested Fish Tank Cleaner Is Prolific Donor to Democratic Causes
  22. Trump wants ANOTHER $2 trillion bill
  23. Rachel Maddow killing all hope
  24. Trump now has grey hair - trying to look wiser, or couldn't get hair dresser within 6 feet?
  25. End the Shutdown
  26. BREAKING NEWS: President Trump pardons Julian Assage, Ed Snowden & Bradley Manning
  27. Your Second Amendment Shall Not Be Quarantined
  28. COVID Surveillance
  29. Maxine Waters unleashes over Trump COVID-19 response
  30. Judge Brantley Starr looks to Article 1 Section 8 in bumpstock case.
  31. Oh noews now here comes Bill Gates to the wreck--screw...
  32. The FED will decide
  33. It begins: Virginia forms active militia to protect sheriffs, citizens from unconstitutional l
  34. The Relief Package Ushers In Trump's Planned Economy
  35. Forbes: High schoolers and college students may not be eligible for checks
  36. How to wake people up about the Sars-COV-2 lies and manipulation
  37. The Cult of Trump
  38. AOC: '$1200 is not enough'
  39. March 2020 Firearm Background Checks Shatter Single Month Record
  40. No institution has failed the public worse than the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic
  41. LIVE: Trump Must Open America Immediately Or The Greatest Depression Awaits
  42. A Novel Suggestion
  43. Bill Gates Calls for a “Digital Certificate” to Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine
  44. Tyranny... Former Supreme Court Justice: ‘This is what a police state is like’
  45. UN: We want to $hare responsibility. Our new trust fund looks for ~10% World GDP to respond.
  46. First County Website to Snitch on Neighbors Violating Stay at Home Order
  47. Louisville using ankle monitors to track virus lockdown scofflaws
  48. BREAKING NEWS: Connecticut Governor LIED About Infant Dying With COVID
  49. Glenn Jacobs speaks out against "stay at home" order
  50. USPS Bankrupt by June?
  51. Is a Trump Judge Helping Californians Get Their Second Amendment Rights Back?
  52. The 2015 Law that Paves the Way for Government-Mandated Vaccines...
  53. S.1873 - Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act
  54. NJ Governor Calls for Social Distancing Inside Homes
  55. Top conservatives pen letter to Trump with concerns on fourth coronavirus bill
  56. Trump on Universal Healthcare: "We are going to have Insurance for Everybody"
  57. How to restart the service and hospitality industry
  58. Stabbing attack on Asian family deemed coronavirus hate crime, FBI says
  59. NBC Morning Joe host blames Trump cult for death threats against CDC expert
  60. Joe Biden Calls For Green Deal to increase economic growth.
  61. Alex Jones makes unprecedented comments attacking Qanon, calling them basically a Terrorist Or
  62. All beaches should be open to individuals who want to fish for food
  63. Food Shortages? Time for Trump to Announce New Victory Gardens and Urban Food Forests Push
  64. ACLU files lawsuit against curfew in Puerto Rico
  65. Racism is the biggest - and most violent - elephant in white America’s room.
  66. Biden is calling for the DNC Convention to be done Virtually
  67. Cuba: U.S. embargo blocks coronavirus aid shipment from Asia
  68. PIERS MORGAN: In just five brief minutes of calm empathy, the Queen inspired her people ...
  69. Here We Go, L.A. Fascism, Bans Gatherings of Any Size "Public and Private"
  70. SD Governor - "The people are primarily responsible for their safety."
  71. BREAKING: Trump wants a second stimulus
  72. Headline: "10,000 People Have Died" in US So Far of COVID. 7,000 Die Each Day
  73. Hydroxychloroquine NYU clinical trials - Placebo being used isn't a placebo!
  74. What can a 15-year-old stripper in Kentucky tell you about China?
  75. Are FEMA Camps So Far Off Now?
  76. Daily Presidential briefings on 'war against coronavirus' helpful?
  77. Ten years ago Today Wikileaks releases 'Collateral Murder'
  78. Ron Paul was Right
  79. Lousiana cops use siren from dystopian horror film The Purge to warn that the curfew has begun
  80. Electoral Map Poll: Donald Trump is Toast!
  81. Ben Shapiro's Blatant Hypocrisy
  82. WI Voted
  83. Tucker Carlson: How Long Will Lockdown Last? One of Most Important Videos in US History
  84. Kushner’s team seeks national coronavirus surveillance system
  85. Chuck Baldwin: Republicans Pushing National Biometric ID Bill
  86. Tucker Carlson Fights for the War Party
  87. Bernie Drops out But Socialism won
  88. The COVID-19 'Lockdowns' Are What Twenty-First-Century Mob Rule Looks Like
  89. Government is hiding COVID-19 data!
  90. Will Coronavirus Fears Lead to an Assault on Gun Rights?
  91. CA Declares itself a Nation-State.
  92. From Robert F Kennedy Jr: DANGER
  93. Entire Police Force Storms Second Church in Greenville, Mississippi
  94. USA: No Dips at this ‘Chip Party’ - Company Implants Microchips into Scores of Employees
  95. Anthony Fauci Sets Stage for Mandatory - Lucrative! - Vaccine
  96. ID.me Digital Identity - Gas Discount Program for Healthcare Workers and First Responders
  97. WARNING: Bipartisan Screw Job Coming!
  98. Claim: Trump adviser Navarro had different private/public narratives about coronavirus risks
  99. Cops aren't writing tickets: New Cannonball Run record set!
  100. While citizens die, Pelosi plunders our treasury to fund Washington’s political propaganda mac
  101. Philadelphia is AWESOME <SARCASM>
  102. Joe Rogan explains why he can't vote for Biden
  103. US offers $10M for Hezbollah Leader
  104. Ron Paul Calls for Fauci’s Ouster as a Fraud
  105. Stimulus Checks are going out TODAY!
  106. KY State will record license plates of church goers and mandate quaratine.
  107. Mike Lee endorses Jon Huntsman for UT Governor
  108. US States roll out test & trace
  109. What is Next? Currency Collapse and Hyperinflation? Following the Venezuelan Model
  110. Donald Trump likes to keep his 'enemies' closer
  111. Fauci Breaking Ranks? Officially Following the Dems Playbook Now
  112. Liberal Jimmy Dore Exposes AOC's Blatant Lies
  113. Coronagate: “It’s all Trump’s fault!”
  114. Leading by example: Trump to watch Easter Sunday Church service remotely by laptop
  115. Drudge and the Beltway 'Libertarians'
  116. Dr. Shiva: Coronavirus Is a Crisis of Immune Health and Obesity
  117. The Looting Begins : Media Silent on Cost of Lock-Down
  118. KS: Supreme Court sides with governor banning religious services
  119. Ominous Trump tweet
  120. Fauci: Mandatory Coronavirus Immunity Cards Under Consideration
  121. Sanders endorsed Biden today...
  122. Dictator Donnie sez: The President has TOTAL AUTHORITY
  123. "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people." - Kissinger
  124. Coronavirus: Germany moving towards gradual reopening
  125. They’ll Snuff Your Life to End Their “Stigma”
  126. COVID-19, Smartphone Surveillance, and the State
  127. Anybody notice how there is no Presidential Seal on Trump's podium anymore?
  128. Judge Nap: We are Witnessing the Slow Death of Civil Liberties
  129. Donald Trump Declares ‘Mutiny’ as Power Struggle Builds over Reopening Country
  130. San Francisco Nightclub Defies Lockdown, Social Distancing, Police Raid
  131. Rand and Massie rip KY Governor for license plate tracking on Easter
  132. Army's Seattle Field Hospital Closes After 3 Days, Without Treating a Single Patient
  133. H.R. 2862: VACCINES Act of 2019
  134. "They saw it coming: Inside the Trump administration’s failures on coronavirus"
  135. Record Gun Sales ever in Arizona 2020 set in March
  136. US will halt WHO funding over coronavirus response, Trump says
  137. COVID-19 and the War on Cash: What Is Behind the Push for a Cashless Society?
  138. Here’s Why Bill Gates Wants Indemnity
  139. It's Tax Day! (Or it would have been...)
  140. They Are Rolling Out The Architecture Of Oppression
  141. Texas ordered to allow all votes by mail due to virus
  142. Chicago Sun-Times: Farmers Plowing Produce Under, Dumping Milk from Economic Damage
  143. Yellen and Bernanke think Fed should buy corporate bonds
  144. Trump threatens to adjourn both houses
  145. Re-Inventing the Food Chain: WY Law Lets Local Ranches Sell Cuts of Meat Directly to Consumers
  146. After Pennsylvania Closed All Liquor Stores, Residents Crossed State Borders To Buy Booze
  147. Terms and Conditions – CA Outlines Six Requirements Before Lifting Home Detainment and
  148. Lindsey Graham outraised by Jaime Harrison in SC’s record-setting Senate race
  149. JTF-NCR to secure DC?
  150. Elon Musk: "What I find Most Suprising is that CNN Still Exists"
  151. W.H.O. Director a Terrorist: Global Ties to Bill Gates, Clinton Foundation, Dr. Fauci, China
  152. NextgenID Launches Remote Biometrics Collection Technology for Government Agencies
  153. OMB: The Presidents Management Agenda, 21st Century Services
  154. Uh Wait we are at 30,000 Deaths, what happened to 200K minimum WITH mitigation?
  155. The $350 Billion Small Business Loan Program Is Officially Out Of Money. Lawmakers Can’t Agree
  156. Maryland police going door to door. 21,000 and counting.
  157. China offers cash reward for illegal border crossing
  158. Trump Pence AD
  159. DOD Gets To Work on Defense Production Act Needs
  160. Massachusetts Recruits 1,000 'Contact Tracers' to Battle COVID-19
  161. U.S. House Speaker Pelosi says Trump guidelines 'vague and inconsistent'
  162. "Intellectual dwarfs": Michael Savage blasts Sean Hannity, right-wing media
  163. The Trump administration paid a bankrupt company with zero employees $55 million for N95 masks
  164. IN: Cops warn "It's Game On" as soon as current crisisis over.
  165. Ben Swann: $60 Billion Flows To Handful of Airlines; Millions of Small Businesses Get Nothing
  166. IRS agent draws down on Sheriff's Deputy
  167. Yoots NY
  168. Big Gov Spending: Trump demands that Pelosi approve more stimulus money immediately
  169. Signs of the Times
  170. Trump calls to 'liberate' states where protesters have demanded easing coronavirus lockdowns
  171. Calls for liquor store privatization grow louder
  172. McMurtry Tweet Scandal! Racist?
  173. Joe Biden - Make Your Own Banner, Hilarious results .
  174. Petition to end State lockdowns by rogue governors
  175. Killing kids...
  176. Bill Gates’ Latest Instagram Post...
  177. How the Obamas could easily win eight more years in the White House
  178. ME Libertarian Party Convention uses Zoom.
  179. Microsoft Patent #WO2020060606
  180. Rep Dan Crewshaw owning Bill Maher
  181. Proposed: $2K/month, No Rent, & No Mortgage for one year.
  182. Very Civil Disobedience.
  183. Art of the deal: Trump's historic deal to end oil price war and boost oil prices
  184. Trump: Investigating $3.7 Million Obama NIH Grant to Wuhan Lab for Study of C-Virus in Bats
  185. Democrats gain new momentum in fight for Senate majority
  186. Harvard University will receive nearly $9 million in Coronavirus Aid
  187. Zuckerberg: Lockdown Protests Are ‘Misinformation,’ Facebook Will Ban Organizers
  188. Why President Trump is spot on regarding an end to the payroll tax
  189. Predictive programming from the black magic death cult behind COVID-19 psyop
  190. Goldman Sachs response on the virus
  191. PA Counter Anti-Lockdown Protester, Trust Fund Baby, Doesn't Know Folks Work to Feed Kids
  192. 116,000 Americans Died in 1957 "Asian Flu" Pandemic, No Lockdown, World Did Not End
  193. Trump will temporarily suspend immigration
  194. Arizona Rally Open Arizona , Patriots Day Rally
  195. Governors Can’t “Re-Open” States Because They Had No Authority to Close Them
  196. COVID stimulus #4
  197. Chinese companies push AI, Biometric Thermal Imaging Tech for U.S. Deployment amid COVID-19
  198. UV Products, Thermal Cameras Touted During COVID-19 Outbreak in New Hampshire
  199. Hearing on "In the Dark: Lack of Transparency in the Live Event Ticketing Industry"
  200. Trump proposes financial aid for oil, gas companies as oil prices plummet
  201. TSA and NEC Experts Talk Biometrics in Latest IBIA Podcast
  202. Interview: Bill Gates Risking Billions On New Factories for 7 Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates
  203. CDC Announce Modification and Extension of No Sail Order for All Cruise Ships
  204. Trump to Announce Big Deregulation Moves to Speed Economic Recovery
  205. Director of US agency key to vaccine development leaves role suddenly
  206. Senate passes another stimulus on voice vote- Rand and Lee don't to motion for a roll call
  207. RFK Jr. Blasts Bill Gates Deadly Vaccination Programs, Ambition to Control Biochip Program
  208. House wants to change rules to vote remotely
  209. Barr Says DoJ Might Join Lawsuits Against States That Don't Reopen Fast Enough
  210. Bill Gates — Most Dangerous Philanthropist in Modern History?
  211. Coronavirus Lockdown and What You Are Not Being Told
  212. TSA and NSA, meet OBIM
  213. How Convenient: As States to Reopen, CDC Chief Warns of “Second Wave”
  214. Gov. Polis giving update on Colorado's COVID-19
  215. Bernstein: Jared Kushner convinced Trump 'to stop being delusional' about coronavirus
  216. Ben Swann: FOLLOW THE MONEY Because Here Comes the MANDATORY Coronavirus Vaccine
  217. Sheriffs across US not enforcing COVID orders
  218. Ben Swann: Fauci's NIAID Gave $3.7 Million To Wuhan Lab To Study Coronavirus in Bats?
  219. Ben Swann: Facebook Fact-Checker Who "Debunked" Wuhan Lab as Source of Coronavirus, Worked at
  220. WA state gov, Inslee: No return to normal, forced vaccine
  221. Are people being excuted, right now, in hospitals? Also, need a Spanish speaker.
  222. Press Briefing Hot Mic: "You can take off the mask...everybody here's already been vaccinated"
  223. Ben Swann: Facebook Bans Stay-At-Home Protests Posts Calling them "Harmful Mis-information"
  224. China continues to block US scientists from examining coronavirus: Pompeo
  225. Gates warns Trump: “No, that’s a dead end. That would be a bad thing. Don’t do that.”
  226. Welcome To The Coviet Union
  227. Houses passes another COVID stimulus package
  228. New Michael Moore Documentary Completely Trashes Green New Deal
  229. Why should Arizona bailout California or New York? Time for secession
  230. Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation
  231. Joe Biden Veep choice
  232. $10,000 free money for SBA loan applicants even if loan is denied?
  233. Beast AI patent legally enforced now. Mind control, body control.
  234. DB: Trump Donor Hired Trump-Tied Lobbyists, Then Raked in Coronavirus Relief Cash
  235. My Libertarian View of Trump V Biden
  236. Army announces summer troop moves to Europe, Iraq and Afghanistan
  237. Utah Sees 10,000% Increase in Girls Getting “Sex Change”
  238. Bill Gates On Coronavirus: ‘It’s Going To Be A While Before Things Go Back To Normal’
  239. Bill Gates: Aadhaar Doesn't Harm Privacy, It Merely Gives an "Identity"
  240. ID2020: PwC Supports Efforts to Provide a Digital Identity for Everyone on the Planet
  241. Battle Over Mandatory Vaccinations Brewing on Beacon Hill
  242. Ventura 2020
  243. CA ammo background checks blocked
  244. "Trump owes tens of millions to the Bank of China — and the loan is due soon"
  245. Corona HOAX the hip hop. the stats are a hoax! its very isolated and not nationwide.
  246. CNN claims Trump can’t postpone election because then we get PRESIDENT PELOSI
  247. Do you believe Trump administration misled public about coronavirus facts?
  248. Man Just Buying One Of Every Cleaning Product In Case Trump Announces It’s Coronavirus Cure
  249. Stephen Miller says temporary immigration ban part of long-term vision
  250. The Seven-Step Path from Pandemic to Totalitarianism