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  1. Cynthia McKinney calls out Bernie Sanders on foreign policy
  2. New Hampshire polling round up
  3. FL-Unhinged, presumably leftist, driver crashes van into GOP voter drive tent
  4. Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ): Israel firster
  5. Trump budget would cut $4.4T in spending
  6. IOWA DNC calls Buttigieg WINNER
  7. Karl Marx gets shoutout during Barack Obama-produced film’s 2020 Oscars speech
  8. Lying, Dog-Faced Pony Soldier
  9. GOP senator proposes overhauling federal agency to confront Big Tech
  10. President Trump To Hold Manchester Rally On Eve Of New Hampshire Primary
  11. WOW! Joe Walsh Calls Out Rep. Jim Jordan
  12. R.I.P: Walter B. Jones
  13. More hypocrisy from The Donald (PATRIOT Act)
  14. Judge Jeanine's message for Mitt Romney
  15. [VIDEO] How the U.S. Government Obtains and Uses Cellphone Location Data
  16. Republican Jewish Coalition withdraws support from four House GOP members
  17. More Arizona counties approve 'sanctuary' resolutions on gun rights
  18. Rudy Giuliani lays out the Biden's corruption in Ukraine
  19. Trump's DOJ asks judge to sentence Roger Stone to 7-9 years in prison
  20. Trump To Tucker: 'I Would Like To Just Get Out' Of Afghanistan But I Can't
  21. US Troops Have Already Started Leaving Iraq – Report
  22. Sharp rise in brain injuries from Iran raid on US base
  23. PSA: There are no cuts in Trump's budget
  24. Coronavirus Highlights Need for U.S. to Make Our Own Medical Products Again
  25. 14 men arrested in South Georgia child exploitation sting
  26. VA State Police Refuse to Rule out Door-to-Door Enforcement of Suppressor Ban
  27. Bloomberg's "racist" speech
  28. Election Day: The New Hampshire Presidential Primary
  29. Georgia Senate: Loeffler ally pummels ‘spend again’ Collins in new ad
  30. Trump blasts Roger Stone sentencing as ‘miscarriage of justice’
  31. Corolla on California: Socialist Kleptocracy
  32. Tulsi Gabbard on Hannity
  33. Regulators demand info on past deals by Amazon/Apple/Facebook/Google/Microsoft
  34. Trump Deletes Tweet Calling Bloomberg ‘TOTAL RACIST’ Over Same Stop-Frisk Policy He Backed
  35. Republican Senate Budget Committee chair won't hold hearing on Trump budget
  36. Jussie Smollett indicted on 6 counts for allegedly lying to police about attack claims
  37. Andrew Yang ends 2020 campaign. Good riddance!
  38. Donald Trump: ‘I’d Rather Run Against Bloomberg than Bernie Sanders’
  39. Trump pulls nomination for former U.S. attorney for D.C. to Treasury post
  40. NH-Buttigieg: Flood Small American Towns with Immigration to Grow Population
  41. Trump cuts locality pay increases for federal workers
  42. Is Pete Buttigieg 'our first robotic presidential candidate'?
  43. 5 GOP Senators To Defy Trump On Iran War Powers
  44. Trump Gives Conditional Go Ahead on Peace Deal With Taliban, Officials Say
  45. Tlaib pleads with Fed Chair for Detroit bailout
  46. Sen. Mike Lee on Afghanistan War: ‘Let’s end it’
  47. Trump's Plan to Privatize Pork Inspections Called 'a Recipe for Disaster' as Consumer Safety
  48. New Poll: Bernie takes 10 POINT lead for Democratic nomination
  49. Bernie Supporter Just Tried To BURN DOWN A Republican HQ In California
  50. Barr blasts Trump's tweets on Stone case: 'Impossible for me to do my job'
  51. Bernie Sanders is plagiarizing Ron Paul's organization!
  52. POLL: Majority of voters say Hunter Biden's job at Burisma was 'inappropriate'
  53. Defense Department reform is another unheralded Trump win
  54. Opening For US Troop Exit? NATO Heeds Trump's Call To Expand In Iraq
  55. Trump "Won't Change His Mind" On Iran Attack
  56. USMCA ratification delayed in Canada
  57. Alabama Dem Introduces Legislation Mandating Vasectomies for Men at Age 50 or After Third Kid
  58. Veteran in Florida Has Firearms Seized Under Red Flag Laws After a Case of Mistaken Identity
  59. CIA used Swiss encryption firm to spy on dozens of nations for decades
  60. Pro-Israel groups enhance efforts against Roger Waters for BDS stance
  61. NEW: Nevada Democrat Presidential Caucus Poll
  62. NH - Neo-Bolshevik breaks man's jaw, slaps 15 year old kid, over MAGA hat
  63. Running for state representative
  64. Nick Fuentes’ America First channel deleted by YouTube
  65. GOP Trying to Halt Primary in Connecticut
  66. Michael Avenatti is convicted of trying to extort Nike
  67. As Trump Attacks Sanders on "Socialism," Pentagon Audit Shows $10 Trillion Unaccounted For
  68. ANTIFA supporter slaps 15 year old Trump supporter at NH polling station
  69. U.S., Taliban reach deal for 7-day reduction in violence
  70. Does the ATF have a list of your guns?
  71. 9 states could soon form pro-2nd Amendment bastion
  72. Trump First President To Budget For Sending Education Bucks Back To States
  73. Rand Paul and Mike Lee Put Constitution over Party
  74. 4 Ways to Guarantee You Lose Liberty
  75. GAO to review Trump administration's $28 million farm bailout
  76. Sen. Paul: It's time Afghans fight for their country!
  77. Arizona State student wants to "SLASH REPUBLICAN THROATS"
  78. DOJ starting new investigation into James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok
  79. Supreme Court overturns Michigan partisan gerrymandering ruling
  80. Long Before Trump, We Were a Divided People
  81. Donald just retweeted John Dennis (CA) ...
  82. DrudgeReport Exclusive: Bloomberg considers Hillary as running mate
  83. Bloomberg/Clinton ticket?
  84. The Government is Using Foreign Intelligence Spying Powers for Routine Domestic Investigations
  85. Remove Puerto Rico
  86. Buried in IG Report: How an FBI Team in Rome Gave Steele Highly Guarded Secrets
  87. Sanders tells New York Times he would consider a preemptive strike against Iran or North Korea
  88. Kimberly Klacik believes pro-Trump agenda can flip Elijah Cummings's district red
  89. The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck Of Neocon And 'Humanitarian' Interventionists
  90. AL - Mandatory vasectomies?
  91. Stats Show Trump’s Afghanistan Surge Has Failed
  92. State #51 - (D.C.)
  93. Will Binney thinks Pompeo is sitting on info proving no Russian Hack at DNC
  94. "Space Force"
  95. Alex Jones: Why Won't President Trump Do Anything About This?
  96. Peter Schiff "The political center keeps moving left"
  97. Anti-Trump, anti-Soros Republican operative now working to defeat Sanders in Dem primary
  98. A War Over Sex Work is Raging Inside The Nation’s Biggest Feminist Group
  99. Bloomberg Takes Lead in New National Democratic Primary Poll
  100. $28 Billion Farm Bailout investigation
  101. Trump Debunks Fake News Claims of Border Wall Collapse
  102. Tulsi Gabbard clips
  103. VIDEO: Bill de Blasio Endorses Bernie Sanders
  104. Trump Supporters Are GW Bush Supporters LARPing As Ron Paul Supporters
  105. Bloomberg energizes gun rights groups
  106. Taliban spokesperson says
  107. Michael Bloomberg Belittled Farmers, Machinists: Modern Jobs Require More ‘Gray Matter’
  108. Bezos to spend $10 BILLION on Climate Hoax Agenda
  109. My Nevada caucus journey -- from supporting Ron Paul to Bernie Sanders
  110. Left Wing Bigotry
  111. NEW POLL: Nevada Democratic Presidential Caucus
  112. Why Did Twitter Just "Lockdown" WikiLeaks Account?
  113. CalPERS invests in Chinese Communist Party Assets
  114. Russia's Lavrov, after Pompeo meeting, says felt more constructive U.S. approach
  115. Oregon counties seek to secede from Oregon & join Idaho
  116. 'Tens of thousands of victims': Boy Scouts of America files for bankruptcy over sex abuse case
  117. Sanders opens double digit lead over primary rivals in new national poll.
  118. Robert David Steele - "Coronavirus is cover for 5G radiation sickness"
  119. BREAKING: Judge refuses to delay Roger Stone sentencing
  120. Bloomberg’s ‘mercenaries’: Billionaire Dem funding network of climate lawyers inside state AG
  121. 'Carnival barking clown', Bloomberg's attack on Prez Trump crosses the line
  122. Trump commutes former Gov. Blagojevich's sentence
  123. Group of more than 1,000 judges calls emergency meeting amid Trump concerns
  124. Trump pours cold water on tightening China export restrictions
  125. POLL: Sanders Dominates California Primary
  126. White House Statements on Executive Grants of Clemency
  127. ScientificAmerican.com - We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe
  128. BARR: I'll quit if Trump keeps on tweeting about Justice Dept cases
  129. Trump Is Going to Cheat.
  130. George Zimmerman sues Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren for $265 million
  131. Large majority of nonvoters plan to cast ballots in November, new report finds
  132. Poll: Sanders now leading 2020 Democrats by 15 points
  133. Thousands of Oracle employees protest Larry Ellison's Trump campaign fundraiser
  134. Gun control group plans to spend $8 million in Texas in 2020
  135. AOC preaching Marxist theory on day time television
  136. Have Republicans Fallen For Climate Change?
  137. Barr takes aim at a key legal protection for Big Tech companies
  138. Top Pentagon policy official involved in certifying Ukraine aid departs post
  139. U.S. Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer agrees to tackle Federal Judicial Corruption!!!!!!!
  140. US Court of Appeals refuses to mandate Judge to tackle Frauds upon the Court by US Attorney
  141. Leave California, Here’s Where To Go
  142. Stone faces sentencing amid political firestorm
  143. Fakenews Alert : Trump-Assange pardon quid pro quo story run by leftwing MSM
  144. Libertarian Party Defends Left-Wing Mob That Attacked Gun Girl Kaitlin Bennett
  145. I think there is a Democrat debate with Bloomberg on rn
  146. VP Biden on Afghanistan troops: ‘I’m Not Sending My Boy’ to Risk His Life for Women’s Rights’
  147. Corrupt Compromised Federal Judges make Unprecedented Move to ensure their tyranny over the US
  148. Buttigieg taunts Trump on family values: My marriage never involved 'hush money to porn star'
  149. How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel
  150. Pigeons wearing tiny MAGA hats spotted in Las Vegas
  151. Trump Names Gay Fox News Contributor Head of Intelligence
  152. Swing State Poll: Trump ahead in WI, behind in PA and close in MI
  153. Progress: Breaking on Drudge, Trump appoints first openly gay Head of Intelligence...
  154. Harry Reid: Brokered Convention 'Not the End of the World'
  155. Secession fever spikes in five states as conservatives seek to escape blue rule
  156. In Surprise Flip, Turkey Asks US For Patriot Missiles "To Deter" Russia In Idlib
  157. Dr. Hall Speaks on 9/11 Truth, Big Tech Censorship and Possible Lawsuits | Robert David Steele
  158. NY: GOP Rep. introduces smoking ban in private homes
  159. Tucker: Bloomberg paid to be humiliated
  160. Pick your Socialist President 2020
  161. Barr to attend Senate GOP lunch on Tuesday (They want to re-authorize spying on Americans!)
  162. Trump signs order diverting water to California farmers against state wishes
  163. Trump, RNC Fear Dems May ‘Rig’ Election Voting, Unveil $10 Million Plan to Fight It
  164. Clint Eastwood supported Trump in 2016 and now supports Bloomberg
  165. Russia Helping Bernie Campaign
  166. White House Personnel Office Begins Reevaluation of Administration Staff
  167. CA to use State Land to house homeless
  168. Trump's new intel chief makes immediate changes, ousts top official
  169. Soros vs. Zuck - Facebook’s Monopoly Power Threatens Democracy Itself
  170. New Mexico House Republicans say they see path to majority
  171. Attorney Jim Turner On Food, Health, FDA Policy, and Transpartisanship
  172. VIDEO: Crypto wars - Feds vs Silicon Valley
  173. Frontrunner Bernie Sanders Is The Ron Paul Of Democrats: Ain’t That America?
  174. Trump gives Defense Department power to abolish bargaining rights for civilian unions
  175. Officials tell Sanders Russia is trying to help his campaign
  176. Trump brutally mocks Democratic candidates ahead of Nevada caucus
  177. Qualified Immunity goes to SCOTUS via attack on James King.
  178. Yang Gang: California state lawmaker introduces bill to create UBI of $1K/month
  179. America is being attacked by its own 'ruling class'
  180. Court dumps Nunes' suit against Trump dossier firm
  181. Elizabeth Warren: The Green New Deal Doesn't Go "Far Enough"
  182. Trump’s New Spy Chief Used to Work for a Foreign Politician the U.S. Accused of Corruption
  183. DHS CISA ESI Plan for 2020 "Election" Management.
  184. Michael Bloomberg: China’s Communist Leader Xi Jinping ‘Not a Dictator’
  185. Bernie vs. Ron Paul: There’s No Comparison
  186. DHS Whistleblower against Obama
  187. Union Demands Kids Share Bathroom With Transgender Educators
  188. Did VA Dems Kill A Pay Raise For Sheriffs Deputies Over Gun Control?
  189. ‘Gun-Free’ Businesses Would Be Held Responsible for Shootings Under New Minnesota Bill
  190. Nevada Berning: Sanders Wins Nevada Caucuses
  191. CA MD's to Rx housing?
  192. Rush: U.S. intelligence agencies tricked former President George W. Bush into Iraq War
  193. Trump flips the 9th circuit
  194. Why Bernie Sanders is just the beginning of an American turn to the left
  195. Sanctuary Cities For Guns? This Utah County Is Trying It Out.
  196. Ginsburg, accepting lifetime achievement award
  197. POLL: Trump getting crushed in crucial swing state of Michigan
  198. MSNBC Meltdown
  199. RPF Political Party
  200. Russia preventing Biden nomination
  201. Buttigieg warns about Sanders
  202. Bloomberg campaign tweets in Russian
  203. "7 million people", Trump heads to India for a giant rally
  204. Sony Pulls Out of PAX East! Mayor Called 'Anti-Asian' Racist by U.S. Mayor!
  205. MSNBC Suggests FBI Should Track Young White Men Online, Radicalize Them, and arrest them
  206. Bernie Sanders Goes to War Against Pro-Israel AIPAC, Accuses It of ‘Bigotry’
  207. There’s No Such Thing As Scandinavian Airlines
  208. POLL: Hispanics Support Big Government Across The Board
  209. Tucker: Calif. is challenging integrity of the union
  210. 8,000,000 Asians in USA for 15 years
  211. Congress set for clash over surveillance reforms
  212. Bernie Sanders Defends Comments He Made About Fidel Castro
  213. Infowars Attacked By Violent Bernie Mob At Rally In Austin Texas
  214. IBEW Union fires back at Bird-Brained Bernie
  215. Why Bernie Sanders is electable
  216. NY - Harvey Weinstein found guilty [conviction overturned - 2024]
  217. ‘White Lives Don’t Matter’ Signs Appear in Canadian City, Media Ignores
  218. FL Dem reps who flipped GOP seats in 18' call Sanders Castro comment "absolutely unacceptable"
  219. 9th Circuit court upholds Trump rule that defunds abortion clinics
  220. The "Man and Woman" rape article that is causing Bernie heartbern
  221. Loophole could allow double voting in California Primary Election
  222. Virginia senate set to pass seven new gun control bills, showdown with ‘gun sanctuaries'
  223. Tom Woods Ep. 1597 President Bernie Sanders?
  224. Roger Stone Judge not happy with Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones
  225. Democrat Circus 2/25/20
  226. RPF Political Affiliation
  227. Bernie Sanders: ‘Toddlers Should Run Around Naked And Touch Each Others’ Genitals’
  228. Cutting welfare to illegal aliens would pay for Trump’s wall
  229. A potentially troubling report about 2016 election "follow the money" narratives
  230. Sanders Came Out Against NDAA Indefinite Military Detention of US Citizens
  231. Joe Walsh: 'I'd rather have a socialist in the White House than a con man'
  232. Lindsey Graham Still Has NO HEARINGS SCHEDULED on FISA Court Abuse
  233. Sanders Blasted by AIPAC
  234. WI-Seven dead at workplace shooting at Molson brewery in Milwaukee
  235. ABC News suspends David Wright for remarks made in Project Veritas video
  236. Hawley introduces legislation that will bring medical supply chains back to the United States
  237. Pentagon House Cleaning of Never Trumpers Looms
  238. New Social Security Rule Limits Access To Non-English Speakers
  239. Donald Trump Dodges Indian Pressure for More H-1B Outsourcing
  240. Trump launches new unit to strip citizenship from foreign-born terrorists, criminals
  241. This Is Not McGovern’s America: Crazy Bernie Can Win It All
  242. Rights are not gifts from government: 13 Essential Quotes on Liberty
  243. Democratic Leaders Willing to Risk Party Damage to Stop Bernie Sanders
  244. Trump Turned Out to be a Super Zionist, Troops Aren't Home, Debt Huge. Bernie do Better?
  245. Intelligence Sources: All Candidates Are Russian Agents But Pete Buttigieg
  246. The Consequence of Globalism Is World Instability
  247. Arizona’s Maricopa County Declares Itself a Second Amendment Preservation County
  248. Tucker: Are we sure America won't elect a socialist?
  249. House approves bill banning flavored tobacco products
  250. TN to pass Constitutional Carry