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  1. Intel Community Secretly Gutted Requirement Of First-Hand Whistleblower Knowledge
  2. Trump met with NRA chief to discuss financial support: report
  3. Judge says Trump’s migrant child detention rules go against Flores agreement
  4. Trump tweets 'liddle' and confuses hyphens with apostrophes. The dictionary teased him
  5. FDA: Over 6,000 Dead From Puberty Blocking Drug For Transgender Children
  6. Tests show bootleg marijuana vapes tainted with hydrogen cyanide
  7. To Hell with the Elites
  8. Will Hillary be able to announce?
  9. NYC bans calling someone an 'illegal alien'
  10. What is the impeachment inquiry REALLY about? 2016? Ginsburg? Biden?
  11. Tulsi Gabbard Flips, Backs Trump Impeachment Inquiry
  12. Laura Loomer Is Running For US Congress In Florida
  13. All carbon emitting vehicles, homes, buildings and electric generation banned in 16 years
  14. [Denied as #FakeNews] Nev Rep is the first House GOP to support the Trump impeachment inquiry
  15. Researchers Easily Breached Voting Machines For the 2020 Election
  16. The Democrat Leadership’s socialist/communist wealth tax
  17. Independent synthesis of information illegal in US.
  18. USPS to self-declare international rates in 2020
  19. FBI Agents, 9/11 Families Say Mueller Covered Up Saudi Prince "Bandar Bush" Role in 9/11
  20. ADL Lists “Anti-Antifa Images” as “General Hate Symbol”
  21. Petition to recall Gavin Newsome as governor
  22. Dozens of Failed Climate Predictions Stretch 80 Years Back
  23. Trump outpaces Obama, Bush in naming ex-lobbyists to Cabinet
  24. Ari Fleischer: Dem drive to impeach Trump over Ukraine call is hysterical, hyperbolic
  25. Pelosi: Turning Texas blue is 'our hope for the future'
  26. [ Speculation ] Anonymous source blows whistle on White House whistleblower.
  27. The Disturbing Reason Why the Dems Really Want to Impeach Trump
  28. Lenin-think - A must read on the mindset of Lenin, and his modern day US followers
  29. CBS News poll: Majority of Americans approve of Trump impeachment inquiry
  30. The Untold Story of the Trump-Ukraine ‘Scandal’: The Routine Corruption of US Foreign Policy
  31. Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump
  32. DNC Town Hall - SNL
  33. Rep. Adam Schiff Linked to Prominent Ukrainian Arms Dealer!
  34. The Babylon Bee Satirizes the Absurdities of American Politics (ReasonTV)
  35. Investigating the Investigations of the Investigating Investigators
  36. The Corn Lobby vs. Orange Man
  37. Judge dismisses high-tax states' lawsuit against Trump tax deduction limits
  38. Giuliani slams Biden's new push for networks to stop booking him
  39. Congressman Mac Thornberry (TX-13) is retiring
  40. Senior Twitter Executive Exposed As British Psy-Ops Soldier
  41. Muh Roads! California Highway Boondoggle Shows Why We Need More Infrastructure Funding
  42. Jesse Ventura considering run for president as independent
  43. Man Tweets About FBI — Then FEDs Show Up At His House
  44. ANTIFA blocks/shouts "NAZI SCUM" at elderly couple on walker in Canada
  45. Indiana county says it won't prosecute basic marijuana possession cases
  46. GOP Lawmaker Resigns, Will Plead Guilty in Insider-Trading Case
  47. Trump 'Civil War' Quote Tweet Is Actually Grounds for Impeachment, Says Harvard Law Professor
  48. GOP/Democrat Senators Beg Trump: Import ‘As Many Refugees as Possible’
  49. Bidens are Corrupt
  50. FL cops investigated for harassing 2nd Amendment supporters
  51. In 2018 five times more people killed by knives than by rifles of ALL types
  52. MA - ChiComs raise Commie flag over city hall because, communists
  53. Libertarians and Trump
  54. Study of 54,000 people, NO certainty that eating red or processed meat causes cancer
  55. Trolling For Fun and Profit
  56. DOJ To Declassify 'The Backbone' Of Mueller Investigation With Monthly Document Dumps
  57. North Korea And US To Resume Nuclear Talks Saturday
  58. Ukraine Burisma Story is Massive – Involves BILLIONS of IMF and US Funds Looted and Lost
  59. Deep State in trouble?
  60. President Trump is modern day Abraham Lincoln
  61. More guns = Less crime - Violent crime rates in 2018 at lowest level since 1971
  62. Bayou Steel shuts suddenly with loss of 376 jobs in LaPlace; governor blames tariffs
  63. GOP attorney sues California for alleged voter violations
  64. US blocks goods from 5 countries for suspected forced labor
  65. Stephen Miller: H-1B visa bill won’t pass ‘anytime soon’
  66. Bernie Sanders Cancels Campaign Events After Emergency Heart Surgery
  67. U.S. manufacturing activity falls to its lowest level in more than 10 years
  68. More in taxes paid than for food, clothing, health care, electricity and phones COMBINED
  69. Trump exposes Biden's nepotism
  70. Why Meadow Died
  71. Huge Mistake: Nancy Pelosi Makes Impeachment Slip On Live TV
  72. Pompeo on Democrats: They Told State Dept. Officials “Not to Contact” Legal Counsel
  73. Defund grotesque taxpayer-funded human fetal tissue experiments on lab animals
  74. Shotgun blanks to be shot inside school today as part of drill
  75. Trump Defends American Hero Mike Pompeo
  76. The Tech Giants Are a Conduit for Fascism
  77. Trump's agriculture secretary warns: Family farms may not survive
  78. MSM Defends CIA’s “Whistleblower”, Ignores Actual Whistleblowers
  79. At the first whiff of a scandal, Pence is ready to panic?
  80. Ex CIA head John Brennan to be "interviewed" by Durham in quiet Russiagate investigation
  81. Cory Booker likened Israeli military soldier to Nelson Mandela
  82. Trump's video taken off Twitter after band Nickelback complains
  83. Planned Parenthood has been building a secret abortion "mega-clinic" in Illinois
  84. You’ve Got 365 Days To Get A New, Different, Better ID If You Want To Board A Flight
  85. Actual CIA whistleblower
  86. Trump Asks China to Join , uh, who was that?- In Investigating Political Rival
  87. Veterans Affairs To Share Veterans’ Health Information Without Consent
  88. Did Adam Schiff Pull a Jussie Smollett and FABRICATE the Existence of the Whistleblower?
  89. 5 Unanswered Questions that Still Remain 2 Years After the Vegas Shooting
  90. Trump Dares Pelosi To Hold Impeachment Inquiry Vote After She Says It Is "Not Required"
  91. CIA and CFR Work Together to Destroy Truth
  92. Trump signs E.O. "protection from Medicare for all."
  93. FEC Itemizer
  94. Unhinged climate alarmist and Cortez supporter: "We must start to eat the babies"
  95. China is dumping wooden cabinet imports in U.S.: Commerce Department
  96. Clint Eastwood Takes Aim at FBI, Media in 'JEWELL' Trailer...
  97. Interview with the Whistleblower
  98. New York City bans term 'illegal alien,' institutes fines up to $250K
  99. Warren campaign fires senior official after allegations of 'inappropriate behavior'
  100. Ukraine's top prosecutor REOPENS corruption case targeting company Hunter Biden helped run
  101. Look Who ICIG Michael Atkinson, Who Turned In ‘Whistleblower’ Complaint Was Working For
  102. U.S. strikes in Afghanistan have increased on Trump's orders
  103. Drudge Report is dead to me
  104. Trump Administration Asks for Comments on Child Sex Trafficking in Foster Care System
  105. Hillary Clinton Tweets About Shredding the Constitution
  106. Trump orders 'substantial' cut in National Security Council staff
  107. That Traitor Mitt Romney At It Again
  108. US-North Korea nuclear talks have broken off, North Korean negotiator says
  109. Tucker Carlson criticizes Trump's Ukraine call
  110. Democrats are Interfering in the 2016 Elections! They Must Be Stopped!
  111. EPA alleges San Franciso dumped sewage into ocean, violating Clean Water Act
  112. Obama White House engaged Ukraine to give Russia collusion narrative an early boost
  113. "There is no impeachment inquiry. There are no subpoenas."
  114. Sasse breaks with Trump's call for probe: 'Americans don't look to Chinese commies for the tru
  115. Trump told House Republicans that he made Ukraine call because of Perry: Report
  116. A Way for Trump to Drain the Swamp
  117. Inquirygate: Did Pelosi Just 'Prorogue' The US House?
  118. Trump administration rejects new protections for iconic Alaska tree
  119. U.S. warns Turkey over offshore drilling near Cyprus
  120. Whistleblower accuses largest US military shipbuilder of putting ‘American lives at risk’
  121. Trump administration opens up drilling on federal land in California
  122. President Trump Impeachment Seems Likely According to Oddsmakers
  123. Demi Lovato apologizes after accepting free trip to Israel in exchange for social media posts
  124. Cruz Turns Tables, Urges ‘Whistleblowers’ to Come Forward and Snitch on Brennan and Obama
  125. Meat industry sues California for animal protection 'overreach'
  126. Ukraine Gave More Money To Clinton Foundation That Any Nation On Earth
  127. Trump GOP challenger Mark Sanford: Claims against Biden 'reek' of 'good 'ol boy politics'
  128. GIULIANI DROPS A BOMB! Outs Biden Crimes In Romania
  129. Brennan Unblinkingly Rewrites Entire Basis Of US Judicial System In One Short Sentence
  130. BREAKING: Trump calls for Pelosi to be Impeached
  131. Anger grows at civilian deaths by US, Afghan forces
  132. Daryl Morey (Houston Rockets GM)
  133. Michigan Lawmaker Wants To Make Gun-Free Zones Liable If Someone Hurt
  134. Christian Colleges Applaud Trump Administration’s Plan to Stop Discrimination Against Them
  135. Ted Nugent: Demand Common-Sense Hunting Reform
  136. Norway Takes “Permanent Custody” of American Children
  137. Turkey set to invade Syria; US to remove forces from area
  138. Not Impeachment, But a Coup: a Disgusting Defense of Collapsing Imperial Order
  139. Ex-President Jimmy Carter has black eye, stitches after fall
  140. New Peer Reviewed Academic Study Finds Diversity Is Not A Strength
  141. Trump Vows to Obliterate (again!) The Turkish Economy
  142. 'Catch and Kill': Ronan Farrow Reveals How He ‘Turned’ Black Cube Investigator Shadowing Him
  144. Supreme Court Tosses Challenge to Republican-Drawn Ohio Congressional Maps
  145. U.S. Energy Secretary Perry Dismisses Report He’s Resigning
  146. Foxnews is dead to me
  147. Women, Minorities Fueling Increase in Concealed Handgun Permits
  148. US, Israeli efforts put Iraq’s stability on the line ; 104 killed in Iraq unrest, 6000 wounded
  149. Deep State Goes Ballistic That Trump Pulling Troops From Zionist War in Syria
  150. Pat Robertson: Trump could risk 'losing the mandate of heaven' with Syria decision
  151. White House fixes fakenews : Trump didn't give Turkey a "green light" in Syria
  152. Tulsi on Stossel
  153. The Humiliation of Lindsey Graham
  154. Supreme Court denies motion to declare New York State Rifle & Pistol case moot, for now
  155. FBI Use Of Foreign-Surveillance Tool Violated Privacy Rights: FISA Court
  156. Biden’s Hopes Are Shot
  157. The CIA Just Declassified the Document That Supposedly Justified the Iraq Invasion
  158. Spooks Turned Spox: US Media Now Filled With Former Intelligence Agents
  159. Unpaid bills pile up in Trump rallies’ wake
  160. Trump To Honor Former Reagan Attorney General, Who Left Government Under Ethics Cloud
  161. The NBA Is China’s Willing Tool
  162. Millions in California facing power outages to prevent wildfires
  163. Activision/Blizzard is China's willing tool
  164. Justice Department investigating potentially serious allegations against Robert Mueller
  165. Worried for Kurds in Syria, abandoned by US? Here’s an obvious solution...
  166. Supreme Court takes on cases on gay rights; Trump Appointee Gorsuch Cryptic On LGBTQ Rights
  167. Do term limits lead to gun control?
  168. One problem with Andrew Yang's basic income proposal
  169. WA - Man gets his firearms seized after posting "Joker" photo
  170. Trump was a champ today
  171. Trump On Turkey: ‘I Have A Little Conflict Of Interest ... It’s Called Trump Towers’
  172. The Vampire Effect
  173. Trump defends Syria move: The Kurds 'didn't help us' in Normandy
  174. Eight Year Old Climbs Replica of Trump's "Unclimbable" Wall
  175. President Donald J. Trump Is Combating Bureaucratic Abuse
  176. USWGO Brian D. Hill files yet another Notice of Appeal, makes remarks on fed. judge's lies
  177. Corrupt UN officials helped fake refugees from Kenya resettle in America
  178. 10 Americans were in German synagogue as gunman tried to get in: ambassador
  179. British IS fighters taken into US custody, says Trump
  180. The 5 Craziest Ideas from the Democratic Primary Freak Show
  181. Two Giuliani Associates Arrested for Campaign Finance Violations
  182. Members of Previous Generations Now Seem Like Giants
  183. Lawmakers Investigating "Strange Requests" To Monitor "Multiple" Journalists
  184. A Road to Hell Paved with Bad Intentions
  185. Tulsi Gabbard Threatens Boycott of Next Democratic Debate Over ‘Rigging’
  186. Top ‘Never-Trumpers’ Tied to Politician Indicted for Human Smuggling and Selling Children
  187. Two Ukrainian Giuliani associates arrested leaving the country - campaign finance violations
  188. Trump - The only thing Biden was good at is kissing Barack Obama's ass
  189. Donald J. Trump Is Combating Bureaucratic Abuse and Holding Federal Agencies Accountable
  190. CA - So tell me, how ya gonna evacuate a wildfire in your EV with no power?
  191. Young people are quitting their jobs in droves because they have stress
  192. Zero soldiers were withdrawn from Syria
  193. Graham falls for hoax call
  194. [VIDEO] Stossel covers Elwar's seastead attempt
  195. Israel uneasy over Trump's refusal to stand by Kurds
  196. Left-wing Rioters Attack Trump Supporters Leaving Minneapolis Rally
  197. Dr. Steve Pieczenik
  198. "Libertarian" Bill Weld attacks Trump
  199. Trump is sending more Troops and Weapons to Saudi Arabia
  200. Saudi Arabia oil attacks: US to deploy thousands of extra troops
  201. Warren: Transgender Inmates Entitled To Transition Surgeries Paid For By Taxpayer Money
  202. Donald Trump: Joe Biden was only a good Vice President because he kissed Obama’s Ass
  203. Judge blocks Trump 'public charge' rule
  204. Federal judge declares Trump border proclamation unlawful
  205. Trump’s other new scandal
  206. Kevin McAleenan, Trump's Homeland Security secretary, resigns
  207. Big Government Lovers on Both Sides
  208. Donald Trump distances himself from Rudy Giuliani: 'He has been my attorney'
  209. Man on oxygen dies 12 minutes after crews shut off power to prevent more fire in California
  210. Pentagon sends new wave of troops to Saudi Arabia even as Trump calls for ending wars
  211. Trump Supporter Calmly Reacts to Protester Spitting in His Face During Interview
  212. Open Skies Treaty
  213. Financial crisis bailout (11 years later)
  214. Ex-Deutsche Bank exec says bank may have "destroyed" copies of Trump’s tax returns
  215. Project Veritas: CNN
  216. Students burn racist author's book after lecture...
  217. Cuomo orders utility to pump imaginary natural gas
  218. He sold illegal AR-15s. Feds agreed to let him go free to avoid hurting gun control efforts
  219. More on the Now Infamous Eric Ciaramello
  220. Government intervention taken to the extreme leads to absurdity
  221. U.S. forces say Turkey was deliberately ‘bracketing’ American troops with artillery fire in Sy
  222. Louisiana GOP gets Supermajority in State House and Likely in the Senate.
  223. Our Gallant Allies, the Kurds (and other fairy tales)
  224. Caravan 10/12/19 So. Mexico
  225. Pressed by Trump over defense, Germany says can pay more for NATO running costs
  226. Feds drop AR-15 illegal mfg case to prevent new legal precedent
  227. CA - New law limits citizens to one rifle purchase per month
  228. How did California become so socialist?
  229. Trump sends $50 million in emergency financial assistance to Syria
  230. CA - New Law Bans Lunch Shaming
  231. Trump executive orders curtail union business on the taxpayer dime
  232. Putin says Trump not to blame for lack of improvement in Russia-U.S. ties
  233. Trump’s Big Biofuel Package Has No Teeth
  234. How did US become so socialist?
  235. Democrats and Neocons to offer resolution demanding Trump reverse Syria decision
  236. KS - Felony finger gun charges filed against female middle school student
  237. The lunatic spookworld
  238. Biden investigated?
  239. Antifa Vandalize Oregon's Democratic Party Headquarters
  240. Trump’s Syrian Maneuver Works – President Erdogan Asks for Negotiations With Kurds in Syria
  241. Manufacturing is now officially in recession
  242. Biden hits MAGA below the belt
  243. McConnell 'gravely concerned' about U.S. response to Syrian conflict
  244. MAGA Replacing Swamp with Lobbyists
  245. British holidaymakers 'traumatised' after arrest at US border
  246. Neocon Bolton allegedly called Giuliani a 'hand grenade'
  247. Giuliani says he was paid $500,000 to work for indicted associate's firm
  248. Dem-damn Yoots Philadelphia this time
  249. Buchanan Asks "Is The Interventionists' Era Over For Good?"
  250. Clinton Foundation-Linked Fraudsters Arrested