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  1. Are you ready to die for Donald J. Trump?
  2. Democrats Pretend To Oppose Iran Attack They Enabled
  3. Why I Don’t Trust Trump on Iran: Ron Paul
  4. [Mod: Speculation] Trump Assassinated the Iranian Regime's Top CIA Asset...
  5. Ron Paul blasts Trump: ‘Foreign policy is in shambles’
  6. Trump threatens Iraq with crippling sanctions if US troops are expelled
  7. FDA raises age to buy tobacco products to 21
  8. U.S.-led coalition says it will withdraw from Iraq
  9. Pence: Iran Was Behind 9/11
  10. NATO Chief Silent On Whether The Alliance Would Respond To Iranian Attack On US
  11. While the Iran situation heats up, The Orange Man Lobs One at Tesla
  12. Homeland Security will share citizenship records with Census Bureau
  13. Trump goes Neo- Con on Iran
  14. Chief of staff becomes sixth Pentagon official to quit within a month
  15. Tucker: DC insiders push for war with Iran (1/6/20)
  16. Tulsi Gabbard: Iran war would make Iraq conflict 'look like a picnic' (1/6/20)
  17. Trump Fights To Keep US Troops In Iraq
  18. The "greatest ally" of the U.S. will not be providing any assistance with Iran.
  19. Giraldi: This Will Not End Well
  20. CNN Gave Credit Soleimani for the defeat of ISIS In Syria.
  21. Virginia Amendment Would Allow Inmates To Vote
  22. Ann Coulter not happy with Trump, might support Bernie Sanders
  23. If Obama apologized for 1 civilian drone victim every day, it would take him 3 years
  24. Bolton is emboldened. Announces he's willing to testify against Trump
  25. Is 8chan/8kun censoring posts asking Qanon about Deep State setting up people with child porn,
  26. The war game where Iran BEAT the United States
  27. That time Iran captured a U.S. Stealth Drone
  28. Why Trump should fear Commie Bernie Sanders
  29. Chelsea Clinton reaps $9 MILLION from corporate board position
  30. Air Force stages "elephant walk" at Utah base, launches 52 fighter jets in a row
  31. Voluntary child support obligation
  32. Top Mexican Senator Says Marijuana Legalization Will Be A Priority This Year
  33. Trump primary challengers left off Wisconsin ballot
  34. Trump Is The Most Unpopular President Since Ford To Run For Reelection
  35. All the U.S. Military Hardware Headed to the Middle East
  36. US Department of Defense:Iran and its Proxies are our threat we arent going anywhere.
  37. BREAKING - Iran Reportedly Bombing US Bases In Iraq
  38. CNN Settles $275 Million “Bullying” Lawsuit Filed By MAGA Hat Wearing Covington Catholic Teen
  39. HUD seeks to roll back Obama rule on housing desegregation
  40. Breaking - Iraq Vet Buddy Just Told Me Ain al-Assad Base a Lot of Sand
  41. Giuliani—and His Old Iranian Clients—Cheer Soleimani’s Death
  42. Judge rules that Hunter Biden IS the father of DC stripper's 17-month-old baby
  43. Judge Rules Male-Only Draft Violates Constitution
  44. Trump Addresses Nation After Iran Attacks Iraqi Airbase (LIVE)
  45. Joe Lieberman Sad Democrats Aren’t Supporting Trump’s Iran War
  46. Is Pete Buttigieg a CIA plant?
  47. Sen. Mike Lee: Bring the troops home!
  48. Did Iran Kill 600 Americans in Iraq War II? No.
  49. House to vote Thursday on war powers resolution after Iran attacks
  50. The President of the United States Just Publicly Went Out Like a Bitch. And That’s Fine by Us.
  51. Pompeo limits US diplomats' contact with Iranian opposition groups
  52. Was Ghilsane Maxwell Attending Jon Beney Ramsey’s Beauty Pageants?
  53. Iran Warned Iraq Before Missile Strike; Warning Was Passed on to U.S.
  54. Ann Coulter: CNN and Fox News Report on the Rise of Hitler
  55. Trump administration casts doubt on women's rights amendment push
  56. Israel Says It Wants 'War with Iran' and Is Meeting with Arab Countries to 'Advance' It
  57. Tucker Carlson: Time to leave Iraq for GOOD!
  58. The LP Mises Caucus Endorses Jacob Hornberger
  59. Tulsi Gabbard: 'Everybody knows' Hillary Clinton is a 'warmonger'
  60. POLL: Americans say Soleimani's killing made U.S. less safe, Trump 'reckless' on Iran
  61. The Donald's Assassination of General Soleimani – As Stupid as It Gets
  62. POLL: Buttigieg, Sanders surge sets up 4-way tie in New Hampshire
  63. Trump is retweeting all the worst neocons!
  64. ISIS State News Letter:killing of Qasim Soleimani is God's act. ISIS are Happy.
  65. LIVE: Mike Lee on FOX
  66. Geraldo drops multiple truth bombs on Fox News
  67. While You’re Distracted By Iran, Senate Committee Passed USMCA
  68. New challenge to union power brewing in wake of Janus ruling
  69. Trump Rally (LIVE)
  70. Destroying the Culture of Others, That’s What Neocons Do
  71. The Real WWIII Threat Was Hillary Clinton
  72. Refuting Lies: Iran, War and the Constitution
  73. Rep. Matt Gaetz: Iraq War Veteran
  74. DoJ ends investigation into Clinton Foundation
  75. Suicide (Final) Solution
  76. Woody Johnson: Trump wants peace with Iran
  77. Col Wilkerson's in depth interview
  78. Retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor: War in Iraq, Syria 'is over, we lost it'
  79. First look: Anti-Trump Republican video mocks "MAGA Church"
  80. Virginia lawmakers ban guns at state Capitol
  81. How Barbara Lee's anti-war push succeeded on Iran
  82. New York Democrats Move to Register Illegal Aliens, Non-Citizens to Vote
  83. Trump says he deserves Nobel Peace Prize not Abiy Ahmed
  84. Bots Are Destroying Political Discourse As We Know It
  85. US Dept:We are the Force of Good, No We Staying in Iraq.
  86. University of Connecticut Student Narrowly Avoids Jail For Using the N-Word
  87. Iraqi PM tells US to start working on troop withdrawal
  88. US Special Ops tried to kill another top Iranian commander on night of Soleimani's death
  89. The Intercept: Donald Trump Murdered Qassim Suleimani
  90. White House considering expanding travel ban this month, Seven Countries
  91. Obama Phones Contain Chinese Spyware
  92. POLL: Sanders takes lead in Iowa less than a month before vote
  93. Trump Administration Weighs Tighter Requirements for Disability Payments.
  94. Texas becomes first state to opt out of refugee resettlement
  95. U.S. Says It Won’t Discuss Withdrawing Troops From Iraq
  96. Trump reportedly told associates he killed Qassem Soleimani because he was under pressure
  97. Scam Pro Trump Iran War video “The truth about Soleimani and Iran, from an Iranian" Goes Viral
  98. Don't Trust Politicians: Advice from the Founding Fathers
  100. Cocky to Coward: Trump to BAN Bolton from Senate Trial
  101. Afghan War: 60 civilians killed/wounded in US drone strike; 2 US troops killed by IED
  102. Pompeo: I Lied About Soleimani 'Imminent Attacks'
  103. US tried to kill Iranian commander in Yemen same night as Soleimani strike: Officials
  104. The Real Backstory of Why Trump Ordered the Killing of Suleimani Is Becoming More Clear
  105. Trump administration warns Iraq could lose New York Fed account if US troops forced to leave
  106. Trump on Syria: “I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil”.
  107. The Trump administration wants the Supreme Court to not rule on Obamacare until after the 2020
  108. CA-State regulators preparing fatwa banning all gas powered outdoor equipment
  109. Trump says most asylum seekers don’t show up for their court hearings. New study shows 99% d d
  110. 2015 memo from Erik Prince to Trump campaign: 'National disgrace' that Soleimani 'not already
  111. ‘Your courage is inspiring!’ Trump tweets in FARSI, backing Iranian protesters against Iran
  112. Video catches Ilhan Omar giggling as U.S. Iraq War deaths are discussed
  113. Trump Says Now 'Isn't the Right Point' for U.S. Troops to Pull Out of Iraq
  114. Trump Allies Seek Buyout of One America News Network (Report)
  115. Church Members Tackle Man Trying To Get In Who Was High On Meth
  116. Gaetz: Trump Claims to be ‘More Anti-War Than I Am’ and Understood My Support for Resolution
  117. The Deeper Story Behind The Assassination Of Soleimani
  118. POLL: Majority disapproves of the way Trump is handling Iran situation
  119. Pentagon chief says he 'didn't see' intelligence that Iran planned to attack 4 US embassies
  120. Sanders: 'Appalling' that Biden 'refuses to admit he was dead wrong on the Iraq War'
  121. Lancet Medical Journal: The Only Way to Stop Racism Is ‘to Eliminate Whiteness All Together’
  122. Pentagon chief says he 'didn't see' intelligence suggesting Iran planned to attack four US emb
  123. Trump Brags About Serving Up American Troops to Saudi Arabia for Nothing More Than Cash
  124. Anti-Semitism Grows in Brooklyn
  125. Sen. Mike Lee: We've been lied to by the Federal government before
  126. Democrats scramble to rein in Trump's Iran war powers
  127. Putin urges Syria's Assad to invite Trump for visit
  128. Bernie Sanders Will Be Stopped by Hackable Barcode Votes in California Super Tuesday
  129. Iran agrees de-escalation 'only solution' to solve crisis with US
  130. White House says U.S. has asked North Korea to resume talks
  131. Court rules student debt dischargeable in bankruptcy
  132. Sanders picks up coveted union endorsement in New Hampshire
  133. Appliance regulation/ partisan reporting
  134. Trump says it doesn't matter if Soleimani posed an imminent threat
  135. Ingraham grills Trump on H-1B Visas
  136. NH - Vermin Supreme wins NH Libertarian Party Primary
  137. Trump approved Soleimani's killing last June: report
  138. NJ Senator Lies About Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines to Remove Religious Exemption
  139. Resolution to add Frederick County, Va. to West Virginia passes Senate
  140. The Israel Lobby’s Hidden Hand in the Theft of Iraqi and Syrian Oil
  141. Gold standard
  142. Trump’s Ohio Rally: 42.8% of Attendees Identified as Either Democratic or Independent
  143. Here Comes Wikigate 2: NYT Claims Russian Hackers Successfully "Breached" Burisma
  144. Newsom homeless task force wants CA to require cities to meet aggressive housing goals
  145. US Appeal Brief of USWGO news Brian D. Hill shows arguments of Actual Innocence and Government
  146. Trump Supporters Want Peace
  147. Up to 10 GOP senators consider bucking Trump on War Powers
  148. Sanders campaign worker: "There's a reason Stalin had gulags...to re-educate you"
  149. Gulags good way to 'de-Nazify' Trump supporters, says Bernie Sanders organizer
  150. Trump plans to divert $7.2 billion from Pentagon for border wall construction: report
  151. McConnell opens door for Hunter Biden testimony at Trump trial
  152. The GOP establishment is dead, thanks to the Trump Revolution.
  153. Pompeo says killing of Suleimani is part of 'bigger strategy' to deter US foes
  154. U.S. senators back bill to provide $3.3 billion for Israel
  155. Vermont Attacks the US Constitution (Again): Closing the 'Charleston Loophole'
  156. Assassination Nation
  157. Dem debate 1/14 in Iowa (on CNN)
  158. Trump administration moves closer to rolling back U.S. vehicle fuel economy increases
  159. Sanders: 'I fear' Trump 'could drag us into a war'
  160. US Brexit - West Virginia Offers Refuge To Virginia 2A Sanctuaries
  161. Gun Grabber Mark Kelly tops hopeless McSally in fundraising for Arizona Senate race
  162. PBS 4 hr video on Obama/Trump
  163. Sen. Kaine, Lee: 'We should not be at war with Iran unless Congress authorizes it'
  164. Trump Wants to Undermine Apple's Encryption
  165. Collins, Murkowski: Too early to make decision on Hunter Biden
  166. CA - Gov. Newsom proposes "progressive" traffic ticket fines
  167. Trump impeachment: House sends historic case to Senate
  168. Baltimore: Illegal alien, hired as church bus driver, charged with child molestation
  169. WV Lawmakers Invite VA 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties to Secede And Join Their State
  170. State Department abruptly cancels briefings on Iran, embassy security
  171. POLL: Trump trails 2020 Democratic contenders in Michigan
  172. According to Ron Paul Congress declares war on Iran with sanctions
  173. ICE subpoenas Denver law enforcement
  174. Federal Judge Halts Trump Administration From Allowing States to Deny Refugees
  175. R.E.M. considering legal action against Trump
  177. Involuntary Celibates are an ‘emerging domestic terrorism threat’
  178. Free Public Transit (pilot programs start)
  179. Conservative vets launch ads urging Afghanistan withdrawal
  180. New Caravan? (from Honduras)
  181. Liz Cheney decides against Senate bid in Wyoming
  182. GAO Finds Trump Administration Broke the Law by Withholding Ukraine Aid
  183. William Barr’s Connection To Ruby Ridge, Defending FBI Snipers
  184. WATI - Kokesh, Chaffee vie for the anti-war Libertarian mantle
  185. Taxpayer bought Israeli Defense Force DRONES to surveil Virginians from above.
  186. Rand Paul Threatens GOP Colleagues with Vote on Hunter Biden Subpoena
  187. Why Trump’s Dishwasher Diatribe Matters
  188. U.S. Troops Resume Iraq Operations Despite Parliament’s Expulsion Order
  189. State Report Says New California Voting Machines Prone to "Insider" Hacking
  190. Rand just voted for the USMCA
  191. Trump Nominates Chris Waller, Judy Shelton To Fill Fed Vacancies
  192. U.S. Labor Department to remove computers from data 'lockups'
  193. "We differ in our politics. We agree on Congress’s power to declare war."
  194. Barring Of 'Thin Blue Line' Flag Display Stirs Controversy In Montgomery County
  195. NYC-Freed by NYPD under "sanctuary" rules, illegal invader rapes, murders 92 y/o woman
  196. Senate Passes Globalist USMCA, Further Eroding American Sovereignty
  197. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: We won't negotiate with the US
  198. Trump gets huge boost from anti-abortion group
  199. EMINEM calls for changes to gun laws
  200. Morning Joe: 'Bleak' Future for Children, Grandchildren of Trump's Defenders
  201. Trump: 'Where is the f***ing oil?'
  202. Virginia Democrats set off 'Second Amendment sanctuary' spree in Florida
  203. Dailybeast: Trump Just Hired Jeffrey Epstein’s Lawyers
  204. Trump to roll back Michelle Obama's school lunch rules
  205. New Mexico: Anti-Gun Lawmakers Gearing up for Session by Pre-Filing Gun Control Bills
  206. The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats
  207. If The.Parnas.Tapes. are played live in Senate chamber....
  208. Days before Virginia gun rally, FBI arrests suspected white supremacists
  209. Supreme Court agrees to hear 'faithless elector' cases
  210. On National Religious Freedom Day, Trump Expands Religious Freedom
  211. WARNING!!! North American white "al Qaeda" created by intel agencies to infiltrate 2A groups
  212. How Frank Biden leveraged his famous name for business gain
  213. Gun ban thread
  214. Eleven US Troops Were Injured in Jan. 8 Iran Missile Strike
  215. Matt Bracken: Getting Ready For Richmond, VA
  216. The $20 Million Dollar Mile
  217. 11 US troops injured in Iranian missile strike on US military base in Iraq
  218. PSA: Communism has been tried before.
  219. California plans to launch own prescription drug label
  220. Mises Institute : Could Trump's Next Fed Chair (Judy Shelton) Be A "Goldbug?"
  221. US Military Jams GPS Across East Coast As FBI Seizes Night-Vision Devices
  222. South Dakota bill could criminalize doctors who perform gender affirming surgeries
  223. Democrats announce new criteria to qualify for Feb. 7 debate
  224. Ghana attracts African Americans with "Year of Return"
  225. Puerto Rico Governor Fires Emergency Response Director After Warehouse of Unused Aid Found
  226. Amid hacking fears, key caucus states to use app for results
  227. Devin Nunes threatens to sue fellow Congressman, Lieu dares hims to do it.
  228. Senate Democrat: 'Fine' to hear from Hunter Biden
  229. Virginia State Senator Warns Gun Owners About Upcoming Rally: ‘We Are Being Set Up’
  230. Adam Schiff, blackmail risk level - EXTREME.
  231. VIDEO: Virginia State Police Interrogate Pro-2A Disabled Navy Vet
  232. Trump voters motivated by racism may be violating the Constitution.
  233. Alexander Vindman's former boss, NSC official Andrew Peek, on leave pending investigation
  234. MSG in Chinese food isn't unhealthy -- you're just racist, activists say
  235. The Unsalvageables
  236. Trump administration planning to crack down on 'birth tourism'
  237. Kansas City - 2 dead, 15 wounded.
  238. Marijuana legalization may hit 40 states. Now what?
  239. POLL: Biden leads Democratic primary field in Iowa
  240. LIVE: Alex Jones in Richmond, Virginia
  241. Venezuela crisis: Pompeo pledges more US support for Guaidó
  242. White House national security official on leave pending investigation
  244. U.S. Agriculture Secretary says no need for more farm aid
  245. Trump adviser suggests MLK would have opposed Trump's impeachment
  246. Tucker Carlson: Republicans shouldn't get too confident about 2020
  247. Trump swipes at Greta: President tells Davos he rejects environmental 'prophets of doom'
  248. Ocasio Cortez OUTRAGED That Police Stop Their Far Left Riots But Allowed A Peaceful 2A Rally
  249. How a impeachment Trial should be held
  250. Virginia has more problems than one